Omni Channel Supply Chain Optimization and Mode Selection Based On Smart New Retail - 2022 - Hindawi Limited

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Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Volume 2022, Article ID 7848729, 10 pages

Research Article
Omni channel Supply Chain Optimization and Mode Selection
Based on Smart New Retail

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Simin Zhang and Qi Li
Zhuhai City Polytechnic, Zhuhai 510225, China
Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 519090, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Qi Li;

Received 18 May 2022; Revised 26 July 2022; Accepted 4 August 2022; Published 29 August 2022

Academic Editor: Arunava Majumder

Copyright © 2022 Simin Zhang and Qi Li. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Smart new retail mode has rapidly become the hot shopping mode. In order to develop vigorously in the new retail environment, it
is urgent for merchants to set up supply chain network reasonably. This paper constructs a supply chain newsvendor model
consisting of 1 wholesaler and N retailers. Analyse how channel conversion rate, negotiation ability of supply chain members,
number of retailers, and other factors affect the balance among supply chain members when offline demand, online demand, and
cross-channel demand exist simultaneously. Combined with the case data of two fast fashion brands, this paper compares and
analyses the profit changes of decentralized supply chain and centralized supply chain under the influence of multiple factors. The
study shows that there is no absolute optimal supply chain model and the choice of supply chain model will change with the
change of influencing factors. However, no matter in which supply chain mode, improving channel conversion rate and
controlling the number of retailers are beneficial. In addition, in decentralized supply chain, balance can be achieved among
supply chain members so as to achieve Pareto optimality. Wholesalers should take the initiative to promote the transformation of
demand among channels, and should not be too strong in member negotiations. This paper analyses the basic characteristics of the
supply chain network under the new retail, and establishes the network optimization strategy that is easy to implement, which can
help enterprises to carry out the supply network layout more effectively under the smart new retail mode.

1. Introduction such as Uniqlo, UR, H&M, and ZARA were often found in
large shopping malls in cities. Now, these brands are
With the development of information technology and the launching an online model that allows customers to buy the
promotion of global economic integration, smart new retail clothes they want without leaving home.
mode has rapidly developed into the current popular Different from other categories, fast fashion is an in-
shopping way. This new business model has strong vitality dustry with high requirements for fitting and experience.
and radiation ability. It produces resonance and butterfly Compared with online, offline scenes have certain advan-
effect in the upstream and downstream of the complex tages and can also be attached with social functions.
industrial community, forming a multidimensional network Therefore, most brands adopt the mode of simultaneous
system in which each subject is interdependent, each in- development of online and offline channels. With the de-
dustry is interwoven and linked, and each department is velopment of omnichannel mode, online and offline grad-
cooperating with each other. To thrive in the new retail ually transform from independence and conflict to mutual
environment, more and more merchants are entering the promotion and integration, and the supporting supply chain
online marketplace. The fast fashion industry is also moving network is bound to undergo fundamental changes. The
stores online. In the past, people bought clothes mainly by problem for merchants is no longer just whether to pursue
shopping and trying on clothes. Stores of fast fashion brands omnichannel strategy, but how to set up supply chain
2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

network effectively. As the logistics foundation of new retail, with consumers. Parker and Van Alstyne [4] analyzed the
supply chain network needs to be able to efficiently integrate impact of technological innovations such as innovation,
logistics resource elements, share logistics information and openness, and intellectual property protection duration on
technology, and strengthen transportation function, so as to supply chain operations in platform-featured markets and
effectively meet the new retail logistics agility, flexibility, low their complementary application ecosystems. This study
cost, high efficiency of the comprehensive demand. considers the interaction between a certain link in the supply
Compared with the traditional supply chain network, the chain and consumers. The new retail model not only needs
new retail supply chain network is more complex, more to encourage consumers to participate in cocreation but also
difficult to optimize, and higher risk. Without the ability to needs to consider the supply chain operation from the
optimize inventory and distribution, merchants will face the omnichannel multidimensional level.
risk of inventory shortages, high emergency cover fees, and Some scholars have studied supply chain optimization
reduced profits. In the new retail model, how to determine from the perspective of coordination between channels. Cao
the supply chain strategy and how to choose and optimize et al. [5] believe that the introduction of online channels is
the supply chain model? This paper analyzes the interactions bound to have an impact on the existing supply chain
between manufacturers and retailers in omnichannel retail equilibrium. Liu et al. [6] studied the dual-channel structure
scenarios in order to understand the impact of omnichannel of cost information sharing. In the Bertrand competition
retail transformation on the supply chain. Specifically, we model, retailers choose cost information sharing and
construct newsboy models under two supply chain modes, manufacturers choose channel sharing on the basis of
respectively, analyze the influence of cross-channel con- equilibrium. Feng and Shanthikumar [7] believe that col-
version rate and negotiation ability of supply chain members laborative optimization of resources of all subjects in the
on inventory and profit of supply chain, and study the supply chain is the basic guarantee for smooth operation,
optimization and mode selection of omnichannel supply and each subject should be encouraged to pay active at-
chain under new retail based on this. tention to demand management and manufacturing in
The results show that both supply chain models have supply chain management. Yan et al. [8] designed different
optimal solutions. When wholesalers have strong negotiation mechanisms to coordinate channel relations considering the
ability and high channel conversion rate, centralized supply strategic impact of product durability and channel structure
chain should be selected; otherwise, decentralized supply chain on dual-channel supply chain. Xie et al. [9] realized the
should be selected. The results also show that no matter which coordination of dual-channel supply chain through the
supply chain model is chosen, increasing channel conversion revenue-cost-sharing mechanism. He et al. [10] construct a
rate, and controlling the number of retailers are beneficial to dual-channel closed-loop supply chain model of the influ-
improving the total profit of supply chain. By analyzing the ence of government incentive policies on consumers. It is
situation of fast fashion clothing industry, the feasibility of this found that when the level of government financial support is
model in practice is verified. This paper theoretically reveals low, the amount of subsidy is crucial for manufacturers to
some basic characteristics of the optimization of new retail choose channel structure, and manufacturers are more in-
network and establishes network optimization strategies that clined to sell new products directly to consumers. Shi et al.
are easy to implement, so as to help enterprises carry out [11] realize the coordination of dual-channel supply chain
supply network layout more effectively and seize the initiative through wholesale and direct sales contracts. Most of the
in the development of new retail. above researches are about the coordination of dual-channel
supply chain. As the main development direction of new
2. Literature Review retail, omnichannel needs further exploration and research.
Some scholars have studied from the perspective of
The new retail model of online and offline integration supply chain coordination. Swami and Shah [12] believe that
presents characteristics such as synergy, integration, net- coordination can bring higher efficiency and higher prices.
working, digitalization, and intelligence, which bring un- Ryan et al. [13] believe that in dual-channel mode, the
precedented challenges to the operation and management of coordination between manufacturers and retailers can make
new retail enterprises [1]. At present, some scholars study customers more satisfied. There are studies from a return
the new retail supply chain from the perspective of operation policy perspective. Iravani et al. [14] believe that the role of
management of cocreation. Traditional retail takes enter- service in controlling market competition has exceeded that
prises as the center to conduct supply chain research. Basu of price. Saha et al. [15] studied the three-layer dual-channel
and Bhaskaran [2] analyzed and concluded that integrating supply chain, made a comparative analysis of the influence of
the participation cost and special demand of consumers in different channel structures and cooperation on the supply
the upstream link of the supply chain has an important chain, and designed a coordination mechanism of direct
impact on enterprise strategy from the perspective of cus- downward discount to coordinate the supply chain. He et al.
tomers’ participation in product design and production. [16] studied a single-retailer–single-vendor dual-channel
Lacoste [3] discussed the role of sustainability in the process supply chain model, in which the vendor sells deteriorating
of value creation by connecting the supplier and customer products through its direct online channel and the indirect
networks through case analysis, and concluded that sup- retail channel. The results suggest that decentralization of the
pliers can promote the sustainable development of the supply chain not only erodes the two firms’ profit but also
supply chain through direct communication and interaction incurs higher wastes comparing to that under centralization.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3

Some are studied from the perspective of supply net- wholesaler in the omnichannel supply chain of the new
works. Hubner et al. [17] believe that a new distribution retail, whose online demand is D, fX (·) represents the
network should be constructed to complete the process of density function of the random variable X. N retailers, with
goods delivery and recovery under multiple channels. the corner script.
Khayyat et al. [18] use information system to promote agile Each retailer will face two types of demand: one from the
distribution process to realize the supply chain coordination traditional channels and the other from cross-channel. The
mechanism. Feng et al. [19] discussed the problems of traditional channel demand di is identically distributed and
hinterland transportation planning caused by limited in- symmetrically correlated, which is the basis for the com-
formation sharing, lack of collaboration, and lack of COI, parative analysis of the model. Cross-channel demand
and designed a collaboration and decision-making mecha- comes from customers who browse goods online but lack
nism for autonomous control by using multiagent tech- confidence in nonphysical purchases. Therefore, there is a
nology and hybrid heuristic method. Chabot et al. [20] certain correlation between such demand and online de-
coordinated the supply chain from service level, cost, and mand. We assume that there is a proportional relationship
environmental optimization. Guajardo et al. [21] studied between the two, and call the ratio α as the cross-channel
alliance configuration, where any company can collaborate conversion rate, then the cross-channel demand is αD.
in multiple alliances to achieve collaborative transportation. The distribution of cross-demand among N retailers can
Huang and Ardiansyah [22] studied the planning of last- be divided into two cases. One is linear, that is, each retailer
mile delivery in a partially crowdsourced integration, which gets cross-channel demand of αD/n. The other is propor-
provides greater flexibility and requires less capital invest- tional allocation, where each retailer gets cross-channel
ment compared to traditional outsourcing. The current demand of (qi − di )+ (αD/􏽐i (qi − di )+ ). To facilitate the
research on supply chain coordination is difficult to realize analysis, a linear distribution is adopted in the subsequent
the distribution radiation capability of online and offline analysis. For each retailer, the inventory it has has a priority
coordination between supply and demand. Therefore, when to meet the needs of traditional channels, the rest is used to
solving the complex logistics distribution problems under meet the needs of cross-channels, and the unmet needs are
the new retail mode, it is necessary to scientifically estimate lost.
and rationally plan the crowdsourcing logistics quota, to There are two supply chain models to choose from under
improve the real-time, scientific, and reliable decision- the new retail model (Figure 1). The first is the decentralized
making of logistics distribution. supply chain. In this mode, wholesalers and retailers are
Through the review and summary of the above relevant independent entities.
literature, two problems can be found. (1) Some of the Wholesalers obtain commodities at cost price C, and
existing literature on retail channels is about multichannel quantity Q of goods will become its own inventory to meet
research, some is about cross-channel research, but the the demand of online channels. Online goods are sold for
coexistence of the two omnichannel research is very few. (2) rM . The transportation cost is TM . Other goods are sold to
Most of the existing literature on supply chain model se- the retailer at the wholesale price w. The retailer’s import
lection focuses on analyzing the influence of the interaction cost is tM . Inventory qi held by retailer i is first used to meet
between manufacturers and retailers (such as price, trust, traditional offline needs. The traditional channel is priced at
and coordination) on model selection, and few analyze the rT . After meeting the demand of traditional channels, the
influence of external objective conditions (demand, number remaining goods are used to meet the cross-channel de-
of individuals, demand conversion rate, etc.) on the selec- mand. For each unit of cross-channel demand satisfied, the
tion. Based on this, this paper builds a newsvendor model of retailer can obtain w + δ income from the wholesaler. That is
new retail under two supply chain modes, analyzes the to say, wholesalers will share the delta with retailers of profits
influence of various factors on supply chain profits, and earned through cross-channel sales. This is to compensate
studies the optimization and mode selection of omnichannel retailers for the shipping costs and the risk of providing
supply chain under new retail. This paper first introduces the wholesalers with “safety stock” for these items. The value of δ
model construction. Then the optimal strategy of decen- depends on the negotiating power between wholesaler and
tralized supply chain and centralized supply chain is ana- retailer. The second supply chain model is the centralized
lyzed, respectively. Finally, the choice of supply chain model supply chain. In this mode, wholesalers and retailers in the
is discussed. supply chain are cooperated entities. In this supply chain,
there is no profit distribution between wholesalers and re-
3. Model and Analysis tailers. Therefore, both wholesalers and retailers obtain
goods at a cost price C, and retailers do not require revenue
We take the new retail model of fast fashion clothing in- sharing from the supply chain after meeting cross-channel
dustry as an example to study the problem. The fast fashion demand.
clothing industry is characterized by speed, design, and In general, due to the few links involved in online sales
price. The main retail channels include: the traditional and relatively low cost, the price of online sales is generally
channels from wholesalers to retailer and then to customers, lower than that of traditional channels. Therefore, we as-
the online channel for purchasing and mailing items to sume that rM < rT . Bulk shipping by retailers usually brings
customers, and cross-channel of online purchase and offline economies of scale, and the shipping cost is usually less than
self-take. To simplify the analysis, we assume that there is a the shipping cost of a single piece purchased online, so
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Omni-channel decentralized Omni-channel centralized Theorem 1. The optimal subgame solution of this problem is
supply chain supply chain a subgame function, and each equilibrium solution can be
wholesalers wholesalers obtained by the following optimal conditions:
C+TM C+δ W+tM W+tM C+TM C+tM C+tM rT Prqdi < di  +(w + δ)Prdi < qdi < di + 
n (3)
retailers retailers
 w + tM , ∀I,
rM rM W+δ rT rM rM rT
rM − TM − C
customers customers PrD < Qd   .
rM − TM
wholesalers (4)
Figure 1: Omnichannel supply chain model illustration. Proof of Theorem 1
tM < TM . Besides, according to the reality, we are easy to get
 −  w + tM  + rT Pr qi < di 
C < w. The profit function of retailer I is denoted by πi . The zqi
wholesaler’s profit is denoted by Π. The total profit of
decentralized supply chain and centralized supply chain is αD
represented by Πd and Πc , respectively. The corresponding +(w + δ)Prdi < qi < di + , ∀i, (5)
optimal strategy is represented by (qdi , Qd ) and (qci , Qc ),
 − C +  rM − TM Pr(Q < D).
respectively. zΠ

3.1. Decentralized Supply Chain. In a decentralized supply Let b1  Pr(qi < (αD/n) + di )fdi |qi < (αD/n)+di (qi ),
chain, the retailer’s revenue is split in two. The first is sales b2  Pr(di < qi )f(αD/n)+di |di < qi (qi ).
revenue from traditional channels. The sales volume of We have (z2 πi /zq2i )  − rT fdi (qi ) + rM (b1 − b2 ),
traditional channels is E min(qi , di ). The revenue per unit is (z2 Π/zQ2 )  (rM − TM )fD (Q). Because fdi (qi ) > b1 ,
rT . The second comes from cross-channel sales. The
remaining inventory after meeting the traditional demand is rM > TM , easy to get (z2 πi /zq2i ) <0, (z2 Π/zQ2 ) < 0. There-
denoted as (qi − di )+ . The cross-channel demand that this fore, we know that when Q is constant, πi is a convex
part of inventory can meet is Emin[(qi − di )+ , (αD/n)], function of qi , and the optimal solution satisfies the first-
where the available income per unit of commodity is W + δ, order condition. Similarly, when qi is constant, Π is a convex
the expected profit function of retailer i is function of Q, and the optimal solution satisfies the first-
order condition. Hence the Theorem is proved. □
πi  −  w + tM qi + rT Emin qi , di 
(1) Theorem 2
+(w + δ)Emin qi − di  , .
rT − w − tM
n definition: q0  q: Pr di < qi    ,
The sales revenue of wholesalers comes from three parts. (6)
The first part is the income from online sales channels. The αD δ − tM
second is the income from the wholesale of goods to re- qmax  q: Prqi > di +     .
n δ+w
tailers. The third is to gain revenue from cross-channel sales.
The expected profit function of wholesalers is shown below. If qmax < q0 , the only pure strategy equilibrium solution
The third segment of revenue is closely related to cross- for retailers is qdi  q0 . At this point, retailers give up cross-
channel sales, which are mainly determined by the quantity channel sales and only do offline channels. We found this
of goods purchased by retailers as well as the quantity of equilibrium when cross-channel sales hurt retailers’ profits.
traditional demand and cross-channel demand. For For example: (a) Marginal transportation costs are too high
wholesalers, changing the distribution of cross-channel and (b) The marginal revenue across channels is too low. If
revenue will affect the purchase quantity of retailers, thus qmax > q0 , the only pure policy equilibrium solution is
indirectly changing the revenue obtained in this channel. qdi  qmax . At this time, retailers take into account both
traditional channel and cross-channel sales.
Q +  q 
Π  − C  + w  q +  r − T Emin[Q, D]
i i M M
i i Proof of Theorem 2. When qdi < di , Pr(qi < di + (αD/n))  1,
according to the first-order condition of formula (3),
+  rM − w − δ  Emin qi − di  , we get Pr(di < qi )  (rT − w − tM /rT ). When qdi ≥ di ,
n Pr(qi < di )  0. According to the first-order condition of
(2) formula (3), Pr(qi > di + (αD/n))  (δ − tM /δ + w) is
obtained. Hence the Theorem is proved. □
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5

Theorem 3 inventory (qci , Qc ) is unique and can be determined by the

following expression:
(1) When the cross-channel conversion rate α value in- αD
creases, the optimal inventory q∗i (α) of retailers in- rT Pr qci < di 􏼁 + rM Pr􏼒di < qci < di + 􏼓 � c + tM ∀i, (8)
creases. Profits rose for both retailers and wholesalers.
(2) With the improvement of retailers’ negotiating rM − TM − C
power, the increase of δ value leads to the increase of Pr D < Qc 􏼁 � . (9)
rM − TM
retailers’ profit and the decrease of wholesalers’ profit.

Theorem 3(1) fits our common sense. When online Proof of Theorem 4. Let b1 � Pr(qi < diw + di )
channels generate more cross-channel demand, the total de- fdi |qi < diw +di (qi ), b2 � Pr(di < qi )fdiw +di |di < qi (qi ).
mand increases, thus stimulating retailers to increase inventory. We have z2 Πc /zq2i � − rT fdi (qi ) + rM (b1 − b2 ), z2 Πc /
Both retailers and wholesalers benefit from increased sales. At zqi zQ � 0, (z2 Πc /zQ2 ) � − (rM − TM )fD (Q), (z2 Πc /zQw
the same time, the increase in conversion rate increases zqi ) � 0.
wholesalers’ profits. Wholesalers are motivated to promote Hessian matrix is: H(qi , Qw ) �
2 2 2
cross-channel sales mode when they are selling online. This (z Π /zq ) (z Πc /zqi zQ)
behavior will also increase the total profit of the supply chain. 􏼠 2 c i 􏼡
(z Πc /zQzqi ) (z2 Πc /zQ2 )
Theorem 3(2) is pretty straightforward. δ determines the Because fdi (qi ) > b1 , rM > TM , easy to get |H1 (qi , Q)| �
distribution of profits for each unit of cross-channel sales.
(z Πc /zq2i ) < 0, |H3 (qi , Q)| � z2 Πc /zQ2 < 0, |H2 (qi , Q)| �
Both retailers and wholesalers want a larger share. From the
supplier’s point of view, cross-channel sales increase profits (z2 Πc /zq2i )(z2 Π/zQ2 ) − (z2 Πc /zqi zQ)(z2 Πc /zQzqi ) > 0. So,
without additional risk. It is willing to maintain this channel. H(qi , Q) is a negative definite matrix and Πc is a joint
Therefore, wholesalers will try their best to distribute the part concave function of (qi , Q). The only optimal solution
of cross-channel profits to retailers to improve their en- (qci , Qc ) satisfies the first order condition. Hence the The-
thusiasm to meet cross-channel demands. orem is proved. □

Proof of Theorem 3. According to the implicit function Theorem 5. Define q0 � 􏼈q: Pr(di < qi ) � (rT − c − tM /rT )􏼉,
derivative principle, formula (3) takes the implicit derivative qmax � 􏼈q: Pr(qi > di + (αD/n)) � (rM − c − tM /rM )􏼉.
of α to get (zqdi /zα) � ((D/n)(δ + w)b2 /rT fdi (qi ) + (δ +
w)b1 ) > 0. And then the derivative of the retailer’s and If qmax < q0 , the only pure strategy equilibrium solution
wholesalers’ profit with respect to alpha is of retailer inventory is qci � q0 . At this point, the supply chain
b(zπi /zα) � (δ + w)(D/n)Pr(qi > di +(αD/n)) + (αD/n) gives up cross-channel sales and only adopts offline chan-
(δ + w)fdi +(αD/n) (qi ) > 0, zΠ/zα � (rM − C − δ) (D/n)Pr(q nels. This equilibrium occurs when cross-channel sales
undermine supply chain profits. For example, marginal
i >di + (αD/n)) + (αD/n)(rM − C − δ)fdi +(αD/n)(qi ) > 0.
Hence, Theorem 3(1) is proved. transportation costs are too high or the marginal revenue
The profit function of the retailer and wholesaler is from cross-channel sales is too low.
derived with respect to δ, zπi /zδ � Emin[(qi − di )+ , If qmax > q0 , the pure strategy equilibrium solution of
(αD/n)] ≥ 0, (zΠ/zδ) � − Emin[(qi − di )+ , (αD/n)] ≤ 0 is retailer inventory is qci � qmax . At this point, the supply chain
obtained. Hence, Theorem 3(2) is proved. □ considers both traditional channels and cross-channel sales.

Proof of Theorem 5. When qci < di , Pr(qi < di + (αD/n)) � 1,

3.2. Centralized Supply Chain. In a centralized supply chain, according to the first-order condition of formula (8), we get
wholesalers and retailers operate as a whole, calculate costs Pr(di < qi ) � min[rT − c − tM /(rT − rM )+ , 1]. When
and benefits uniformly. Therefore, there is no wholesale qci > di + (αD/n), Pr(qi < di + (αD/n)) � 0, the same we can
price W and no profit distribution δ between retailers and get Pr(qi > di + (αD/n)) � (rT − c − tM /rT ). □
wholesalers. Supply chain revenue is divided into three parts,
which, respectively, come from traditional channels, online Theorem 6. When the cross-channel conversion rate α in-
channels, and cross-channel sales revenue. The total profit creases, the retailer’s optimal inventory qci (α) increases and
function of the supply chain is the total profit of the supply chain increases.
Πc � − CQ − C + tM 􏼁 􏽘 pi + rM − TM 􏼁Emin(Q, D)
i Similar to decentralized supply chains, when online
channels generate more cross-channel demand, the total
+ αD demand increases. This stimulates retailers to increase in-
+ rT 􏽘 E min􏼂qi , di 􏼃 + rM 􏽘 Emin􏼔 qi − di 􏼁 , 􏼕.
i i
n ventory and the supply chain benefits from increased sales.
(7) In addition, the improvement of conversion rate increases
the profits of the supply chain, so the supply chain will
further promote the cross-channel sales model. This will
Theorem 4. The profit function of centralized supply chain continue to increase the overall profit margin of the supply
Πc is the joint convex function of (qi , Q), And the optimal chain.
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Proof of Theorem 6. The implicit derivative of α under willing to store goods for cross-channel sales. For whole-
formula (8) is (zqci /zα) � ((D/n)rM b2 /rT fdi (qi ) + rM b1 ) > 0. salers, on the one hand, they hope to get more profits from
Hence the Theorem is proved. □ cross-channel sales; on the other hand, in order not to re-
duce the enthusiasm of retailers for cross-channel sales, they
4. Comparative Analysis of Supply Chain Model need to give enough profits to retailers. For the company,
wholesalers and retailers should be guided to negotiate
This part analyzes whether and when Pareto optimality reasonably to achieve balance in the supply chain.
exists under the decentralized supply chain mode and the Next, we analyze the influence of cross-channel con-
choice of two supply chain modes under new retail. We version rate α on supply chain. We keep the other pa-
analyze from the premise that wholesalers always prefer to rameters constant and take α ∈ (0.01, 0.3) to draw the
exist across channels. Because of cross-channel existence, corresponding profit figure (Figure 3). In this scenario, the
wholesalers can obtain additional “safety stock” without proportion of cross-channel demand generated by online
increasing costs. However, we are not sure about retailers’ channels is increasing. As can be seen from the figure, with
channel preferences. From the perspective of channels, the the increase of conversion rate, the profit of both wholesalers
existence of an omnichannel is reasonable, because it pro- and retailers increases, and the profit of wholesalers in-
vides customers with more choices under various objective creases faster than that of retailers. According to the data
constraints (such as limitation of working ability, limitation analysis, the increase of conversion rate increases the de-
of ability to meet demands). mand and thus increases the profit. Therefore, each par-
In this part, we compare the profit of the two supply ticipant in the supply chain should do more to improve the
chain models through numerical experiments. The data cross-channel conversion rate and gain more profits. Brands
sources are fast fashion brands H and U. The data set is of should make full use of brand influence, attract traffic, and
two-year length and includes information on sales volume, improve cross-channel conversion rate.
cost, and profit. After data desensitization, the value is Next, we analyze the influence of the number n of re-
described as follows: C � 3, w � 8, tailers on the supply chain. Assume that total offline demand
tM � 0.2, TM � 1, rM � 18, rT � 20, n � 10, δ � 10, α � 0.05. is fixed and evenly distributed among retailers. Keep other
Referring to Shao [23], we vary the different feasible com- parameters unchanged and take n ∈ (1, 50) to draw the
binations and find that the results are robust to the changes corresponding supply chain profit, as shown in Figure 4. As
of parameters. And these numbers are reasonable and re- can be seen from the figure, with the increase of the number
alistic. The retailer’s negotiating power δ is large enough to of retailers, the profit of retailers first showed an obvious
allow it to extract sufficient benefits from the risk pool. TM is decrease and then became a steady decline. Wholesalers’
less than tM indicating that there are economies of scale in profits fluctuated. According to the data, when the number
bulk transportation by retailers compared to direct trans- of retailers increases, the demand each retailer can obtain
portation by wholesalers. The demand is a Poisson distri- will decrease, which will obviously affect the profits it can
bution with a mean of λD � 2000, λdi � 100. Cyclic obtain. Wholesalers are affected in two ways: as retailers
optimization algorithm is adopted in this paper. Monte increase, their revenue increases, but the cross-channel
Carlo integral is used to estimate the probability of optimal sharing revenue from retailers decreases. The total profit
conditions to ensure the convergence of results. depends on which influence is dominant. From the per-
spective of the brands, increasing the number of retailers can
expand the market share, but too many retailers will reduce
4.1. Pareto-Optimality Analysis of Decentralized Supply the enthusiasm of participants, so it is very necessary to
Chain. In the fast fashion clothing industry, decentralized maintain an appropriate number.
supply chain is relatively common, so we first conduct
pareto-optimal analysis of decentralized supply chain. We
start with the analysis of the influence of retailers’’ nego- 4.2. Choice of Supply Chain Model. This section analyzes how
tiating power δ on wholesalers and retailers’ profits. We keep to select supply chain mode in different situations and makes
the other parameters constant and take δ ∈ (0, 15) to draw optimization analysis based on the cases of the two brands.
the corresponding profit figure (Figure 2). As can be seen Factors influencing the supply chain mode of the two fast
from the figure, when δ � 0, retailer’s profit is the lowest and fashion brands used in this section, such as retailers’ bar-
wholesaler’s profit is the highest. That is to say, when retailer gaining power, cross-channel conversion rate, and the
has no negotiation ability at all, wholesaler occupies all number of retailers, are numerically measured and desen-
cross-channel income. Correspondingly, with the increase of sitized by the financial department of the brands. According
δ, the negotiating power of retailers is gradually enhanced. to the data of the brands, brand H is decentralized supply
The retailer’s profit from cross-channel revenue increases chain, adopts the sales strategy of high replenishment, and
gradually, and so does its total profit. In contrast, whole- pays attention to the speed and cost of product renewal. Its
salers’ total profits are falling. In the figure, there is a negotiating power of retailers δH is 10, the cross-channel
crossover point of profits between wholesalers and retailers, conversion rate αH is 0.18, and the number of retailers nH is
indicating that there is a balance between them. From the 44. Brand U pays attention to quality and has a very strong
analysis of profit data, we see that as the retailers’ share of control over the upstream of the supply chain. It adopts
profits from cross-channel sales increases, they are more centralized supply chain. Its retailers’ negotiation power δU
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7

1260 34000

1240 33900


1140 33500

1120 33500
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Retailer profit
Wholesaler’s profit
Figure 2: The profit changes of wholesaler and retailers under the change of δ.

2000 39000

1800 38000



1000 33000

800 32000
0.01 0.06 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.26
Retailer profit
Wholesaler’s profit
Figure 3: The profit changes of wholesaler and retailers under the change of α.




4000 33700

2000 33600

0 33500
0 10 20 30 40 50
Retailer profit
Wholesaler’s profit
Figure 4: The profit changes of wholesalers and retailers under the change of n.
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Total profit of decentralized supply chain
Total profit of centralized supply chain
Figure 5: Total profit change of decentralized supply chain and centralized supply chain caused by δ change.







0.01 0.06 0.11 0.16 0.21 0.26
Total profit of decentralized supply chain
Total profit of centralized supply chain
Figure 6: Total profit change of decentralized supply chain and centralized supply chain caused by α change.

is 1, the cross-channel conversion rate αU is 0.12, and the supply chain. δU  1, band U is suitable for centralized
number of retailers nU is 32. supply chain. Therefore, the supply chain mode currently
We start with the analysis of the influence of retailers’ selected by the two brands is appropriate. For brand H, if it
negotiating power δ on supply chain model selection. Keep can further improve the negotiating power of retailers, it will
the other parameters constant and take δ ∈ (0, 15) to draw be very beneficial both from the perspective of increasing the
the corresponding profit figure (Figure 5). According to the total profit of the supply chain and reducing operational
data, δ has no impact on the profits of the centralized supply risks.
chain, which has been explained in the previous analysis. For Next, we analyze the influence of cross-channel con-
decentralized supply chain, the total profit of supply chain version rate α on supply chain model selection. Keep other
increases with the increase of δ. That is to say, with the parameters unchanged and take α ∈ (0.01, 0.3) to draw the
increase of cross-channel revenue distributed by retailers, supply chain profit graph (Figure 6). As can be seen from the
the profit cake of supply chain becomes larger, which is figure, the total profit of both supply chain models increases
beneficial to both wholesalers and retailers. When the δ value as the conversion rate increases. This makes sense. Higher
is small, the total profit of the centralized supply chain is conversion rates increase the demand, which in turn in-
higher than that of the decentralized supply chain, so brands creases profits. αH  0.18, αU  0.12,. The supply chain
should choose the centralized supply chain. With the in- model adopted by the two brands is basically suitable. In
crease of δ, the profit difference between decentralized addition, the channel conversion rates of the two brands are
supply chain and centralized supply chain gradually de- in the middle position, there is still a large space for de-
creases. When δ  8 and 9, the difference is reduced to 0. velopment. Therefore, both brands should actively improve
Then with the increase of δ, the decentralized supply chain is the cross-channel conversion rate, such as through adver-
better than the centralized supply chain. According to the tising, coupons, etc. In addition, we find that the influence of
brands data, δH  10, brand H is suitable for decentralized α on decentralized supply chain is greater than that of
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9

1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46
Total profit of decentralized supply chain
Total profit of centralized supply chain
Figure 7: Total profit change of decentralized supply chain and centralized supply chain caused by n change.

centralized supply chain. Only when the conversion rate is In this paper, the profit models of decentralized supply
very small (less than 0.02), the total profit of the centralized chain and centralized supply chain are established, and the
supply chain is greater than that of the decentralized supply optimal inventory of wholesalers and retailers is obtained
chain. In other cases, the profit of decentralized supply chain under these two models, respectively. The influences of
is greater than that of centralized supply chain, and the profit cross-channel conversion rate α and the negotiation power
difference is getting bigger and bigger. In other words, brand of supply chain members on the optimal solution are
H can gain greater benefits in improving cross-channel analyzed.
conversion rate. The results show that both supply chain models have
Next, we analyze the influence of the number of retailers optimal solutions. In the decentralized supply chain mode,
N on supply chain mode selection. Here, we assume that the with the increase of cross-channel conversion rate α, the
total offline demand is a constant value, evenly distributed optimal inventory of retailers will be improved, and the
among retailers, and other parameters remain unchanged. profits of retailers and wholesalers will be improved at the
The value of n increases gradually from 1 to 50, that is to say, same time. With the enhancement of the retailer’s bar-
the number of retailers is gradually increased, and the gaining power, the retailer’s profit increases, the wholesaler’s
corresponding profit value of the supply chain is drawn profit decreases, and the supply chain’s overall profit in-
(Figure 7). It can be seen from the figure that for the creases. In the centralized supply chain model, with the
centralized supply chain, as the number of retailers gradually increase of cross-channel conversion rate α, the retailer’s
increases, the profit of the supply chain gradually decreases. optimal inventory and the total profit of the supply chain will
For the decentralized supply chain, although the profit also be improved.
sometimes increases and sometimes decreases with the in- Combined with the numerical analysis method, this
crease of the number of retailers N, it also shows a downward paper compares decentralized and centralized supply chain
trend in the long run. There is no absolute distinction be- modes and analyzes how to select supply chain modes under
tween the two supply chain models. For both brands, different conditions. The results show that when wholesalers
NH  44, NU  32, the supply chain model adopted by the have strong negotiation ability and high channel conversion
two brands is basically suitable. Both brands have a large rate, a centralized supply chain should be selected; otherwise,
number of retailers, so it is necessary to control the growth of a decentralized supply chain should be selected. The results
the number of retailers while carrying out market expansion. also show that no matter which supply chain model is
chosen, increasing the channel conversion rate and con-
trolling the number of retailers are beneficial to improving
5. Conclusion the total profit of the supply chain.
The omnichannel sales model of smart new retail is in- Through the analysis of fast fashion clothing brand, the
creasingly favored by customers. It is an inevitable devel- feasibility of this model in practice is verified. With the
opment direction for enterprises to cater to customers’’ development of “new retail”, online and offline will gradually
preferences and carry out omnichannel sales. However, transform from relative independence and conflict to mutual
omnichannel sales are not a simple way to increase channels. promotion and integration, and the supporting supply chain
The most important thing is to solve the logistics problems network will surely undergo fundamental changes. This
after increasing channels, including the arrangement of paper is expected to reveal some basic characteristics of new
commodity inventory, the balance between wholesalers and retail network optimization in theory, and establish network
retailers, and the choice of supply chain mode. optimization strategies that are easy to implement, to help
10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering

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