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Day 1: April 1

On April 1st, we started our work experience in Kibawe, Bukidnon. We met at the hospital, excited for
what was to come. The staff welcomed us warmly and taught us about hospital procedures. We learned
about patient privacy and got to know the hospital layout. It was a great start to our immersion.

Following the orientation, we were assigned to various departments within the hospital, each offering
its unique insights into the healthcare ecosystem. Personally, I found myself stationed in the bustling
billing and claims files department, where the hum of activity served as a constant backdrop to our
endeavors. Alongside my classmates, I eagerly absorbed every detail shared during the orientation,
eager to make the most of this invaluable learning opportunity.

As the day progressed, we were introduced to the various tasks and responsibilities that would define
our time in the department. From sorting and organizing files to assisting with administrative duties,
each task presented its own set of challenges and opportunities for growth. Despite the initial nerves
and apprehension that accompanied our immersion into the workplace, the warm welcome extended to
us by the department staff quickly put us at ease, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the experiences of our first day of work immersion with a
sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. The challenges we encountered had been met with resilience and
determination, laying the groundwork for what promised to be an enriching and transformative journey

Day 2: April 2

The second day of our work immersion dawned with renewed enthusiasm and determination as we
delved deeper into the intricacies of our assigned tasks. The morning began with a sense of purpose as
we resumed our efforts to identify discharged patients who had made cash payments in March 2024.
Armed with newfound confidence and a clearer understanding of the task at hand, we approached the
day's challenges with a renewed sense of vigor and determination.

However, our efforts were soon met with an unexpected obstacle as a scheduling conflict necessitated
the use of the conference room for a doctor's meeting, halting our progress temporarily. Despite this
setback, we remained undeterred, seizing the opportunity to assist in other tasks within the department
and offer support where needed. This unexpected turn of events served as a valuable lesson in
adaptability and resilience, reminding us of the unpredictable nature of real-world work environments.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the challenges and triumphs of our second day of work
immersion with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Despite the obstacles encountered, we had
persevered, emerging stronger and more resilient than before. With renewed determination, we looked
ahead to the days to come, eager to continue our journey of growth and discovery in the dynamic world
of healthcare administration.

**Day 3: April 3**

The third day of our work immersion dawned with a sense of familiarity and purpose as we resumed our
efforts to navigate the intricacies of the billing and claims files department. Building upon the
foundation laid in the preceding days, we approached our tasks with renewed confidence and
determination, eager to make further strides in our professional development.

The day began with a continuation of our efforts to identify discharged patients who had made cash
payments in March 2024. Guided by the expertise of our mentors, we honed our skills in data analysis
and file management, meticulously combing through records in search of pertinent information. Despite
the challenges inherent in the task, we remained steadfast in our commitment to excellence,
determined to leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of accuracy and efficiency.

As the day progressed, we were presented with new opportunities for learning and growth, each one
contributing to our overall understanding of the healthcare landscape. Under the guidance of Sir
Kenneth, a seasoned member of the department staff, we received hands-on training in the intricacies
of scanning and verifying files, gaining invaluable insights into the importance of attention to detail and
meticulousness in our work.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the experiences of our third day of work immersion with a
sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. The challenges we had encountered had been met with
resilience and determination, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in all that we do. With renewed
confidence and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare administration, we looked ahead
to the days to come with anticipation and excitement, eager to continue our journey of discovery in this
dynamic and rewarding field.

Day 4: April 4

With each passing day, our immersion experience in the bustling environment of the hospital continued
to unfold, presenting us with new challenges and opportunities for growth. The fourth day of our
journey dawned with a sense of purpose and determination as we delved deeper into the intricacies of
our assigned tasks.

The day began with an orientation session led by Ma'am Fritz, a respected member of the department
staff, who provided us with invaluable insights into the desired and undesired attitudes in the
workplace. Through her guidance, we gained a deeper understanding of the importance of
professionalism, teamwork, and communication in the context of healthcare administration, laying the
groundwork for our continued growth and development.

Following the orientation, we were assigned the task of arranging claims files by Ma'am Klied, another
esteemed member of the department staff. As we immersed ourselves in the task at hand, we
discovered the importance of organization and attention to detail in ensuring the smooth and efficient
functioning of the department. Despite the challenges posed by the sheer volume of files to be sorted,
we approached the task with diligence and determination, determined to complete it to the best of our

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the experiences of our fourth day of work immersion with a
sense of pride and accomplishment. Despite the challenges encountered along the way, we had
persevered, emerging stronger and more resilient than before. With renewed determination and a
deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare administration, we looked ahead to the days to
come with anticipation and excitement, eager to continue our journey of growth and discovery in this
dynamic and rewarding field.

Day 5: April 5
As the sun rose on the fifth day of our work immersion, we found ourselves fully immersed in the
rhythm of hospital life, eager to tackle the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. The day began
with a continuation of our efforts to contribute to the efficient functioning of the billing and claims files
department, where we had been stationed since the start of our immersion experience.

Our primary focus for the day was on scanning claims files, a task that required precision and attention
to detail to ensure accuracy and completeness. Under the guidance of Ma'am Klied, we honed our skills
in file management and data entry, meticulously scanning each document and verifying its contents to
ensure compliance with established protocols and guidelines.

As the day progressed, we were presented with new challenges and opportunities for growth, each one
pushing us to exceed our limits and strive for excellence in all that we do. Whether it was assisting in
administrative duties or collaborating with classmates to tackle complex assignments, we embraced
each opportunity with enthusiasm and determination, determined to make a meaningful contribution to
the department.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the experiences of our fifth day of work immersion with a
sense of pride and accomplishment. The challenges we had encountered had been met with resilience
and determination, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in all that we do. With renewed
confidence and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare administration, we looked ahead
to the days to come with anticipation and excitement, eager to continue our journey of growth and
discovery in this dynamic and rewarding field.

Day 6: April 16

The sixth day of our work immersion brought with it a renewed sense of purpose and determination as
we continued our journey of exploration and discovery in the dynamic environment of the hospital.
Building upon the foundation laid in the preceding days, we approached our tasks with renewed
enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence, eager to make further strides in our professional

The day began with a continuation of our efforts to locate discharged patients who had made cash
payments in March 2024, a task that required meticulous attention to detail and a keen eye for
accuracy. Under the guidance of Sir RJ, a seasoned member of the department staff, we combed
through records and databases in search of pertinent information, determined to leave no stone
unturned in our pursuit of excellence.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the experiences of our sixth day of work immersion with a
sense of pride and accomplishment. The challenges we had encountered had been met with resilience
and determination, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in all that we do. With renewed
confidence and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare administration, we looked ahead
to the days to come with anticipation and excitement, eager to continue our journey of growth and
discovery in this dynamic and rewarding field.

Day 7: April 17

The seventh day of our work immersion dawned with a sense of purpose and determination as we
continued our exploration of the dynamic world of healthcare administration. Building upon the
experiences of the preceding days, we approached our tasks with renewed enthusiasm and a
commitment to excellence, eager to make further strides in our professional development.

The day began with a continuation of our efforts to contribute to the efficient functioning of the
hospital, with my classmates assigned to put a filter kit on newborns while I assisted them. This task
required precision and attention detail to ensure the safety and well-being of the newborns, and we
approached it with diligence and care, recognizing the importance of our contributions to the overall
functioning of the hospital.

As the day progressed, we found ourselves confronted with new challenges and opportunities for
growth, each one pushing us to exceed our limits and strive for greatness. Whether it was assisting in
administrative duties or collaborating with classmates to tackle complex assignments, we approached
each task with determination and a willingness to learn, eager to make a meaningful contribution to the
hospital and its patients.

As the day drew to a close, we reflected on the experiences of our seventh day of work immersion with
a sense of pride and accomplishment. The challenges we had encountered had been met with resilience
and determination, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in all that we do. With renewed
confidence and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of healthcare administration, we looked ahead
to the days to come with anticipation and excitement, eager to continue our journey of growth and
discovery in this dynamic and rewarding field.

Day 8: April 18

The day began sluggishly due to the internet acting up. Our main task was to scan and verify files, but
the slow internet made it a bit tricky to get things done efficiently. Despite the hurdles, we persevered,
trying different methods to work around the sluggish connection. Some files couldn't be processed at all,
leading to frustration as we fell behind schedule. Despite the challenges, we managed to make some
progress, albeit slower than usual.

Day 9: April 19

Once again, I found myself tasked with scanning and verifying files. The routine felt familiar by now, but
it was still a challenge, especially with the ongoing internet issues. During a break in the day, there was a
mass held outside, offering a welcome change of scenery and a moment of peace amidst the hustle and
bustle of work. After the mass, I took a short break and decided to check the water supply in the CR,
only to find it empty. With no other option, I ventured outside the hospital to fetch water, a small yet
necessary task to ensure everyone had access to this essential resource.

Day 10: April 22

As our work immersion drew to a close, there was a sense of both relief and nostalgia in the air. On the
final day, I once again teamed up with Sir Kenneth to tackle the remaining files. Despite the challenges
we faced throughout our time there, Sir Kenneth took the opportunity to share some stories from his
college days and offer guidance for my future career path. It was a valuable moment of mentorship and
connection, reminding me of the importance of learning from those with more experience. Before we
said our goodbyes, we gathered for a group photo, capturing the memories of our time together. As a
token of appreciation for our contributions during the internship, we were treated to snacks, a small
gesture that meant a lot to us as we bid farewell to our colleagues and mentors.

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