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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty

of the Junior High School Department


Purok 8 Pagkakaisa Village, Lubogan, Toril, Davao City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Science With Research







May 2024


Title Page………………………………………………………………………………. .i

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………….ii



Background of the Study………………………………………………1

Theoretical framework.…………………………………………………3

Conceptual Framework………………………………………………… 5

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………….5

Significance of the Study……………………………………………..…6

Scope and Limitation of the Study…………………………………..…8

2 ii

Definition of Terms …………….…………………………………….…..10

Review of Related Literature …………….……………………………11


Research Design ………………………………………………20

Respondents…………………………………………………………… 21

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………22

Sampling Design ………………………………………………. 25

Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………………………25

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………27


Demographic Profiles of the Respondents…………………………...29

Respondent’s Level……………………………………………………...30






Chapter 1


Background of the Study

For centuries, humanity has made significant advancements in various fields

such as Science, Mathematics, Physics, and countless theories. Despite these

achievements, researchers have long been puzzled by the workings of the

human mind, which has been the driving force behind many of these

accomplishments. Understanding the complexities of the human mind,

particularly the issue of overthinking, remains a primary concern for qualitative

researchers studying subjects who exhibit similar patterns of speech, thought,

and behavior (Vangkilde, K.T., et al., 2016).

The issue of overthinking encompasses broader questions and concerns,

particularly in the study of mental health. Researchers grapple with determining

whether overthinking is correlated with mental health. Variables such as

rumination, depression, and brooding are studied to ascertain their potential


impact on mental health (Qasim, T. B., Sahar, A., Nihal, T., & Bashir, A., 2022).

While some studies suggest that traits associated with overthinking may have a

positive impact (Baer, D., 2014), others indicate that overthinking, along with its

associated variables, can have negative effects (Jamshaid, S., et al., 2020).

In the 21st century, global issues such as wars, pandemics, and natural disasters

have heightened worries among people worldwide. Consequently, many

researchers are nearing completion of their studies on overthinking, aiming to

understand and address the myriad problems and issues related to mental

health. Our study, in particular, seeks to determine the major impacts of

overthinking in the 21st century, whether they are physical, mental, or emotional.

This research can provide valuable insights for future studies, aiding in a better

understanding of the effects of overthinking on humanity and the functions of the

human brain.

In Davao City, there has been a significant increase in documented suicide

cases among 15-19-year-olds, primarily attributed to intrusive thoughts, which

are related to overthinking (Ian Carl E., 2023). These thoughts, described as

repetitive and persistent by Killy Bilodeau (2021), have been exacerbated by the

recent pandemic, worsening underlying mental health conditions like depression

and anxiety prevalent in the 21st century.

On a national scale, a study by Michael T. et al. (2020) examined the

psychological impact of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in

the Philippines. The study highlighted the prevalence of psychiatric symptoms


and identified contributing factors, shedding light on the pandemic's significant

threat to mental health.

An international study indicated that overthinking can have many negative

impacts on physical and mental health, such as high blood pressure, sleep

problems, low appetite, manifest mental illness, and digestive system problems,

showing that overthinking can become a big threat to the overall health of an

individual (Aayushi G., 2022)

Theoretical Framework

Our main research focuses on studying the effects of overthinking on behavior in

the 21st century, drawing upon these two different theoretical frameworks:

The Knot theory of mind.

When there is no positive emotion following the negative one, the new

negative emotion goes after and, thus, making the knot of negative emotions

that result with knots of negative thoughts. These negative knots will

deform healthy anxiety into the pathological anxiety, healthy sadness into

the depression, healthy anger into the pathological rage, healthy guilt into the

pathological shame (Petric, 2018).


This is futher supported by what (Clark,2020) posited that overthinking is

predominantly detrimental to mental health, characterized by negative intrusive

thoughts that, when dwelt upon, can lead to negative emotions such as anxiety

and frustration. The prevalence of these negative thoughts has been particularly

notable in the 21st century, contributing to common behaviors such as

procrastination, avoidance, and indecisiveness. This theory is supported by

various research articles, which suggest a strong link between overthinking and

neuroticism, a personality trait associated with heightened susceptibility to

anxiety, mood disorders, and other negative social and emotional outcomes

(Clark, 2019).

In contrast, Baer and Nettle (2014) proposed a more nuanced view, suggesting

that overthinking or neuroticism can have positive effects on mental health.

Nettle's research indicates that individuals scoring high in neuroticism often

exhibit a drive to succeed and excel, even without the promise of external

rewards, as they are motivated by a desire to prevent perceived dangers. While

overthinking can be detrimental and toxic in certain contexts, when channeled

effectively, it has the potential to be beneficial for individuals in need.

P21 Framework. (21st century skills)

To help practitioners integrate skills into the teaching of core academic subjects,

the Partnership has developed a unified, collective vision for learning known as

the Framework for 21st Century Learning. The P21 Framework for 21st Century

Learning was developed with input from educators, education experts, and

business leaders to define and illustrate the skills, knowledge, expertise, and

support systems that students need to succeed in work, life, and citizenship

(Battelle for Kids,2019).

Conceptual Framework

The figure below is an illustration that shows the Conceptual framework of the

study. Since our study is to identify the effects of overthinking in 21st century

behavior in a Quantitative and correlation way. Our research will be conducting

survey questionnaires to students in order to gather data.

Statement of the Problem


The aim of this correlational research design study is to identify The effects of

overthinking on 21st century skills of students. This research specifically aims to

answer the following research questions or objectives:

1. What is the level of overthinking of Junior High School students in terms of :

1.1. Cognitive Domain;

1.2. Emotional Domain; and

1.3. Interpersonal Domain?

2.What is the level of 21 st century skills of Junior High School Students in terms


1.1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving;

1.2. Creativity and Innovation;

1.3. Communication;

1.4. Collaboration; and

1.5. Information literacy?

2. Is there a significant relationship between overthinking and 21st century skills

of junior high school students?


Significance of the Study

In this section, it mainly focuses on the different importance and significance of

the study and its relevance to the community as a whole.

Teachers and Faculty Members

This study offers significant benefits to teachers and faculty members by

providing insights into the correlation between overthinking and 21st-century

skills, which many of their students may be experiencing. By understanding this

correlation, educators can better support students in need of mental health

assistance. The information gathered from this study can help identify students

who require support, leading to more effective interventions and solutions.

Respondents (Grades 9-10 Students)

Students in Grades 9-10 also benefit from this study, especially those struggling

with their mental health and well-being. The study provides information on the

correlation between overthinking and 21st-century skills, benefiting students

experiencing psychological distress, negative emotions, depression, anxiety, or

difficulties with 21st-century skills. This knowledge can guide educators and

mental health professionals in providing targeted support to these students.


Government/ Community

Communities and government agencies stand to benefit from this study as well. It

can help address community issues related to healthcare and well-being, leading

to more effective interventions and programs. The study provides relevant data

for organizations, government agencies, and community programs, making

healthcare programs more effective and easier to promote.

Future Researchers

Future researchers can benefit from this study by building upon its findings and

identifying any issues or gaps it may not have addressed. This study can serve

as a foundation for further research in the field. However, for a more in-depth

analysis, professionals and experts in the field should be consulted.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will explore how overthinking influences stress, worry, and decision

fatigue in individuals within the context of 21st-century behavior. The focus will

be on understanding the impact of information overload and the fast-paced

lifestyle on overthinking tendencies. In order to conduct the study, us researchers

will give survey questionnaires in grades 9 and 10 but first ask permission from

the executives and the board committee of Brokenshire College of Toril.


A letter of Consent and approval is also needed before conducting the study. A

survey questionnaire will be created to learn more about the experiences of

students with stress, worry, overthinking, and decision making. Ensuring that the

students comprehend the purpose of the study and that their participation is

voluntary will be a priority. Additionally the responses they provide will be kept

confidential. Data will be analyzed to find patterns and trends pertaining to

overthinking stress worry and decision-making after the survey responses have

been gathered. Findings regarding the influence of overthinking on behavior in

the twenty-first century among Brokenshire College of Toril students in grades 9

and 10 will be analyzed using statistical methods. Students from Brokenshire

College of Toril in grades 9 and 10 are included in the study which focuses on

their experiences with overthinking stress worry and decision-making. The

limitation is that the data may not be as broadly applicable to other populations

because it only includes students from these particular grade levels and schools.

Respondents are chosen through random sampling which means only a few will

be able to participate in the survey questionnaire due to time and monetary

restrictions (eg. time-consuming and minimum budget). This study is a long-term

research; hence, the study would take months as it is only analyzed by a group

of students (researchers).


ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS: There is a significant relationship between

overthinking and 21st century behavior of junior high school students.

NULL HYPOTHESIS: There is no significant relationship between overthinking

and 21st century behavior of junior high school students.

Definition of Terms


In this study, "overthinking" refers to the habit of excessively dwelling on

thoughts, causing prolonged mental processing and decision-making difficulties.

It encompasses rumination and excessive worry within the context of 21st-

century behavior's fastced and information-filled environment.


Although both overthinking and neuroticism do have the same concept and

definition, keep in mind that overthinking refers to the “action” of excessively

dwelling on thoughts but neuroticism is defined as a personality trait associated

with various negative thoughts and emotions.



In this section of our research, we present all the compiled studies and in-depth

investigations related to our research. This means information gathered through

articles, books, journals, and other forms of literature that is correlated to our

study. This section is divided into two parts to avoid any confusion and to further

understand these two topics. The first part covers the topic of Overthinking,

mainly its definition, and different domains. Second part covers 21 st century skills

and its correlation between overthinking.


is when you repetitively dwell on the same thought or situation over and over to

the point that it disrupts your life (Witmer,2023). To further explain, Overthinking

can also be referred as Rumination;involves dwelling on negative experiences,

replaying them in one's mind, and getting caught in a cycle of overthinking (Scott,

2023), and Brooding;moodily or sullenly thoughtful or serious. It can also mean

darkly somber. Overthinking can also be described as “thinking or ruminating on

the past or worrying on the future” and can be considered as the “thinking too

much” idiom (Kaiser,2015).

Furthermore, it can also be indicated as the term in the study of psychology

called neuroticism or neurosis found in the trait theory of personality. The trait

theory or dispositional theory of personality states that people have certain basic

traits and it is the strength and intensity of those traits that account for personality

differences. The trait approach to personality is one of the major theoretical

areas in the study of personality. Trait theory suggests that individual

personalities are composed of broad dispositions. A trait is a personality

characteristic that meets three criteria: it must be consistent, stable, and vary

from person to person. Traits like habitual behaviors, emotions and different

actions are examples. Based on this definition, a trait can be thought of as a

relatively stable characteristic that causes individuals to behave in certain ways

(Cherry,2023). One of which is the theory of neuroticism, it is found in the “Big

Five” of the trait personality theory.

It is a personality trait of the tendency to experience negative emotions such as

experience of distress, anger, fear,etc. This can very well be correlated to the

study of overthinking as it also covers the study of psychology containing

information of negative emotions and personality disorders that are also related

to overthinking (Widiger,2009).

Cognitive Domain.

In this study, the cognitive domain aims to develop the mental skills and the

acquisition of knowledge of the individual. It is the domain where you process

information, create knowledge, and think (The Peak Performance Center, 2020).

Bloom’s Taxonomy classified six different cognitive levels of complexity that

encompasses the cognitive domain. Knowledge,the ability to recall or recognize

data/information; comprehension,the ability to understand and to grasp the

meaning of information; application, the ability to use learned information in a


new situation; analysis, the ability to break down material into its parts so that its

organizational structure may be understood; synthesis, the ability to put parts

together to form a new whole; and evaluation, the ability to judge the value or

importance of material.

Emotional Domain.

Also known as Emotional development, is the emergence of the experience,

expression, understanding, and regulation of emotions from birth and the growth

and change in these capacities throughout childhood, adolescence, and

adulthood (Izard, et al.,2016). The development of emotions occurs in

conjunction with neural, cognitive, and behavioral development and emerges

within a particular social and cultural context. In emotional development, it is

comprised with 4 domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness,

and relationship management. In these 4 domains are also comprised with 12

different competencies (Goleman,Boyatzis, 2017).

Interpersonal Domain.

The Interpersonal Domain is defined as something with people interacting with

each other. The word “interpersonal” has to do with relationships between

people. This domain is particularly broad in scope. There are many different ways

that people relate to each other, that can be explored through training, lessons,

courses or classes about the Interpersonal Domain. Much of the emphasis of the

interpersonal domain is on social behavior. One strength of the interpersonal

process framework is the way it helps build flexibility and other-focused


awareness, which allows for healthy attachments and navigating unhealthy

relationships more confidently and constructively. By highlighting awareness of

how a person’s communication might be perceived by others, we broaden their

understanding of themselves and of others. Maintaining a broader range of

interpersonal understanding ideally increases a person’s window of tolerance in

their relationships and creates a desire to repair a broken healthy attachment or

confidently sever an unhealthy attachment.

II. 21st Century and its correlation to Overthinking

21st century skills

21st-century skills are a range of skills that can help a professional better

navigate a career in the modern workplace. 21st-century skills can divide into

these main areas:

Learning: Learning skills focus on areas like critical thinking and creativity.

Literacy: Literacy skills focus on areas like information or media literacy.

Life: Life skills focus on areas like leadership and social skills.


Learning and innovation skills increasingly are being recognized as those that

separate students who are prepared for a more and more complex life and work

environments in the 21st century, and those who are not. A focus on creativity,

critical thinking, communication and collaboration is essential to prepare students

for the future.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

Critical thinking and problem-solving entail the ability to reason effectively using a

range of techniques, including inductive and deductive reasoning, as appropriate

to the given situation. It involves employing systems thinking to analyze the

interplay between components within complex systems, thereby understanding

how they contribute to overall outcomes. Moreover, it encompasses making

informed judgments and decisions by thoroughly evaluating evidence,

arguments, claims, and beliefs, while also considering alternative viewpoints and

synthesizing information to draw well-founded conclusions. Additionally, critical

thinking involves interpreting information and drawing conclusions based on

rigorous analysis, as well as reflecting critically on learning experiences and

processes. Problem-solving, on the other hand, entails addressing various

unfamiliar challenges using both conventional and innovative methods, while also

posing significant questions that clarify different perspectives and lead to

improved solutions.

Creativity and Innovation.

Creativity and innovation involve thinking creatively by utilizing a diverse array of

idea generation techniques, such as brainstorming, to produce both incremental

and radical concepts. Individuals in this domain are adept at generating new and

valuable ideas while also engaging in the process of elaborating, refining,


analyzing, and evaluating their own ideas to enhance creative endeavors.

Moreover, they excel in collaborating creatively with others by developing,

implementing, and effectively communicating novel ideas, while remaining open

and responsive to diverse perspectives, incorporating group input and feedback

into their work. They demonstrate originality and inventiveness, recognizing the

practical constraints of adopting new ideas in the real world. Furthermore, they

perceive failure as an opportunity for learning, understanding that creativity and

innovation involve a continuous, cyclical process characterized by small

successes and frequent mistakes. Finally, individuals proficient in creativity and

innovation actively implement innovations, translating creative ideas into tangible

and impactful contributions within their respective fields.

Communication and Collaboration.

Communication and collaboration involve the ability to communicate clearly by

articulating thoughts and ideas effectively through oral, written, and nonverbal

means in various contexts. This includes listening attentively to decipher

meaning, understanding knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions conveyed

by others. Individuals proficient in this domain utilize communication for diverse

purposes such as informing, instructing, motivating, and persuading others. They

are adept at employing multiple media and technologies, discerning their

effectiveness beforehand, and assessing their impact afterward. Moreover, they

can communicate effectively in diverse environments, including those that are


Collaboration with others entails working effectively and respectfully within

diverse teams, demonstrating flexibility, and a willingness to assist in making

necessary compromises to achieve common goals. Individuals in this domain

assume shared responsibility for collaborative work and recognize and value the

unique contributions made by each team member.

Information Literacy.

Information literacy involves the ability to access and evaluate information

efficiently and effectively. This includes the capacity to access information within

a reasonable timeframe and from diverse sources, while also critically evaluating

the credibility, relevance, and reliability of the information obtained.

Additionally, individuals proficient in information literacy are skilled in using

information accurately and creatively to address specific issues or problems.

They can effectively manage the flow of information from various sources,

organizing and synthesizing it in a manner that supports decision-making and

problem-solving processes. Furthermore, they demonstrate a fundamental

understanding of the ethical and legal considerations associated with accessing

and using information. They adhere to ethical principles and legal guidelines

governing information use, ensuring responsible and lawful practices in acquiring

and disseminating information.

21st century and its correlation to overthinking.


Studies show 21st century has correlation to overthinking. One of which states

Overthinking as the pandemic of the 21st century. Its mostly stress or worry, but

stress is nothing but a result of overthinking. Thinking is the action of giving

thoughts to whether things or people. It should be a regulated process in your

mind and you should be able to control it 100% without much effort. But then, as

you know, you can’t.

Mostly during 21st century, your mind takes over and controls you. It controls

your thought, emotions, actions and so on. It makes you whatever it is that it

wants. Like an invisible force, it possesses you, speaks to you and leads you on.

And it’s all because you allow it to do one simple thing: you allow your mind to

overthink everything.

To further explain this section, memory and imagination plays a big role in stress

during 21st century, causing many to overthink. One study shows memory and

imagination works together to be able to create these things. It states that

memory recollects things from the past, with imagination, it takes those

memories and transforms them to thoughts we think are reality. These thoughts

create stress to us as this is also the meaning of rumination, dwelling from the

past. Overthinking is an enemy to people’s emotions. It’s the root cause to many

negative emotions today like embarrasment, and awkwardness (Nettle,2014).

In wrapping up our study on how overthinking affects us nowadays, we want to

set things straight. We're on a mission to make sure people get what overthinking

really is, and not use it to insult others. Our main goal is to clear up any confusion

and avoid spreading false info.


From what we've learned, overthinking can be both good and bad. It can lead to

serious problems or bring about some positive outcomes. Often, it's somewhere

in between. We shared stories from real people, like Ashley Carroll's patient, who

showed us that overthinking isn't just in the mind—it can mess with our bodies

too. We also heard from (Tony Robbins), who said that sometimes, if you're an

overthinker, it might run in the family. Our study stresses how important it is to

use the term "overthinking" carefully. It's not just a casual word; it can shape how

people see things and even affect how we treat each other. By getting the real

deal on what overthinking is, we hope our study makes a positive difference in

how people talk about it in the 21st century. In a nutshell, overthinking is a big

deal in our lives today. It can be a troublemaker, a helper, or something in

between. Understanding this complexity is key to having a better relationship with

our thoughts and feelings in today's fast-paced world.


Chapter 2


Presented in this chapter is the methodology used to answer the research

questions posed. This section covers the research design, research locale and

respondents, research instrument,sampling design, data gathering procedure,

and data analysis.

Research Design

This study uses a correlational research design, it was appropriate for this study

as this does not need controlled conditions or manipulations and this means

being able to identify the relationship among the variables (McCombes, S.,2021).

A correlational research design include:

a. Variables are measured without influencing them.

b. Variables are investigated without the need of a controlled environment.

c. Better identify the relationship among the variables.


With this research design, a survey questionnaire is better conducted as this is

more appropriate. The method used will be Simple random sampling since it

helps ensure high internal and external validity through randomization, which

also ensures a low risk of research biases like sample or selection bias. With this

method the information gathered would be statistically accurate. After conducting

the survey questionnaires, results gathered will be analyzed and thoroughly

investigated (Thomas, L.,2020).


This study aims to investigate the effects of overthinking in 21 st century behavior.

Grades 9-10 will be the selected respondents in our research and will be

conducted at Brokenshire College of Toril. Since our research design uses a

correlational approach, random sampling will be used. This means that a fraction

of the whole population of students from Grades 9-10 will be the selected

respondents for our research.


The following are the criteria the respondents must met in order to answer the


 The selected respondents must be Grades 9-10 studying at Brokenshire

College of Toril.

 The selected respondents must be willing to cooperate and participate in

answering the survey to ensure a non-controlled or forced environment.

Research Instrument

A survey questionnaire will be used as the research tool, as it helps get detailed

answers from people by asking specific questions that have limited answer

choices. We will give people a paper to write their answers on, and the papers

will be stored in an envelope to keep all the papers safe.

(Lindenmann, 2023) recommends using a questionnaire to quickly survey many

people and collect data on their behavior, preferences, intentions, attitudes, and

opinions. One type of questionnaire is the self-administered kind, which has

standard questions and allows people to complete it at their own pace. It's

important that participants can easily understand the questions and answer

based on their own experiences.

The first part of the instrument was about overthinking questionnaire

adapted from the study of Hamzeh (2014). All items in the questionnaire section

for Overthinking asked the respondents to indicate a response on a 5-point

Likert-scale namely: 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (moderately agree), 4

(agree), and 5 (strongly agree). For interpretation of the level of motivation, the

researcher used the range of means, description, and interpretation presented


Range of Means Description Interpretation

4.20 - 5.00 Very High

Overthinking is always observed

Overthinking is oftentimes
3.40 – 4.19 High

Overthinking is sometimes
2.60 – 3.39 Moderate

Overthinking is seldom
1.80 – 2.59 Low

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low Overthinking is never



The second part of the instrument was used to measure the 21 st century

behavior. All items in the questionnaire section for student engagement asked

the respondents to indicate a response on a 5-point Likert-scale namely: 1

(strongly disagree), 2 (disagree), 3 (moderately agree), 4 (agree), and 5 (strongly

agree). For interpretation of the level of motivation, the researcher used the

range of means, description, and interpretation presented below.

Range of Mean Description Interpretation

Student’s 21st century behavior is

4.20 - 5.00 Very High always observed.

Student’s 21st century behavior is

3.40 – 4.19 High oftentimes observed.

Student’s 21st century behavior is

2.60 – 3.39 Moderate sometimes observed.

Student’s 21st century behavior is

1.80 – 2.59 Low seldom observed.

1.00 – 1.79 Very Low Student’s 21st century behavior is


never observed.

Sampling Design

In the question of how the subjects or respondents were carefully selected.

Probability Sampling is the type of sampling used in our study. Specifically,

Simple Random sampling is used in this study. It is a method of choosing

samples in which all the members of the population are given an equal chance of

being selected. Since it helps ensure high internal and external validity through

randomization, this also means having a low risk of research biases like sample

or selection bias. It also represents the characteristics of the larger population.

With this method the information gathered would be statistically accurate. After

conducting the survey questionnaires, results gathered will be analyzed and

thoroughly investigated (Thomas, L.,2020).

Data Gathering Procedure


Before we start, the researchers must prioritize first in ensuring in following

certain ethical guidelines and regulations. This means the study will be

conducted in a responsible manner and the respondents must be properly

surveyed to ensure a safe environment. This also means having permission from

the school’s executives, board, or commitee. The researchers will prepare a

research proposal containing detailed description of the study.

After the proposal, the study is then given to the Practical Research Teacher for

review and ethical guidance. Consent and permission from the Practical

Research Teacher is also needed. As for the respondents, informed consents

must be obtained, they must be surveyed and privacy must be given to them

while conducting the study.

Our goal is to understand how overthinking affects JHS students. The

researchers will use a correlational research design, this means the selected

respondents will be given survey questionnaires which contains questions related

to the effects of overthinking in 21 st century behavior or to our study. The

respondents must be Grades 9-10 and students at Brokenshire College of Toril in

order to participate.

After conducting the survey, the data is then collected, the results will be

analyzed to the researchers.

Data Analysis

According to LeCompte and Schensul, research data analysis is a process used

by researchers to reduce data to a story and interpret it to derive insights. The

data analysis process helps reduce a large chunk of data into smaller fragments,

which makes sense. On the other hand, Marshall and Rossman describe data

analysis as a messy, ambiguous, and time-consuming but creative and

fascinating process through which a mass of collected data is brought to order,

structure and meaning. Since our study is in a quantitative and correlational way,

methods used will be Descriptive statistics in the analysis of the data. Both Mean

and Pearson correlational coefficient will be used in measuring the data (Bhat,


Mean. The mean (aka the arithmetic mean, different from the geometric mean) of

a dataset is the sum of all values divided by the total number of values. It’s the

most commonly used measure of central tendency and is often referred to as the

“average.” It is only recommended as a good average to use if a distribution is

normal or close to normally distributed. Its use is discouraged in the presence of

high skewness (Bhandari,2023).

Pearson correlational coefficient. The Pearson correlation coefficient is a

descriptive statistic, meaning that it summarizes the characteristics of a dataset.

Specifically, it describes the strength and direction of the linear relationship


between two quantitative variables. But it can also be used in inferential

statistics. This is best used when Both variables are quantitative,the variables are

normally distributed, and the relationship between the variables is linear (Turney,




Demographic Profiles of the Respondents

Below presents a Table of the demographic profiles of the Respondents, this

study provides a comprehensive background of the Grade 9-10 Students in

Brokenshire College Toril.


As shown above, in terms of Gender, there are 37%(7) Males, meanwhile there

are 63%(12) Females that have answered the survey. A frequency of 37%(7) are

AMITY, the 32%(6) are PEACE, 21%(4) are WISDOM, and 11%(2) are VISION.

Respondent’s Level

A table shown below provides the analysis of the level of Overthinking to Grades

9-10 students in Brokenshire College Toril in terms of:

1.8. Cognitive Domain;

1.9. Emotional Domain;

2.0. Interpersonal Domain.

And it also provides the analysis of the level of 21 st century skills to Grades 9-10

students in Brokenshire College Toril in terms of:

2.1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving;

2.2. Creativity and Innovation;

2.3. Communication;

2.4. Collaboration; and


2.5. Information literacy.

Level of Overthinking in Grades 9-10 students in Brokenshire College Toril

Level of 21st century skills in Grades 9-10 students in Brokenshire College Toril

Looking at the results of the statistical analysis in the category of Overthinking,

respondents who answered the survey has a high level or is Oftentimes

Observed in the following aspects namely: Emotional Domain (M= 3.63, SD=

2.14), Interpersonal Domain (M= 3.5, SD= 2.37). In the statistical analysis,

respondents also scored a very high level or Always Observed description in the

Cognitive Domain (M= 4.38, SD= 1.67). The Cognitive Domain aims to develop

the mental skills and the acquisition of knowledge of the individual. It is the

domain where you process information, create knowledge, and think (The Peak

Performance Center, 2020). The level of Cognitive Domain in Grades 9-10

students is (M= 4.38), which means they are Always Observed or have a Very

high level in terms of Cognitive Domain. Emotional Domain is the emergence of

the experience, expression, understanding, and regulation of emotions from birth

and the growth and change in these capacities throughout childhood,

adolescence, and adulthood (Izard, et al.,2016). The level of Emotional Domain

is Grades 9-10 is (M= 3.63), which means they are Oftentimes Observed or have

a high level in terms of Emotional Domain. Interpersonal Domain is defined as

something with people interacting with each other. The word “interpersonal” has

to do with relationships between people. The level of Interpersonal Domain in

Grades 9-10 is (M=3.5), which means they are Oftentimes observed or have a

high level in terms of Interpersonal Domain. Overthinking is defined as

repetitively dweling on the same thought or situation over and over to the point

that it disrupts your life (Witmer,2023). The level of Overthinking in Grades 9-10

students in Brokenshire College Toril is (M= 3.84), which means that Grades 9-10

students are oftentimes observed/often to overthink.

Looking at the results of the statistical analysis in the category of 21 st century

skills, respondents who answered the survey is oftentimes observed or have a

high level in the following aspects namely: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(M= 3.89,SD= 2.78), Creativity and Innovation (M= 3.45,SD= 1.99),


Communication (M=3.5,SD=1.96), Information Literacy (M= 3.45,SD= 2.39).

respondents also scored a Moderate level in Collaboration (M=3.18,SD= 2.02).

The total level of 21st century skills in Grades 9-10 students in Brokenshire

College Toril is (M= 3.49), which means they have a high level or is oftentimes


Test of Relation of Overthinking and 21st century skills.

In the table shown below is the Test results of the relation of overthinking and 21 st

century skills. Using the Pearson correlation coefficient, we can identify whether

both variables have correlation to one another (Turney, 2022).

Based on the results, the Pearson Coefficient is (r=0.3775) indicating that there is

a positive correlation with a moderate strength (.3 - .5) between Overthinking and

21st century skills. This result completely agrees with what (Clark,2020) and

(Baer and Nettle, 2014) posited that there is a signficant relationship between the

two variables. The table also shows the P-value and Alpha Level, since the P-

value is greater than the alpha level (p>a), the results accept the Alternative

hypothesis stating that there is a significant relationship between the two


Chapter 4



The researchers used survey questionnaires and gathered a total of 19

respondents to answer the said survey based on Overthinking and 21 st century

skills. In terms of Gender, there are 37%(7) Males, meanwhile there are 63%(12)

Females that have answered the survey. A frequency of 37%(7) are AMITY, the

32%(6) are PEACE, 21%(4) are WISDOM, and 11%(2) are VISION. The study’s

main goal is to identify whether there is a signficant relationship between

Overthinking and 21st century skills and to identify the levels of Overthinking and

21st century skills to Junior High School students specifically Grades 9-10

students at Brokenshire College Toril. Overthinking was extracted and divided

into three parts (Cognitive Domain, Emotional Domain, Interpersonal Domain)

while 21st century skills was divided into five (Critical Thinking and Problem

Solving; Creativity and Innovation; Communication; Collaboration; and

Information literacy). Through this, the researchers were able to formulate

questions and problems regarding the said study. With the help of the results of

the study and the analysis of the data, the researchers were able to identify

whether both variables had any significant relationship.


Looking at the results of the statistical analysis in the category of Overthinking,

respondents who answered the survey has a high level or is Oftentimes

Observed in the following aspects namely: Emotional Domain (M= 3.63, SD=

2.14), Interpersonal Domain (M= 3.5, SD= 2.37). In the statistical analysis,

respondents also scored a very high level or Always Observed description in the

Cognitive Domain (M= 4.38, SD= 1.67). Looking at the results of the statistical

analysis in the category of 21st century skills, respondents who answered the

survey is oftentimes observed or have a high level in the following aspects

namely: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (M= 3.89,SD= 2.78), Creativity

and Innovation (M= 3.45,SD= 1.99), Communication (M=3.5,SD=1.96),

Information Literacy (M= 3.45,SD= 2.39). respondents also scored a Moderate

level in Collaboration (M=3.18,SD= 2.02).


The total level of 21st century skills in Grades 9-10 students in Brokenshire

College Toril is (M= 3.49), which means they have a high level or is oftentimes


In the test of relation between Overthinking and 21 st century skills, the Pearson

Coefficient is (r=0.3775) indicating that there is a positive correlation with a

moderate strength (.3 - .5) between Overthinking and 21 st century skills. This

result completely agrees with what (Clark,2020) and (Baer and Nettle, 2014)

posited that there is a signficant relationship between the two variables. The

table also shows the P-value and Alpha Level, since the P-value is greater than

the alpha level (p>a), the results accept the Alternative hypothesis stating that

there is a significant relationship between the two variables.


Based on the findings and conclusions, the researchers presents the following

recommendations for each beneficaries of the study.

Teachers and Faculty members.

The researchers recommend Teachers and Faculty members to understand the

significance of this study and to understand the relationship between


Overthinking and 21st century skills as they can better understand the state,

specifically the mental state of their students.


During 21st century, many High School and Senior High students are

experiencing the term “Overthinking”, hence the researchers recommend

students to understand the significance of this study as they can also better

understand their mental health.

Governments and Community.

The researchers also recommend Communities and government agencies to

understand the significance of the study. It can help address community issues

related to healthcare and well-being, leading to more effective interventions and

programs. The study provides relevant data for organizations, government

agencies, and community programs, making healthcare programs more effective

and easier to promote.

Future Researchers.

The researchers recommend Future researchers to better understand the scope

of this study for they can benefit from this study by building upon its findings and

identifying any issues or gaps it may not have addressed. This study can serve

as a foundation for further research in the field.



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