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Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, 13, 317–331
Advance access publication 23 February 2024
Concise Review

Recent Progress in Retinal Pigment Epithelium Cell-Based

Therapy for Retinal Disease
Valeriia Klymenko, Orlando G. González Martínez , Marco Zarbin*
Institute of Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA
Corresponding author: Marco A. Zarbin, MD, PhD, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, 90 Bergen Street, Suite 6100, Newark, NJ 07103, USA. Tel: +1 973 972
2038. Email:

Age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa are degenerative retinal diseases that cause severe vision loss. Early clinical trials
involving transplantation of retinal pigment epithelial cells and/or photoreceptors as a treatment for these conditions are underway. In this re-
view, we summarize recent progress in the field of retinal pigment epithelium transplantation, including some pertinent clinical trial results as
well as preclinical studies that address issues of transplant immunology, cell delivery, and cell manufacturing.
Key words: geographic atrophy; macular degeneration; induced pluripotent stem cells; embryonic stem cells; cell transplantation; retina; retinal pigment
epithelium; retinitis pigmentosa.

Graphical Abstract

Significance Statement
This review summarizes recent clinical and preclinical studies involving retinal pigment epithelium transplantation as a treatment for
age-related macular degeneration and Stargardt disease. Unresolved issues involving transplant immunology, cell delivery, and cell
manufacture are explored in detail. We propose areas in which additional research could help accelerate progress in cell-based therapy
for blinding retinal disease.

Received: 3 November 2023; Accepted: 23 December 2023.

© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For
commercial re-use, please contact
318 Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4

Introduction delivery of RPE suspensions in patients with AMD-GA,

AMD-associated choroidal neovascularization, or
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause
of blindness in the industrialized world among persons aged
5. Among patients with neovascular AMD, autologous na-
55 years and older.1 By 2040, approximately 288 million per-
tive30 as well as iPSC-derived RPE transplants20,25 are well
sons worldwide will have AMD.1 In the advanced stages of
tolerated in the absence of immune suppressive therapy.
the disease, patients lose central vision due to the growth of
Modest clinical benefit was demonstrated in visual
abnormal blood vessels (termed choroidal new vessels) under
acuity30 and in reduced need for anti-VEGF therapy.20
the central retina (termed the macula), which leads to im-
6. Allogeneic transplants on scaffolds (and possibly also
pairment of reading, driving, recognizing faces, and living
as suspensions) can survive in the subretinal space of
independently. This outcome, termed “wet AMD,” affects
AMD-GA and STGD eyes for at least 2 years with a min-
approximately 10%-15% of patients with AMD and can be
imal immune suppressive regimen, although immune sur-
treated reasonably well with intravitreal injections of agents
veillance seems to occur, and the absence of rejection has
that interfere with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEFG)
not been unequivocally established.
signaling.2 The other form of advanced AMD causing central
visual loss involves atrophy of the macular photoreceptors
We will summarize briefly the background and progress in
and the subjacent retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and
each of these areas and propose areas in which additional
choriocapillaris and is termed geographic atrophy (GA) or
research could help accelerate progress in RPE cell-based
“dry AMD.” In the US, approximately 1.2 million patients
therapy. Familiarity with the anatomy and physiology of the
are projected to have AMD-GA by 2033 with an annual in-
RPE and retina is presumed in what follows (Fig. 1).
cidence of 160 000.3 Stargardt disease (STGD) is the most
common cause of inherited macular degeneration in children
with a prevalence of 1:10 000 worldwide.4 The most common Progress in Human RPE Cell-Based Therapy Studies
causative mutation affects the ABCA4 gene on chromosome A variety of cell sources have been used for human RPE trans-
1, typically inherited in an autosomal recessive fashion.5,6 In plant studies (Table 1).
most patients, the ABCA4 mutation affects retinal metabo- Kashani et al26 reported 1-year follow-up of a phase I/IIa
lism in the rod photoreceptors,7 and the RPE cells degenerate clinical trial in which monolayers of differentiated human
with excessive lipofuscin accumulation associated with retinal ESC-RPE on parylene scaffolds were transplanted into 16
outer segment phagocytosis. RPE damage is associated with subjects with AMD-GA. One subject had an adverse ocular
photoreceptor death and blindness.8 Central visual loss can event that included retinal hemorrhage and focal retinal de-
occur at a young age or later in life,9,10 but in most patients tachment. A larger proportion of treated eyes experienced a
visual loss is in childhood. ≥5-letter gain on the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy
Recently, medications that block the activation of com- Study (ETDRS) eye chart33 vs their fellow untreated eyes
plement factor 311,12 or complement factor 513 have been (27% vs 7%, not statistically significant), and a larger pro-
approved by the US Food and Drug Agency (FDA) to treat portion of non-implanted eyes demonstrated a >5-letter loss
AMD-GA. These therapies do not seem to restore lost vision (47% vs 33%, not statistically significant). Each patient re-
but delay the rate at which AMD-GA progresses. Medical ceived immune suppression using tacrolimus (from day −8
as well as gene therapies are being developed for retinal to day 42) to achieve a therapeutic trough range. Tacrolimus
dystrophies,14 including mutation-agnostic gene therapy.15 In dose tapering began on day 42 and was completed by day 60.
addition, retinal prostheses are available to treat patients with Patients also received a single intravenous injection of 250 mg
profound visual loss due to photoreceptor degeneration.16-18 methylprednisone on the day immediately before surgery.
An alternative approach to treat the late-stage causes of Silicone oil (5000cS) was used for retinal tamponade. The se-
AMD-associated blindness involves cell-based therapy to verity of the baseline GA of the subjects enrolled in this study
replace damaged RPE and/or photoreceptors, work which likely precluded the possibility of significant improvement
is in early-phase human trials. This review will focus on re- in their visual acuity. Of note, one subject, who was able to
cent progress in RPE cell-based therapy for the treatment of perform microperimetry testing, demonstrated improvement
AMD-GA. STGD will be mentioned briefly. in retinal sensitivity within the retina overlying the trans-
During the past several years, some important developments plant. There was no improvement in the retinal sensitivity of
in RPE cell transplantation have occurred: co-registered retinal loci in the non-implanted eye. In addi-
tion to demonstrating safety, this study demonstrated the sta-
1. Both embryonic stem cell (ESC) and induced pluripotent bility of the scaffolds once implanted, as none of the scaffolds
stem cell (iPSC)-derived RPE (iPSC-RPE) can be made to migrated during the first year of the study, which allowed sili-
good manufacturing practice (GMP) specification. cone oil to be removed in 15 subjects by the second year after
2. Phase I studies using ESC-derived RPE (ESC-RPE) and their surgery. Based on these results, future studies will enroll
iPSC-RPE show no evidence of tumor formation with patients with a shorter disease duration, a smaller region of
1-4 years follow-up.19-25 AMD-GA, and the possibility of greater visual response to the
3. Transplants of RPE monolayers on scaffolds can be transplant. Some of the technical aspects of the surgery also
well tolerated26,27 but also can be associated with may be facilitated as the surgeons noted that separation of
complications such as retinal detachment and prolifera- the retina from the overlying area of GA was easier and faster
tive vitreoretinopathy.28 in less chronic cases. One of the benefits of transplanting a
4. Transplants of RPE suspensions can be associated with polarized RPE sheet may involve a trophic effect. Ahluwalia
efflux into the vitreous cavity and epiretinal membrane et al34 showed that the polarized RPE secretome preserves
formation, but the establishment of a sustained, extensive photoreceptors in a preclinical model of photoreceptor de-
monolayer of RPE does not seem to occur with subretinal generation, the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat. The
Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4 319

Figure 1. Organization and circuitry of the retina. (A) The retina contains 3 layers of cell bodies: the outer nuclear layer (ONL), in which rod and cone
cell bodies reside; the inner nuclear layer (INL), containing horizontal cell (HC), bipolar cell (BC), amacrine cell (AC) and Müller glial (MG) cell bodies;
and the ganglion-cell layer (GCL) where retinal ganglion-cell (RGC) somata and displaced ACs are found. PRs are supported by close apposition to the
retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The neural retina is bound apically by the outer limiting membrane (OLM) and basally by the inner limiting membrane
(ILM), both formed by end-feet of the MG. PRs connect with BCs and HCs via synapses in the outer plexiform layer (OPL). The inner plexiform layer
(IPL) contains signal-carrying synapses between BCs, ACs, and RGCs. (B) Rod and cone PRs display several distinct morphologic features. The outer
segment (OS) contains stacked discs of photosensitive opsins for light detection. The connecting cilium facilitates trafficking between outer and inner
segments (IS), the latter of which are rich in mitochondria. Extending from the cell body are axons with synaptic terminals, which interact with inner
retinal neurons at triad ribbon synapses. Reproduced with permission from Ludwig and Gamm.31

with neovascular AMD who underwent iPSC-RPE transplan-

Table 1. Cell sources for RPE transplantation. tation. Salient features of this trial are as follows: (1) iPSC-
RPE (established using non-integrating episomal vectors)
Allogenic cell sources Autologous cell sources were transplanted as a suspension (~2.5 × 105 cells); (2)
Embryonic stem cells Induced pluripotent stem cells
patients displayed choroidal neovascularization incompletely
responsive to intravitreal anti-VEGF injections; (3) surgeons
Induced pluripotent Native RPE**
stem cells did not excise the choroidal neovascular membrane as part of
–non-HLA matched the procedure; (4) patients received intravitreal aflibercept38
–HLA matched at the end of the procedure; (5) recipients and the donor were
–HLA genome-edited matched at 6 human leukocyte antigen (HLA) loci (class I
RPE stem cells [HLA-A, -B, -C] and class II [HLA-DRB1, -DQB1, -DPB1]);
Native RPE and (6) patients received local steroid injections (which can
suppress T-cell activation and production of inflammatory
For references, please see text. cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-2, interferon-gamma, and
Although not discussed in this review, autologous native RPE and RPE tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha) as the sole immunosup-
stem cell transplants have been done in clinical and preclinical studies.30,32.
pressive treatment. Immune rejection was monitored through
clinical surveillance (including routine diagnostic testing such
secretome reduced retinal cell apoptosis, diminished reactive as fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomog-
oxygen species, and reduced oxidative and inflammatory stress raphy (OCT)) as well as through laboratory testing in which
in this model. This trophic feature of the transplant allows for the ability of recipient peripheral blood mononuclear cells
the possibility of photoreceptor rescue directly over the trans- to mount an immune response against donor iPSC-RPE was
plant as well as the rescue of photoreceptors in adjacent areas assayed in vitro. (The reaction of CD4 helper T cells, CD8
to which soluble factors comprising the secretome diffuse. cytotoxic T cells, CD11b monocytes/macrophages, CD19 B
Human histology and in vivo imaging studies demonstrate cells, and CD56 natural killer (NK) cells was assessed using
the presence of viable photoreceptors, primarily cones, at the fluorescence-activated cell sorting; interferon-gamma levels
margins of GA.35-37 Typically, these dying photoreceptors lack also were assessed in the fluid phase.) RPE cells constitutively
outer segments. Directly or indirectly, if the RPE transplant express class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
can reestablish normal physiology in these dysfunctional antigens and can be induced to express class II MCH antigens
photoreceptors, then patients may recover some visual acuity as part of an inflammatory response.39 As expected, the donor
as well as improvement in other aspects of visual function. iPSC-RPE expressed HLA class I (A, B, C) but not class II
In contrast to the work cited above involving patients with (DR, DQ, DP) antigens although they did so when exposed to
AMD-GA, Sugita et al24 reported 1-year follow-up in 5 patients interferon-gamma. Although all 5 patients initially displayed
320 Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4

resolution of intra- and subretinal fluid, 4 patients developed were allogeneic and were derived from the H9 human ESC
recurrent fluid during follow-up. Thus, from the standpoint line. The recipient demonstrated mismatch from the RPE cell
of using the transplant to treat the exudative complications of donor in 14 of the 16 class I and class II HLA alleles that were
AMD, the surgery was not successful in 4 of 5 patients. The examined. The recipient also received a short course of im-
investigators posited that the number of cells transplanted munosuppression consisting of 0.075 mg/kg/day tacrolimus
may not have been sufficient to cover the area of macular from day -8, to day 42 to achieve a serum trough range of
pathology. An unusual feature of these transplants is that in- 3-10 ng/mL. At day 42, tacrolimus doses were tapered by
itially the degree of pigmentation was very slight in the area half every week until day 60 when immunosuppression was
of the transplant, but pigmentation increased substantially terminated. The recipient demonstrated no improvement
during the course of follow-up in 2 patients, perhaps con- in visual acuity at the year-1 and year-2 follow-up visits.
sistent with the concern regarding inadequate cell delivery. Routine histopathology demonstrated a reasonably confluent
All cases developed epiretinal membranes, which probably monolayer of pigmented RPE cells. Occasionally, cells were
indicates the presence of efflux of RPE from the subretinal present on the underside of the parylene scaffold, a phenom-
space into the vitreous cavity during the recovery period fol- enon that had been observed in preclinical studies.44 RPE cells
lowing surgery. Although the authors detected clinical evi- stained positively for RPE65, a visual cycle protein involved
dence of transplant rejection in only 1 patient (ie, increased in the conversion of all-trans-retinyl ester to 11-cis-retinol.
subretinal fluid over the graft in the absence of dye leakage The cells also stained positive for Na-K ATPase in a distri-
on fluorescein angiography), in vitro studies demonstrated bution that was largely but not entirely apical. (Normally,
evidence of an immune response in 3 patients. In one case, this enzyme is apically located in RPE.) The donor origin
there was a proliferative response in CD4 T cells and CD11b of the implant-associated RPE cells was confirmed by posi-
monocytes 4 weeks after surgery (in the absence of any clin- tive immunostaining for the HLA class I antigen, HLA-A2,
ical signs of inflammation and preceding the development of expressed by the donor cells but not by those of the recip-
increased fluid on OCT). The CD4 response was absent by ient. Donor RPE cells also stained positively for bestrophin,
8 weeks after surgery. CD11b cells continued to proliferate a cytosolic calcium-activated ion channel present in RPE
in response to iPSC-RPE exposure until 21 weeks after sur- cells.45 RPE cells on the scaffold did not stain for recipient-
gery, and by 36 weeks the response had returned to baseline. specific HLA-B7 antigen, although such cells were present
(Subretinal fluid resolved following subtenon steroid injec- in the recipient. There was no evidence of cell proliferation
tion.) In the second case, CD4 cells demonstrated a prolifera- in the implant as demonstrated by the absence of Ki-67
tive response 12 weeks after surgery in the absence of clinical immunoreactivity. Despite the fact that photoreceptor nuclei
signs of inflammation. In the third case, the patient developed were not detected over the area of the implant, focal areas
an inflammatory response judged to be due to triamcinolone- of rhodopsin staining associated with photoreceptor-like
related sterile endophthalmitis. By 24 weeks after surgery, this structures in rosette configurations were noted within the
patient developed a positive response to donor iPSC-RPE as area of GA and immediately above the RPE implant. Some
judged by CD11b monocyte proliferation, which resolved RPE cells exhibited rhodopsin-positive inclusions, which may
eventually without treatment. These results indicate that signs be phagosomes resulting from phagocytosis of host photo-
of immune surveillance may change over time. If the initial receptor outer segments. In addition, CD34-positive cells
assessment for an immune response to the transplant is at a were present subjacent to the implant. CD34 is an endothelial
delayed time point, one may falsely conclude there has been cell marker. The contralateral eye did not demonstrate these
no immune reaction even with laboratory testing. Also, clin- subretinal vascular structures. This result may mean that the
ical assessment to detect signs of immune rejection may be implant, through expression of VEGF and/or other factors,
unreliable. Finally, HLA matching alone may not be adequate may have stimulated choriocapillary growth without initiating
to prevent immune surveillance of subretinal transplants of the development of pathologic choroidal neovascularization.
RPE suspensions. Thus, these data indicate that donor RPE: (1) survived for 2
years, despite a relatively brief immunosuppressive regimen;
RPE Transplant Immunology: Clinical Results (2) maintained their differentiation and monolayer config-
A number of recent studies have reported no clinical uration; (3) interacted with some host photoreceptors; (4)
evidence of ESC-RPE19,21,23,26,27,40-42 and allogeneic iPSC- may have fostered physiologic growth of subjacent vascular
RPE transplant rejection, and no signs of rejection were structures (eg, choroidal endothelial cells).
noted in a patient who underwent autologous iPSC-RPE Immune cell infiltrates were present in the recipient. CD68
transplantation,25 as expected. (Another phase I/II trial is a marker of macrophages. CD68-positive cells were more
involving scaffold-based autologous iPSC-RPE is in progress abundant and more widely distributed in both the retina and
[Autologous Transplantation of Induced Pluripotent Stem the choroid of the implanted vs the fellow control eye. CD8 is
Cell-Derived Retinal Pigment Epithelium for Geographic a marker of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Frequent CD8-positive
Atrophy Associated with Age-Related Macular Degeneration, cytotoxic T cells were present in the choroid and adjacent to
NCT04339764.) However, it is clear from preclinical studies the implant and were particularly concentrated in the area ad-
that clinical evidence of inflammation is rarely observed in jacent to Bruch’s membrane in the untreated eye as well. CD4
the setting of immune reaction to subretinal RPE transplants is a marker of Th lymphocytes. CD4-positive T cells were
(see below). Kashani et al43 reported a histopathologic study present in the retina and choroid surrounding the implant and
of a patient with AMD-GA who received a human ESC- were prevalent in the choroid of the non-implanted eye. Some
RPE transplant on a parylene scaffold (Fig. 2). The implant of the CD4-positive cells in the retina of the implanted eye
measured 3.5 × 6.25 × 0.006 mm3, had a monolayer of ap- were also FOXP3-positive, which may indicate the presence
proximately 100 000 well-differentiated RPE cells, and was of a regulatory or immune suppression effect of these cells.
designed to underlie the majority of the macula. The RPE cells The investigators assessed the presence of autoantibodies to
Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4 321

Figure 2. Color fundus photographs of subject 125 at baseline and 1 year after CPCB-RPE1 surgical implantation into the subretinal space (A)
Preoperative photograph demonstrates variable areas of depigmentation in the central macula consistent with geographic atrophy (GA) in advanced dry
age-related macular degeneration. (B) Postoperative fundus photographs of the same region at 1 year after CPCB-RPE1 implantation demonstrates the
presence of the implant and its associated pigmented cells covering a large portion of the GA lesion. One edge of the pigmented implant is denoted by
an arrow inferiorly for reference. The retinotomy site is denoted by an arrow superiorly. (C) Fundus photograph of the nonimplanted eye at baseline. (D)
Fundus photograph of the nonimplanted eye 1 year later. Reproduced with permission from Kashani et al.43

specific HLA class I and II antigens to determine whether cells subjacent to the implant may indicate some degree of
subjects in the trial developed an immune response to donor- integration with the host rather than isolation.
specific HLA antigens on the implant. One of 13 tested These clinical findings in a single patient stand in contrast
subjects had pre-existing antibodies to a single donor HLA to results obtained from animal models that predict immune
antigen, and 6 had pre-existing antibodies to non-donor HLA rejection of subretinal allogenic RPE transplants, including
molecules at baseline. These pre-existing antibodies remained experiments involving nonhuman primates (NHPs). Some
detectable during follow-up. Twelve of 13 subjects never de- preclinical models, however, do indicate that differentiated
veloped detectable antibodies to any donor HLA antigen monolayers of allogenic human fetal RPE and human ESC-
through year 1 after implantation. One subject developed RPE can avoid immune rejection after ocular transplanta-
a “weak” antibody response to an HLA antigen expressed tion.46,47 If one can generalize based on findings from this
by donor RPE cells (DQB1) at 6 and 12 months after sur- single patient, it may not be necessary to develop autolo-
gery. Thus, there is evidence of immune surveillance of the gous RPE transplants in the setting of AMD-GA. Of note, it
transplant, but this surveillance was consistent with survival is important to minimize surgical trauma, which can initiate
and apparent functionality of a substantial majority of the an immune response.48 While the generation of autologous
transplanted cells by year 2 after surgery. Although there was tissue is costly and time-consuming, sustained pharmacolog-
histologic evidence of immune surveillance, there was no clin- ical immunosuppression in elderly patients is generally not
ically detectable inflammation such as vasculitis, retinitis, well tolerated as has been demonstrated in several ophthalmic
choroiditis, or vitritis, based on the routine clinical exams as studies.27,49,50
well as special studies that can be conducted in living patients
(eg, fluorescein angiography, OCT). An important finding is
that there was no evidence of gliotic encapsulation of the im- RPE Transplant Immunology: Preclinical Results
plant although some limited subretinal fibrosis was associated A number of approaches have been considered to address the
with the implant (Fig. 2B). The presence of CD34-positive immune response to subretinally transplanted tissue (Table 2).
322 Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4

Table 2. Approaches to manage the immune response to subretinal There was no evidence for epithelial-mesenchymal transi-
transplantation. tion or frank gliosis associated with the transplants. Because
this study involved xenografts, its relevance to allogeneic
Management of immune response transplants is not clear. The authors noted reduction of outer
Allogenic cells Pharmacological Systemic nuclear layer (ONL) thickness overlying the RPE xenograft,
which may be a sign of graft vs. host disease. These cells are
being studied in a phase I/II trial involving patients with
HLA-matched stem cell
AMD-GA (Safety and Tolerability of RPESC-derived RPE
HLA-deficient stem cell Transplantation in Patients With Dry Age-related Macular
Autologous Induced pluripotent stem cells Degeneration. https://
cells 627428).
RPE stem cells Transplant studies using immunodeficient RCS rats do not
Native RPE cells necessarily eliminate the possibility of transplant immune re-
jection. The immunodeficient RCS rat is T-cell-deficient, but
Please see text for details. these animals possess bone marrow-dependent B cells and
NK cells. Rajendran Nair et al,44 for example, performed
iPSC-RPE transplants in immunodeficient RCS rats. The
Preclinical studies of RPE transplant immunology have RPE were derived from healthy adult human fibroblasts,
yielded results that, in some cases, may seem to be in con- and the cells were transplanted as a monoIayer on parylene
flict with those reported by Kashani et al.43 McGill et al,51 sheets. Eleven months after transplantation, iPSC-RPE sur-
for example, reported that allogenic iPSC-RPE transplants in vival and phagocytic function were observed in less than
NHPs were rejected. However, these transplants involved cell 50% of the transplanted rats. The authors posited that the
suspensions rather than scaffold-based cells, and the trans- loss of transplanted RPE over time and the alteration in the
plant surgery was not simply transretinal. Retinal blebs were monolayer structure may be a manifestation of an immune
created via a transvitreal approach, but cell delivery was done reaction to the xenograft. CD68 was used to identify reac-
through a transscleral-transchoroidal approach. In addition, tive microglia in the transplanted eyes. Whereas CD68 ex-
the transplanted cells were labeled with green fluorescent pro- pression was not observed at 1 month after transplantation,
tein, which may have toxic properties and could initiate an some CD68 expression was observed in the implants and in
immune response.52 Nonetheless, this study provided informa- areas adjacent to them by 11 months after transplantation.
tion that may be quite relevant to human experiments. First, Thus, consistent with the results reported above, there can be
although transplant rejection was documented histologically, a time-dependent activation of different components of the
these findings were not evident on clinical exams nor with immune response to transplanted tissue, and microglia and
modern imaging technology (Fig. 3). Second, the inflamma- macrophages can play a role in the loss of transplanted RPE
tory response to the allogeneic transplant changed over time. at later time points.
Initially, the inflammatory response was mediated by mi- Genetic modification of cells has been undertaken to re-
croglia, macrophages, and T cells. By 3 weeks after surgery, duce the immunogenicity of the transplant. Petrus-Reurer
however, the inflammatory response, involved microglia and et al57 created human ESC-RPE lacking HLA class I and/
B cells. The inflammatory response was restricted to locations or HLA class II antigens. In preclinical models, xenografts
of the transplant cells. Most importantly, by 7 weeks after of these cells exhibited reduced and delayed donor rejection.
transplantation, the inflammatory response had resolved Hu et al58 generated hypoimmune pluripotent stem cells by
based on histological study. Localized choroidal thickening depleting HLA class I and II molecules and overexpressing
with a dense infiltrate of mononuclear cells and microglia was CD47. The expression of CD47 allows cells to avoid detec-
evident at all time points, though. Finally, systemic periph- tion and destruction by NK cells. From such iPSCs, one can
eral lymphocyte activation was below detectable levels. Thus, generate a variety of cell types (eg, RPE, photoreceptors) for
human transplant tissue obtained 2 years after surgery may transplantation. Hu et al have provided convincing evidence
fail to real reveal the full extent of an inflammatory response, that these cells (and their progeny, eg, pancreatic islet cells) es-
if any occurred, and the absence of systemic evidence for cape immune surveillance in NHPs and allogeneic humanized
immune surveillance may not signify tolerance of the trans- mice.58,59 If there is no cell migration outside the eye, risks
plant. Survival of allogenic iPSC-RPE following subretinal inherent to this approach (ie, uncontrolled cell proliferation)
transplants in pigs has yielded similar results.53 might be mitigated by routine fundus screening exams. Jang
A subpopulation of adult human RPE cells can be activated et al60 used CRISPR/Cas9 to knockout HLA-B from iPSCs,
in vitro to a self-renewing, multipotent RPE-stem cell that and these cells showed reduced immunogenicity. If off-target
loses RPE markers, exhibits extensive proliferative capacity, effects are induced by these methods, then resistance to im-
and can be redifferentiated into stable RPE monolayers.54 Liu mune surveillance could pose a risk of tumor formation, but
et al55 found that human RPE stem cell-derived RPE54 on pol- these risks are inherent when using genetically modified cell
yethylene terephthalate (PET) scaffolds seemed to survive well products. In any event, the exclusion of genomic instability
and exhibited some signs of integration with the host retina. (via G-band karyotyping) and persistence of reprogramming
These animals were treated with systemic immunosuppres- systems (via quantitative PCR) are essential aspects of product
sion using sirolimus. Host RPE was debrided after subretinal characterization for cell-based therapies.61
bleb formation to allow the transplanted RPE to come into It may be that the best method to manage immune sur-
direct contact with host choriocapillaris. Abrogation of the veillance of allogeneic RPE transplants (eg, local vs. systemic
outer blood-retinal barrier (induced by RPE debridement) treatment; duration of treatment before surgery and treat-
compromises the immune privilege of the subretinal space.56 ment after surgery; combination of medications used) will
Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4 323

Figure 3. In vivo imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled RPE cells transplanted into the subretinal space of non-immune-suppressed rhesus
monkeys using color fundus photography, fundus autofluorescence (FAF), and optical coherence tomography (OCT) at 4 days and 1, 2, and 3 weeks
posttransplantation. In the representative color fundus images, white subretinal material was present at 4 days and evolved in shape and appearance
over subsequent weeks. The GFP fluorescence of the transplanted cells was evident at 4 days but extinguished by 2 weeks. Subretinal debris,
fibrotic scarring, and mononuclear cells, as confirmed by histology, resulted in OCT images that showed material in the subretinal space that without
confirmation through histologic study could be misinterpreted as the transplanted RPE cells. Reproduced with permission from McGill et al.51

vary according to (1) the cell source (ESC vs iPSC); (2) the RPE do not adhere well to aged Bruch’s membrane in organ
method of stem cell differentiation; (3) the stage of cell pas- culture studies.63 Scaffolds might thus establish a surface
sage prior to preservation; (4) the method of cryopreserva- that separates newly transplanted RPE from death signals in
tion; (5) the route of cell delivery (transvitreal vs transscleral); Bruch’s membrane (eg, advanced glycation end products64)
(6) the method of cell delivery (scaffold vs suspension); and and provides ligands that foster RPE adhesion and differen-
(7) and the disease state (eg, AMD-GA vs neovascular AMD). tiation (eg, laminin27,65). Scaffolds can be composed of a va-
riety of materials that vary in structure, biodegradability, and
modulus.66-68 Scaffolds can be nanoengineered with pores and
Scaffolds vs Cell Suspensions to micron-level thickness so as not to interfere with diffusion
Surgical trauma can activate the innate immune system.48 of substances between the RPE and subjacent choriocapillaris
A variety of surgical approaches have been explored for cell yet retain handling properties consistent with surgical de-
delivery (Table 3). livery to the subretinal space.69-71 Development of subretinal
At this time, delivery of cell suspensions to the subretinal fibrosis, which has been observed following some cases of
space requires less trauma than delivery of scaffold-based cell RPE-scaffold delivery,27,65 for example, has not been reported
preparations. In addition, the preparation of cell suspensions after subretinal RPE cell suspension delivery. Nonetheless,
is simpler than scaffold preparation. In view of these scaffolds have several critical advantages over suspensions.
observations, one may question the need for scaffolds. In part A well-differentiated monolayer demonstrates better photo-
the need arises from the fact that Bruch’s membrane acquires receptor rescue and better survival in the subretinal space.47
a number of biochemical and morphological abnormalities Scaffold-based RPE preparations also demonstrate better
with aging and in AMD.62 Probably as a result, transplanted resistance to oxidative damage.72 Since scaffolds can deliver
324 Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4

Table 3. Surgical approaches to cell delivery for retinal disease therapy.

Approach Disadvantages Advantages

Transvitreal • Maximally invasive • Established surgical technique

subretinal in- • Requires creation of retinal de- • Delivers cells directly to target photoreceptors
jection tachment • Transplanted cells can interact directly with host photoreceptors
(eg, outer segment phagocytosis) and subjacent choroid (eg,
choriocapillaris maintenance)
Suprachoroidal • Invasive • May be less invasive than transvitreal approach
injection • Requires creation of retinal de- • May be more demanding technically than transvitreal approach if
tachment target is subretinal space
• If Bruch’s membrane penetrated, then transplanted cells can in-
teract directly with host photoreceptors (eg, outer segment phago-
cytosis) and subjacent choroid (eg, choriocapillaris maintenance)
Intravitreal • Does not deliver cells directly to • Minimally invasive
injection subretinal space which precludes
direct interaction with host
photoreceptors and choroid
• May be best adopted for photo-
receptor rescue approach based
on provision of trophic factors
Systemic injec- • Requires cells to migrate to eye • Least invasive approach
tion and establish presence in a loca-
tion (eg, vitreous cavity, choroid,
subretinal space) compatible with
host photoreceptor rescue and
host choriocapillaris maintenance

Table 4. Materials used for scaffolds in human RPE transplants.

human iPSC-RPE apoptosis, enhanced cell pigmentation, and
increased tight junction formation compared to untreated
Material Biodegradable Use in human trials
cells. Furthermore, Y-27632 treatment suppressed the pro-
duction of inflammatory cytokines (eg, IL-6, CCL2/MCP-
Parylene C66,67 No Yes 1, CXCL22/I-TAC) and HLA class II molecules (HLA-DR,
Polyethylene terephthalate25,56 No Yes -DQ, -OP) in iPSC-RPE. Y-27632-treated iPSC-RPE induced
Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)68,69 Yes Yes less proliferation of CD4 and CD8 cells suggesting that these
RPE cells had lower immunogenicity than untreated iPSC-
RPE. Treated and untreated iPSC-RPE were similar regarding
well-differentiated RPE cells whereas cell suspensions require outer segment phagocytosis and expression of VEGF, RPE65,
1-2 weeks to re-establish full differentiation on a supportive bestrophin, Pax6, and tyrosinase. Y-27632-treated iPSC-RPE
surface, scaffold-based RPE can more rapidly produce factors produced more pigment epithelial derived factor (PEDF) than
that not only rescue overlying photoreceptors and subjacent untreated RPE. These investigators carried out allogeneic
choroidal endothelial cells, they can also more rapidly pro- iPSC-RPE suspension transplants in immunosuppressed (oral
duce factors, such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, cyclosporin A) NHPs and found that Y-27632 treatment was
that contribute to the immune suppressive environment of the associated with establishment of a 5-fold greater graft area
subretinal space. Although a number of different materials with better monolayer formation.
have been used as scaffolds (reviewed by Jha and Bharti73 and Transplantation of scaffolds and cell suspensions both
Hotaling et al66), just a few materials have been used thus far require creation of a localized retinal detachment. We have
in clinical studies (Table 4). found that localized iatrogenic retinal detachment is associ-
If RPE suspensions could be induced to attach and dif- ated with damage to rod-bipolar and cone-bipolar synapses,
ferentiate rapidly as a polarized monolayer on host Bruch’s which are associated with changes in the scotopic rod and
membrane, then the manufacturing and surgical advantages photopic cone electroretinogram (ERG), respectively.76 This
of cell suspensions might dominate over the benefits of damage can be mitigated via intravitreal or subretinal ad-
scaffold-based delivery approaches. In this context, it is note- ministration of ROCK inhibitors at the time of retinal
worthy that Croze et al74 reported that Rho associated ki- detachment.77-79 Thus, regardless of the cell delivery approach,
nase (ROCK) inhibition promotes attachment, proliferation, combining cell transplantation with ROCK inhibition may
and wound closure of human ESC-RPE in cell culture. These improve the outcome of RPE transplantation.
authors suggested that pharmacological approaches such as
this one might even be used to stimulate in situ RPE to resur- RPE Cell Manufacturing
face areas of AMD-GA. Ishida et al75 studied the effects of the In order for cell-based therapy to proceed to clinical
pan-ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, on iPSC-RPE in vitro and in application, investigators must: (1) develop a prototype
vivo. In vitro, these investigators found that ROCK inhibition product that can be manufactured according to GMP; (2)
promoted proliferation and cell-cell and cell-substrate adhe- conduct preclinical studies to demonstrate the safety and
sion in human iPSC-RPE. Y-27632 treatment also inhibited efficacy of the product; (3) submit an investigational new
Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4 325

Table 5. Human Clinical Trials Involving RPE Transplantation.

Title Cell type Disease Trial design Results


A phase I/IIa, open-label, single-center, pro- NCT01674829 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/IIa
spective study to determine the safety and
tolerability of subretinal transplantation of
human ESC-derived RPE (MA09-hRPE) cells
in patients with advanced dry AMD
Feasibility of production of iPSC-derived RPE NCT02464956 iPSC AMD (GA) Cohort pro-
fulfilling regulatory requirements for human (skin, blood cells) spective
transplantation in dry AMD
A phase I/II, open-label, multi-center, NCT01345006 hESC-RPE STGD Phase I/II Trend toward
prospective study to determine the safety and (MA09-hRPE) improved VA in
tolerability of sub-retinal transplantation of treated eye (12
human ESC-derived RPE (MA09-hRPE) cells letters)
in patients with Stargardt’s macular dystrophy
A phase I/II, open-label, multi-center, NCT01344993 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/II Median VA increase
prospective study to determine the safety and (MA09-hRPE) treated versus
tolerability of subretinal transplantation of untreated eye (14
human ESC-derived RPE (MA09-hRPE) cells letters versus 1
in patients with advanced dry AMD letter, P = .0117)
Phase I/IIa dose escalation safety and efficacy NCT02286089 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/IIa
study of human ESC-derived RPE cells
transplanted subretinally in patients with
advanced dry-form AMD (GA)
Clinical study of subretinal transplantation NCT02749734 hESC-RPE AMD, STGD Phase I/II
of human ESC-derived RPE in treatment of
macular degeneration diseases
Open-label, single-center, prospective study NCT03305029 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I
to determine the safety and tolerability of (SCNT-hES-RPE)
subretinal transplantation of SCNT-hES-RPE
cells in patients with advanced dry AMD
A phase I/IIa safety study of subretinal NCT02590692 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/IIa
implantation of CPCB-RPE1 (human ESC- on parylene mem-
derived RPE cells seeded on a polymeric brane
substrate) in subjects with advanced, dry AMD
Treatment of AMD by fetal RPE NCT02868424 fRPE AMD (GA) Phase I
Treatment of dry AMD disease with RPE NCT03046407 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/II
derived from human ESCs
A phase I/II, open-label, multi-center, NCT01469832 hESC-RPE STGD Phase I/II VA,
prospective study to determine the safety and microperimetry—
tolerability of subretinal transplantation of no evidence of
human ESC-derived RPE (hESC-RPE) cells in benefit
patients with Stargardt’s macular dystrophy
A safety surveillance study of events of special NCT03167203 hESC-RPE STGD Phase I/II
interest occurring in subjects with macular
degenerative disease treated with human ESC-
derived RPE cell therapy
A phase Ib, multicenter, dose escalation, NCT03178149 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase Ib
evaluation of safety and tolerability of (ASP7317)
ASP7317 for GA secondary to AMD
Safety and efficacy of subretinal NCT02755428 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/II
transplantation of human ESC-derived RPE in
treatment of AMD diseases
STREAM: a phase I/2, open-label, safety, NCT03963154 hESC-RPE RP mon- Phase I/II
tolerability and preliminary efficacy study of (Patch ISTEM-01) ogenic
implantation into one eye of hESC-derived mutation
RPE in patients with RP due to monogenic
A phase I/IIa trial for autologous NCT04339764 iPSC-RPE (so- AMD (GA) Phase I/IIa
transplantation of iPSC-derived RPE for GA matic cells) on
associated with AMD PLGA scaffold
326 Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4

Table 5. Continued

Title Cell type Disease Trial design Results


Phase I, open-label, safety and feasibility study NCT01691261 hESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I
of implantation of Pf-05206388 (human on polyester mem-
ESC-derived RPE living tissue equivalent) in brane
subjects with acute wet AMD and recent rapid
vision decline
Safety and efficacy of autologous NCT05445063 iPSC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I
transplantation of iPSC-derived RPE in the
treatment of macular degeneration
A phase1/2a, open-label study to evaluate the NCT04627428 RPESC-RPE AMD (GA) Phase I/IIa
safety and tolerability of RPE stem cell-derived (RPESC-RPE-4W)
RPE (RPESC-RPE) transplantation as therapy
for dry AMD
Long term, open-label, safety follow-up study NCT03102138 hESC-RPE AMD (wet) Cohort pro-
following transplantation of Pf-05206388 spective
(human ESC-derived RPE) in subjects with
acute wet AMD and recent rapid vision decline
Safety and efficacy of subretinal transplanta- NCT03944239 hESC-RPE RP Phase I
tion of clinical human ESC-derived RPE in
treatment of RP
Follow-up to 5 years of a phase I/II, open- NCT02941991 hESC-RPE STGD Phase I/II
label, multi-center, prospective study to deter-
mine the safety and tolerability of subretinal
transplantation of human ESC-derived RPE
(hESC-RPE) cells in patients with Stargardt’s
macular dystrophy
This study is a phase I/II, open-label, non- NCT02903576 hESC-RPE AMD (GA)+ Phase I/II
randomized, prospective study to determine AMD (wet)+
the safety of human ESC-derived RPE (hESC STGD
RPE) subretinal injections versus hESC RPE
seeded on a polymeric substrate implanted in
the subretinal space
Autologous induced stem-cell-derived retinal UMIN000011929 iPSC-RPE AMD NS
cells for macular degeneration* (UMIN-CTR) (skin fibroblast)
A study of transplantation of allogenic iPSC- JPRN- iPSC-RPE AMD (wet) NS
derived RPE cell suspension in subjects with UMIN000026003
neovascular AMD*
A study of transplantation of autologous JPRN- iPSC-RPE AMD (wet) NS
iPSC-derived RPE cell sheet in subjects with UMIN000011929
exudative AMD*
A clinical study that will evaluate the safety JRCT2073230077 iPSC-RPE RPE Tear Interventional
and efficacy of subretinal administration of
a suspension of iPSC-derived RPE cells in
patients with retinal pigment epithelium tear*
Clinical research of allogeneic iPSC-RPE cell JRCTa050210178 iPSC-RPE RPE impaired Interventional
strip transplantation for RPE impaired disease* disease
Clinical research of allogeneic iPSC-RPE cell JRCTa050200122 iPSC-RPE RPE impaired Interventional
suspension transplantation for RPE impaired disease

Trial is being conducted outside the US.
Abbreviations: AMD, age-related macular degeneration; ESC, embryonic stem cell; GA, geographic atrophy; iPSC, induced pluripotent stem cell; NS, not
stated; RP, retinitis pigmentosa; RPE, retinal pigment epithelium; STGD, Stargardt disease; VA, visual acuity.

drug (IND) application that includes the manufacturing commercial approval for the cell-based therapy product. At
process, preclinical data, and human study protocol; and this time, none of the ESC-RPE or iPSC-RPE therapies have
(4) if approved by the relevant regulatory agency, initiate reached the stage of BLA submission although there are a
a phase I trial to assess the product’s safety in the target number of FDA-approved clinical trials in phase I/II in the
patient population.80 If the product is demonstrated to be US using ESC- and iPSC-derived products (Table 5). There
safe in a phase I study, an IND application for follow-up are 6 additional trials using iPCS-RPE-derived products
trials assessing safety and efficacy is submitted. The data outside the US (Table 5).
from these larger trials are then compiled and submitted Challenges involved in the development of stem cell-based
for a biologic license application (BLA) in order to obtain products have been well described80 and will not be repeated
Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4 327

here. It is interesting to note, however, that although iPSCs of stem cell-derived RPE for therapy. Faynus et al101 reported
can be generated by reprogramming somatic cells of any va- the use of Cytodex microcarriers as scaffolds on which iPSC-
riety, the majority of ongoing clinical trials have used skin RPE can be grown for harvest. The Cytodex (C) microcarriers
fibroblast or peripheral blood CD34 cells. CD34 cells evi- are biologically inert, cross-linked dextran matrices that can
dently have a higher reprogramming efficiency as compared be coated with Matrigel, vitronectin, or denatured type 1 por-
to terminally differentiated blood cells possibly because the cine collagen to promote cell attachment. These investigators
cells are already in a stem cell state with chromatin more showed that human ESCs can be directly differentiated into
easily reprogrammed into a fully pluripotent state.81 Initial progenitor RPE on C1 Matrigel carriers. (C1 microcarriers ex-
iPSC manufacture involved exposure to 4 transcription hibit a positive charge, and C3 microcarriers are functionalized
factors (Oct 3/4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) all delivered using with denatured porcine type 1 collagen.) Human iPSC-RPE
retrovirus, which integrates reprogramming factors into the cultured on C1-Matrigel, C1-vitronectin, or C3 microcarriers
transduced cell genome.82,83 Fortunately, it is now possible to express mature phenotype (eg, pigmentation, hexagonal mor-
generate iPSCs without integrating strategies (eg, episomal phology, polarization, RPE marker genes), secretory pro-
plasmids, micro RNA, chemical reprogramming).84-92 file, and phagocytic function. The microcarrier-RPE can be
Because teratoma formation can occur with as few as 2 separated from its substrate readily using a xeno-free disso-
human ESC colonies spiked into feeder fibroblasts, very ciation reagent (TrypLE enzyme). Microcarrier-RPE secrete
careful purification is required in the manufacturing of more VEGF and PEDF than RPE grown on cell-culture plates,
stem cell-derived clinical products.93 Native RPE stem cells which may render this culture system an efficient source of
also are a potential source of therapeutic tissue.94 Methods neurotrophic factors. Faynus et al noted several advantages
to obtain RPE rapidly from human ESCs and iPSCS have of microcarrier production systems over conventional culture
been reported.32,95 Nonetheless, the production of ESC and systems: (1) greater available surface area; (2) greater scal-
iPSC products is time and cost intensive (compare for ex- ability; (3) reduced production cost/cell. So, manufacturing
ample Sugita et al24 and Mandai et al20). Croze et al96 have space and cost of goods can be optimized using microcarrier
identified 2 benefits of ROCK inhibitors in this regard: (1) scaffolds for RPE production. Microcarriers are particularly
ROCK inhibitors allow extended passage of human ESC- suited to automated manufacturing comprising closed, mod-
RPE and iPSC-RPE (increasing from 5 passages before ep- ular, and scalable components. Artificial intelligence screening
ithelial to mesenchymal transition in untreated cell lines to using quantitative bright-field absorbance microscopy
13-14 passages in treated cell lines); (2) ROCK inhibitors and deep neural networks enables prediction of iPSC-RPE
increase the rate of RPE proliferation (allowing an average transepithelial resistance and polarized VEGF secretion (both
of 30 doublings in treated cell lines vs 9 doublings in con- useful barometers of RPE differentiation).102,103 Combining
trol cultures). The effects on proliferation cease once ex- closed automated, modular microcarrier production systems
posure to the ROCK inhibitor is eliminated. Thus, ROCK with artificial intelligence screening of the final therapeutic
inhibitors allow one to use less starting material and passage product may enhance efficiency, increase scale, and reduce the
cells for a longer period. These investigators concluded that cost of iPSC-RPE production.
ROCK inhibition with Y-27632 should allow human ESC-
RPE and iPSC-RPE to be seeded at one-quarter the normal
density and grown for up to 13 passages, which could lead Future Directions
to faster production of cells for treatment at lower cost. Better methods to monitor host immune surveillance of the
Once stem cell-derived RPE has been manufactured, a re- graft might improve allogeneic transplant survival. Clinical
maining technical issue involves storage of the product prior evaluation with fundus examination, fluorescein angiography,
to transplantation. Determining the optimal stage for cryo- and currently available OCT technology are important but
preservation of stem cell-derived RPE is complex and may are not likely to detect the initial stages of rejection-a time
vary with the stem cell line used, the cryopreservative used, when intervention with more aggressive immunosuppression
and the cooling rate.97-99 might be indicated. Laboratory studies monitoring activation
Lee et al100 have designed a novel poly(glycerol sebacate) of host peripheral blood mononuclear cells probably should
scaffold that permits simultaneous delivery of RPE and over- be done at regular intervals since the nature of the immune
lying photoreceptors. The scaffold’s wells have a honeycomb- response to the graft seems to vary over time. It might be
shaped hexagonal perimeter and are 40 μm deep to enable helpful to develop imaging technology that permits the iden-
the retention of both RPE and photoreceptors. The base is tification of immune cells (eg, by labeling host immune cells
perforated with 4 μm diameter pores to enable fluid and with markers that can be visualized with OCT or with fundus
chemical exchange with the subjacent choroid. The scaf- autofluorescence), which could facilitate early detection of an
fold wells are laminin-coated. Scaffolds are first seeded with immune reaction to the graft. Most elderly patients do not
human iPSC-RPE to create an RPE monolayer at the base tolerate sustained immunosuppressive agents well, and these
of each well. Dissociated retinal organoid cells are then approaches might minimize exposure to these agents. In ad-
seeded onto the RPE monolayer. If integration with the host dition, it might be useful to systematically compare different
retina can be achieved, this device could be used to deliver methods of donor tissue preparation, as described in the Cell
sight-restoring, not just sight-preserving, therapy as areas of Manufacturing section, to identify the method that is least
AMD-GA are largely devoid of functional photoreceptors. immunogenic while maximizing the likelihood of donor-host
As is the case for any scaffold, in vivo as well as in vitro integration, if such a manufacturing process exists. In the
studies will be necessary to validate the safety and tolera- case of scaffold-based cell delivery, it may be possible to in-
bility of this device. corporate anti-inflammatory molecules into the scaffold (ie,
In addition to their role in cell delivery, scaffolds may also scaffold as a sustained delivery device) to minimize the host
play a central role in enabling efficient large-scale production response to the graft.
328 Stem Cells Translational Medicine, 2024, Vol. 13, No. 4

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