Emotions and Expressions Fun Activities Games Picture Description Exercises - 54050

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1. The man became ___. 2. The chef was ___ with 3. The rich man walked 4.

an walked 4. The man and the boy

the food. ___ to the bank. showed each other ___.

happy, confused, tired pleased, unhappy, bored confidently, arrogantly, forgiveness, shamefulness,
elegantly unwillingness

5. He ___ waited for his 6. He was a very ___ boy. 7. The men walked ___ to 8. Harry was ___ biting his
turn to play. their awaiting prison cells. fingernails.

patiently, angrily, depressed, angry, playful proudly, hesitatingly, hopefully, anxiously, gladly
admirably nervously

9. It turned out to be the 10. He reacted ___ well to 11. The man ___ 12. He had ___ waited for
___ day of their lives. the bad news. overreacted. this day to come.

happiest, saddest, longest surprisingly, really, slightly, hysterically, joyfully, curiously,

admirably happily blissfully

13. She couldn’t explain 14. He had made his 15. He ___ presented the 16. Peter was really ___ to
her ___ behavior. parents very ___. numbers in the meeting. see his friends.

irrational, foolish, daring ashamed, proud, confidently, proudly, anxious, happy, ready
concerned dishonestly

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