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I am short.

I am not short
Am I short.
I am from Argentina
I am not from Argentina.
Am I from Argentina?
I am hungry
I am not hungry
Am I hungry?
She is sleepy.
She is not sleepy
Is she sleepy?
She is tired.
She is not tired.
Is she tired?
She is lazy
She is not lazy.
Is she lazy?
He is crazy.
He is not crazy.
Is he crazy?
He is deaf.
He is not deaf.
Is he deaf?
He is slow
He is not slow
Is he slow?
They are happy.
They are not happy
Are they happy?
They are united.
They are not united.
Are they united?
They are smart.
They are not smart
Are they smart?
We are from America.
We are not from America.
Are we from America?
We are studious.
We are not studious.
Are we studious?
We are blind.
We are not blind.
Are we blind?

1. Jennifer is really beautiful.

Jennifer es realmente bella.

You are really beautiful

2. The horses are very dangerous.

Este caballo es muy peligroso.

This car is very dangerous

3. My pen pal is from France.
Mi amigo por correspondencia es de Francia.

My pencil is from France

4. The managers are not in the meeting room.

Los gerentes no están en la sala de reuniones.

The students are in the meeting room

5. My school friends are taller than me.

Mis amigos de la escuela son más altos que yo.

My cousin is taller than me

6. I’m sure that we’ll sell more products next year.

Estoy seguro de que venderemos más productos el año que viene.

I’m sure that we’ll sell more products

7. She is not fun.

Ella no es divertida.

He is not fun

8. He is the company CEO.

Él es el gerente general de la compañía.

He is the company CEO.

9. The weather is chilly these days.

El tiempo está frío estos días.
The rain is chilly these days

10. The museum is open today.

El museo está abierto hoy.

The school is open today

11. Jimmy isn’t interested in politics.

Jimmy no está interesado en la política.

12. I’m in charge of operations.

Estoy a cargo de las operaciones.

13. My dog is a street dog.

Mi perro es un perro de la calle.

14. Candice is married to a famous actor.

Candice está casada con un actor famoso.

15. Jason’s parents are very worried about his education.

Los padres de Jason están muy preocupados por su educación.
16. John is at home.
John está en sucasa.
17. I am Daniela.
Yo soy Daniela.

18. You are not silly.

No eres tonto.

19. Rafael Nadal is one of the best tennis players in history.

Rafael Nadal es uno de los mejores jugadores de tenis de la historia.

20. We are never late.

Nunca llegamos tarde.

21. The archipelago is located 100 kilometers off the coast of China.
El archipiélago está situado a 100 kilómetros de la costa de China.

22. My keys are not in my bag.

Mis llaves no están en mi cartera.

Your cars are in my house

My cars are in your house

Her car is in my house

23. This house is from the 18th century.
Esta casa es del siglo XVIII.

24. Your hands are very dirty!

¡Tus manos están muy sucias!

My hands are very dirty

My hand is very dirty

Your hands are very dirty

25. It’s 9 o’clock.

Son las nueve en punto.

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