Form 5 Maths MR Uzairi 04.03.2024

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Sir Uzairi
It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

1. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah tidak mempegaruhi premium yang dibayar bagi insurans hayat?
Which of the following does not affect the premium for paid life insurance?
A Umur
B Jantina
C Bangsa
D Nilai muka insurans
Face value of insurance

2. Encik Razman memiliki sebuah kedai pasar mini yang mejual pelbagai barangan runcit. Antara yang berikut,
yang manakah merupakan risiko yang boleh diansurankan oleh beliau.
Mr. Razman owns a mini market shop that sells various groceries. Which of the following is a risk that can be
insured by him.

I Kecurian harta benda dalam kedai

Burgalary in the premise
II Perniagaan mengalami kerugian
The business suffered a loss
III Bangunan kedai terbakar
The shop building was on fire
IV Pekerja warga asing melarikan diri
Foreign workers fled

A I dan II
I and II

B I dan III
I and III

C II dan IV
II and IV

D III dan IV
III and IV

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

3. Elizabeth mempunyai insurans perubatan dengan deduktibel tahunan sebanyak RM 800 dan fasal penyertaan
peratusan ko-insurans 80/20 dalam polisinya. Pada bulan Ogos 2023, Elizabeth telah menjalani satu pembedahan
kecil. Jika kos perubatan yang dilindungi polisi insurannya berjumlah RM 22 500, hitung bayaran kos yang
ditanggung sendiri.
Elizabeth has a major medical insurance policy with a deductible provision of RM 800 and an 80/20 co insurance
percentage participant clause in her policy. In August 2023, Elizabeth underwent a minor surgery. If the medical
cost covered by her policy is RM 22, 500, calculate the cost borne by Elizabeth herself.

A RM 18 160
B RM 17 360
C RM 5 140
D RM 4 340

4. Motosikal Ravi dilindungi dengan insurans motor yang mempunyai peruntukan deduktibel sebanyak RM 280.
Sepanjang tempoh insurans tersebut, Ravi telah terlibat dengan dua kemalangan. Jadual 6 menunjukkan kerugian
yang dialaminya.
Ravi’s motorcycles are covered by motor insurance which has a deductible provision of RM 280. During the
insurance period, Ravi was involved in two accidents. Table below shows losses he suffered.

Kemalangan Kerugian
Accidents Loss

Pertama RM 150.50

Kedua RM 390.00

Nyatakan jumlah bayaran pampasan yang boleh dituntut oleh Ravi.

State the amount of compensation that can be claimed by Ravi.

A RM 540.50
B RM 260.50
C RM 129.50
D RM 110.00

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.
5. (a) Encik Adam membeli insurans motor untuk lorinya yang mempunyai perentukan deduktibel sebanyak
RM 3 500. Lori yang dibeli Encik Adam telah mengalami kemalangan dengan kerugian sebanyak RM 11
000. Nyatakan sama ada Encik Adam boleh membuat tuntutan terhadap kerugian yang dialami atau tidak.
Mr Adam buys motor insurance for his lorry which has deductible provision amounting to RM 3 500. The
lorry that Mr Adam bought had an accident with a loss of RM 11 000. State whether Mr Adam can a
claim for the loss suffered or not.

(b) Encik Adam ingin membeli insuran kebakaran untuk pangsapurinya. Syarikat insurans menetapkan
bahawa nilai boleh insurans pangsapuri tersebut ialah RM 80 000. Polisi insurans kebakaran yang ingin
dibelinya mempunyai peruntukan ko-insurans untuk menginsurans 70% daripada nilai boleh insurans
hartanya dan deduktibel sebanyak RM 2000.
Mr. Adam wants to buy fire insurance for his apartment. The insurance company determined that the
insurable value of the apartment was RM 80 000. The fire insurance policy he wanted to purchase had
co-insurance provision to insure 70% of the insurable value his property and a deductible of RM 2 000.

(i) Berapakah jumlah insurans yang harus dibeli untuk pangsapuri Encik Adam?
How much insurance should be purchased for Mr. Adam’s apartment.
(ii) Pada bulan Mac, pangsapuri Encik Adam terbakar disebabkan oleh litar pintas. Dia telah
mengalami kerugian sebanyak RM 25 000 akibat kebakaran itu. Jika Encik Adam
menginsurankan rumahnya dengan jumlah RM 42 000, hitung bayaran pampasan yang
In March, Mr Adam’s apartment was caught on fire due to short circuit. Mr Adam bear loss of
RM 25 000 due to the fire accident. If Mr Adam insured his house with the value of RM 42 000,
calculate how much compensation that he will receive.
[4 markah/marks]

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.

6. Encik Khairil mempunyai polisi insurans perubatan dengan UBMT Insurans dengan peruntukan deduktibel
sebanyak RM 800 dan fasal penyertaan peratusan ko-insurans 80/20 dalam polisinya. Hitung bayaran kos yang
ditanggung oleh UBMT Insurans dan Encik Khairil sendiri jika kos perubatan yang dilindungi polisinya
berjumlah RM 22 500.
Mr Khairil has a medical insurance policy with UBMT Insurance with a deductible provision of RM 800 and a
co- insurance percentage participation clauses of 80/20 in his policy. Calculate the cost incurred by UBMT
Insurance and Encik Khairil himself if the medical costs covered by his policy amount to RM 22 500.
[4 markah/ marks]

7. Encik Lim ingin membeli insurans hayat bernilai RM 220 000 daripada FH Insurance. Kadar Premium tahunan
yang dikenakan oleh syarikat insurans ialah RM 2.34 bagi setiap RM 1 000. Nilai muka mengikut umur dan
status kesihatan beliau.
Encik Lim wants to buy a life insurance worth RM 220 000 from FH Insurance. The annual premium rate
charged by the insurance company is RM 2.34 for every RM 1 000 face value according to his age and health

(a) Nyatakan pemegang polisi dan nilai muka polisi.

State the policyholder and the face value of the policy.
(b) Hitung premium bulanan yang perlu dibayar oleh Encik Lim
Calculate the monthly premium needs to pay By Encik Lim
[4 markah/ marks]

It Takes 4 Repetitions to Learn,
NOTES: If You Need Less... You’re Gifted,
If You Need More... You’re Not Even Trying.


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