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Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN


NARCOSIA Publishing -2008

Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN



Urge to read, analyze and apply these meditations By reading and analyzing the meditations of AGC, by applying one or more thoughts we will find solutions that will help us: I. Discover: 1. qualities; 2. defects; 3. capabilities; 4. skills; 5. some opportunities to succeed in life; 6. finding a partner for life; 7. keeping our marriage; 8. discovering our feelings; 9. discovering our mistakes; 10. etc..

II. To prevent some: 1. mistakes; 2. accidents; 3. divorces; 4. trouble; 5. bankruptcies; 6. failures; 7. conflicts; 8. etc.. III. To become: 1. more efficient; 2. happier; 3. more loved; 4. more honorable; 5. appreciated; 6. more respected; 7. more lovers; 8. more organize; 9. more optimistic;

10. more plan; 11. most active; 12. best; 13. fairer; 14. humanities; 15. more unselfish; 16. popular; 17. more famous; 18. etc.. IV. To come out of: 1. the state of lost hope; 2. the state of pessimism; 3. the state of despair; 4. the state of passivity; 5. the state of inactivity 6. etc.. V. To participate at: 1. social life; 2. political life;

3. the activity of non-profit organization 4. etc.. VI. To find more opportunities to meet conditions favorable or more favorable. VII. To let us change our lives more in good, to make it more beautiful. VIII. To expand our chances to find the right partner for life. IX. To let us realize and to maintain a happy marriage. X. To let us raise and educate our children better, to take more care of them. I am writing these meditations and adding these books, other

publications and on the Internet, etc.. because we need them every day and it is necessary to apply them so that we each achieve what we want: a more beautiful life, a more prosperous and happy one. These meditations reflect a tiny part of reality, of what would be good to be present in real life and in human relations. I expect good news from you, good deeds that you have done influenced by the fact that you have read and applied one or more ideas to make your life more beautiful, more prosperous, more happy and to be positive lively models for others. Each of us can become a positive new model for those around

us thus participating in the creation of a better human society, of a more prosperous one, and a happier one. I would be very happy and excited if one or more ideas that you have read, help you in one way or another or make you happier, more prosperous, etc.. I wish you all health, happiness and the achieving of all things that you want. I expect your news, ideas, opinions, troubles and joys, etc.. Sincerely, with love and with much joy, I invite you to visit my site and to write to me at:

Ardelean Gheorghe Cornel (AGC)


1) True love gives us power. 2) Mutual love makes us much more optimistic. 3) Mutual love makes us happy. 4) Mutual love is a condition to have a

happy family. 5) Loving each other often prevents divorce. 6) Both man and woman are fulfilled in a happy marriage. 7) We sympathize those who love us. 8) Each of us needs to provide affection. 9) Each of us needs to receive affection. 10) When we love we feel better. 11) Love is a feeling that, sometimes, makes us more sympathetic to the one we love. 12) Happiness is a must that all of us want, at all times. 13) Some say that the greatest treasure of all is love. Love is a great treasure, which also makes other treasures greater ones or simply creates treasures.

14) For a marriage to survive in long term it is necessary for husbands to do everything humanly possible and normal to maintain and sustain mutual love. 15) When a love relationship breaks we must not seek to blame only the other. 16) We have more chances to keep a love relationship for a longer period of time if we are fair with each other. 17) Women very often give enormously additional power to the men whom they love and by whom they are loved. 18) A husbands love for the woman is also manifested by the harmonious and continuous communication with his wife.

19) In order to achieve a balanced life is necessary to find a person to love and who love us. Without a mutual happy love, we cannot have a balanced life. 20) Some say that the greatest treasure of all is love. Love is a great treasure, which also makes other treasures greater ones or simply creates treasures. Indeed there are situations, moments in which love for us is the greatest treasure, however we can not generalize that this is the greatest treasure of life automatically. If we can look deeply in a general way we can not practically determine which the greatest treasure is. For example, our wisdom can be evaluated as the largest treasure for many reasons.

Usually the wise manage to achieve true love and retain it. Without wisdom is very difficult to make and keep a true love. When wisdom disappears or the wise makes big mistakes that adversely affects love very much, or sometimes even destroys it can be seen what a great treasure wisdom is and how much love depends on wisdom. 21) Most of the time mutual love maintains a marriage. 22) Mature love makes our life longer. 23) Mature love creates a lot of happiness. 24) Without dedication we can not maintain a mature love. 25) Compliance with the principles helps us achieve mature love.

26) Cheerfulness helps us achieve mature love. 27) A woman is a fastidious being that we all want to have, whom we understand, with whom to achieve a real mature love and a happy marriage with happy children. 28) Life will be much more beautiful if we keep our mature love. 29) Sociable individuals are more likely to achieve a mature love. 30) Patience with the self contributes greatly to maintaining true love. 31) We each love in our own way. 32) Real mutual love creates a lot of joy. 33) Real mutual love brings us much happiness. 34) We have a lot of happiness. We

can get through the achievement and maintenance of a real mutual love. 35) True love, filled with many common essential values to achieving and maintaining a happy marriage, creates and maintains a really happy marriage together forever. 36) Love for the vast majority of women is particularly important. Given this fact in having a love, relationship of true unfortunately, many facts are unacceptable. 37) True love for women is a very important need. 38) Especially for the young true love is a particularly important necessity. 39) For many young people true love is a way of life.

40) Life without true love for many young people is unacceptable. 41) If young people do not have a true love they continuously look for it in the hope that they achieve it. 42) In many cases both women and men go quickly from a type of friendly intimacy to love. 43) Sometimes some women seeking love may be devoid of scruples. 44) Sometimes some men in search of love can be unscrupulous. 45) If you want to have a happy marriage you will be able to achieve it. It only depends on you and the person that you love and the love of your life partner. You must have confidence in your forces, in the partner you really want, to have this

goal and to persevere continuously every day to make it so. You will most certainly achieve and maintain a happy marriage. I am with you with written ideas that can help enormously in a spiritual way. Good luck. 46) A happy marriage is made of mature love. 47) A happy marriage can be maintained only by mature love. 48) Mature love exists due to the relationship between interpersonal love, mutual satisfaction of needs, objectives and personal expectations of the persons involved. 49) The need for another is satisfied best by a mature love. 50) Mature love gives safety to a happy marriage.

51) Mature love ensures stability to a happy marriage. 52) Mature love gives us security. 53) The need to maintain a happy marriage can be met only through mature love. 54) Mature love is duet o the joining of the optimal intelligent rationality, accountability, realism and logic with pleasure, joy and mutual giving. 55) Adult love has the capacity and quality to face and overcome all obstacles and situations without exception of the two lives. 56) Life is more beautiful if you include mature love in it. 57) We can achieve a mature love if we set it as a personal goal. 58) The two spouses need to take

very great care of each other, care for their individual behaviors so that they do not affect mature love. 59) Mature love provides the ideal environment for children in a family. 60) Mature love ensures the safety of children in the family. 61) Love is a mature inestimable treasure. 62) Very often mature love makes miracles and incredible facts. 63) Adult love is responsible, is based on logic, reason, mutual satisfaction of the need of love, lasting ties between the two lovers, confidence in one another, confidence in themselves, the success of their relationship and the achievement of personal goals, etc. 64) Love is sometimes achieved and

becomes the first step of mature love. 65) Love carries each of the partners step by step through deepening mutual awareness, through the multitude of interrelations, through the needs to support the relationship in achieving personal goals, increasing confidence in one another, etc. Love knows how to mature and 66) respect the role of sex in a marriage. 67) My meditations help you achieve a mature love. 68) Preventive actions help us very much to keep mature love. 69) Our life will be more beautiful if we know how to achieve a mature love. Good luck. 70) Loyalty is a quality and value used to maintain a mature love.

71) Sociable individuals are more likely to keep a mature love. 72) Being positive helps and contributes to achieving a true love. 73) Family violence enormously harms mature love. 74) The way in which one loves is realized also by seeing other models of love. 75) Mature love helps in maintaining our health. 76) Without dedication we can not keep a true love. 77) Positive ideas help us keep our mature love. 78) Time helps very much to achieve a mature love. 79) Mature love can exist both in the third age as in youth. 80) My meditations help us to

achieve and maintain true love. Read, analyze and apply those that you accept. Good luck. 81) My meditations impulse us and push us to achieve and maintain true love. Read, analyze and apply those that you accept. Good luck. 82) Illegal actions can destroy mature, true love. Is it worth it? No. So be careful. 83) Mature love also contains relationships of mutual interdependence. 84) A more realistic and more intimate self- awareness helps and contributes greatly to the achievement of mature love. 85) Love helps us mature and contributes greatly to achieving more fulfillments.

86) Sincerity contributes greatly to the achievement of mature love. 87) Cheerfulness helps in maintaining a mature love. 88) Many in pursuit of riches are destroying true love. 89) How we love differs from person to person. 90) Mature love creates certain interdependencies between the two lovers but also gives them a lot of independence in many situations. 91) Sincerity is a quality that contributes greatly to maintaining mature love. 92) Mature love gives us additional powers. 93) Patience with the self helps us achieve a mature love. 94) Family violence enormously

harms a happy love. 95) Love helps us and contributes to revitalize our personality. 96) Family violence enormously harms a happy love. 97) There are situations where love is born step by step, gradually. 98) True happiness is known by a man only by the woman who loves him, whom he loves and with whom he has a happy marriage. 99) Tact helps us keep our mature love. 100) Sociable people are more likely to maintain mature love. 101) Positive principles contribute and help us achieve a real love. 102) How we love is determined by the patterns we have seen in love. 103) Mature love contributes to

maintaining our health. 104) Positive thoughts help us maintain our mature love. 105) Reciprocal love makes us more optimistic. 106) When you are in love you think many times a day of the loved person. 107) When you are in love you want only the best for the loved person. 108) Only the person who knows what love feels like is in love. 109) When you are in love you want to make the person you love happy. Love makes you be happy 110) when you are loved and makes you love the person who loves you. 111) Love makes us become more

understanding with the person that we love. Love gives you power. 112) 113) True love is only when you love maturely and you are really loved maturely by the person you love. 114) You really know what it means to love only when you have loved or when you truly love. 115) When you are truely in love your whole body feels love. 116) Real love is total love. 117) True mature love lives on in time as long as the two lovers live. 118) True mature love makes some persons more optimistic. 119) The one who truly loves and is loved by the very person whom he loves, feels really alive.

120) The one who truly loves and is loved by the very person whom he loves, has more chances to achieve his personal goals. 121) A happy marriage shall be maintained until there is true mature love between the two spouses. 122) Those who really love each other need to be more tolerant of each other. 123) When you are in love and loved by the woman you love, you feel the need to live forever. 124) Love develops by loving and being loved by the person that you love. 125) It is worth every effort necessary to maintain real mature love. 126) Most women and men are

looking for a happy marriage, but unfortunately they do too little, give too little time, too little attention to that and to achieving and maintaining it. If on the contrary, they will do what is necessary to achieve and maintain a happy marriage, they will surely achieve it. I wish you success with the confidence that you will be able to achieve and maintain a happy marriage. Good luck again. 127) Life is a lot more beautiful when we love and when we are loved. 128) When you are in love you think how to do something good for the person you love. 129) Love makes us be more tolerant with the person we love. 130) Love makes you happy when

the person who loves you is also loved by you. 131) A man who loves and is loved by the person he loves has greater chances to achieve more and greater successes. 132) When you are in love and you are loved by the woman you love you feel truly alive. 133) Only the person who loves and is loved by the person he loves truly knows what he really feels. 134) You really understand what love is about only when you have loved or when you truly love and have been truly loved or are truly loved by the person you love or have loved. 135) True mature love is maintained by loving as being loved

by the person you love. 136) Love does much more than just exists. 137) Truly long lasting love has many positive effects. 138) True love makes some of us more patient. 139) A man who loves and is loved by the person he loves has greater chances to achieve a long lasting marriage. 140) When you are in love you have more intense feelings. 141) There are enormously many people who do incredibly little to achieve a true mature love. 142) No one can describe the true happiness lived by that person who loves and who is loved by the person he loves.

143) Tolerance between two lovers contributes a lot to maintaining a true mature love. 144) When you are in love and loved by the woman you love you live more intensely. 145) True mature love makes lovers be more flexible with each other. 146) True mature love is not maintained by itself but only by loving and being loved by the person you love. 147) It is worth to spend the necessary time to maintain true mature love. 148) True love increases our enthusiasm. 149) True mature love has multiple positive effects on both lovers.

150) True mature love creates much happiness for both lovers. 151) Mutual love makes life more beautiful. 152) When you are in love you feel differently. 153) No one can live the true happiness lived by that person who loves and who is loved by the person he loves. 154) We each love in our own way. 155) Some of us love deeply and some more superficially. 156) Nobody will ever have the ability to put on paper the happiness live by that person who loves and who is loved by the person he loves. 157) When you are in loved and loved by the woman you love you live more intensely.

158) There are an incredible number of people who do incredibly little to maintain their love. 159) An energetic man has more chances to achieve true love. 160) An open man has more chances to achieve true love. 161) Our rich life experience helps us achieve a true, mature love. 162) People who are in love have an open heart. 163) The sense of organization helps us achieve a true, mature love. 164) Those who are capable of self control have a higher ability to achieve mature love. 165) People who are careful have more chances to achieve a mature love. 166) People who inspire trust have a

bigger capacity to maintain mature love. 167) The state of anger makes achieving a mature love more difficult. 168) A positive conception of life contributes a lot in achieving mature love. 169) A positive operative spirit increases our ability to achieve mature love. 170) Correct thinking contributes a lot in maintaining mature love. 171) Those who have the sense of objectivity have more and greater chances to achieve a mature love. 172) People with prejudice cannot achieve a mature love because of some prejudices. 173) Those who willingly expand their positive experience have a

greater capacity to maintain mature love. 174) The sense of quality helps us a lot to achieve mature love. 175) The sense of fairness helps us a lot to maintain a mature love. 176) Persons who respect collaborators have more chances to achieve a mature love. 177) Solving problems through positive methods increases our capacity to maintain a mature love. 178) Persons who take positive decisions have more chances to maintain a mature love. 179) Skilled persons have a higher capacity to maintain true, mature love. 180) Those who control circumstances have a greater ability

to achieve a mature love. 181) The majority of those who do not have a goal in life maintain a mature love harder. 182) A positive enterprising spirit increases our ability to maintain a mature love. 183) The majority of those who have the ability to react with understanding have the necessary capacity to maintain mature love. 184) People who know how to motivate other people have more chances to achieve a mature love. 185) People who respect their collaborators have a greater ability to maintain a mature love. 186) Some people with the wrong ideas can not achieve mature love because of some wrong ideas.

187) People who are not careful with others have difficulties in achieving mature love. 188) Those who have had better economical and social conditions during their evolution have the capacity to maintain mature love. 189) Those who live their life passionately and not at random have a greater capacity to achieve true love. 190) The majority of those who have the ability to consciously choose have the capacity to achieve a mature love. 191) People who know how to take quality decisions have a greater capacity of maintaining a mature love. 192) The inner beauty of a woman,

as long as the woman is concerned, contributes the most in achieving mature love. 193) The inner beauty of a man, as far as the man is concerned, contributes the most in achieving mature love. 194) Our present scientific knowledge, the human experience related to marriage, love can contribute in a short time in the formation and development of a powerful science of forming and maintaining a happy marriage. 195) A mature reciprocal love cannot be replaced by anything. 196) Although a mature reciprocal love is what we all desire, most of us do too little and spend too little time in achieving it. Still, many of us are

very surprised about why we have not achieved a mature reciprocal love. 197) The love of a woman given to a man is unique and has something special that makes it more apart and that creates happiness for the man, a happiness that only a fat woman can provide. 198) A reciprocal mature love produces effect on us that only it can produce. 199) People who are calm in any situation have more chances of achieving mature love. 200) People who are in love usually have a good mood. 201) The richness of the soul contributes a lot and maintaining true love. 202) Those who build their life on

rationally conscious bases have great chances to achieve a true mature love. 203) Those who have the ability to dissociate emotions from their responsibilities have the chances and the potential to maintain a mature love. 204) Mature love many times brings us luck. 205) Love can only be maintained through loving behaviors. 206) Positive imagination can help us a lot to achieve true love. 207) Love gives us powers. 208) Love makes us more optimistic. 209) Love makes us stronger. 210) Love makes us enthusiastic. 211) Love makes us better. 212) Love sometimes makes us more flexible.

213) Love sometimes makes us more kind. 214) Sometimes love makes us more adaptable. 215) Sometimes love makes us more intelligent. 216) Love sometimes makes us more agile. Love sometimes makes us more 217) efficient. 218) Love sometimes makes us more communicative. 219) Love sometimes makes us more understanding. 220) Love sometimes makes us more productive. 221) Love sometimes makes us more caring. 222) Love sometimes makes us more loving. 223) Love sometimes makes us have

a better mood. 224) Love is everzthing, love is wonderful, love is all around...enjoy and embrace it!


About the author and his ideas

Hmm ... I do not know where to begin. It is difficult to really know someone. Often, the person on whom you stopped is difficult to decipher. That is not the case of Gheorghe Cornel Ardelean. From the first moment I knew and he got my attention. I recognized him immediately from the descriptions made by his colleagues of detention: "One small, with white haired man with many books and newspapers in his hand, they said. My curiosity pushed me to address him, cheerful, open; he began to talk to me as if we knew each other for years. A person opened both to dialogue as well as current jokes from detention. I got

to know him even better when we met at Club Central. A nice company as long as you succeed not to be attracted in that part of the discussion where his future plans are. Plans that are repeated endlessly become a burden for the people around him. Not because it would be something wrong in what he says but through their very repeatability. On several occasions I have read some of his meditations, others have been published in the magazine "Freedom in Thought" of the cenacle "The Handcuffs of Time." By their simplicity and the fact that they expresses absolute truths, for those who do not take seriously the writings of Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean they may seem indeed to

read seriously what to write, I bet they will find among the apparently simple lines, a message equal to a person who has suffered enormously because of human and system injustices. The cry of a man eager for more, eager for simplicity, for the truth and for a Utopia, wishful of a perfect world. If even 10% of what he writes would be put into practice by us, then certainly we would set ourselves and with others at the same time. Surprisingly, nobody sees that Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean even puts into practice what he writes, which means that he really believes it. With an analytical style impossible to confuse, Mr. Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean is successful in a

few lines and penetrates into the essence of truth. By this thinking, he is venturing into an area still unexplored in specialized literature. Specialized topics are part of the absolute truths that each of us have deep within our being, so acknowledged, so obvious, so natural that no one has ventured to put them on paper. But surely there will be many who, after reading and rereading these absolute truths will solve many of the problems of their existence. The novelty that makes Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean stand out besides putting on paper a well-known truth, is that it also leads to problem solving. It is a promising start in an area of astute competition and often an unscrupulous one.

I wish you success Mr. Ardelean and may these meditations help as many people as possible. Do not give up, continue on the path that you have chosen and maybe in the nearer or further future the world will be at least 5% as you want it to be. Do not give up ... We ... only a few, I must admit, we are beside you. SIMION SEBASTIAN EDUARD Graduate of the Academy of Theater and Film Former journalist of the national newspapers and Romania Libera, Evenimentul Zilei, was Her Majesty's Paul of Romanias adviser a businessman resident in Italy


Gheorghe Cornel Ardelean Writer (66 books written, 7 edited) born 03rd.11.1954, in Macea, Arad County, Email:
I have known the economist Cornel Ardelean for dozens of years, as a guy that outraged the thought of some who did not believe in his ideas, innovative, simply put but with a long and efficient duration. After the Revolution he proved that he is indeed a good economist by founding the first small enterprise of Arad County, in the year 1990 of the post-communist age. I have always been by Cornel Ardeleans side, never ceasing to believe that the man can rise above his time if he wishes to and if he has the potential to do it. SABIN BODEA President of the Writers League of Romania Arad Branch ISBN 978-973-88998-0-3 ISBN 978-973-88998-1-0


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