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To Whom it May Concern:

This letter serves to verify that (name of student) has completed the (XXXXXXXX degree of
XXXXXXXX) from (Name of University). This government recognized teacher preparation
program trains teachers to instruct students at XXXXXXXX grade level(s) and is recognized
for the following subject area:

o Early Childhood
o Elementary Education
o Secondary Education
o Special Education-Mild/Moderate
o Special Education-Moderate/Severe
o English Language Education (This program trains teachers to instruct students at all
grade levels and is recognized for all subject matters, not being limited to language
instruction only.)
o Other ___________________________

XXXXXXXXX completed their student teaching/internship at XXXXXXXX school teaching the

subject(s) (name of subject) in the following grade level(s) (specify the grade levels).

I certify that the above-mentioned student is a professionally trained teacher.



Dean of the College or University

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