Yunus Trionggo Day 1 Segment 3 Driving Leadership Essence Learning Is A Never-Ending Process 3.3

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Building Learning Agility

in Disruptive Era
Driving Leadership Essence: Learning is A Never Ending Process

Makasar Leadership Summit (MLS)

27 November 2023
Dr Yunus Triyonggo, CAHRI.
Ketua Steering Committee GNIK
Dr. Ir. Yunus Triyonggo, MM., CAHRI.

Work HR & GA Director

Experience PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia 2018 - Now
Chief of Human Capital Officer
PT Sierad Produce, Tbk. 2012 - 2018
Vice President Human Resources
PT Nestle Indonesia 2010 - 2012
(+62) 8111 967 009 HR Business Partner
PT Unilever Indonesia, Tbk. 2002 - 2010 Personnel & GA Manager
PT HM Sampoerna, Tbk. 2001 - 2002
DrYunusTriyonggoCAHRI Branch Personnel Manager
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Tbk. 1992 - 2001
Chairman of Steering Committee
Gerakan Nasional Indonesia Kompeten Organizations :

Founder of Gerakan Chairman of Indonesia Human

Nasional Indonesia Kompeten (GNIK) Resources Institute (IndHRI)
Part - 1 : Disruption changes the world
Part - 2 : Are we still exist and relevant?
Part - 3 : Boost your learning to adapt
Part - 4 : Learning Agility is a must have
Disruption changes the world
Part - 1

The World is Changing // Digital Disruption is Inevitable

Disruption era brings new opportunities but creates only few winners.

52% company concerned Only 28% company able 90% CEOs believe their
about becoming obsolete to innovate company- company is facing disruptive
wide 1) change and 70% say their
company lack the skills to
adapt 2)
Today, a new set of business and working skills is needed. While bigger and more mature company working on to define new
leadership, structures, diversity, technology needed to deal with the era of disruption, the smaller company even unaware that the
disruption is already here.
1) Embracing Digital Future – Vanson Bourne 2016 Research Report Commissioned by Dell Technologies
2) Rewriting The Rules of Digital Age – 2017 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends
The World is Changing // 4 th Industrial Revolution is here

Robots and cognitive technologies are making steady advances, particularly in jobs and tasks that follow
set, standardized rules and logic.


The cost of making Technology grow 10x Until 2020, 5.1 Million
artificial intelligent is more powerful every Jobs will lost to disruptive
almost zero 3) 5 years 4) labor market 5)
In an ever faster pace, routine tasks and jobs has been taken by automatic machine. Human Resources with
deep and creative skills now needed more than ever to ensure sustainability of national workforce
3) Forbes Greatest Living Business Mind on Artificial Intelligence – by Michael Dell, CEO of DELL
4) Accelerating Digital Business in the Era of 4th Industrial Revolution - Amit Midha, President of DELL EMC 6

5) The Future of Jobs : Employment, Skills, and Workforce Strategy for the 4th Industrial Revolution – WEC 2016 Executive Summary
2009 2019
336.96 B$
1.058 B$
294.68 B$ 2 APPLE
2 959 B$
202.90 B$
3 959 B$
RULES OF 2009 2019
194 B$ 4
839 B$

We now live in a world

where every company is
177.14 B$
in its own right is a
5 550 B$

technology company
Total: 1.2 T USD Total: 4.4 T USD

Technological companies still

dominate the top market capitalization
in the world from 2019 until now.
Big Bang Market Adoption
Retail Banking
Health Care

Professional Government




Source: Accenture, 2013

Big Bang Disruption collapses Everett Rogers’s classic bell curve theory. Now there are only two groups: trial users, who often
participate in product development, and everybody else. The adoption curve has become something closer to a straight line that
shoots up, and then falls rapidly when saturation is reached or a new disruptor appears.
1. Technology is boosting productivity
2. Glasses will overtake mobile phones
3. The rise of quantum computing
4. 5G will create lots more use cases Nicholas Thompson, CEO, Sunil Bharti Mittal, Chairman, Arvind Krishna, Chairman
The Atlantic Bharti Enterprises and CEO, IBM Corporation
5. ChatGPT-like tech will become the norm
6. Great things will need good data
7. The metaverse is evolving very quickly
8. We will see a democratization of services

Cristiano Amon, President and CEO,

Julie Sweet, Chair and CEO,
Qualcomm Incorporated

Digital disruption forced

organization to change its business
model and embed digital
transformation. Nevertheless it
impact the employment landscape.
- The Future of Jobs Report | World Economic Forum
Part - 2

Are we still exist and relevant?

What is AI and what’s the
big deal about it?

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

refers to the development
of computer systems that It’s a big deal, especially now,
can perform tasks typically because it’s transforming the
requiring human way we work in
intelligence. This includes specializations including
capabilities such as autonomous vehicles,
learning, reasoning, medical diagnostics, financial
problem-solving, and management, risk prediction
understanding natural and preemption, and much
language. more.
State of AI Investment & Jobs CS: Computer Science

Industry investment race ahead of academia & demand for professional is increasing across every industrial sector (in U.S.A.)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Fastest Growing Consumer App in History

2 Revolutionary Technology: • 2022 Nov: ChatGPT launched with 1M users in 5 days

• Now: >1B users per visits per month
1980 – GUI (Graphical User Interface)
“The AI Arms Race Is Changing Everything”
2022 – OpenAI’s GPT passed Bill Gates’ challenge Time: Forecasters at PwC predict that
impact-chatgpt-microsoft-google/ AI could boost the global economy by over $15 trillion by 2030.
Generative A.I. (G.A.I.) Teaches computers to do things(e.g. solve
problems) that usually require human

CHATGPT Artificial Intelligence intelligence by learning from data &


Machine Learning Use algorithms & statistical models to learn and

improve automatically without being explicitly
Generative A.I. + programmed.
Large Language
Generative AI generates content/data (e.g.,
Models (LLM) Text, Images, Codes) based on input or rule
LLM uses Natural Language Processing to
understand & generate human language
GPT (Generative Pre-
Trained Transformer) Pre-Trained with large amount of data
to generate human-like text response

Uses GPT to generate text response in human-

G.A.I. like conversational (“chatting”) manner
(e.g. ChatGPT)

CHATGPT = AI chatbot developed by OpenAI that can answer

complex in a human-like manner
Internet Data Research Digital Personal Assistant
Are you aware of it? Have you anticipated what you need to do? Is
your job is still exist? Have you understand the latest update and
could you mitigate the risks?
Effects of Technology Trends up to 2050
Boost your learning to adapt
Part - 3
The university's role in disruptive education
1. Practice over theory
2. Multidisciplinary learning
3. Digital innovation
4. Closer links with the job market
5. Making competitiveness a priority
Individual Learning Way in Disruptive Era
✓ In the era of disruption → to be an active
learner and equip oneself with strong
knowledge about regulation, competency, and
✓ Literature review conducted by Aminatul
Syakdiyah et al. (2019), learners should equip
themselves with digital technology skill and
foreign language mastership to encourage
themselves and integrate the sciences in real
✓ Karthik Krishnan, CEO of Redesign Health,
suggests that learning agility, curiosity, and
adaptability are three vital skills for the age of
Learning Trends in the Era of Disruption
1. Disruptive Learning: this learning method carried out as
a transformation process through a re-orientation of the
mindset towards sustainable learning abilities.

2. Blended Learning: learning that allows reflection

between teachers and students by integrating the use of
appropriate technology in it.

3. Project-based Learning: students can be more active in

their work and hone their creativity by taking a research-
based approach to a problem.

4. Problem-based Learning: this learning uses the method

of introducing a case or problem to students so that
students can find solutions to the case.

Source: Muthia Rahmadita, 2022

Darwin’s Theory: something we can learn from

Since the world is changing rapidly, key things to be survive is to “adapt”,

not being strongest or most intelligent or richest or biggest.
Learning never ends..

The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small
anymore. It will bethis
the Template
fast beating the slow.
[Rupert Murdoch]
Learning Agility is a must have
Part - 4

✓ The first-generation of the learning organization reached its nadir with the continuous improvement
movement launched by W. Edwards Deming and encapsulated by Japanese car giant Toyota, whose
quality circles, kaizen and take time quickly spread throughout the manufacturing sector.
✓ A second-generation then emerged to try and enable organizations to leap successfully from their
current sphere to new spheres. This is a world that tries to overcome the innovator's dilemma by
learning new things even when their current strength remains powerful. Netflix, for instance, shifted
from DVD rental to streaming.
✓ Now however, we're in a third-generation of the learning organization, with new technologies
speeding up the rate at which we can both absorb new information and test our assumptions.

Deloitte's Global Human Capital Trends report shows how far many organizations still
have to go. It found that fear and uncertainty were the predominant emotions when
discussing AI and data-driven technologies, with just 6% of organizations saying they
were ready to embrace the new opportunities.

Source: Adi Gaskell, 2019

What is Learning Agility?
✓ Learning agility is a combination of skills
highlighting employees’ willingness to
learn from experience and apply these
insights to function in challenging
situations effectively → learn, unlearn,
and relearn.
✓ Learning-agile employees specific
behaviors → active, sociable, methodical
perfectionists, come up with new ideas,
have the power to challenge colleagues,
and express their thoughts clearly.
Agile Learning vs Conventional Learning
Agile Learning Conventional Learning

- Opening up to diverse
experiences - Generating solution
- Getting new to straightforward
perspectives problems
- Conceptual thinking - Technical skills
reflecting on ”Why & - Analytical and Data-
How” crunching skills
- EQ is given - IQ is given importance
Learning Agility Factors?
People who are learning agile:
❑ Seek out experiences to learn from
❑ Enjoy complex problems and challenges
associated with new experiences.
❑ Get more out of those experiences because
they have an interest in making sense of them.
❑ Perform better because they incorporate new
skills into their repertoire. A person who is
learning agile has more lessons, more tools,
and more solutions to draw on when faced
with new business challenges.
Anatomy of Powerful Agile Learner
Latticework of mental model The illiterate of 21th
century will not be those
Reflective practice Growth mindset who cannot read and write
but those who cannot
Brain based learning strategy learn, unlearn, and relearn

Search & sense making Collaborative network

Experiment & fail faster Work out load

Alvin Toffler
Futurist & Author

Performance system & tools Continuous learning habit Source:

✓ Agile learners are hungry for more.
More knowledge. More experiences.
More skills.
✓ They are endlessly curious—
relentless in their pursuit of new facts
and information. They take risks,
both big and small, exploring new and
novel situations.
✓ Curiosity, risk-taking, and reflection
are central to Learning Agility. People
who are highly learning agile have a
sense of wonder, a readiness to seek
out the unfamiliar, and an ability to
unpack this new knowledge in
actionable ways.
Learning Agility Dimension

Reflecting on How and Why

Being resourceful
Having resilience

Being street smart

Learning Opening to new ideas
Learning from observation Agility

Welcoming changes and

Learning through experiences
learning on the go

Searching for parallels

Mastering rules of thumb
Bukan Pilihan
Melompat tapi Keharusan
Drive Leadership Essence → Learning Agility
1. Use a learning agility assessment
The Learning Agility Indicator evaluates a person’s learning speed, adaptability, ability to deal with complexity, and
interpersonal skills. The Change Style Indicator is another good assessment that examines how an individual
approaches change.
2. Hire adaptive team members
The adaptability of an organization is often a reflection of its workforce. So, during the recruitment phase, prioritize
candidates who exhibit high learning agility.
3. Fail quickly and continuously
This approach, commonly known as “failing forward”, enables individuals and teams to adapt and grow more quickly.
Holding regular debriefing sessions after the conclusion of projects, whether successful or not, can offer valuable
lessons and opportunities for improvement.
4. Foster a culture of adaptability, innovation, and learning
Aim to nurture an organizational culture that sees change as an opportunity, encourages innovative thinking, and values continuous
5. Provide continuous upskill training to employees
Organizations can support continuous learning by providing employees with regular upskilling and reskilling
Being agile Leader

Create Agile Learning

System & Culture

Create skilled and

competent employees


Sustainability &
Ingat Rumus Fisika sederhana = Gaya

Kecepatan tidak lah cukup, harus pakai percepatan dengan rumus kuadrat nya
Valentino Rossi
menyalip Marques di
tikungan lap-lap
terakhir dengan
bisa mencapai garis
finish lebih dulu.
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