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Western Mindanao State University

Aurora External Studies Unit

Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

Lesson Plan in Grade 8 – English

Prepared by Mary Apple Mahinay Masing

BSED IV- English

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson,
A. students can define Repetition.
B. students can enumerate the kinds of repetition.
C. students are expected to perform a song or a poem that uses repetition.
II. Subject Matter: Figurative Language (Repetition)

Reference: Learning Module for English- Grade 8, Page 445

Materials: Book, Visual Aids, Power Point Presentation, Marking Pens, Manila Paper

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

“Everybody please stand.” (students do as told)

“Maloloy-on please led the prayer.” (student does as told)

“Good morning class.” “Good morning Ms. Masing, good

morning classmates, good morning.

“Before you sit, pick up the pieces of (students do as told)

papers and arrange your chairs properly.

The teacher will ask her students (Students raise their hands if they want
about figurative language (Simile, to answer.)
Metaphor, Hyperbole and Alliteration)

2.MOTIVATION: London Bridge

“This time let us sing a children song. I
know you knew it since childhood. Kindly London bridge is falling down,
pay attention to the lyrics or words found Falling down, falling down.
in the song. Are we clear class?” London bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
The teacher plays the song. Build it up with iron and steel,
Iron and steel, iron and steel,
Build it up with iron and steel,
My fair lady.

“The lyrics are repeating.”

“Now, what have you noticed on the

“Good observation! Who can tell me what “Repetition ma’am.”

kind of Figurative Language is used in that

“Very good and that’s what we will be

discussing today.”

“Rhea please read our topic.” “Repetition and its Kinds”

“Thank you Rhea, does any of you have an “Repetition is when words are repeated
idea on what is Repetition?” in a phrase or in a stanza.”

“Correct! Repetition is a literary device or “London Bridge, falling down, my fair

figurative language that repeats the same lady, build it up with iron and steel, and
words or phrases a few times to make an iron and steel.
idea clear. In the song London Bridge,
what are the words or phrases that are
being repeated?”

“Right! So here are the kinds of “The following are the different types of
Repetition, Ms. Lamesa please read.” repetition: anadiplosis, anaphora,
antistasis, diacope, epanalepsis,
epimone, epiphora, gradatio, negative-
positive restatement, polyptoton, and

“Thank you, please sit down. To better

understand those, let us define them.”

1. Anadiplosis – repetition of the last

word in a line or clause.
2. Anaphora – repetition of words at
the start of clauses or verses.
3. Antistasis – repetition of word or
phrases in opposite sense.
4. Diacope – repetition of words
broken by some other words.
5. Epanalepsis – repetition of same
words at the end and start of a
6. Epimone – repetition of a phrase
(usually a question) to stress a
7. Epiphora – repetition of the same
word at the end of each clause.
8. Gradatio – a construction in poetry
where the last word of one clause
becomes the first of the next and
so on.
9. Negative-Positive Restatement –
repetition of an idea first in
negative terms and then in
positive terms.
10. Polyptoton – repetition of words
of the same root with different
11. Symploce – a combination of
anaphora and epiphora in which
repetition is both at the end and at
the beginning.
“Here are some examples:
Ms. Servidor, please read Example 1” “I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody too?
Then there’s a pair of us – don’t tell!
They’d banish us you know.”

“Thank you, is there a word that is “yes, ma’am.”


“Who can tell me the repeated word?” “Nobody.”

“That’s right! The word “nobody” is “diacope”

repeated to put emphasis on the
persona’s characteristic. What kind of
repetition do you think is used in that

“Correct! The repeated words are broken “Because I do not hope to turn again
by some other words. Mr. Velayo, kindly Because I do not hope
read the second example.” Because I do not hope to turn…”

“Who can tell me the repeated words?” “Because I do not hope.”

“And what kind of repetition do you think “Anaphora”

is used in that example?”

“Right again, class always remember that “Yes ma’am.”

in order to identify what kind of repetition
is being used, you should find first the
repeated words and then analyze its
placement. Is that clear?”

4. Application/Evaluation

“Now please proceed to your groupings in (Students do as told.)

cleaners and find a place for your group
inside, silently.”

“Try to think of a song or poem you have

come across with and then perform it in
front as a group. After that explain to us
what kind of repetition is being used in
that piece. You will be graded according
to this rubrics:
Performance: 20pts.
Explanation: 20pts.
Time bound: 10 pts.
50 pts.

I will give you 15 minutes to prepare. Is “Yes ma’am.”

that clear?”

Everybody please read your assignment. “Secure a copy of the song titled Pinoy
Ako, individually.”

“Do you have any questions?” “None ma’am.”

Good bye and thank you class. “Good bye Ms. Masing, thank you for


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