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Western Mindanao State University

Aurora External Studies Unit

Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

Lesson Plan in Grade 8 – English

Prepared by Mary Apple Mahinay Masing

BSED IV- English

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson,
A. students can unlock difficult words found in the legend.
B. students can explain significant lines of the poem.
C. students are expected to read the poem with correct pronunciation and

II. Subject Matter: Psalms 23

Reference: Learning Module for English- Grade 8, Page 415

Materials: Book, Visual Aids, picture

Value: God’s importance in our Life

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

“Everybody please stand.” (students do as told)

“Ms. Servidor please led the prayer.” (student does as told)

“Good morning class.” “Good morning Ms. Masing, good

morning classmates, good morning.

“Before you sit, pick up the pieces of (students do as told)

papers and arrange your chairs properly.

The teacher will ask her students (Students raise their hands if they want
about the Story of Ruth. to answer.)
The teacher will ask the students to pick a (student do as told)
number, the student who will choose
number 23 will have to arrange the cut

“Class what can you see in the picture?” “A shepherd.”

“Exactly! And what is written in the “The Lord is my shepherd.”


“Correct! So what do you think is our “Psalms 23.”

lesson for today?”

“I have here 6 context clues posted in the (Students do as told)
board. I will ask one student to read the
sentence and then give the correct
meaning of the italicized word found in
the other side of our board.”

1. The shepherd and his dog could Somebody providing guidance.

not keep them together.
2. He’s brings the sheep into a wide Grassland
pasture the graze grasses.
3. The priest anoints the baby in its To bless somebody.
forehead with a holy water.
4. I am searching for a house to To live
5. The devil surrounded the angels Morally bad
and almost defeated them.
6. The shepherd always have rod to Protecting the sheep from predators
keep the sheep from danger.

“Since we already unlock the difficult “None ma’am.”
words, do you have any questions about

“Ms. Dela Vega, kindly read to us the “Psalm is a sacred song or hymn, in
meaning of Psalm.” particular any of those contained in the
biblical book of psalms used in Christian
and Jewish worship.
“Thank you. I believe we are all familiar to “Yes ma’am.”
what Psalms is, right?”

“Mr. Medrano, please read the first part The lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing
of Psalms 23.” He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
For His name’s sake.

“Why did David consider God to be his “Because He guides him all the time.”

What does the second and third line “It means that God always guides us to
mean? abundance of our necessary needs.”

“How about the fourth line?’ “He refreshes our soul because he always
forgives us.”

“Mr. Casinto please read the next part.” Even though I walk through the darkest
I shall fear no evil for you are with me;
Your rod and your staff they comfort me.

What does that part means? “It means that you have nothing to be
afraid of as long as God is with you. No
problem or hardships shall ever harm
your life because He will always be there
for you.”

“Ms. Butaya, please read the last part.” You prepare a table before me in the
presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup
Surely Your goodness and love will follow
me all the days of my life,
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord

“Who can explain to me the last part?” “In this part of the Psalms, it is a
continuation of how God will protect you
from all harms that your enemy might
give you.”
“Aside from that?” “We are blessed by God that our cup
overflows with blessings. God’s love to us
will never fade and that He promises an
abundant after life when we will already
leave with Him in heaven.

“Do you have any questions about our “None ma’am.”

4. Application/Evaluation
“Group yourselves into 5 by counting. (students do as told)
Let’s start at the back. Proceed to your
group silently.”

“Answer the following questions in the

manila paper I have provided.”

Group 1: Why do people need not to fear

when God is around?
Group 2: do you believe in Satan? Explain.
Group 3: Do you believe that in God’s
hands everything is possible?
Group 4: How does David describe the
physical and spiritual necessities provided
by the Lord?
Group 5: How would you describe David
based from the Psalms he wrote?

You will be scored accordingly:

Grammar: 20pts.
Content: 20pts.
Neatness: 10pts.

Everybody please read your assignment. “Memorize the whole Psalms 23 to be
recited in the class tomorrow.”

“Do you have any questions?” “None ma’am.”

Good bye and thank you class. “Good bye Ms. Masing, thank you for


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