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Western Mindanao State University

Aurora External Studies Unit

Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur

Lesson Plan in Grade 8 – English

Prepared by Mary Apple Mahinay Masing

BSED IV- English

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson,
A. students can define prefix and suffix.
B. students can enumerate prefixes and suffixes.
C. students are expected to write words out of a word using prefixes and suffixes.
II. Subject Matter: Prefix and Suffix

Reference: Learning Module for English- Grade 8, Page 490

Materials: Book, Visual Aids, Marking Pens, Manila Paper

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

“Everybody please stand.” (students do as told)

“Ms. Acenas please led the prayer.” (student does as told)

“Good morning class.” “Good morning Ms. Masing, good

morning classmates, good morning.

“Before you sit, pick up the pieces of (students do as told)

papers and arrange your chairs properly.

The teacher will ask her students (Students raise their hands if they want
about The Singa. to answer.)

“Today you will be in 3 groups basing on “Yes ma’am.”
the arrangement of your chairs. I will give
each group a long word of which you will
have to list all the words that can be
found in that word. You can refer to a
dictionary. Take note, you can’t
disarrange or jumbled the letters. As soon
as I posted the long words, you can start
going in front to write your answers. This
is a write minus wrong activity. Am I

Group 1: Generalization a. General

b. Generally
c. Generalize
d. Generalization

Group 2: Immobilizer a. Mobile

b. Immobile
c. Immobilize
d. Immobilizer

Group 3: Conceptualize a. Concept

b. Conceptual
c. Conceptually
d. Conceptualize

(The teacher underlines the prefixes and


“Class can you still remember what are “Yes ma’am.”
those underlined group of letters?”

“What are those called?” “Prefix and Suffix.”

“Correct! And what is a prefix?” “A prefix is a group of letters that have

“Thank you Rhea, does any of you have an their own meaning. It is added in the
idea on what is Repetition?” beginning of a root word.”

“Very good, how about suffix?” “A suffix is a group of letters that have
their own meaning. It is added at the end
of a root word.”

Examples of Prefix:
1. Anti- - against, opposing
Ex.: anti-bacterial
2. Auto- - self
Ex.: automobile
3. Bi- - two
Ex.: bicycle
4. Uni- - one
Ex.: Universe
5. Tri- - three
Ex.: tricycle
6. Dia- - across
Ex.: diagonal
7. En(m)- - cause to
Ex.: encode, embark
8. Hyper- - too much
Ex.: hyperactive
9. Equi- - equal
Ex.: equilateral
10. Ex- - previously
Ex.: ex-president

Example of Suffix:
1. –able/ -ible – can be done
Ex.: identifiable
2. –ant – having an effect
Ex.: colorant
3. –cy – state or quality
Ex.: accuracy
4. –ed – past
Ex. Jumped
5. –ful – full of
Ex.: careful
6. –ism – belief
Ex.: Catholicism
7. –(t)ion – act, process
Ex.: action
8. –less – without
Ex.: fearless
9. –ly – having
Ex.: quickly
10. –ness – quality or state of
Ex.: calmness

“Do you have any questions about “None ma’am.”

4. Application/Evaluation

“In the same group, we will have another

activity. I will provide you a root word and
then each group must take turn in giving
me a new word. The number of prefixes
and suffixes in your given word will be
your score. I will give you 30 minutes to
list all the possible words and then as I call
the number of your group, you must give
me a word as quickly as possible. Clear? “Yes ma’am.”

Root words:
1. Love
2. Friend
3. Modern

Answer the activity found in page 490 in a
one whole sheet of intermediate paper.

“Do you have any questions?” “None ma’am.”

Good bye and thank you class. “Good bye Ms. Masing, thank you for


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