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Great spiritual enlightenment for every Christian

and spiritualist about religion

As dictated to

Franz Schumi


Nr. 21c


Translated from German to English in 2022

1. Who is a true and authentic servant of God?
1. In the old covenant, God gave His commandments through the prophets, but the
prophets were called by God Himself, taught and chosen or trained by the school of
prophets, and only such were allowed to proclaim the teachings of God. The high priest in
the temple at Jerusalem was a prophet, for he prophesied, from which even Caiaphas was
not exempt. (John 11:50,51). When John was baptizing at Anon by the Jordan and
exhorting the people to repentance, the priests and Levites asked him: Are you the
Messiah? Are you Elijah? Or are you the great prophet, of whom Moses prophesied, since
you baptizes? And when he denied all questions, yet said (Isaiah 40:3): "I am the voice of
one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way for Jehovah!" - they let him do and preach,
for he said that he was a high prophet, since he prepared the way for Jehovah!

2. Jesus himself called, taught and baptized His disciples as the Spirit of Truth at
Pentecost and assigned them as His ministers of the gospel. Later, up to the fourth
century, the leaders of the churches were either called by God Himself, or appointed by
those baptized in the spirit. Nowadays, there is nothing of all this, but the teachers of
religion set themselves up among themselves or people appear out of themselves and
preach and teach their human statutes! Hence so many sects, so much Babel and so little
truth. This is the sign of the times according to Matthew 24:11 and 23. Verily! verily!

2. How does one know which is the true religion?

1. Nowadays it is very difficult to know which religion is the true one recognized by God,
because there are so many sects and even more false prophets and false Christs in the
world, and there is only one way to know the truth:

2. Divest yourself of all your own opinions and judgments down to the last atom. Kneel
down daily for minutes and ask with all fervor your God, Savior and Redeemer Jesus for
the enlightenment or for a sign in the awake state or in dreams, in which religion the truth,
namely He, Jesus Christ Himself is, because nowadays it is teeming with all sorts of
churches and sects that make all things holy and so no light can be obtained where the
truth is. If you are serious and get rid of every judgment and every opinion, Jesus Himself
will help you to the truth in one way or another. I know that only in the Christian Theosophy
is the truth, but I do not want to convince you, but your God, Savior, Redeemer and judge
of souls Jesus will certainly tell you the truth, therefore I send you to Him, because I am
sure of my thing, because I talk as his writer daily with Him.
3. The Holy Names of God
1. The holy scripture has in the original Hebrew text several names of God, which are
translated in the Greek translation quite wrongly in "God" or "Lord" ("HErr"). Due to this
falsification, the Bible has become a book in which one can no longer search for the
original truth, because there are false translations in it, which do not allow the search for
the truth, for example:

2. Jehovah means 'Father' in the original Hebrew language. This name has in the book of
the old covenant 4372 forgeries partly translated into 'God', partly in 'Lord': the new
covenant has 743 forgeries of this name partly in the translations from the quotations of
the first covenant, partly from the false translations from the original text of the letters of
the apostles into Greek:

3. All four Gospels and all the epistles of the apostles were written for the Jews and in the
Aramaic-Hebrew language, so the word Christ was never used, only Malchiah, which
means Messiah.

4. Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles, especially of the Greeks, so he wrote only in
Greek: only the letter to the Romans was in Latin, which was the nature of the matter. After
this diversion to state the truth that for each nation one had to write in the language that
the general population spoke - but not in a foreign language only understood by the
intelligentsia and the merchant - we come back to the matter.

5. El. This name means "God as love", of which there are over 3702 forgeries in the Old
and New Testaments.

6. Eloah. This name contains in it's basic meaning the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy
Spirit of which there are also 72 forgeries.

7. Elohim is the name of God as Holy Spirit, namely "the power of God". There are 31
falsifications of this name in the Bible, because they did not understand the original
language and believed that "gods" were to be understood by it. They overlooked however,
that this name was recorded by Moses, who communicated with God personally and
through the inner prophetic word. Which logical conclusion (or which logic) speaks for it,
that Moses, who was one of the greatest prophets and spoke with God personally, would
have denied this God and would have attributed the creation of the worlds, the angels, the
spirits and humans to the dead idols of stone and wood, since already the first verse in the
Bible says, that Elohim created heaven and earth!

8. The names Jehovah, El, Eloah and Elohim must never be translated into other
languages, because every single letter in it represents an epithet of the Divine attributes
and these attributes of God appear to be used correctly only by the original names. Any
translation of the names is a gross falsification and therefore the Bible, seen from this point
of view alone, is no longer a book of pure truth, but of gross falsification of the originals.
4. The Father in God
1. Life is a chain of experiences, and every person knows that life has value only when it is
seasoned by love, so life is love and love is life, and because life is God, God is love, and
love is the Father in God, because love is the producer of everything in nature and in the

2. That is why love in God is called the Father, and that is why the name, eternal life, must
mean the same as God - as love - and again, eternal life must mean heaven, and heaven
must mean love in God, because love is the basis of all the blessedness of heaven,
because love is God and the Father through His love, which creates everything and works
everything that is seen, heard, felt and sensed.

5. Christ Himself said that He is 'God the Father'

1. The truth of the person of Christ is completely unclear nowadays, so light must be lit
here so that the darkness will end.

2. Jesus said that He and the Father are One and the same (John 10:30). He said that
whoever sees Him, sees the Father Himself Who sent Him (John 12:45). And at the Last
Supper, quite unwillingly at the blindness of the apostles, He said to their faces: "I have
been walking with you for so long, and you do not yet know Me Philip? But all 12 disciples
was like Philip, therefore He said - as some days before in the hall of Solomon to the Jews
- also this time to His disciples: He who sees Me, sees God the Father bodily, He looks as
God incarnated, therefore: 'How do you ask Me to show you another God the Father, since
there is no other, since I am the Father (John 14:9).'

3. But God the Father has the original Hebrew name Jehovah and is an indivisible God,
because in the old covenant neither a twofold nor a threefold God was known, but only
one God (Deut 6:4; Psalm 86 11; Malachi 2:15; Matthew 19:17; Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19;
Mark 12:29; Romans 3:30; 1 Corinthians 8:4; 12:11; James 2:19;) . So it is written in the
Bible and one did not know anything about a twofold or threefold personality of God,
because no prophet and no apostle has ever said that there is a threefold God, but this is
a heretical Roman Catholic human doctrine, but not a doctrine of God, which the Roman
priesthood created in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea.

4. God created man in His image, and in this image of God, the one-personal forefather
Adam came into being, and in this image the whole human race in the one-personal form.
The three apostles John, Jacob and Peter saw Jesus transfigured as God, but not in three
persons, but only in one, and yet Jesus was the triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit in
one Person, as we will soon see.

5. The prophet Malachi 3:1 brings the following prophecy: Behold, I Jehovah send My
angel (Elijah), who shall prepare the way before Me (Jehovah); and soon shall come to His
temple the Lord (Jehovah as God incarnate in Christ) (Jesus speaks of His body as the
living temple of God in John 2:18-22) whom ye seek; and the angel of the covenant, who
you desire, behold He comes, says Jehovah of hosts.
6. Since Jehovah in the old covenant did not have His own human body, but always spoke
to the people through the body of an archangel - who was called "the angel of Jehovah" -
Jehovah in Christ had to speak in the manner of the old covenant, otherwise the Jews
would not have understood him. The proof that by "angel of the covenant" here Jehovah in
Christ is to be understood, lies in the fact that no angel, but Jehovah Himself established
the covenant with Abraham, and because the Jews expected Jehovah as their Messiah
and not an angel, which is confirmed by the following prophecies:

7. As it is written in Malachi 3:1 that the angel Elijah will come before Jehovah himself, so
the same Jehovah prophesies through Isaiah 40:3 - (Elijah) is the voice of a preacher in
the wilderness: 'Prepare the way for Jehovah!' And so John answered the messengers of
the temple (John 1:23): "I am the voice of a preacher in the wilderness: Prepare the way
for Jehovah! as the prophet Isaiah (40:3) said." Here Elijah, as John the Baptist, said that
the Jews should prepare the way for Jehovah Self. It is true that in the new covenant it
says: 'for the Lord', but the Hebrew as the true original Bible has the name Jehovah
instead of Lord, and therefore also John the Baptist said Jehovah and not Lord, but the
Greek translators falsified this and this falsification has no more value for logically thinking
people from now on. That John the Baptist was Elijah, was told by Jehovah in Christ to the
three apostles John, Jacob and Peter after the transfiguration on Mount Tabor. (Matthew

8. We already have two proofs that Jesus is Jehovah or God the Father. Now we come to
the main proof, in which Jesus is referred to as the triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
by God the Father or Jehovah Himself.

9. Jehovah, through the prophet Isaiah 9:6, as the Father of the human family, speaks to
His children about the birth of the Ruler from eternity - Jesus, born in Bethlehem (Micah
5:1), Who is He Himself, as follows: To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the
dominion (of the world) is on his shoulder; and He is called God the Father from eternity;
Wonderful, as the Creator of the world, for which John6) Peter7) and Paul refer to Jesus
Christ8) then God the Father's counsel, hence His mind, which Paul calls Divine wisdom9)
and which is the Word of God, further: God the Father's power from eternity, which in
heavenly language is called the Holy Spirit, as the following evidence shows: Paul says:
Christ is the Divine power10) ; Jesus said on the Ascension Day: Wait in the inn at
Jerusalem until you are equipped with the power from above11) . And ten days later they
were baptized with the gifts of the Holy Spirit12) of love, wisdom and power.

10. From this it is clear as daylight that Jesus is God the Father of eternity Himself, and
that the name Son of God means nothing else than the Word of God, which is the wisdom
as the counsel of God the Father. The proof that Son of God is called the wise mind of
God the Father in heavenly language, is given by John in the first chapter of his Gospel,
when he writes: In the beginning of eternity13) was the Word, and the Word was in14)
God, and God (Jehovah of hosts) was the Word. By this Word all things were created, and
this Word became flesh in Christ and dwelt among us, and we beheld (at Mount Tabor) His
glory, a glory as of the only begotten Son from the Father, full of grace and truth15). Now
we go back reading what has been said:

11. The Son of God is the Word made man, this Word is the Creator of the world, and this
Word and Creator is God Himself and God was always called Jehovah of hosts or God the
Father, Lord of hosts. With this everything is cleared up: God the Father's soul is the
Wisdom, the Word and the Counsel of God, and because this is a spiritual light of the
world16) which shines out of love, as the spiritual basic fire in God, this spiritual Wisdom-
light is called the Son of the Father, as the light of the flame is also it's son, because it is
born from the flame of fire, as the Divine Wisdom-light is born from the Divine Love-flame,
which is called Father in God.

12. But here are two excellent proofs to corroborate the truth that Jesus was none other
than God the Father Himself. In Psalm 24:7-10, Jehovah of hosts speaks about his entry
into Jerusalem and now it says: Jesus held his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Day.

13. This investigation about the Deity of Christ as Father has shown you which great truths
about God have been eradicated from the Bible through false translation and that the
present Bibles of the Protestants and Catholics show thousands and thousands of errors
and false doctrines through the false translations from the originals. see: The Holy Names
of God, where 8000 forgeries are mentioned: but there are even more of them in other
directions. Therefore do not insist on your Bible, that it is pure truth, but if you do not
believe me here, then go to the Jewish rabbi and let he enlighten you from the original text
of the Bible of the old covenant, whether what is said here is true!


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