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Fish is Fish/魚就是魚

N: Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to our big show, Fish is Fish. Let me introduce
our actors and actresses. In the left hand side, Mr. Frog and Turtle, Michael and
George. Michael and George, say hello, please. In the right hand side, Miss Fish,
Mary. Mary, say hi, please. And the singer, Chris. Chris, go.
Now the story begins. Frog and Fish are good friends. They are playing in the pond.
和女演員。 在左手邊的是青蛙先生和烏龜先生,麥克和喬治。麥克,喬治請說
里斯,來吧招呼。 現在開始了我們的故事。 青蛙和小魚是好朋友。他在小池溏

Act I: In The Pond / 第一幕: 在池溏裡

Fish: Come and look for me!

小魚: 來找我吧!
Frog: I’m coming to get you. Ha, got you.
Fish: It’s not fair. You peek.
Frog: I did not. It’s your long tail give you away.
青蛙:我才沒有。 是你的尾巴透露你的行蹤。
Fish: How come you don’t have long tail? And look something weird comes from
your stomach.
小魚:你怎麼沒有尾巴呢? 看! 有一個奇怪的東西從你的肚子長出來了。
Frog: Don’t be silly. They ‘re my legs.
青蛙:不要傻了。 它們是我腿。
Fish: Legs? What’s that?
小魚:腿? 那是什麼?
Frog: I’m turning into a frog. With the legs, I can jump.
青蛙:我正要變成一青蛙。 有了腿,我可以跳。
Fish: It’s not fair. Why Fish have no legs?
小魚:不公平。 為什麼魚沒有腿?
Frog: Oh, my dear friend. You don’t need legs. You are Fish. You don’t need that
thing to swim.
青蛙:哦,我的朋友。 你不需要腿。 你是魚。你不用那個東西來游泳。
Fish: All right, all right. How many legs are you going to have?
小魚:好吧,好吧。 那你會有幾隻腿呢?
Frog: I think 4. Then I’m a matured frog.
青蛙:我想 4 隻吧。 然後,我就是一隻成熟的青蛙了。
Fish: 4. Ok, ok. It’s dinner time. I need to go. See you.
小魚:4. 好啦。 晚餐時間到了。 我要走了。 再見哦。
Frog: See you later.

Act II: On The Pone / 第二幕: 在講手機

N: Two weeks later, Fish misses her friend, Frog. So she calls Frog by cellphone.
旁白:兩個星期後,小魚想找她的朋友,青蛙。 所以,她打手機給青蛙。
Fish: Hi, Frog.
小魚:嗨! 青蛙。
Frog: Hey, hey, my friend. I have four legs. I’m going to see the outside world.
青蛙:嘿,嘿,我的朋友。我有四隻腿了。 我去看看外面的世界了。
Fish: It’s unfair.
Frog: Oh, my friend. I promise I will tell you what I see in the outside world. And
find you a Mr. right.
The others: And find you a Mr. Right. (做愛心的動作)
其它人: 而且,幫你找男友。
Fish: Oh, ok.

Act III In The Playground 第三幕: 在遊樂場

Fish: Frog lied to me. He hasn’t visited me since he left. Oh, I wonder if he’s all right.
Frog: Hey, my friend. See what I bring you. Mr. Turtle crawl faster.
青蛙:嘿,我的朋友。 看我帶什麼給你。烏龜先爬快點。

Turtle: I am a turtle. I can never be faster.

Fish: Nice to meet you. I’m Mary.
Turtle: I’m honored to meet you. I’m George.
Mary: You really, really want to marry me?
The others: You really, really want to marry her?
Turtle: Sure. It’s my fortune to marry a girl like you, my lady.
烏龜: 當然囉。這是我的福氣能娶到像你這樣的女孩,我的女士。
Frog: (Coughx2) Ok, you meet each other. I’ll leave you 2 to talk. Enjoy it. Bye, bye.
青蛙:(乾咳兩聲) 好吧,你們倆見到面了。我先走你們兩個聊聊天。好好玩吧。
Fish: Goodbye, my friend.
Turtle: Thank you for bringing me here.
Frog: You are welcome.
Singer: Only you can make all this world seem right. Only you…
N: Stop.

Act IV To The Outside World / 第四幕:到外面的世界

Fish: Can you take me to the outside world?

Turtle: Of course. We’re going live there together. (Turtle and Fish hold hands.)
烏龜: 當然。我們將在哪裡一起生活呢。 (烏龜和小魚手牽手。)
N: Shoooo. Ding Dong. You are in the outside world.
咻……。 叮咚。 你現在在外面的世界。
Fish: Wow, this is amazing. Look at the green things and red things. But why I am
out of breath.
Turtle: Fish, what happened?
烏龜: 小魚,怎麼了?
Fish: I’m Ok. Just a little bit weak.
小魚: 我還可以。只是有點虛弱。
Turtle: Don’t worried. I will get you a doctor. Hang on.
烏龜:不用擔心。 我將找一位醫生來看你。撐住。
Fish: No, Turtle. Thank you for bringing me to this lovely land. But Fish is fish. I
think I’ll be all right in the water. Could you take me back?
小魚:不,烏龜。 謝謝你帶我來這個美麗的土地。但是,魚就是魚。我想我在
Turtle: Of course, I will. As long as you can be happy and healthy. Bye. Although we
can’t be together. I will visit you sometimes.
烏龜:當然,我會的。 只要你能快樂和健康。再見。雖然,我們沒法在一起,
Fish: I was happy at land. You can always visit me in the water.
The others: Lonely fish, lonely fish swim lonely in the water. I ‘m lonely, lonely,
lonely. I’m lonely, lonely in my life.
其它人:寂寞的小魚,寂寞的小魚寂寞地在水中遊。 / 我很寂寞。我的人生很
Fish: I am not lonely. I have so many friends, like Frog and Turtle.
小魚:我不寂寞。 我有如此多的朋友,像青蛙和烏龜。
Frog and Turtle:(Nodding.)
青蛙和烏龜: (一起點頭)
N: Me, too.
Singer: Me, three.
歌手: 我排第三個。
Fish: To visit me. Fish is fish. I will be happy with friends. (Everyone holds hands.)
小魚:來找我。魚就是魚。我將會快樂的和朋友在一起。 (所有人手牽手)
N: Thank you for your attentions. Actors and Actresses, hold up your hands.
Everybody, Fish is Fish.

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