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As dictated to
Franz Schumi
Christian Theosophical Script
Nr. 52

Translated from German to English in 2020

1. The life of man is a school of examination of the flesh in this world for the other in the
hereafter. What man sows here, he will reap there. Your deeds follow you and are the
accusation against you, or intercession before My throne of mercy and Divine justice.

2. People, My children, do not dream in this world that you will go to heaven with any vices
that violate My ten commandments, the two love-commandments and the seven virtues of
the Son of Man! I said: The kingdom of heaven needs violence, and he who will not take it
by force, will not enter it. Mere faith in Me, Christ, will not help you if you will not fulfill My
commandments and teachings and live according to My virtues.

3. I am God and highly holy, therefore nothing unclean can come to Me in heaven. You do
not understand to interpret the Bible correctly and yet you do not let yourselves be taught,
although the whole Old and New Testament speaks against a thoughtless life according to
the hellish lust of this world against you.

4. Have I, Christ, taught you this life that today's humanity indulges in? Have I not given
you the Ten Commandments to live and act accordingly? Have I not said: love God above
all, but your neighbour as yourself? As the incarnate Jehovah or God the Father Myself,
did I not fulfill the commandments I once gave to Moses? Was not My Life a chain of
charitable works? Why do you invoke the words of Paul, that man without works is
justified before God only by faith in Christ!? Paul did not mean the works of charity among
them, but the statutes of the Pharisees in the temple at Jerusalem, for he himself taught
love, which without works, as he said to the Galatians, is worthless.

5. You do not understand Paul; therefore hear Me, your God and Father, what I demand of
you: Fulfil the ten commandments, the two love-commandments, do to your fellow men
what you wish that they should do to you. Whatever you did to the least of My children,
you have done to Me. Live in My virtues: love, humility, patience, mercy, chastity, love of
peace and selflessness, in a word: fulfil My Divine precepts which I once taught you to
fulfil, otherwise you will come very unhappily into the hereafter.

6. My teaching of the Bible is completely misinterpreted and defaced for easy-going

nominal Christians, who are called "heathens" in the Bible - that is why I have also now, as
the prophets once did when men fell too much into darkness - awakened My writers who
are to announce and spread My will against the dark faith of the Christians, that the time
has dawned for you, as it once did for [the] Hanochites, because the many natural,
elementary and political misfortunes, which the newspapers report to you daily, mean that
you are already standing in the judgement of the world - which, however, will occur more
and more strongly.

7. I have given you the explanations dictated by Me, your Saviour Jesus Myself, through
the books of Christian Theosophy, how you are to live and act in order to fulfil My
commandments. And I tell you: the pure light of the teaching is only there where I, the
Light of the world Myself, teach through My own words; and that is only in Christian
Theosophy, of which you can convince yourselves. However, much will appear to you as
wrong and heretical because you have sinister human statutes in your interpretation of the
Bible teaching, and you see them as Divine truth. Therefore read through all My books
and do not forget: If you will call Me in words heresy, deceit, fraud, false prophecy, then do
not hope for heaven before you have atoned for this gross sin against Me!

8. I am a good Father; but thoughtlessly and boldly asserting you are not allowed to speak
and act against Me, because then you open hell for yourselves. I want that My children
come to Me in teaching, as I have prophesied through the prophets for the New Covenant,
but do not go to the false prophets and drink there the poison of lies!

9. Take My words as I give them in childlike love, because I want children - and not
philosophers who are only concerned to criticize My holy person and to rob Me of Divine
holiness. By their works you are to recognize them that they are servants of Satan. That
is why I once chose the simple believing fishermen and craftsmen as My apostles - and I
do the same today. And you are to know that I have never taught that My real servants
have to study at seminaries and universities because I knew in advance that from there,
the twisting of truth will go into the world! -

10. When you will only look at high training of your teachers of religion, but from this point
of view you disparage and denigrate My words, then you will become slaves of the present
Pharisees and false prophets in the different religious directions, but not children of God,
and where the false prophets of the New Testament will go, there also you will go, but
definitely not to Me, your God and Father Jesus - that I tell you in advance so that you then
will not be able to excuse yourselves.

11. It would not matter if the school-taught preacher wanted to recognize and accept My
words, but exactly the false school has made most priests arrogant and therefore sinister,
so that I will suddenly depose of them, then they will be able to go and work the field!
Soon My teaching will be the only true one to accept and openly preach to you, to
consider, to humble you, otherwise I will do with you as once with the temple and
Pharisee-hood in Jerusalem when the time of favour will have passed.

12. And you who pay homage to ceremonies, when have I taught that God is worshipped
through ceremonies as the Gentiles and Jewish priests who misunderstood Me, did?
Desist from ceremonies and worship Me only in the spirit of your love and through mercy,
supporting My poor children with work and necessities; for this means worshipping in truth
when you offer sacrifices, but not to the churches but to the truly poor, sick and needy.
Thus I have taught to worship God and not otherwise. Read how I Myself taught the
people and act accordingly before I turn your New Testament temples - called churches -
into ruins, since I never taught to build churches.

13. On earth it should be Jesus as Shepherd and a flock of the children of God. But what
do you do? You slander, denigrate and hate one another and you want to be a heavenly
flock of Christ? Yeah, if hell was heaven, it would be, but not otherwise. Turn back!
Repent! And let Me, Christ, as your Shepherd, rule and teach you, then hatred and
religious intolerance will disappear from among you. Have I ever established Satanic
religions on earth since you call yourselves Satan's servants among yourselves? Yes, as
long as such conditions exist in the world, of course, all mankind is Satan's servants! -

14. Consider carefully what you read here about Me, your God and Father, as a well-
deserved rebuke! I do not preach to you in vain, but I will soon come with the great rod,
where you will be buried under the ruins of your dwellings, then the light will certainly rise
for you, but too late - hell will already has its gates open for your reception!

15. I have told you with these words, and I will show you with terrible earthquakes and all
kinds of misfortunes Who spoke to you! Soon, soon I am coming! But in the storm of the
Last Judgement; for the measure is full and you are stubborn and darkened to understand
Me, Eternal Love - therefore this Love will have to act as good parents do with their
disobedient children! Open your hardened hearts and turn them to eternal Love through
the acceptance of My teaching, to which I am calling you here! Read the books and do not
forget My Truth: If you do not become like children, believing - humble and loving each
other in childlike fashion, you will not go to heaven. When you will reject My pure teaching
and brand it as heretical, then certainly not - because he who declares himself to be My
enemy and brands Me as a heretic, he is ripe for hell and not for heaven.

16. There is still time to accept the truth, therefore do not hesitate any longer and do not
put your criticizing wisdom above My words, otherwise it will happen to you as I have
announced it through the prophets. Who will accept My words in love and live and act
according to them, I will protect him and keep him as My child from all evil. But the one
who will act differently, will cause his own misfortune.

17. I repeat once again: you do not understand how to interpret the Bible correctly: nor do
the priests and preachers teach that Word of Truth which I once spoke to the people
before the apostles. You have fallen into a terrible heresy regarding the Trinity, the
doctrine of justification, confession and ceremony. Not Christianity, but Christian paganism
rules the world today. This is what I, Jesus, Jehovah Zebaoth, your God and Saviour of
Golgotha, told you – hence it is the eternal truth. Remember this.


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