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about the
priests of today
As dictated to
Franz Schumi
23 September 1905

Christian Theosophical Scriptures

Nr 54

Translated from German to English in 2020

1905, 23 September, Zurich. Father Jesus explains through Franz Schumi the
truth about Satan and who is the Antichrist in Christianity. Revelation about
the mystery of the Holy Trinity in the Incarnation and transfiguration of
Jehovah Zebaoth in Christ. Announcement of the disappearance of the Bible,
the missal, and everything religious - because heretical - writings and thus the
abolition of the Catholic Sacrifice of the Mass. The dawn of the Last

Little children, a time has dawned where men are almost completely buried in the daily life of
matter and through this they have missed their true goal on earth.

Man is put on earth to take up the fight against the nature of his flesh here and defeats it
little by little, gaining power over the lusts and desires of the flesh to defeat them as
soon as they appear, otherwise they become too powerful and are able to defeat the
power of human resistance.

The flesh is the material Satan in man, but he is also simultaneously the spiritual Satan
in man, because the human body is twofold - it is material and spiritual, and the spiritual,
as the flesh-spirit, is evil, or the Satan in human flesh. And man has to struggle with this
during his earthly life, and when he has not overcome it here in the world, then he has to
continue to suffer from its temptations in the hereafter.

The flesh of man is laid in the grave and undergoes its transformations; but the spirit of this
flesh, as the living Satan in the human body, is taken away by the soul when it separates
completely from the body and enters the hereafter. This spirit of flesh is like a grey mist that the
soul unites in itself - because it has the assignment from Me, its Divine Spirit, to defeat this evil
spirit; otherwise it cannot become happy.

Satan, with whom man has to struggle in the flesh, is a component of man himself; you
can very easily understand this in your flesh, in his impulses, his lusts, his desires, and
in his whispering into your senses and observe it in his continued urge to commit sin.
This flesh-spirit is My antithesis, is the adversary against My commandments and
teachings, and it is this one who always gives you opposing inspirations, which are able
to thwart My efforts with you to educate you to be My children, when you do not cling
with all power to My person and teaching. Think what I have revealed to you here,
observe yourselves and you will only find Satan in yourselves. This Satan in you, as
your living flesh-spirit, is also the same one who works with all power on your
intellectual wisdom to instill in you the aversion to all that is Divine and sublime. But
this he achieves by him instilling in you all possible doubts about the authenticity and so
about the truth of my Divine words.

Through this, many people start to criticize My words, fall into the darkness of Satan and find all
kinds of contradictions in My teaching. The question is: How is it possible that a person
suddenly finds many contradictions where he did not see any contradiction before? Behold, this
is because I am God, therefore most holy and inaccessible to the intellectually wise critics of My
Word, because I - the mighty God, before whom all knees must bow - and My Word, is one and
the same. I ask you: Am not I, Jehovah Zebaoth, the King of heaven and earth, the Creator of
the universe, the Word that became man in Christ?

Behold, the whole Bible is full of My Word, the whole Bible speaks only of Jehovah of hosts,
who became man in Christ, and behold, is it not your priests and Bible interpreters who rob
Me of My glory and say, "Christ was not God, but man!”
Did not John say: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and God Himself
was the Word. And all things were created by this Word and without this Word nothing was
created. This Word was in the world, and the world was created by this Word, and this same
Word became flesh, Jesus Christ, and dwelt among us, we saw His glory at Mount Tabor, a
glory, as of the only begotten Son from the Father full of grace and truth”?

My children, I, your heavenly Father, have given you enough understanding to comprehend the
meaning of the words of John's Gospel, therefore listen to Me, your true Father, who and what I
am as Christ.

In the words quoted, it says: The Word of God is God Himself. Through this Word, the whole
world was created, and this Word or God became man under the name of Jesus Christ, and this
Word of God is the only begotten Son of the Father. Hereby it is clearly shown that the Son of
God means the Word of God in spiritual-heavenly language. But the Word of God is the
Wisdom of God, which the apostle Paul (1 Cor 1:24) confirms to you by making it known: Christ
is the Divine Wisdom and Power. Now what is the Divine power? When I said goodbye to My
beloved ones and disciples on the Mount of Olives on May 7th, I said to My disciples: "wait in
the hostel to the city of Nazareth in Jerusalem until you are equipped with the power from
above." And this power was the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the Divine Love, Wisdom and
miraculous Power. The Holy Spirit is the working power and grace that the Father and the Son,
or Love and Wisdom, have chosen to perform in God.

Only when you have understood this well, can you understand the great prophecy about the
incarnation of your God Jehovah of hosts at Isaiah (7:14 and 9:5), where it says with the
correspondence of the prophecies at Micah 5:1 and Malachi 3:1,23: A child is born to us, a son
is given to us. This child is the Son of God, called Immanuel or "God with us", on whose
shoulder rests the rule of the world, because He is the ruler born in Bethlehem from eternity
and this is Zebaoth, the Lord of hosts or King of kings of the world, thus King of heaven and
earth. This Son of God is already named thus in the manger in Bethlehem: God the Father
from eternity, the Counsel of God the Father from eternity, or as you have already experienced,
the Holy Spirit in God.

These three names are borne by the child Jesus Christ still lying in the manger. Tell Me, is not
Jesus Christ then God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit in one person? Or has
any prophet ever seen Jehovah, or any apostle ever seen Christ in three persons?

Tell Me: Why was Adam not born in three persons, since he was My image? And you, as
descendants of Adam, are also only one and not three persons. And then people say that one
should beware of My teaching, because false Christs and false prophets will arise and deceive

I, your God and Father tell you: You do not need new false Christs and false prophets,
because these are already your present Bible teachers, because the one who teaches
you differently than I, Jesus, have explained My Person to you here according to the
proofs in the Bible, is already the living Antichrist. Therefore do not seek the Antichrists
elsewhere; you have enough of them in your midst, because everyone who lives against
My teaching or interprets it against the truth of Christ, is an Antichrist. But not only this,
but there are still a lot of heresies that have arisen through the wrong interpretation of the Bible
and are taught in your churches and sects. And these are the ones who lead you into heaven,
into hell, instead of to Me.

When you consider that in the Old Testament there was no Son of God Jesus Christ, but only
Jehovah of hosts, and that in the New Testament Jehovah of hosts has disappeared from the
scene, you should be struck by the fact that the eternally immutable God is nowhere to be seen,
heard, or met, since God Jehovah is the Spirit of all creation! The New Testament only knows
about God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Where have Aelohim 1, Jehovah and
Zebaoth of the Old Testament gone? Do you not yet realize that the Old Testament Jehovah
changed His name to Jesus Christ?

Consider the following interpretation of the name, to recognize the truth: In 2 Moses15:26: I am
Jehovah, your physician. In ancient Hebrew, Jehovah means "Father" in God, and I, Jesus,
said to Philip at the Last Supper, "I am God the Father (John 14:9), as well as: Whoever sees
Me, sees God the Father. (John 12:45) The name Jesus means Saviour, Redeemer, Saviour in
Hebrew, therefore physician.2 - Zebaoth means "Lord of Hosts" in Hebrew and that is the King,
and Messiah or Christ, which also means King according to the language of the Bible; therefore
I said to Pilate: I am King, but My kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36), because I, Zebaoth,
the Prince of Peace (Isa 9:5) of heaven and earth, was the King of Kings. 3

My dear children, the time has dawned that I again speak to you Myself, as once to My
disciples. The difference is only that I spoke visibly there, but here I speak hidden. And
what is the success of My love as Father to men? I tell you: most people have no interest in My
Voice, but the priests say: it is a godless nonsense what I, Jesus Jehovah of hosts, am
explaining in My dictations!4

Well, I will find them in due time as I am already standing at the threshold to hold My
thunderous world judgement over the heads of all anti-Christs through terrible events of
destruction and annihilation. The return of Christ is here, but also the horrible destruction of all
that cannot stand before My countenance, where one will still experience much, much more
terrible events than those that were in Calabria on September 8, 1905.

How can a flock become a flock when the sheep do not recognize the voice of their chief
Shepherd and call Him the Antichrist self? They give Me, the most holy God, all the mean
names that are born in their hell! They call My Holy Word: deceit, fraud, blasphemy, heresy,
false prophecy and madness! But because My Divine Word and I, Jesus Jehovah of hosts, are
one and the same, it is clear enough that they call Me, their God, Creator, King, Judge and
Redeemer of Golgotha a swindler, deceiver, blasphemer, heretic, false prophet and madman!
Are these not the living Antichrists?

Are not these Antichrists just those leaders of My children who make every union into a
flock impossible?

And when we ask: Where are these Antichrists recruited from? So the answer follows:
From the secular seminaries for priests. From the many evidences, here is an example:
This year (1905) a candidate of theology and Dr. of philosophy, who is a private lecturer in
Geneva - and as Dr. he can still be employed as professor at a university to train others to
become Antichrists - published a book, titled: Religion versus Theology and church, in which he
strives to prove as a teacher of God, that he is much better redeemed by a moral life than by
thoughts of the crucifixion of an unjustly condemned Jew in 33. For the highly learned doctor, it
was not the Bible or Christ who was the Christian teacher, but the truth-twisters Strauss, Renan,
etc. He says: Jesus is only a man, but not a God-man. His religion is not for all times and all
people, but it must first be made fit for people by people for people, and therefore it must be
improved. He proves that certain beliefs of Christ are harmful and untenable, because in his
darkness he does not know how to interpret them in a spiritually correct way, but interprets them
according to the wording of the dead letter of the Bible. (These harmful and untenable dogmas
are correctly explained in the Announcements ChtS No. 80, pages 130, 36). The Divine
inspiration, the revelation and the Holy Trinity are thrown overboard as untrue. The historical
holidays of Christ: Christmas, Resurrection, Ascension, etc. are declared as false idolatrous
holidays. The preaching of the Word of God is only for the man from the people, or for the
foolish. And the equality of Jesus with God is indignantly rejected.

Behold, these are the model teachers of priestly Christianity for Satan and his hell. I, Jesus -
since I am everywhere - could present to you a myriad of such priestly religions.

The evangelist John says in his first epistle, chapter 2:22-23: "Who is a liar, a false teacher, if he
is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ or Messiah, of whose coming the prophet
Daniel speaks in the 9th chapter 25 verse, and who is the Prince of Peace named God the
Father from eternity, the wonderful Creator of the world, therefore Jehovah of hosts, according
to: Isaiah 9:5; Micha 5:1; Malachi 3:1,23; Isaiah 43:11; -44:6; -45:21,22; Hos 13:4; Zach
12:1,10; David's Psalms; Hebr 1:2; Col 1:16, etc.

John continues: "He is an Antichrist who denies the Father and the Son in God. Everyone who
denies the Son, does not have the Father either. With these words, the evangelist refers to the
deniers of the Trinity in Christ as deniers of God, because the evangelist knew well that with the
Father and the Son, nothing else is meant but the Love and Wisdom in God, which he cites in
spiritually appropriate words in several passages of his Scripture.5

The testimony of God from Mount Tabor about Christ is: Jesus Christ is My beloved Son, in
whom I am well pleased (Matt 17). I was transfigured then in My heavenly form, where My
garment was snow-white and shining and My face shone like the sun. My disciple John writes
about this (5:10) - "Whoever does not believe the Son (what He said about Himself) declares
Him a liar, because he does not believe the testimony that God Himself (at Mount Tabor) gave
about His Son. With this John said that some of your priests and Bible interpreters are false
Christs and false prophets, because they say that Christ was not a God, but only a man.

Schumi: An offer was sent to 20 Roman Catholic priests to send them the book: Christ and the
Bible, or proof that there never was any other God than Christ - free of charge for reading, in
order to convince them of the truth; but not a single one wanted to know anything of the truth
about Christ. Then more was experienced; the book was sent free of charge to 34 Protestant
pastors, 32 of whom returned it, partly tacitly, partly with rudeness, that it was a gross and
godless nonsense, only two pastors took it, because they had already read it, but did not keep it
out of conviction, as it turned out afterwards.

The book is dictated by God Himself and based on Bible evidence and, as seen above, Swiss
priests called it gross and godless nonsense, thus they also called God Jesus Jehovah
Zebaoth, a Teacher of gross and godless nonsense!

My dear children: from this report of My servant, you see that your priests are false
Christs and false prophets. Through their way of life and action, they have sunk so low
and became spiritually blind and dark, that no more conversion is possible because they
are the wolves in sheep's clothing that pulled you into their spiritual darkness and
alienated Me, so that I, God Myself, can no longer do anything with mankind. Your false
Christs and false prophets, who are therefore the Antichrists, called Me, the most holy
Jehovah in Christ, what they themselves are. If they believed in Me, they would indeed
reconsider treating their unapproachable and highly holy Judge, on whom their spiritual
future depends, in this way.
I knew this already in the days of eternity that in the whole world the Christians will be drawn so
badly into spiritual darkness through their priests, that they will no longer recognize My word,
but will flee it as a false prophethood. Therefore, as a last resort, I have decided to make
the Holy Scripture - in which My Word is written, but which has become a black book of
magic in the hands of the priests - disappear from the world by My Divine omnipotence
by transforming all Bibles and all religious writings into air.

The prophet Amos received the following prophecy about the destruction of the Bible 2650
years ago: "Behold, the time is coming, says the Lord Jehovah, that I will send a hunger into the
land, not a hunger for bread, or thirst for water, but to hear the word of Jehovah. (So) that they
walk back and forth from one sea (i.e., "people") to another from midnight (or "dark people")
toward morning (or "to the enlightened ones"), seeking Jehovah's word and yet not finding it
(anymore).7 These words of prophecy are clear and do not allow any misinterpretation,
because the whole Word of God through the prophets and the apostles, is published together in
the Bible. As a supplement to the prophecy in Amos, the prophet Micah received the following
word 2621 years ago (in the year 717 BCE):

“And the seers (of false prophethood, who see their own false views) shall be ashamed, and the
soothsayers (of the churches and sects about the truths of faith) shall be mocked, and shall all
cover their mouths, because there shall be no word of God.” (Micah 3:7)

You know from the history of Judaism that the Word of God has never been lacking. Neither
Jewish nor Christian teachers of the faith have ever been disgraced for ever having lacked the
Word of God, which they could not then invoke, but the verse quoted in Micah was only given
as a supplement to Amos.

With the disappearance of the Bible, the Roman Catholic missal will also disappear, and
so also the physical sacrifice of the Mass will cease, and with it also the daily making of
God from the flour dough, and the daily crucifixion of Christ on Golgotha, as the Roman
Church teaches. The prophet Daniel reports about the abolition of the mass sacrifice 2443
years ago8, which can be read in Daniel in chapter 12:9-13.

Behold My children, I will open the eyes of all, and this in the near future, which is
already at the door of the Last Judgement, that all today's Christianity is an abomination
in My eyes, being a pagan hereticism, outraged by the Roman priesthood and adopted in
various forms by all churches - and sects which have separated themselves from the
Roman Church, has taken it over from the first one.

At the last supper I, the Wisdom and omnipotence in God, said that the Father God, or the Love
of God, dwells in Me - thus I said that I am not only the Father, but the Holy Trinity itself,
because apart from Love as Father, Wisdom as Son and Omnipotence as Holy Spirit, there is
no other or even a three-personal God, as was invented by the Roman Catholic Church in the
fourth century. This is why Paul said to the Colossians (2:9) - In Christ, the whole fullness of
the Godhead dwells bodily, and there has never been more than one whole God.

You think so! And then you are redeemed from a gross hereticism and come to Me, your God
and Father, into the spiritual-religious school so that you will come out of the previous dark

Now I ask: What are all those who follow the false doctrines mentioned above in the
priestly garment9? Look, these are the lost sheep of My stable. They are the misled
ones, and deeply to be pitied, because they have been introduced by their leaders into
the same religious lies and darkness in which their dark leaders are in.
All your explanations of the most important religious truths are dark lies, through which
millions and millions of believing Christians have been alienated to heaven and raised to
maturity and educated for hell. It has come so far that I Myself can do nothing without
violence. Therefore do not be surprised that I, Eternal Love, speak with this sharp tone.
Because now My time for return has dawned and therefore I speak to all men as Judge of
the world, Whose utterance is holy and will come true under lightning and thunder of
terrible earthquakes.

I will protect all those who have recognized Me as the loving Father in Jesus and willingly want
to fulfill My commandments out of love for Me and their neighbours. But woe to those men who
will stubbornly persist in their error despite the terrible destructive events and My teaching-
proofs, because nothing else remains for them than to take them all from the world, where then
the dark hell of torment and horrors will take them in. Amen.

The Word of God is the Son of the Love of God, because the Word of God is born out of the
Love of God, spiritually called "Father" because it is a child of Love. (John 4:8,16)

That the word of God is called a child, therefore spiritually a son of God, also corresponds
according to the oriental floral language, in which the word is called "the daughter of the lip",
thus similar to the heavenly language, in which the Wisdom of God is called the Word of God,
"the Son of God".

Jesus' praise of the Father. Matthew 11:25 - Jesus lifted up His voice and said: I praise You,
Father and Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden such things from the wise and
prudent, but have revealed them to the humble. This exclamation was made to draw the
attention of the proud Pharisees and worldly wise men to the fact that their wisdom and
prudence has no value before God and therefore they are abandoned - and the unlearned, but
humble, are preferred to them, so that they should go into themselves and become humble,
especially in judging the Word of God of the Holy Scriptures and the Christian Theosophical
Words of the Father.

No-one is good but God alone. Mark 10:17,18 - I was on the other side of the Jordan, teaching
the people. When I set out again to go to Jerusalem, and came into the street, a rich man ran
up and knelt down before Me and asked Me, "Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit
eternal life?" Since he regarded Me for an ordinary man and not for the Messiah Jehovah, I
answered him as a man according to the outward form of the body, saying, "Why do you
approve of Me? No-one is good (i.e. "holy or infallible") than God alone.”

From this answer, many judge Me that I was not God. But nowhere in this answer lies the
denial that I was no God, but it is rather a consultation and questioning to the man why he
comes to Me with a spiritual title, which only belongs to God, but in the heart he still regard Me
for a mere man. That this consultation question was meant for the rich man, then, is proved to
you by several sources in the Holy Scriptures, both of the Old and the New Testament.

And you must not take the matter any differently than the way I explain it to you Myself,
otherwise you declare Me, Christ, your God and Creator to be a liar.10
The main sources that show that I, God Jesus Jehovah of hosts, the Creator of the world, the
King of Heaven and Earth, am Eternal Life, the Holy Trinity, and thus the whole Godhead in one
person, are in the book: Christ and the Bible.

"My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" These words I spoke on the Cross and they
are the greatest offence to all ignorant and dark Christians, this is why they say, using My words
of that time as a defense for their false faith: yes, if Christ was God, to which God was He
calling then?

To this objection I have to enlighten you that at that time, I did not speak as God, but as man
according to the flesh: My soul with the Spirit of God in its heart, came out of the body at that
time, but the body was no longer of coarse spiritual matter, but a second spirit beside the soul,
but still visible, being consolidated spiritual flesh, because the soul is enlivened by the spirit, but
the body by the soul.11 In this forlornness, when the body saw that it had to die, it now spoke
the above words, which have been so misinterpreted so far. But these words were not only
meant for the flesh-body of Christ, but they were especially meant as an example for every
person, that every person in need should take refuge only in God, his Father, and seek help
from Him and nowhere else. This is how you should understand the third word on the cross
and then it will also no longer be an offense, since you are to know that I as God could not seek
another God in the hour of death, since there is no other God except Jehovah-Christ.

Sixth word on the cross: "Father, into Your hands I commend My Spirit!" My body was already
completely spiritualized at the time of death on the cross through the great suffering, as was
said before, there was nothing material in it any more, therefore I could call it a spirit. So the
meaning of My words is this:

Every man should recognize that God is His Father, therefore he should place everything in His
hands and recommend it to His grace and mercy. I was according to the spirit, God, according
to the soul of God's Wisdom itself, but according to the human body a man, and therefore I
showed through My example what every man has to do in such a case that he proceeds
properly, and how he is to speak and act as creature towards God as his Creator.

Whoever wants to know the truth about Christianity, should read the direct revelations of God in
the Christian Theosophical books:

Nr. 37: The Holy Trinity, 1st part, second multiplied edition,
Nr. 53: Who is a servant of God?
Nr. 58: Christ and the Church
Nr. 64: M. Luther's guidance in the Beyond
Nr. 70: Initial teaching of Christian Theosophy
Nr. 71: Christ and the Bible
Nr. 72: Christian Theosophical Prayer Book
Nr. 73: Christian Theosophy
Nr. 76: Ten Religious Contradictions
Nr. 77: Proof that Jesus Christ is Jehovah Zebaoth, and the Our Father Prayer, with the
teaching about Justification before God
Nr. 80: Revelations of Father Jesus-philosophers
The Magazine “The Love”, 1st year 1904, 2nd year 1905

God's mediums and the Inner Word

1. Aelohim in ancient Hebrew means “Power of God”
2. Matt 9:12; - Read ChSt 37, ch 13,2, the comment
3. Revelation 17:14; -19:16
4. Therefore this My self-appointed title: Thunderous Words of God about the Priests of today
5. John 1:1-14; -14:9-11; 1 John 5:7,8; Rev 7:14; Joh 3:5
6. The Magazine “The Love”1905, Chapter 88,89,127
7. Amos 8:11,12, year 745 BC
8. Year 539 BC
9. Just as the Swiss Catholic and Protestant priests are dark in spirit and heretical, so are all of them in other
10. This has unfortunately already happened, as was reported above, because of the book "Christ and the Bible",
which spreads the highest light among all the books of the world about Christ, but which they called "gross
nonsense" and "godless nonsense" in the name of all those who silently returned it, and called Schumi a true
swindler, a cunning cheat, or a poor, cheated man! A proof of the great spiritual eclipse and therefore unfitness
of these pastors for the priesthood, because every true servant knows the voice of his Lord, but not this voice.
Therefore they are also not My servants.
11. The understanding of this sentence depends on the spiritual maturity of the soul.


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