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2022 年 11 月
往成功成才大门的重要途径。职业教育已为各行各业累计培养输送 2 亿多高素质

Vocational education is an important component of the national education system and human resources
development, and a vital pathway to personal growth and success for the youths. In China, the sustained
rapid economic growth owes much to vocational education which has trained more than 200 million highly
skilled workers for all sectors of society.

2019 年 1 月 , 国 务 院 颁 发 了 《 国 家 职 业 教 育 改 革 实 施 方 案 》 (the
Implementation Plan for the Reform of the National Polytechnic Education) (
以下简称“方案”) ,明确指出职业教育与普通教育是两种不同教育类型,具有同
In January 2019, the State Council issued the Implementation Plan for the Reform of the National
Polytechnic Education, expressly stating that vocational education and general education are two different
types of education, but they are equally important. Since then, the reform of this sector has been moving
forward on a fast track.
天津尝试构建职业教育与普通教育互补的现代职业教育体系。首批 599 名职

In Tianjin, breakthroughs have been made in the reform of vocational education at the undergraduate
level. For example, Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Sciences is the first local college to integrate
secondary and higher vocational programs on the one hand, and vocational education and general education
programs on the other hand. The employment rate of its first 599 college graduates is much higher than that of
regular graduates, and most of them work in strategic emerging industries and high-end manufacturing.
在西藏,职教扶贫工作取得新突破。西藏职业技术学院毕业生就业率 ,从
年的 70% 跃升到 2020 年的 95.17%,充分证明了“职教扶贫”政策的成功。
In Tibet, vocational education has played an even larger role in poverty reduction. The employment rate of
the graduates in Tibet Vocational Technical College jumped from 70% in 2018 to 89% in 2019 and then
95.17% in 2020, which attested to the positive roles of vocational education in local anti-poverty programs.
据显示,我国技能人才已超过 2 亿人,占就业总量的 26%。然而高技能人才仅
有 5000 万人,占技能人才总量的 28%。在一些人心中,职业教育依然“低人一
It is worth noting, however, that vocational education leaves much more to be desired compared with
higher education. According to statistics, in China there are more than 200 million skilled technicians, or 26%
of the working population, but only 50 million, or 28% of them, have advanced technical skills. Today,
vocational education is still seen as “inferior” by some. Given the need to increase the social recognition and
appeal of this sector, it is important to increase compensation and benefits for skilled workers and empower
them to navigate their career paths.


在新冠疫情全球蔓延的困难时刻, 东亚国家选择开放合作,
签署了 RCEP, 给区域经济复苏注入新的动能。RCEP 的签署,将
At the difficult moment when the coronavirus spreads around the world, East Asian
countries have chosen opening-up and cooperation as they resigned RCEP, a move that
infuses new momentum into regional economic recovery. In addition, this agreement is
expected to enhance trade and investment, promote cooperation in industrial chains and
supply chains, and enable countries to access respective strengths for win-win results.
As one main engine of economic growth in East Asia, China is the first country to
bring the virus under control and achieve economic recovery, and at the same time
supports pandemic response in other countries in the region. In line with a new
development philosophy, it pursues high-quality development, works to build a new
development paradigm, and promotes high-standard opening up while expanding
domestic demand. These moves demonstrate China’s strong sense of responsibility as
a major country that champions trade liberalization and opens up its domestic market to
the world on a voluntary basis.

中国积极参与 RCEP 谈判,并在此过程中发挥了不可或缺的作

用。中方将一如 既往支持东盟发挥主导作用,同各方合作做好
RCEP 实施工作,使成果更早惠及地区企业和民众。
China was an active participant that played an integral role in RCEP negotiations.
Going forward, it will continue to support the leadership role of ASEAN within this
framework and work together with other sides to enhance its implementation, so as to
make its gains accessible to firms and peoples in the region at an earlier date.

RCEP 的签署是各方 8 年努力磋商的结果,也是深化东亚区域经

The conclusion of RCEP is not only a result of eight years of intensive consultation,
but also a new starting point to deepen economic cooperation in East Asia. For all
member states, it is important to work together to accelerate post-pandemic economic
recovery in ways that deliver benefits to nations and peoples in the region and contribute
to the formation of an open world economy.


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