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Ren Dystopia Translation

Greetings, this will be a first-person perspective story, just like the setting of the game
“Ren Dystopia”.
Nobody else is going to translate this game, so… fine, I will do it myself.

Bold words are important details.

Italicized words are inner dialogues.


???: “Shido-kun~”

…Someone is calling my name.

Yes, my name is Shido Itsuka, and who is calling me…

???: “Hey, Shido-kun~”

An itching feeling is lingering in my ears. Who is it that is calling my name…I don’t really know…

???: “I told you to get up. Shido-kun is such a sleepyhead.”

Oh yeah, I fell asleep. I really like to be woken up by such a gentle voice…

When I open my eyes, I see a voluptuous figure lying next to me. She has long green hair,
clear green eyes, and rosy lips that take my breath away, not to mention that she has a deep
violet nightgown, emphasizing her seductive features.

Me: “Ahhh, Natsumi!? What are you doing so early in the morning!?”

Adult Natsumi: “Ha, you finally woke up. What am I doing? Obviously, I’m waking you up~”

Of course, it is Natsumi in her adult form.

Me: “Thank you for that…. Wait a minute, why are you dressed like that!?”

Adult Natsumi: “Hehe, because Shido-kun likes it this way. Besides, you look so cute when you
are shy. Let me give you a good ~ morning ~ kiss.”

Me: “No, it’s okay…”

Natsumi: “Hehe, no need to be so formal. I will give you an extra service: Where do you want
me to kiss?”

Me: “Wait, wait a minute.”

I’ll be lying to say that I don’t like a kiss from such a beauty. But, if I lose to her seduction today,
I won’t be able to stand up straight in my home anymore. So, I must resist it as hard as I can.

Adult Natsumi: “Come on, please hold still, so I….Ac…Achoo!”

Because of the hair rubbing against her beautiful face, Natsumi couldn’t help but sneeze.
Suddenly, her body was covered in particles of light, and in the next second, her figure began to

When the light disappeared, there was a girl that looked like a middle-school student lying there
— The real Natsumi.

Natsumi: “Ahh…”

Me: “What…”

Natsumi: “...Good morning…”

Me: “...Yeah…good… morning…”

Natsumi: “... So, okay…”

Me: So hold on, what the heck was that?

This girl’s name is Natsumi, a Spirit that has her reiryoku sealed by me. Her angel, Haniel,
allows her to transform herself into anything. Not just that, she can also transform other objects
into what she desires.

In other words, the earlier big sister figure was just a transformation of her ideal self image. And
now, she is in her original self, the loli figure.

Me: “Natsumi, I have been wondering: Why do you always transform into your adult self?”

Natsumi: “...It’s not because I like it or something. But I thought it would be more effective that
way to stimulate you and make you get up… You think so too, don’t you?”

Me: “Not exactly. Your adult self is very beautiful, I admit… But I like the current Natsumi too!
So, you can just wake me up like this.”

Natsumi: “...I will do it…Okay, I will head down now. Shido, make sure you get ready too.”

After saying that, she left the room and went downstairs.

Natsumi always has a troublesome personality. After telling her how I feel, she got mad
again…Whatever, I should get ready now.

When I went downstairs, I saw Miku, Kotori, and Natsumi in the living room waiting for me.

Kotori: “Good morning, oni-chan! You finally got up on time for once!”

Miku: “Good morning, Darling~”

Me: “Ah, good morning, Kotori — Wait, why is Miku here?”

Miku: “Wh…Why… Am I causing trouble for Darling? Indeed, if you have a cute girl waking you
up every morning, there is no place for me…”

Me: “No no, not at all… I’m just thinking how are you so early. When did you come here?”

Miku: “Aya, just in case I missed Darling’s cute sleeping face, I sneaked in here last night.”

Me: “Wait, isn’t this trespassing? Don’t be like Origami please…Hold on, aren’t you busy with
your idol work?”

Miku: “It’s worth it to skip work for love! Wouldn't you agree, Natsumi-chan?”

Natsumi: “Leave me out of this… Also, I only went to wake him up because you told me to.”

“You said that if I could wake him up by myself, everyone would call me brave and confident…”
Miku: “Aya, only Natsumi-chan can do this. Of course you need to transform into your adult self
to wake him up.”

“Besides, I might be able to take advantage of your voluptuous figure too~ When I was about to
go up, Kotori-chan blocked my way…”

“Come on! Natsumi-chan had Darling all to herself, sleeping together like a married couple~”

Kotori: “I didn’t block your way. I just wanted to try waking oni-chan myself, testing my new
special move ‘oni-chan get up style: Triple reverse pendulum kick’ (you get the idea).”

Miku: “I see…That sounds like fun too.”

Me: “If you do that, I will be done for the day! Also, what should I do if Kotori hurts herself?”

“What in the world is that move? Anyway, I can get up by myself, so please spare me!”

Kotori: “Really? Then I will wait for oni-chan to wake me up first next morning!

Me: “Alright, I will do it…later…”

I can’t really make any guarantees. Speaking of which, this is the first time Kotori allowed others
to wake me up normally. In this case, it might be fun to get up earlier next time and scare her a
little bit.

Jokes aside, I should prepare breakfast now.

There aren’t many ingredients left in the fridge, only a dozen eggs. Well, I can still make some
simple cuisine with them.

Me: “Wait for a while for breakfast to be ready. For today, we will have bread and omurice.”

Kotori: “Yeah! Let me write something on oni-chan’s omurice!”

Natsumi: “...”

Me: “You wanna try too, Natsumi?”

Natsumi: “No, not really… I haven’t tried cooking for quite a while. Of course, I understand it is
better for someone like me not to step in…”

“Me: “Really? But I would appreciate it if more people were to help me. How about this: Put the
bread in the toaster for me, and help Kotori set up the utensils on the table?”
Natsumi: “I guess I can do that, but is it really okay for me to do it? I don’t want to put a curse on
the toaster. Maybe a skeleton mark will appear?”

Me: “What the heck is that effect… But anyway, please help me. I will prepare the omurice!”

Miku: “I will be your cheerleader! Let’s go, everyone, let’s go! Ah, having so many beautiful girls
in the morning making me breakfast is like heaven for me!”

Me: “You are really cheerleading…Well, that’s motivating for sure.”

Natsumi put a piece of bread on the toaster timidly, her hands shaking.

Natsumi: “...Alright, one down. Kotori, can you hand me some plates for the table?”

Kotori: “Sure~ Let me see, is the toaster functioning well?”

Judging from Natsumi’s mental state, even though she wasn’t doing smoothly well, she was still
actively helping out. She made everyone worry about her a little.

Breakfast was ready.

Kotori: “Itadakimasu!”

Miku: “Itadakimasu! Mmm…Mmm… Ah, it’s Darling and Natsumi’s flavor!”

Natsumi: “I feel a chill down my spine all of a sudden….Anyway, there’s no need to rush, right?”

Miku: “Thank you for the treat, so delicious!”

“I wanted to taste the flavors slowly, but I have to go to school now. God, why do I have to go to
a different school…”

Me: “I see, you didn’t rest well… Getting up so early was really a burden for you.”

Miku: “Indeed, but I will still come to your place early as your girlfriend! With that being said,
have a nice day, everyone!”

Miku left the house with a smile on her angelic face.

Me: “By the way, Natsumi, thank you for helping me make breakfast.”

Natsumi: “You…you are welcome… I live really close to you, so it’s not a big deal. It feels
embarrassing to be thanked…”

Kotori: “ Chump * Chump * It’s so tasty! Thank you, Natsumi!”

Natsumi: “Come on…I am just a Shut-in-NEET anyway. You guys gave me a place to stay and
food to eat, of course I should do something in return, otherwise I will feel guilty…In other
words, I am only doing this for myself…”

Kotori: “Oh, that reminds me. Oni-chan and NEET sound really alike, don’t they? NEET, oni-

Me: “Natsumi helped us do chores, didn’t you? You were really a great help. Please take care of
us more, Natsumi.”

Natsumi: “You are making me more embarrassed, Shido. How could you say those
embarrassing things to me so casually….Anyway, I will do my best to help too.”

After saying that, Natsumi ran back to her room.

Well, I should start heading to school too.

When I was getting my shoes, Kotori stopped me. She was in her black ribbons, the serious
commander mode.

Me: “What’s wrong, Kotori?”

Kotori: “Let us examine the situation: Everything is okay for now, and everyone has calmed

“Even so, we still have problems in our hands. If anything goes wrong, let me know

Me: “I see, Fraxinus is still under maintenance, right?”

Kotori: “Indeed. We can still search for spiritual waves, but Fraxinus is not ready to deploy yet.”

Me: “Okay, if anything goes wrong, I will inform you immediately. By the way, I didn’t know
Fraxinus was damaged that badly…”

Kotori: “Hmm, it’s just that we got hit in unlucky spots. It sucks that it can’t fly…Without any
choice, we have to conduct thorough maintenance.”

“We won’t lose again. We will make Ellen Mathers rue the day that she shot our Fraxinus down!”

God….it’s really cold outside. Well, it’s natural since it’s almost December.

Yoshino: “He…Hello, Shido-san. Good morning.”

Yoshinon: “Hey hey, Shido-kun. Did your heart get warmed up by Yoshino’s greetings?”

Me: “Yoshino, and Yoshinon! Good morning! What are you doing here?”

Yoshino: “Well, I’m waiting for Natsumi-chan.”

Me: “Oh, I see.”

In a moment, a girl with green long hair tied up ran over.

Yoshinon: “Did you come to say hello to Shido-kun, or to wait for Natsumi-chan? Tell the truth!”

Yoshino: “Yoshinon…Both!”

Yoshinon: “Shido-kun, how could you let two cute little girls wait for you outside? What heinous
crime did you commit?”

Me: “Hahaha, I see. Sorry, you two don’t have to stand outside. Just come into my house and
get warm.”

Yoshino: “...Alright, thank you very much. Well, we will be going now.”

A lot of things happened this morning, just like everyday. Well, this past year is surely the
busiest year of my lifetime so far…

Tohka: “Good morning, Shido! What’s going on? You are earlier than usual.”

Me: “Good morning, Tohka. Natsumi woke me up early, and helped me make breakfast, so I got
out early.”

Tohka: “What? Natsumi is so good. I wanted to wake Shido up and have breakfast together
too…But, it will be troublesome to come to your house for food every day…”

Me: “Hahaha, I always welcome you, Tohka! Just let me know beforehand so that I can prepare
more food.”

Tohka: “Umu…Sorry, Shido’s cooking is just too delicious…”

Me: “If you are happy eating my food, then I will be happy too. Next time, come by not just for
dinner, but breakfast as well!”

Tohka: “Really? It’s a promise, Shido! Hehe, I am looking forward to it!”

Tonomachi: “Yo, good morning, my ‘HEARTOFFRIEND’ Itsuka! And you too, Tohka! You two
walked to school together like always. I have seen it all!”

The guy who hit on us was my classmate, sunny and energetic as always.

Me: “Yo, Tonomachi. You are in a good mood.”

Tohka: “Umu, good morning. — Hey Shido, what is Tonomachi talking about? What

Tonomachi: “Even though I am right here, Tohka-chan is not asking me but Itsuka. I’m so
jealous ~ But, I shouldn’t be jealous of my best friend!”

Me: “Sorry Tonomachi, I have no idea what you meant by ‘HEARTOFFRIEND’ either.”

Tonomachi: “What, seriously? It’s simple English…Let me educate you, it means “Heart of

Me: “Oh, so you just put them together. What’s the big deal?”

Tonomachi: “I heard you! HEART OF FRIEND! Whatever, I am speaking some wise words,
aren’t I?

“Did you know that guys get more popular when they speak fluent English?”
Me: “It’s not that simple! If you say it wrong, you will make yourself more unpopular.”

Tonomachi: “No no no, speaking fluent English will guarantee you the success you desire! Think
of the benefits: Enroll into a good college, become popular among friends, get yourself a
girlfriend…Plus, you will make yourself look cool, dependable, and every girl wants to hug you…
Come join me if you want it too.”

“In addition, there are girls everywhere in the world. I welcome girls outside of Japan
wholeheartedly too!”

…Well, even though his grammar needs work, I will cheer him up.

Tonomachi: “Ha, as expected of you, HEART OF FRIEND Itsuka! I’m gonna do it! If you want to
improve your English, come to me anytime.”

“Well then, let’s head to our class. See ya!”

Finally, Tonomachi walked into the school gate and headed to the classroom.

Tohka: “Shido, what is going on with Tonomachi? He’s different from usual.”

Me: “Really? I think that is the usual Tonomachi. Whatever, let’s head inside too.”

Tohka: “Umu, since HEART OF FRIEND Shido said so, let’s go!”

In the classroom, I saw a girl with white hair and a doll-like expression.
Origami: “Good morning, Shido. I’ve been waiting for you.”

Me: “Good morning, Origami. What do you need?”

Origami: “I have a request: Please call me by my name again.”

Me: “What? No problem... Hey, Origami.”

Origami: “Please, one more time.”

“This time, with a little more emotion.”

Me: “Ehh…Origami…Ori…I can't do it!”

Tohka: “Hey, Origami! What are you doing so early in the morning? Don’t you see you are
troubling Shido?”
Origami: “This is a very serious matter. Outsiders should stay out of this.”

Tohka: “Ehh…I don’t understand this at all. Shido, do you know what’s going on?”

Origami: “—I have only paid attention to Shido’s smell and taste so far. But, now I realize that is
far from enough.”

“From now on, I will pay attention to Shido’s voice and tone as well. Due to my immaturity, I had
wasted all the precious sounds that Shido made throughout my life. I am deeply sorry.

Me: “...I, I see?”

Tohka: “Oh oh! Is this the so-called philosophy?”

Me: “Well…Please don’t push yourself?”

This girl has the calmest and most serious expression among the Spirits, yet she spouts the
most nonsense of them all. She is the same Origami after all.

Origami has always been an ordinary human being, until recently, where she was transformed
into a Spirit due to a certain incident. She now possesses Metatron, a destructive Angel, that
allows her to attack enemies with over hundreds of cannons of lights, even powerful enough to
shoot down Fraxinus.
Although her powers have just been sealed, and we should pay more attention to her, she is still
the same as usual…

If anything has changed, it’s the fact that she and Tohka are calling each other by their first
names now.

Tomoe-sensei: “Alright, everyone please go back to your seat. The class is about to begin.”

“First of all, the weather is getting colder and colder, so please wear warm clothes and don’t
catch a cold.”

“It’s only one month before the final. Make sure you study hard for the exam. If you fail, you will
have to attend extra lessons.”

“It won’t be just before the winter break, but also Christmas Eve as well! I won’t accept any
student failing the final, okay?”

“I will stay with you all, so please don’t fail!”

“If I have to conduct extra lessons during Christmas, my very last Christmas before I turn 30, I
will cry my heart out!!!”
It seems like I can feel sensei’s pain. Whether for me or for her, I must do my very best to pass
the final.

“Last but not least, please don’t overexert yourself in extracurricular activities, make sure to
manage your time and body well. With that being said, the class is over.”

Tohka: “Shido, it’s time for lunch. I can’t wait for your bento!”

Me: “Sorry, Tohka, I didn’t make bento today. Let’s go to the cafe.”

Tohka: “Oh, I see. Well, it can’t be helped…”

Me: “Sorry, I will make it tomorrow.”

Tohka: “Don’t worry about it. I need to thank you for everything you have done for me, Shido.”
A pair of twins with the same appearance showed up in the classroom. There wasn’t much
difference between them except for the ways they tied their orange hair and their bust sizes.

Kaguya: “Hehehe, as my divine revelation foretold, a group of hungry beasts have gathered
here. Call out to my name, so I shall grant you the ultimate prize you desire.”

Me: “Hey, Kaguya and Yuzuru, what are you guys doing here?”

Yuzuru: “Explanation. We bought too much bread as a result of our competition, and since you
don’t have bento for lunch, we will share it with you.”

Kaguya: “You guys have cared for us for a long time, so it’s natural for us to return the favor.
Also, we have a competition right now. Can you be our judge, Shido?”

Yuzuru: “Affirmative. We have competed against each other in speed several times, trying to
buy the bread before anyone else. It’s only a matter of course for the Yamais; it wasn’t even a

“But today’s competition is different: Whose bread will Shido choose from, Kaguya or Yuzuru?”

Me: “Well, Tohka, you can pick first. I will have the other one.”

Kaguya: “Kaka, as I expected, Shido. I predicted your decision.”

Yuzuru: “Bestowment. Tokha can have this Kinako Bread first. Now Shido, you have to make a

Tohka: “Umu! Kinako Bread! Thank you so much, Kaguya, Yuzuru! * Munch * …”

Great, I am doomed.

Kaguya: “I will go first. Mine is a victory hard earned by overcoming hellfire trials, a symbol of
the emperor of the ancient world, the ultimate Fried Chicken Sandwich!”

“In other words, the meat is crispy, and the cabbage is covering the bread, not to mention the
additional soy sauce as its flavor.” (Sorry, Kaguya’s words are too hard for translation)

Yuzuru: “Absurdity. Such overly detailed explanations of the food will make the owner sick. Only
the traditional yet nutritious bread is a preferable choice: Chowmein Bread.”

“Happiness. Sweet and salty flavors will astonish your taste buds. The redness of ketchup on
top of the bread will make you drool in no time.”

Tohka: “Aaahhh, I am hungry again…”

Kaguya: “Ha, you have digested it already…? But don’t worry, we still have melon bread, curry
bread, bean buns… Pick whatever you like!”

Tohka: “What? So many flavors!? Thank you, I will have to give you some gifts next time…”

Which option should I choose?

Kaguya’s Fried Chicken Sandwich

Yuzuru’s Chowmein Bread
I picked Kaguya’s. (It doesn’t affect the main story)

Me: “Then I choose Kaguya’s Fried Chicken Sandwich.”

Kaguya: “Nice decision, Shido!”

“Only with this sandwich can you taste so many awesome flavors at once! It seems like your
mind is going! Come on, accept my Fried Chicken Sandwich with all your heart!”

Me: “Oh oh, thanks Kaguya. This sandwich is pretty big, one bite is enough to make me feel
satisfied with all the flavors in my mouth.”

Yuzuru: “Neglection. It’s my mistake, so I will admit defeat today.”

Tohka: “Thanks again, Kaguya and Yuzuru. It’s really delicious!”

Tohka: “Ah, the school has so much time for studying, but only a short time for lunch breaks. I
wish they would give us more time.”

Kaguya: “Even if they do, we won’t be able to finish all this bread. But, it will be great if we have
more time for desserts.”

Yuzuru: “Astonishment. Yuzuru didn’t expect Tohka to think like this…though Kaguya is pretty
astonishing for thinking like this as well.”
Kaguya: “Come on, what’s so bad about this? I might study better after eating desserts.”

Yuzuru: “Correction. Kaguya will most likely take a nap instead of studying.”

Tohka: “Okay, I see. What will the afternoon classes be like? I hope it's a Culinary lesson.”

Tengu Tower.

Speaking of which, I haven’t been here for quite a while…

I was just strolling around, and here I am.

Not because Kotori told me to come here, I am just taking a walk after school, hoping to relax a
little. In addition, it’s good exercise.

…Of course, if anything goes wrong, it might be trouble…

???: “Ara Ara, what a coincidence, Shido-san.”

Me: “...What!”

Kurumi: “Hehe, no need to be so exaggerated.”

Me: “Ku..Kurumi!? What are you doing here…?”

Kurumi: “Ara Ara, can’t I take a walk on the streets? Considering my relationship with Shido-
san, isn’t it natural for us to greet each other?”

Me: “Well, if you say so…”

Kurumi: “You are acting like you saw a ghost or nightmare, and it’s making me sad, so sad that I
wanna cry right now…”

Me: “I…I get it now…So please greet me normally, instead of sneaking up behind me…”

Kurumi: “But that would be boring.”

Me: “You intended to scare me, didn’t you?”

Kurumi: “No, no, not at all. I just didn’t expect Shido-san to make such a cute noise!”

Me: “God….”

Kurumi: “But, Shido-san had fun too, didn’t you? When you were walking in front of me, you
were literally asking me to scare you.”

Me: “What the heck is that?”

Kurumi: “Hahaha…”

Me: “No, I can’t let her tease me like this. If you wanna play…”

“I wasn’t really that surprised. You know, it’s not the first time you did something like that. If you
wanted to surprise me, you might have to be more creative.”

Kurumi: “Ara? Then what should I do?”

Me: “Let me think… Greeting me in the morning, going to school together, attending class
together, and accidentally running into each other in the corridor…”

“If you do this, I will be more surprised.”

Kurumi: “... Ara Ara, so you want to seal my reiryoku, right?”

Me: “Who knows. But if you imagine that, it means you yearn for a daily life like this, don’t you?”

Kurumi: “Hehe, Shido-san is much better than yesterday in capturing a maiden’s heart. I
expected nothing less from the man who’s been through countless battles.”
Me: “...I take it as a compliment.”

Kurumi: “Of course it’s a compliment, and I hope you accept it. ——Besides, we are partners in
time travel.”

Kurumi smiled as she laid out this very fact.

Indeed, in order to change the gruesome future, I borrowed the powers of Kurumi’s Angel,
“Zaphkiel”, and traveled to the past.

If it weren’t for Kurumi, I wouldn't have this peaceful life with everyone.

Me: “...About that, I really need to thank you properly. It’s only because of you that we were all
saved. Thank you!”

Of course, she still wants my reiryoku. Nothing has changed about that.

Kurumi: “—Hehe, I’m glad to hear that.”

“But please do not forget: The two of us are sinners who manipulated time and changed the

“It’s against law and nature in every aspect, so please don’t expect things to be smooth from
now on.”

Me: “What…What’s going on? Did something happen because of us changing the past?”

Kurumi: “Who knows.”

Me: “?”

Kurumi: “I’m just reminding you, that our actions could bear severe consequences.”

Is Kurumi trying to scare me? Speaking in such an ominous manner, making me feel like
something is wrong.

…But, if it’s Kurumi, it makes sense. As much as I hate to admit this, changing the past is not

However, in order to save everyone, I will do the same thing again even if time reverses right

Kurumi: “Even so — I’d be lying to say nothing happened.”

Me: “What did you say?”

Kurumi: “I’m not quite sure if it’s related, but I felt a slight commotion of reiryoku recently.”

“You can call it a woman’s intuition. Did Shido-san feel any disturbance at all?”

Me: “Well, I’m not a woman, so…”

Kurumi: “Ahhh, I’m so sorry, Shiori-san. Nothing is wrong.”

Me: “My gender didn’t change, okay?”

Kurumi: “Haha…Anyway, it’s just my intuition, so I can't be sure. I just feel like it’s appropriate to
give you a warning.”

…Come on. Why can’t she just say it in the beginning? Is she frank or not so frank after all…

Me: “Kurumi.”

Kurumi: “Yes?”

Me: “You are surprisingly a gentle person.”

Kurumi: “Ara Ara…”

“How do I put this…If you call a feeling that doesn’t want anyone else to reap the fruit before I
do a ‘gentle’ one, then maybe so.”

I don’t know if she’s trying to hide her shyness, but this metaphor is kind of scary…

Kurumi: “Well, let’s end our conversation for now. Please take care of yourself. Please don’t let
anyone but me take you down.”

With that, Kurumi disappeared into the shadows.

Me: “Wh…”

…She stopped me in the streets, and left after saying what she had in mind.

Could it be that she gave me a warning because she’s worried about me…?

Either way, I will pay attention to it.

After I made up my mind, my feet started moving again.

Me: “I’m home. A lot of things happened today.”

Kotori: “Welcome home, it’s good to see you okay. I can rest assured for now.”

Me: “I just said a lot of things happened.”

Kotori: Yeah, so it’s just another day for Shido Itsuka! Isn’t it nice to get along with everyone

Me: “What do you mean ‘sweetly’? And yes, nothing serious happened….Wait, how did you
know without hearing me speak?”

Kotori: “Should I say that Shido can never avoid troubles, or that you just love looking for one?
If anything happened, you wouldn't be coming home leisurely.”

Me: “...I feel distrusted.”

Kotori: “Nah ah, it’s the opposite…in a way.”

Me: “In a way? Should I be happy about that?”

Kotori: “Of course! I hope nothing goes wrong later.”

“Anyway, I will go to bed now. Shido should go to bed soon too. Otherwise, it will be impossible
for you to get up earlier than me and wake me up.”

Me: “Ah, I understand — Good night, Kotori.”

Kotori: “Yes, good night, Shido.”

—My vision is spiraling left and right.

—My mind is swirling up and down.

Unsure of where one self is, and unsure of why things had become like this.

— In darkness, there is a girl restrained in chains. Her eyes were covered by bandages, looking
nothing more than a prisoner…

Suddenly, a disturbance of reiryoku occurred in space.

“—Did the seal break off?”


“How amusing. I can’t believe I will actually see the day that I wake up! This world is really full of
“Although my body is still restrained, at least I am able to wake up, talk, laugh, and most
of all, feel the utmost pleasure! —— This is enough for [The Beginning].”

“Now then, let the prelude begin, where one will laugh and cry uncontrollably.”

“ —— In addition, please behold the carnival of beautiful and affectionate girls!”

“Wishes are always beautiful, but what kind of outcome will they lead to? Nobody

“Will the beautiful and affectionate girls receive paradise, or hell?”

“Please allow me, Ren, to guide you to the end. And hopefully, everyone will be able to
enjoy the show ——”


Nobody came to wake me up. Ha, it seems like I didn’t oversleep!

Wait what? Is it this late already? I won’t even have time to make breakfast!

On my desk, there is a particular box.

It’s small enough to fit the palm of my hand, a tiny box with patterns of snakes on it. It wasn’t
here before I slept last night…

Speaking of which, the snakes are really creeping me out. Could this be a prank?

No, someone could have lost it. I should confirm it first.

After I changed my clothes, I took the box and left my room.

Me: “Sorry Kotori, I overslept…”

“Where is she? She didn’t come to my room like usual, could she have left the apartment
already…A note?”

A note on the dining table wrote: “I am heading to Fraxinus for some issues, so there’s no time
to wake you up. Don’t you be late for school, okay?

— Kotori

Haha, she saw through me. In this case, I really shouldn’t be late, should I?

I made it.
Tohka: “Good morning, Shido. How are you a little late this morning?”

Me: “ Well, I overslept a little.”

Origami: “Your sleeping face was too cute, so I didn’t want to wake you.”

Me: “What? Really?”

Origami: “A little joke there?”

Me: “It doesn’t sound like a joke coming from you…”

“By the way, have you guys seen this before?”

I held out the weird box I found this morning.

Tohka: “What’s this, a box? I don’t know about it. Is there something in it?”

Me: “No, it’s in my room when I woke up this morning. I didn’t open it since I had no idea if
someone lost it.”

Origami: “Shido, could that be…?”

Me: “What, Origami? You know something about it?”

Origami: “Sorry, I was a little surprised. Thank you, that should belong to me.”

Me: “Really?”

When did she leave it in my room? It’s a little scary to think about it, so I should stop thinking…

Me: “Well then, since it’s yours, here you go.”

Origami: “Wait, Shido. I want you to put it on my finger.”

Me: “What do you mean, putting it on your finger?”

Origami: “...Isn’t this the wedding ring you prepared for me?”

Me: “What!? I found it near my pillow this morning! Didn’t you hear what I said?”

Origami: “I thought you wanted to surprise me, pretending to lose this box, only to show me a
wedding ring out of nowhere.”

Me: “That will be really romantic of me…”

Fortunately, the bell is ringing, so the conversation is over for now.

Me: “...Anyway, the class is about to begin, so let’s sit down.”

Tohka: “Umu.”

Origami: “Okay.”

In the end, I still haven’t found the owner of this box…Whatever, I will ask other Spirits about it.

After school, when I was about to head back home, I saw a familiar figure.
Could that be Kurumi?

I couldn’t pretend not to see her, so I followed her all the way to the alley that she was heading

Kurumi: “Ara, Shido-san, what a coincidence.”

Me: “What!?”

As soon as I walked into the alley, a seductive voice sounded behind me.
Kurumi: “Ara Ara, what were you trying to do, chasing me into this alley?”

Come to think of it, Kurumi can travel through shadows, not to mention that she has many
clones of herself, so it’s not surprising that she showed up behind me.

…I thought I was following behind her, but instead, she lured me into this place.

Me: “...Is there something you wanna tell me? Inviting me to a place with nobody else around,
there must be something that you don’t want others to know about.”

Kurumi: “Hehe, how perceptive of you. Never~the~less, this is not the only reason I lured you

“I could be trying to devour a certain someone who let down his guard after hearing my

Me: “No way…”

Kurumi: “Hehehe — It makes sense, doesn’t it? Please don’t let down your guard.”

Me: “Lesson learned.”

Kurumi: “Anyway, let’s talk business: Shido-san, did something strange happen to you lately?”

Me: “Something strange?

Kurumi: “For example, meeting someone terrifying, or entering somewhere strange. Or perhaps,
picking up a creepy object — Anything fits our topic.”

Me: “I am meeting someone terrifying right now…”

Kurumi(grin): “I will really eat you right now.”

Me: “Sorry, please forgive me…”

Speaking of strange things, now I remember.

Me: “Look at this box, I found it next to my pillow this morning.”

I showed Kurumi the box.

Kurumi: “...This box…? Could it be…?”

Me: “What? Is this really yours?”

Kurumi: “No, but it could be the thing that I am looking for.”

Kurumi took the box and opened it.

Suddenly, particles of black waves burst through the atmosphere, but no harm was done to us.
After a while, they disappeared.

Me: “What…What happened?”

Kurumi: “It seems … to be empty.”

Me: “Ah…it’s true.”

Kurumi: “...What a shame. It’s different from what I thought.”

Me: “That aside, are you looking for something?”

Kurumi: “I don’t know all the details myself — But, how do I put this… I don’t think it’s a good

Me: “...”

Kurumi’s serious tone made me silent for a moment. I just felt a disturbance in the atmosphere,
could it be related to the commotion of reiryoku…?

Me: “...I see. I will keep you updated.”

Kurumi: “Please do, and make sure you stay safe.”

After saying that, Kurumi left the scene.

What could that thing be? I have rarely seen Kurumi this cautious, like she’s on high alert or

Cracking my brains won’t get me anywhere right now. I should just go home.

I took the empty box and headed home.


That’s it for the prologue. Hopefully you enjoyed the content so far. There will be
different routes throughout the game: Kurumi, Origami, Tohka, Yoshino, Kotori, Kaguya,
Yuzuru, Miku, Natsumi, and Ren(two routes).

Next will be the Kurumi Route, so stay tuned!

Have a nice day :)

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