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Kotori's Wishes Day 1


After school, I got home quickly.

All the necessities are taken care of, hopefully I can relax at home for a little

Kotori: "Ah, Shido, welcome back. You are home early today."

Me: "Yep, I'm back."

Usually, Kotori wears her white ribbons at school, and won't switch to black
ones so quickly after getting home. What's going on?

Kotori: "What? Is there something you wanna ask me about?"

Me: "Ah, no. I'm just curious that you are wearing black ribbons. Are you
dealing with matters related to Spirits right now?"

Kotori: "Ahhh——About that. Yes, I checked the facilities of the Spirit

Department. It's almost winter, so I think it's appropriate to install some
heaters and stuff."

Me: "I see."

If she was wearing white ribbons, her standard might be a little different from

Kotori: "...Shido? Are you thinking about some rude things right now?"

Me: "No, not at all!"

Kotori: "Ha, I asked every girl about their preferences. As for Natsumi, she
was totally up for it."

"As for Miku, she said [please let me enter their room and change a new one
every single day!] She's not even living here!"

Me: "...Typical Miku."

Kotori: "Also, something about allowance. It's not that our preparation of
clothes are bad, but it's easier for them to decide what to buy for themselves."

Me: "For sure....By the way, I would like a new jacket too. The old ones are all
wrinkling and stuff."

Kotori: "But they are still wearable, right?"

Me: "Ah..."
Kotori: "Just kidding. Since it's a rare chance, how about we buy some warm
clothes with everyone together? We will definitely get some really cute ones.
Also, it's easy to get cold feet during winter, so buy some warm pantyhose."

Me: "Why are all of those for girls? Don't tell me it's all for Shiori!"

Kotori: "Ara, it's better to be prepared. As far as I know, Shiori-san doesn't

have any winter clothing."

Me: "I don't need to be Shiori so frequently!"

Kotori: "Hopefully—— Anyway, everyone is living as a human being, so there

are a lot of things to consider."

"All I'm doing is helping out a little. [Ratatoskr] is the one preparing all the
money, and the remaining work is done by Reine and the staff."

"We have independent Spirits like Origami and Miku, so things are a little
easier with them. However, we need to pay attention to them too."

"Also, Yoshino and Natsumi are prone to cause power disturbance when
panicked, so we need to watch out.

I didn't notice these matters at all! Once we have more Spirits to protect,
Kotori will automatically have to worry about more things.

Me: "Kotori, don't push yourself too hard."

Kotori: "I'm not, okay? IT's just...everyone is working so hard lately, I should
do my best as well."
Me: "What the heck. If what Kotori is doing doesn't count as hard work, I am
nothing but a soft and miserable baby bird."

Kotori: "Hahahah! What kind of metaphor is that?"

...Kotori has always been like this. Due to her strong responsibility, she
overworks herself frequently, despite the fact that she is one of the Spirits that
needs to be protected.

Since she's taking care of everyone so much, I need to take care of her as

Me: "Yoshi, I will cook something nice for you when you are working."

Kotori: "Yo, how about some desserts?"

Me: "Leave it to me, I will blow you away!"


After dinner.

Kotori: "Hey Shido, do you remember what I discussed with you this

Me: "Oh, about [Fraxinus] not functioning for the time being? Or about the

Kotori: "Yes, about the Spirits. How are they doing?"

Me: "Yoshino and Natsumi are really good friends, and Tokha and Origami
seem to be getting along as well."
Kotori; "Haha, I never expected Tokha and Origami to be this close! It's quite
unexpected——but I'm happy for them."

Me: "It's thanks to you, Kotori."

Kotori:" You are flattering me. I just did what was required of me. I have to be
attentive if I want to maintain their peaceful lives."

"well then, go to bed early tonight. Don't expect me to wake you up every

Me: "Alright, good night Kotori."



Haha, I got up without Kotori dancing on my belly. Since when did I wake up
earlier than her? I'm so proud of myself.

...Ah, it's this late already!? I gotta make breakfast!

(PS: What were you saying earlier? LOL)

Suddenly, I noticed something beside my pillow.

There was a tiny box with snake patterns on it, I don't recall brinning it here.

What kind of fetish is with snakes? Someone's little prank? Whatever, I gotta

I headed downstairs.

Kotori:"Good morning, oni-chan! You are finally here! If you were a minute
late, the ultimate weapon/aka alarmclock Kotori, will be marching in your room
and make you squeal with ecstasy!"

Me: "What the...! I was saved thanks to myself, then."

Kotori:" Oh, Oni-chan seems to be in high spirits today. Did something good
happen to you?"

What? I was just following your rhyme.

Anyway, I gotta ask her about the box.

Me: "Hey, Kotori, have you seen this box before?"

Kotori:"Nah, no memories of it."

"Wait, could it contain oni-chan's big secrets? Is that why you are in high

Me: "No! I woke up seeing this thing, and it's not mine."

Kotori: "Really~? Look at this color, snake patterns, and design. It's definitely
something that oni-chan from the past will enjoy! Or did you forget~?"

I...can't deny that. It seems pretty cool...

Me: "...I have no idea! Anyway, let's check the content. What if I put something
from 'that period'..."

Kotori: "Leave it to me! Oni-chan's NEW SECRET!!!"

Me: "Wait..."

Kotori: "No————”
What was that.... Something seemed to be disturbing the space, and it just

Kotori: "Ah Hmph? Nothing at all..."

Me: "Is that so... * sigh*"

"Kotori: "Why are you sighing in relief? I thought I could see a skull or dead
man's needle popping out of it."

Since it's empty, it shouldn't be a present from someone. It doesn't seem to be

a prank either.

Did someone leave it here...Or maybe, I left it there and I forgot about it....

Kotori: "But think backwards, we can put a lot of secrets inside it! For
example, a cross with a snake wrapped around it?"

Me: "No freaking way! Also, that was my favorite item in junior high! How did
you know about it?"

Kotori: "Ah Hahahaha! I gotta run! See ya!"

Me: "Hey hey! Ah, ok....Be careful out there!"


At school.
Both Tohka and Origami are here, maybe I should ask them.

Tohka: "Oh, Shido! Good morning!

Origami: "Morning, Shido."

Me: "Morning, Tohka, Origami. Have you seen this box before?"

Tohka: "Hm? I don't know. What's with this box? Is there something in it?"

Origami: "Shido...Let me examine it closely."

Me: "Huh? What is it? You know about it?"

Origami took the box and examined it intently.

Origami: "...I see. It doesn't seem to be a bomb or stuff. Wait a sec, I will bring
some tools from home."

Me: "What are you trying to do?!"

Origami: "I'm afraid that it has a bug or transmitter inside it. But, the shape of
this box is weird, almost like trying to trick you to open it. The lid must be
connected with some device too."

"Just in case, I will drill a hole on it, and examine the interior with a fiberscope.
Don't worry, we will definitely find the culprit!"

Me: "You are overthinking!"

"I have checked the interior, and there's nothing!"

Origami: " I see. Then this box must be a secret device itself. Anyway, let's
dissemble it first."

Me: "I told you..."

Suddenly, the bell rang.

Tohka:" Oh, it's time for class."

Origami: "So what are you gonna do with this box? I can keep it for you."

Me: "No thanks, I got it."

Origami: "Understood. But, please be careful."

Man, Origami said a lot of dangerous things...Well, she's just worrying about

Reine: "...What's wrong, Shin? It's rare for you to see me at school. Here for a

Me: "Sure, I guess. I wanna know about how Kotori is doing with [Fraxinus]."

"Since it's Kotori, the others can't see how much stress she is under."

Reine: "...Ah, I see. The repair of [Fraxinus] is going well."

"As for Kotori...She's as busy as ever..."

Me: "Ahhaha...I see. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Reine: "...Thanks for the offer, but it's a bit difficult. You don't know much
about the Commander's work, do you?"

Me: "Yeah....True...I just hope to let Kotori take a break..."

Reine: "...Mm"

" the way, Shin...How are the Spirits doing? Especially Natsumi and
Origami, you know, they were just sealed lately."

Me: "Mm? Nothing is wrong with them."

Reine: "...But it's still a short time since they were sealed. Can you pay them a
bit more attention?"

Me: "Ah, okay. I get it."

Reine: "..But, it's too dangerous for you alone. Although they are sealed, they
are still Spirits. It's nothing unusual for something to happen."

Me: "No way, Origami and Natsumi are behaving really well——"

Reine: "...It's not that, Natsumi hasn't really talked with people much, so she
needs someone special ——"

"——As for Origami, she has fought with Kotori before, and even though the
misunderstanding has been cleared, it's difficult for them to make up for that."

"...Facing Spirits is a very dangerous mission, a lot more dangerous than

doing paperworks in the office——But Kotori should be able to handle those."

She shrugged uneasily while speaking to me. Her acting couldn't be more
obvious, I almost chuckled.

What she was trying to say was: Take Kotori out and help her relax.

Me: "For sure. She can definitely do it, after all, it's an important mission."
Reine: "...Ah, it can't be entrusted to anyone else. Hopefully Kotori can

"Although I mention that it's for a rest, she can't accept it that easily. Well, she
won't reject our action out of sheer good will."

Ahhaha....As expected of Reine-san....She knows Kotori really well.

Reine: "...We will take care of the details. Shin, you just need to invite Kotori."

Me: "Yes, leave it to me. Thanks for the advice".

I thanked her politely, then was about to step out of the room...

Reine: "Shin."

Me: "What is it?"

Reine: "...Nothing. Is there anything strange going on lately?"

Me: "...Huh, not really."

Reine: "...I see. Good. Sorry to take much of your time."

Me: "Alright, I will be on my way."

Reine: "..."

Kotori: "....Shi——Do—— What did you do!!??"

Me: "Huh? I don't know what you mean."

Kotori: "Quit playing dumb! Reine just called me and said that the mission for
tomorrow has changed!"

Me: "Oh, that must be difficult. Do your best, Kotori!"

Me: "Damn it! You were a part of this, weren't you? Come on..."

Me: "Ah...Does that hate it?"

Kotori: "I...I didn't say that.....Come on, don't worry too much about other
people's feelings."

Me: "Huh?"

Kotori: "Nothing. Anyway, since I have received the mission, I will accompany

Me: "Great, I can do it at ease now!"

Kotori: "I won't let you have your way! Since it's a rare opportunity, I will
——abso——lutely——check your communication skills with the Spirits!"

Me: "Wuu...Now you are making me stress out..."

Kotori: "Hmph! Better practice some words in your head beforehand."

Me: "...Understood. I won't let our commander down."

Kotori: "Good for you...Hey Shido."

Me: "Hm? What is it?"

Kotori: "...Thanks"

With that, she quickly left the living room.

About that.... Was Kotori....happy?

???: "——In a world where dreams, realities, and imaginations

intertwine. The one who visits today will be offering one's entire self as
an exchange —— All wishes will come true in this realm, granting the
ultimate freedom of desires. So, the guest who wants to make a wish
today is ——"
Kotori: "Wuwow...where am I..."

???: "Hehe, are you awake, the guest for tonight —— Kotori Itsuka-sama?"
Kotori quickly changed her ribbon and asked.

"Who are you? What is this place?"

Ren: "Oh, my bad. Please forgive my insolence."

"I am a resident of this imaginary world, the bearer of dreams, a pitiful

jester that guides people to hope. My name is [Ren], pleased to make
your acquaintance."

Kotori: "Oh...What business do you have with me?"

Ren: "There is only one thing I want to do —— To fulfill your wishes!"

Kotori: "My wishes?"

Ren: "Yes! You have freed me from the seal, so you deserve it!"

"Here! Tell me what you wish to have! I can fulfill three wishes for you!"

Kotori: "...I don't remember rubbing the lamp of Aladdin. Any wishes? Even
those that can't be achieved in reality?"

Ren: "For sure. As long as you wish, you can have this country, this planet,
even this universe!"

"Endless treasure, immortal body, anything is possible!"

"So please, tell me your first wish!"

Kotori: "I see, then my wish is ——"

Ren: "Yes?"
Kotori: "——Nothing."

Ren: "Ha?"

Kotori: "I don't need to make any wishes....To be precise, I can't trust you."

Ren: " ——Ohhh?"

Kotori: "Anything is possible? There's no free lunch in this world! Even if it's
true, it must come with a price!"

(PS: Finally, someone with a brain! Kurumi and Origami basically threw
themselves to the wolf.)

"So I won't be making any wishes. That is my response."

Ren: "Ah ah —— ——"

"Oh my! What a smart and brilliant girl! I, [Ren], admire you from the bottom of
my heart!"

"Also..Ah....Also! No need to worry. Any wish made by a young maiden is

wonderful, as beautiful as the star in the sky!"

"And fulfilling those wishes is my destiny, my very sole reason of being! I have
absolutely nothing else to strive for!"

Kotori: "Forgive me, but the more you talk, the more I suspect you. You
haven't provided me any evidence to trust you."

Ren: "You are absolutely right, Kotori-sama. But I don't know how else can I
prove my innocence."
"But it doesn't hurt to try. If you doubt my powers, how about you start with a
tiny wish first?"

Kotori: "No need for that."

" ——This peaceful life that I have with everyone is all I will ever need. I won't
make a wish to any unidentified individuals."

Ren: "Wuwuwu.....I am disliked by Kotori-sama....But I can't do anything other

than fulfilling wishes....A peaceful life, I get it."

"If you ever have anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will
do everything in my power to help you achieve it, Kotori-sama!"

"I will take my leave now. See you around!"

With that, she left the pocket dimension.

Kotori: "...what the heck is this? I don't like this dream at all."

"Am I....pushing myself too hard lately?"



Today is the day to talk with Natsumi and Origami. It's about time to call Kotori
out of her room.
Kotori: "Ah, what is it, Oni-chan?"

Me: "Nothing much, but Kotori, you seem to be a bit nervous. It's about to go,
are you alright?"
Kotori: "Ah...Hmph. Ye....Of course! I can't wait anymore. So, let's go!"

Huh? Ahhh....
If she treats today's conversation with Natsumi and Origami as a mission,
shouldn't she be in the Commander's Mode? But now, she's wearing the white

Well, it's just some usual chit-chats. She should be fine.

Me: "Alright, here's the door."

Kotori: "De~Part!"


——As we step outside, I feel a strong gaze from a certain direction, stopping
my steps.
There is a girl dressed in a clown costume and wrapped in bandages,
standing in the middle of the road.

Even though her eyes are covered, I still feel her staring at me——intently.

Me: "...Ren...?"

This should be our first time meeting each other, yet I blurted out this name

If I have seen her somewhere, I should have memorized her instantly; after
all, her costume is way too particular. I feel kind of uneasy right now.
And she just disappeared....without saying anything....

What is her deal, anyway?

Kotori: "——Wpffff! What the heck, Oni-chan! Don't stop so suddenly, it's

Me: "Sorry, I didn't mean to stop."

Kotori: "Did something happen, since you were blanking out?"

Me: "Well....Earlier over there, I thought I saw a girl that I had seen
somewhere....yet I don't remember...."

Kotori: "Pfff....What kind of lame pickup line is that?"

Me: "No no no, of course not....Anyway, let's pick up the pace."

Kotori: "Al~right!"

Just who was that girl earlier anyway....


Kotori and I arrived at Natsumi's room.

She's living on the top floor and in the farthest corner, it seems that she
wanted to keep some distance from everyone else's room.

But she seems to be feeling uneasy about herself....Well, she's distancing

herself, that's why.

Me: "Good morning, Natsumi."

Natsumi: "....Mmm, you guys are really here."

Me: "Why are you acting like you don't wanna see us....We contacted you
beforehand, right?"

Natsumi: "...Yes, but....I was worried that you might say something like 'sorry,
we have an emergency, so we can't make it' or stuff like that..."

Me: "No way, that's only because they overslept!"

Natsumi: "...Not really. Coming to see me or relaxing at home...Which one is

more important? Of course it's the latter...."

Kotori: "Come on, Natsumi, you haven't changed at all. Oni-chan and I will
never do that to you. Even if we want to relax, we will do it in your room."

Natsumi: "Ah! Please don't..."

Kotori: "Anyway, room inspection! Open the door nicely and obediently!"

Natsumi: "Okay okay....I thought you wouldn't come, so I didn't clean up


Kotori: "Don't worry about it, I just wanna see how you usually make your

Me: "Oh my, your room is really tidy!"

Kotori: "You can say that again."

Natsumi: "...You are flattering me. It's just that I don't have excessive items."

Kotori: "Mm~ He~ If you are worried about that, call the staff from [Ratatoskr]
and have them clean your room for you."

"Other Spirits use their service from time to time, but in Tohka's case, she
wants to practice cleaning the room, so she doesn't use it much."

Natsumi: "No, if I call others to clean my room, they might have to wear full
armor and protective suits. It's more like radioactive pollution here."

"I can't bother the members of [Ratatoskr] to that extent."

...Is she being passive, or serious? No, in Natsumi's case, it must be both.
Natsumi: "...Compared to that, what are you two doing here today? I only
heard that you wanna talk..."

"...Ah. Don't tell me you are here to kick me out? Did the neighbors complain
about my existence....? If I were here, no new tenants would move in..."

Me: "Calm down. Only Spirits are living in this apartment. Do you think they
would say something like that?

Natsumi: "...Oh..., then, what is it?"

Me: "Ah...It's a little inspection after sealing. I need Commander Kotori to

soothe your conditions and stuff..."

Natsumi: "...Ah, I get it. You are giving Kotori some time to rest in the disguise
of doing a mission."
Me: "Haha...You got that right...."

Kotori: "Wow! Oni-chan is so gentle! Here's a candy as your reward!"

Me: "Oh, now that you are giving it to me."

I got Kotori's favorite candy, and I feel a little happy.

Natsumi: "....Wuuu. After witnessing such a lovey-dovey interaction between a
pair of siblings, I feel even more like a third-wheel...I can't blend in here at

Me: "What are you saying? You are part of our family too!"

Kotori: "Yes yes. You can call me 'Kotori-onee-san'. Here's candy for you too,

Natsumi: "No, please don't! Don't drag me into your weird family rules!"
Kotori: "Ahhahahahaha! What is the problem?"

Kotori started chasing Natsumi, who ran away like a scared kitten. But, she
caught her immediately, and forced a candy in her tiny mouth. Natsumi had
sealed her fate of becoming her little sister.

Natsumi: "...No wonder why Kotori is so lively today, it's because of the white
ribbons.... Being on break really brings out your true colors..."
Kotori: "Hm? Ah...Yeah, that's right."

...Huh? I feel like Kotori was digging something from her pocket.

Maybe she wanted to find her ribbons and switch, but....she decided to stop
midway. Why was that?

Natsumi: "...Well, it doesn't matter. When I first saw Kotori in white ribbons, I
thought you swallowed something weird...."

Kotori: "Hm? Come on, you are so much fun, Natsumi!"

Natsumi: "Ah ouch ouch ouch!! ....Sorry, Kotori- onee-san."

Kotori: "Good. Since I'm the older sister, I will forgive you."
Me: "Hahaha...Hm? Since you are calling Kotori 'onee-san', maybe you should
start calling me 'oni-chan' as well."

Kotori: "..."

Natsumi: "Well....I can call Kotori 'onee-san', but I don't want to address you
as 'oni-chan'..."

Me: "Ah? You hate it that much?"

I didn't say you have to do it, but it kinda hurt my feelings.

Natsumi: "No, it's not that. Think about it, I'm not your little sister, or your
childhood friend. Isn't it weird to make me call you 'oni-chan'?"

Me: "Oh....What you said makes sense."

Kotori: "Ahhaha, yeah, that's absolutely right. What a shame, oni-chan! But
don't worry, I will continue calling you 'oni-chan'!"

Me: "Wuwu...Kotori...."

Kotori: "Yoshi yoshi~ Here."

Natsumi: "...What's going on? I felt like my life was spared..."

"...Anyway, since it's a relaxing mission, nobody needs to tense up, right?"

"I will make you some tea, if you don't mind me making it."

Kotori: "Oh! Thanks! Any snacks? Any snacks?"

Natsumi: "...Yoshi yoshi. I have them here, so calm down.... You are so
different from the black ribbon mode."
Kotori: " I will take that as a compliment."

Me: "Ahhaha....Sorry for the trouble."

Natsumi: "...No problem. [Ratatoskr] bought these tea leaves and snacks for
me anyway."
"Also—— I don't dislike this peaceful life..."

Me: "Natsumi..."

"Alright, we will gladly accept it!"

After that, we talked with Natsumi about a lot of topics as we drank the tea.

By the way, the red tea that Natsumi made was so good! She really put in a lot
of effort.


After leaving Natsumi's room, we came to the local park.

This is the place where we set up to meet with Origami, and it's only a few
minutes before ——
Origami: "——Shido"

Me: "Whoa, you are here already?"

Origami: "I just arrived."

Me: "Oh, I see...Can you please not sneak up behind me?"

Origami: "I will try my best."

"Also, what are we doing today? It's rare to have Kotori tag along too."

Kotori: "Ah, Eh. Something —— about the mysterious hidden device in

oni-chan's room"

Origami: "...Which one are you talking about?"

Me: "I don't know anything myself!? There's more than one?"
Kotori: "Gosh, I knew there would be more...though I have already

Origami: "Just kidding. A little Origamin kind of joke. Don't take it seriously."

Me: "...Is that true?"

Origami got closer to me, and I could feel her breath.

"Please believe me meow."

Me: "What kind of speech is that?"

Kotori: "Well, I will take that as a joke. Anyway, we are on a mission to

communicate with Spirits. Oni-chan is the main speaker, I'm just tagging
Origami: "...I get it now."

Origami seemed to notice it from Kotori's words. Natsumi did the same. God,
they are both really intuitive.

Kotori: "So, if there's anything troubling you, feel free to tell us."

Origami: "Troubling things—— I think there is one."

Me: "Really? Please spill the beans. We might be able to help."

Origami: "Here's the thing: When I went to Shido's room, I noticed a lot of
traps in the surrounding area."

Me: "...huh?"

Origami: "I mean, it's not a problem since I dissolved all of them. However, the
most precious treasure was replaced, and that troubled me deeply."

Me: "What have you been doing when we were away!? Also, since when did
someone set up traps in our home?"

Kotori (nervous): "Ha? What are you talking about?"

Me: "Hey, that seems sus asf!"

"Ori...Origami....Is there anything else?"

Origami: "Yes, something about Natsumi."

Kinda surprising. Are they having trouble getting along?

Origami: "I asked her to transform into Shido with the powers of her Angel
[Haniel], but she strongly resisted the idea."

Me: "What the hell was making her do that for? Of course Natsumi will hate

Origami: "——Can you ask you another thing?"

Me: "...Sure, what is it?"

What kind of surprise is next...? I need to be mentally prepared....

Origami: "How is ——[Fraxinus] doing right now?"

Me: "?"

Didn't see this coming at all... No, this is even more surprising than the
previous questions.

But, it's natural for her to worry about it, after all, Inverse Origami destroyed
[Fraxinus] completely...

Kotori: "Well..."
Kotori seems to be looking for her ribbons in her pocket. Well, since it's
matters related to Ratatoskr, she better get in the commander mode.

And her movement stopped...

Kotori: "No need to worry. It's reconstructing at a stable speed! The next time
it launches, it will definitely be more powerful!"

Origami: "That's good to hear. I'm so sorry for everything I have done, and
simply apologizing is not enough at all. Maybe I should prostrate myself."

Kotori: "No worries! I know that Inverse Spirits are tough and all. Anyway, it's
great that everyone is fine now!"
Origami: "Can you really forgive me?"

Kotori: "Of course!"

Origami: "Thank you. I know words are not enough, I will express my gratitude
with actions."

Kotori: "Ha? I said it's fine. Origami is so serious~"

Origami: "——For example, I should become your sister-in-law."

Me: "...Aren't you jumping a little too fast?"

Origami: "Not really. I need to pay Shido back with my body."

Kotori: "No--Can---Do! Oni-chan is always my oni-chan!"

Origami: "No need to be shy, you can call me 'onee-san'. Come on."

Kotori jumped and poked out her tongue.

Ha..Ha....Kotori got herself one little sister (fake)...and one older sister
(fake).... Such a busy day for her...

Although a lot of things happened, I'm glad that I took her out.

Kotori seemed to be happy too. Is she feeling relieved right now?

Me: "What is it, Kotori?"

Kotori: "Huh? Nothing at all, but isn't oni-chan feeling tired? You should take a
break in your room or something.

Me: "No, I'm feeling fine."

Wait, something feels off....Oh, that's right.

Me: "Kotori, aren't you in black ribbons? You don't seem to be in the
commander mode at all."
Kotori: "Well, that's ..."

Me: "Speaking of which....You were wearing white ribbons the entire day,
though you wanted to switch a couple of times..."

Kotori: "I see. So you noticed..."

"Well, when I put on black ribbons, my feelings or mood didn't change at all."

Me: "Huh, really?"

Kotori is not a double personality girl, it's just the color of her ribbons reflecting
different modes.

While white ribbons reflect a cheerful young girl of her age, black ribbons
reflect a reliable commander.

Me: "I see....In this case, how about you change the way you tie your

Kotori: "Changing the way I tie?"

Me: "Right, you always tie them with two knots, Kotori. It might help if you
adjust them in another way."

Kotori: "I see, as expected of oni-chan! Great idea, so let's give it a try! Help
me too, oni-chan!"
"——So, newborn Kotori is here!"

Me: "OHHHHH!!!!"

Kotori looks so refreshing in this new look. I feel like she's even cuter now!

"How do you feel Kotori? Any changes!"

Kotori: "Well, kind of hard to say....What do you think, oni-chan?"

Me: "No...I don't think your personality changed at all..."

" are absolutely adorable!!!"

Kotori: "Whoa! What was that!? Calling me adorable out of nowhere?"

Me: "But it's true..."

Kotori: "Well....really....Do I really look good?"

It suits you so well

Now that I look closely, maybe not

(PS: Anyone would choose the first option, right?)

Kotori with ribbons tied behind her hair——AWSL, so freaking cute~!

Me: "Your usual style is good too, but the current you looks fantastic. It gives
me a refreshing look."

Kotori: "Refreshing look. Maybe changing my hairstyle every now and then
isn't so bad...
Me: "Ah, fancy. I wanna see Kotori in all sorts of hairstyles. Also, what is this
one called?"

Kotori: "Oh, this....? GuluLingbo! A kind of hairstyle with many combing


(PS: This should be long straight hair, right? )

Me: "Haha, what a bizarre name."

Kotori: "You divide the hair into two portions, then twist them together and tie
the ribbon! If I'm all by myself, it might be difficult to do. But with oni-chan
here, it's a piece of cake!"

Me: "I see. Just let me know when you wanna change your hairstyle again! I
will help you anytime!"

Kotori: "Hmm! I look forward to it!"

...The thing is, though Kotori changed her way of tying the ribbons, she still
can't switch back to the commander mode.

Now I need to find other reasons.

Kotori: "Sorry..."

Me: "No need to apologize. But, why did this happen? Can you think of any

Kotori: "Reason....Ah, could it be...."

Me: "What is it?"

Kotori: "...No, nothing. Things in my dream....shouldn't affect reality."

"Maybe it's because I've been tired lately, and my body is reacting to it...stuff
like that?"

Me: "Ah...that could be. Too much stress is bad for your health. Remember to
rest well tonight."

Kotori: "I should recover by tomorrow. Anyway, I had a lot of fun today too!"

Me: "Really? That's good."

Kotori: "Yeah! Like my body is floating now!"

Me: "You are not a balloon..."

Kotori: "Ahhaha, but it's cute, right? Doesn't oni-chan wanna get spoiled
Me: "Haha, right. But can you really handle me? I will spoil you rotten."

Kotori: "Sugoi! If you wanna do that, maybe you should feed me ice cream or

Me: "I ain't talking about sweets. Anyway, in order to spoil you rotten, how
about I take you out on a sweet date?"

(PS: Awww~)

Kotori: "Fantastic!"

Although Kotori's mental state seems to be troublesome....well, she might just

be tired. So, I better spoil her more today.


Ren: "——This is the girl who not only has a strong and proud heart, but
also a pure and childish heart. Her little hidden wish is to have a
peaceful everyday life. Now, where will the direction of such an innocent
wish take her ——"
"Good evening, Kotori-sama? How did you enjoy your day?"

Kotori: "..."
Ren: "Oya oya, what's wrong? Frowning will ruin your pretty face, you know?"

Kotori: "I was just wondering if it had something to do with you, and of course
it does!"

Ren: "Oh my, what did I do?"

Kotori: "Stop playing dumb! I can't switch back to the commander mode even
after changing ribbons! It was your doing, wasn't it?"

Ren: "Ah, you meant this. Didn't Kotori-sama wish for a peaceful everyday

Kotori: " I have no memories of making such a wish! Stop putting words in my

Ren: "Oya oya, my sincerest apology—— But please rest assured, 'cause you
still have two wishes remaining."
"If you like, you can wish to turn things back to normal."

Kotori: "...Could it did that to make me make a wish?!"

Ren: "What? I don't understand what you are saying."

"So, what do you say? I can turn you back to the original Kotori-sama, all it
takes is one word."

Kotori: "....Pfffff~! (PS: Sticking her cute tongue out, making a ghost face.) I
won't make any wishes——"

Ren: "Oya oya....You are quite stubborn."

Kotori: "Of course! You are even more sus than yesterday! Answer me, what
is your goal!?"

Ren: "Didn't I already tell you? My goal is to fulfill your wishes. My sole reason
for living!"

Kotori: "Who believes in craps like that! I won't say a thing!"

Ren: "Oya head really hurts from this."

"In order to help you understand, I will have to work a little harder —— Well
then, see you next time."
With that, Ren left the pocket dimension.

Kotori: "Don't ever come back! BAKA! "

(PS: How dare Ren force another wish?! By the way, Kotori's voice is so


Yawn~... Morning. I slept really well last night. is Kotori doing? Did she turn back to normal after a good night's

Kotori: "Oni-chan, good morning."

Me: "Good morning, Kotori."

Did she turn back to normal....Maybe not. No, it's hard to tell when she's
wearing white ribbons.
Reine: "...Ya, Shin. Sorry to interrupt."

ME: "Oh, good morning, Reine-san. What is it?"

Reine: "...Well, I wanna inform you that....all the Spirits are not feeling well this

Me: "What?! Everyone...?"

Reine: "...Ah, now Origami, Yoshino, Kaguya, Yuzuru, Miku, and Natsumi are
all receiving medical examinations in the underground facilities of [Ratatoskr]."

Me: "...Hang on, other than Kotori and Tohka, they are all..."

Reine: "Yes, so I came to check on Kotori and ask."

Kotori: "I'm feeling fine, it's head isn't in the clear..."
Me: "I, I see....Could it be....everyone got food poisoning?"

Reine: "...I'm still checking on it. I don't see similar symptoms just yet. Also, if
something was wrong with the food from last night, isn't it weird that only you
and Kotori are okay?"

Me: " are right about that."

"——Oh, so Tohka is okay?"

Reine: "For now. We better check up on her just in case. Hope she is fine..."

Me: "I will go right now."

Kotori: "Ah, oni-chan, me too!"

Reine: "...Alright, I leave it to you. Contact me if anything comes up."

Kotori: "Tohka's room is on the fourth floor. Let's go, oni-chan!"

Me: "Ah!"

I chased after Kotori as she ran into the gates.


I felt that gaze again.

Ren: "Yo, Shido Itsuka."


It's the same girl from yesterday, and she's sneaking up behind me.
Something about her is different....Oh yeah, one side of her eyes are free from

....How does she know my name?

I wanted to ask, but I stopped myself. Because...I know that her name is Ren

Have I met her somewhere? I can't remember, but I feel deja vu——

Ren: "Rushy, aren't you? Did someone collapse?"

Me: "...!?"
Ren: "Oya, I guessed it right? What a pleasant coincidence!"

She smirked as she covered her mouth.

——What is it, this unnatural feeling? Something is off. I feel like this girl ——

Kotori: "Oni-chan! Hurry up!"

Me: "...Oh! Coming!"

Ren: "Seems like you are busy, so I will take my leave for now."

With that, she left the scene quickly.

...What was her deal, anyway? Hold on, I better catch up to Kotori and check
Tohka's conditions.


Finally, we rang the bell on Tohka's door.

"Ding Dong~"

Kotori: "She's not answering....did she go out?"

Me: "Tohka! You there, Tohka?"

We stepped inside, only to see Tohka staggering as she saw us.

Tohka: "Ah...Shido, Kotori. Sorry, I wanted to greet you..."

Me: "What are you talking about? You can barely stand! Stop pushing
yourself, just sit down."
Kotori: "Tohka, are you alright? What happened?"

Tohka: "Umu...I don't know why, but I felt weak when I woke up this

Me: "I see....Don't worry Tohka, [Ratatoskr] will find the cure for you——Kotori,
contact Reine-san please!"

Kotori: "Hm!"

Me: "Tohka, what do you mean you are feeling weak? Any part of your body

Tohka: "Mm...I feel like having a fever, and my body feels
do I put this, something unnatural is inside my body...?"

Me: "Something unnatural inside...Any idea?"

"Did you eat something spoiled, or go somewhere that you don't usually go..."

"Especially, what have you done with other Spirits together yesterday?"

Tohka: "No...Sorry, I don't remember much..."

Me: "I see...Sorry to make you answer all these when you are hurting."

Tohka: "Don't worry...This is nothing..."

Kotori: "Onee-chan! Someone will be here with a stretcher anytime soon!"

Me: "Okay, hang in there, Tohka! You will be alright!"

Tohka: "U...Umu...Shido..."

Me: "What is it, Tohka?"

Tohka: "Just for a minute is fine....but can you hold my hand...?"

Me: "Sure, no problem at all!"

I squeeze Tohka's soft hand lightly. Her hand feels warm, but a little bit hot.

Tohka: "Mmm...Hehe, so cool, so comfortable....Ah..."

After a few seconds, Tohka lost consciousness.

Kotori: "Tohka? Tohka!"

Me: "Calm down, Kotori, she's just sleeping. Let her rest for a bit before the
staff gets here."

Kotori: "Ah...Oh sorry, oni-chan."

Me: "No need to apologize, I am just as worried as you are."

"But...everyone isn't feeling well, and with the same symptoms? What the hell

Kotori: "...!?"

Me: "What is it?"

Kotori: "No, nothing..."

Kotori turned her head, a look of discomfort on her face.

——As if knowing something ominous will happen.


Tohka was moved to the underground facility for medical checkups, and as for
us, we went back home.
Suddenly, our transmitter rang.

Reine: "...As long as we detect the poison that invaded the body, we should
be able to create the antidote with Realizers——Just in case, let me ask you:
Are you really alright, Kotori?"

Kotori: "Yes, I'm okay...Ah, is that why you drew our blood earlier?"

Reine: "...Maybe Kotori has some kind of antibody in her blood. But for now,
we haven't found anything similar to it. It could also be the healing ability of

Kotori's Angel, [Camael], has the ability to heal its owner with the magical
flame. Could that thing be protecting Kotori?

Me: "No need to feel down, it's better than Kotori collapsing."
Reine: "...Indeed, I will keep on working on it. I will contact you if anything
comes up."

With that, she turned off the monitor.

Me: "Hey...Do you want a cold drink, Kotori? The weather is getting hot."

Kotori: "No, I'm okay. Compared to this, I would like to investigate what Tohka
and the others did yesterday."

Me: "That could be important, but you have been straining yourself since early
morning. You will collapse if you push yourself too hard!"

Kotori: "I know...but..."

Me: "But at least ... take a break..."

Suddenly, I collapsed on the floor as well.

Kotori: "O..oni-chan!?"

Me: "Sorry...My head hurts a little....Strange..."

Kotori: "You look like you are in pain! Quick, lay down on that sofa!"
Damn it, what is going on? I feel like I am having a fever, and don't have any
strength. It's like something bad has entered my body.

Kotori: "Are you okay, oni-chan...?"

Me: "...Perhaps, the same symptom as everyone else."

If [Camael] can protect the owner from this disease, then I should be immune
like Kotori too.

Kotori: "Why is this...even Oni-chan!? Wait, I will call Reine right now..."

She picked up the monitor and called immediately.

"——Ah, Reine! Something's seriously wrong, even oni-chan has collapsed!

——Please, help him!"

After she hung up, she caressed my sweating face.

"Oni-chan, please hold on just a little longer!"

Me: "Th...anks..."

Kotori: "Is there anything I can do to help, oni-chan?"

She seems really concerned. What should I do...

Tell her not to worry

Ask her something

I chose to ask her something.

...I told Tohka not to push herself earlier, so I shouldn't be pushing myself right

Maybe it will trouble Kotori, but I will ask her this.

Me: "Yes...I would like something cold to drink. My body feels hot somehow..."

Kotori: "Leave it to me! Kotori's Special Mixed Nutrient Drink coming right up!"

That's a four-dollar word...Well, whatever...

After a minute, Kotori came back with a cup in her hand.

Kotori: "Here you go! How is it!? It should be tasty!"

Ohhh, this drink has a colorful texture, and it seems pleasing to the eyes...

Why should I hesitate to drink? I have tasted the horrendous drink made by
Origami before, and I have nothing to fear anymore!

Therefore, I gulped the drink in one go!

Me: "Ha....Such coldness, spreading its cool throughout my hot body along
with a stimulating scent..."

Kotori: "Come on, what's next? Anything you ask!"

Me: "Well, I would need a wet towel on my head. My brain feels like it's

Kotori: "I got it! Give me a sec!"

...Oh my, Kotori is surprisingly good at taking care of patients. Now that I think
of it, she has taken care of every other Spirit ever since, even during the
commander mode.

How do I put this? She will definitely make a great wife! ....What am I thinking?
Stop it, stop it!

(PS: Yeah, just marry her already! She won't hesitate to say yes!)

Kotori: "Here, oni-chan! It's properly cooled off!"

Ahhh...She made it nicely cold, even though a wet one would suffice.

"How is it? Feeling cool?"

Me: "Ahh~it is cooling my head off nicely! In this case, poison should be no
match for me!"

Kotori: "Really!? What's next? What can I do for you next!?"

Well, I can't think of anything else on the top of my head now. If there's
something else...
Me: "....Before Reine-san comes here, can you hold my hand for a little

Kotori: "Sure thing! Here!"

She did not hesitate to hold my hand into hers.

...This tender feeling...Now I understand a little bit of how Tohka felt when she
held my hand .

When the body turns weak, the mind turns weak as well. In my case, a sense
of insecurity invaded my heart, and I'm sure that...Tohka must have felt like
this earlier.

Me: "...ah, this feels so good. My heart is at peace now..."

Not just my heart, but my body has also eased up. Is this what the love of a
little sister can do?

No, it must be Kotori's tiny hand....that has given me strength.

Yes, now that has a nice ring to it.


After some time, Reine-san entered the living room.

Reine: "...Shin, are you feeling alright?"

Me: "...Well, a bit uncomfortable, but thanks to Kotori, I feel a lot better now."

Reine: "...Mmm, Kotori really cares about Shin deeply. Maybe her love can
treat your illness like a special remedy."

Me: "Hahaha, maybe you are right."

Kotori: "Jeez, Oni-chan....!! Stop saying such embarrassing things!

Reine: "...Anyway, I brought some tools for a simple examination. May I?"

Me: "Ah...Sure."
Reine-san placed a stethoscope on my chest....I feel so ticklish.

"...Uhen...It's the same symptom as every other Spirit. Let's move you to the
underground facility just in case."

Me: "Okay, thanks so much..."

Reine: "Don't mention it —— By the way, Kotori"

Kotori: "What is it, Reine?"

Reine: "...About yesterday, did you guys do something in particular? Anything

is fine, just let me know."

Me: "But why? Kotori isn't showing any symptoms."

Reine: "...That's exactly why. If you are showing symptoms, then we can
eliminate [Camael] from our theory."
"...Then it can only mean....Something that Kotori has done in the past two
days——is the root cause of all this."

Kotori: "Yesterday....yesterday....Mmm..."

She is holding her head as she thinks...Well, it's kind of difficult to make her
remember suddenly.

"I feel like....there's something...but...I can't remember....What could it be..."

Me: "Don't push yourself, Kotori."

Kotori: "I know there's something! But...I feel like I knew something happened,
but I forgot the content..."

Reine: "...I see. Just let me know when your memory returns. Anyway, I will
take Shin to the underground facility. Can you stand, Shin?"

I struggled as I stood up, then I walked with trembling legs as Reine supported
me. I got in the car outside, and was driven to the underground facility.

In the meantime, Kotori——is still showing a gloomy expression.



Damn, even if you don't make a wish, Ren will force it on you and leave
you no choice!

But still, Kotori is so cute when she's taking care of patients! Just think
about it, the tough and fierce commander is showing this kawaii imouto
side to you exclusively! No man can resist it!
Here is the video where you can listen to her kawaii voice.
Kotori’s Wishes Day 3 (Bad End)


Ren: "——The young maiden's wish is full of questions. What was the
purpose of fulfilling her wish? In order to prove her with sincerity, where
will the wish ultimately lead to——"

"——Welcome to my dimension, Kotori-sama. Do you have a better

understanding of my existence now?"

Kotori: "——Ren! Ren! That's it! How did I forget about it!? It was you who
poisoned everyone, wasn't you!?"

Ren: "What a mean way to describe me...I prefer it to be called the wish , or
the curse...well, they are similar anyway."
Kotori: "What the hell!? Why are you doing such a thing!?"

Ren: "Didn't Kotori-sama wish for me to tell you my goal? ——What I did
wasn't false, it was one of the things I wanted in the beginning."

Kotori: "...Isn't that a scam!? I never made such a wish!"

"Also, if that was your goal, then you are really our enemy!"

Ren: "Oya oya, that's really strict. But never mind that, this is the final
wish—— Tell me, what wish would you like to make, Kotori-sama?"

Kotori: "He! You think I will say anything after what you have done——"

Ren: "——You don't get it, do you?"

Kotori: "!?"
Ren: "My Angel [Samael] has the power to fulfill wishes, and once it is
activated, the poison in everyone's body will never disappear."

"Even if——the last wish has never been used."

Kotori: "Wh..."

Ren: "You are very smart, very cautious, and I admire you from the bottom of
my heart."

"However, the worst screenplay has already taken place, and nobody can
change the finale anymore."

"If you still refuse to make the final wish, I will leave you alone, that's totally

"After a few weeks, or maybe days——please behold the sight of your big
brother and those beautiful Spirits lose the battle against my poison and take
their last breath."

Kotori: "...Such a..."

Ren: "The choice is yours. I am humbly asking ——What is your final


Kotori: "...I...Please——"
After that, Ren disappeared from the pocket dimension, leaving the saddened
Kotori alone.

Me: "...Hmm?"

I overslept a little...This is a foreign ceiling, not in my room I guess.

Oh, that's right. I was transferred to the underground facility of [Ratatoskr] for

My body feels fantastic right now, no more fever or shivering, though I was
freaking exhausted yesterday.
Reine: "...Shin, are you awake? It seems like you are totally fine now."

Me: "Ah, Reine-san. I feel good now. How is everyone else?"

Reine: "...All the other Spirits have recovered, as if nothing happened


Me: "That's good to hear. But still, why did everyone collapse together..."

Reine: "...That is still unknown. In order to prevent similar cases from

happening again, we are conducting an investigation."

"...But for now, let's tell Kotori the good news."

After leaving the underground facility, I walked toward home——Suddenly, I
sensed a strange scent again.

With her gaze shifted toward me, I felt ——

Ren: "——Aya, Shido. Are you feeling better today?"

Yes, just like before, she stood there since God knows when.

And her eyes are completely free from bandages now, her indescribable
pupils fixating on me.

Me: "...How did you...know about me not feeling well?"

Ren: "I don't know, you tell me."

Me: "Could it be that you saw me being carried to the car?"

Ren: "That sounds like a good scenario, but not good enough—— It was me
who poisoned everyone. How do you like that?"

Me: "——Wh!"

Ren: "Ahhaha, don't show me such a scary face. Just kidding—— At least the
direct reason wasn't me."

Me: "What do you mean?"

Ren: "Who knows. Other than this, you should go check up on Kotori right
now. She must be shivering in fear right now."

Me: "What did you say? You must know something about this, right?"

Ren: "You will know soon enough. Well, I will take my leave now."

With that, she left without giving me a chance to catch her.

Anyway, I gotta go to Kotori right now.


Kotori: "——Shido! How is your body now?"

Me: "Ahah, it's all thanks to you...Wait a minute."

"Your tone, your ribbons..."

Kotori: "Oh, you mean this? Yes, I am back to normal."

Me: "Really? Why did you...No, this is a good thing."

Kotori: "Yes, it is..."

Me: "What's wrong?"

Kotori: "Nothing. Compared to this, Reine just told me that Kaguya and Yuzuru
are coming back to us too."

Me: "Really? Then let's go say hi to them."

Kotori: "...fine."

Kotori nodded with an upset expression.


Kaguya: "——IF it isn't Shido? Haha, did you get fascinated by my wonderful
figure as I battled against the demon of sickness? Hehehe, very good. I will
allow you to greet me."

Yuzuru: "Speculation. Shido is here to see Yuzuru right after the discharge. It
has only been one day, you must miss Yuzuru a lot."
Me: "...Haha, I feel a lot more assured now, you two."

Kaguya: "What do you mean?"

Yuzuru: "Understanding. Shido feels insecure without Yuzuru and Kaguya,

right? Especially since Kaguya said that she would never catch a cold."

Kaguya: "I see, then I forgive you. I am the child of hurricane, and the wind is
at my command!"

(PS: Origami said that idiots don't get a cold.)

Yuzuru: "Discontent. Where is the rebuttal? You underestimated how much of

a baka dummy Kaguya is."

Kaguya: "I'm not a baka! Did I say something weird?"

Me: "..Hahaha."

Kotori: "Well, no matter what, it's great that the two of you are fine now. Before
seeing you guys, I was really worried —— Now I am relieved."

Yes, the two of them are acting like their usual selves. They seem completely
back to normal.

Kaguya: "...Alle? I feel Kotori is surprisingly gentle today. I thought you would
scold us, saying 'you baka should be more careful' or something like that."

Yuzuru: "Agreement. Only Kotori is not sick, so you might say something like
'you must take care of yourselves' or stuff like that."

Kotori: "I get it, I get it. So this is how you think of me?"
Kaguya: "Eeeek!"

Yuzuru: "Shivering. This is the usual Kotori. Kaguya, in order to calm her
anger, get on your knees and offer her a lollipop!"

Kaguya: "I..I get it! Please forgive us, please forgive us!"

Kotori: "What kind of evil god do you take me for? I was just worrying about

"But since you are so sincere, I will wrap you up with my gentleness deeper
than the sea."

Kaguya: "Yuzuru! Battle Plan!"

Yuzuru: "Understood. Thirty-Six Stratagems: If all else fails, retreat!"

Kotori: "Ah, wait, you two....Jeez, they are really fast."

Me: "True——But we can rest assured now, since we are back to our daily

Kotori: "...Yeah...We are back..."

Me: "What's wrong, Kotori? You seem to be acting a bit strange."

Kotori: "...Well, Shido. Do you believe in 'fulfillment of dreams'?"

Me: "What do you mean?"

Kotori: "...Let's say, something happened in my dream that reflects reality. Will
you believe me?"

...What is going on? Did Kotori have one of these dreams?

But, the answer is in my heart. Do I believe in my most adorable little sister or
not? As her big brother, there is only one answer.

Me: "——OF course!"

After I answered, Kotori continued speaking as if making up her mind.

Kotori: "...I had a weird dream, where a girl dressed up in strange clothing
appeared, saying that she could fulfill three wishes for me."

"Since she was too suspicious, I declined without hesitation."

"But then, she purposely misinterpreted my words and forcibly fulfilled two
wishes for me. I never asked for any of this!"

"I know something like this is out of the ordinary. But, that wasn't a
coincidence! Yesterday, everyone was poisoned——And now, we are back to

"Everything happened all because of that girl——Ren!"

Me: "What! Ren?"

Kotori: "...Shido, do you know Ren?"

Me: "Ahh, I saw her too, but in reality, not in a dream. I just talked to her in
front of our house this morning."

Kotori: "What did you say...!? So, she doesn't exist in just dreams...Then what
is she...?"

Me: "I don't know....But, I think you did the right thing not to make a wish."
"She said three wishes, right? Who knows what will happen if all three are

Kotori: "...That's....too late."

Me: "What?"

Kotori: "I said it's too late. I have already ...made the final wish——
Asking her to make the first two non-existent."

Me: "Wh——"

Kotori: "I get it. I was being careless. Blame me if you want."

"...Because there was no other way. If I refused to make a wish, everyone

would stay poisoned....My decision——was it wrong?"


I would make the same choice

It was wrong
I chose the second option.

...I don't know if it's the correct answer, but I——

Me: "Of course it's wrong, you just gave her exactly what she wanted."

"She wanted the three wishes fulfilled for a specific goal, right? What if she
achieves it by now?"

Kotori: " ...Yeah, I was such an am I the commander of Fraxinus?"

Me: "Don't degrade yourself like that. You are always the smartest imouto in
my eyes."

"Also, if Ren bothers you again, I will absolutely stop her!"

Kotori: "Hehe, that's the spirit!"

Me: "Yeah, let's go find Ren."


Me: "So, will Ren continue making contact with you?"

Kotori: "Hard to say, since all three wishes are fulfilled as of now. I still don't
know how it benefits her."

"If I collapse before she shows up, then —— I will be absolutely helpless."

Me: "But, she didn't only show up in your dream, so we still have a chance. In
fact, I have seen her a few times myself."

"The next time she shows up, I will interrogate that information out of her!
What the hell has she been doing to my little sister!"

???: "Oya, that sounds terrifying."

Kotori: "...!?"

Me: "!?"

This it Ren..

Ren: "Oh my God. Such an honor that you remember my voice——What's

next? What are you gonna interrogate out of me? I am deeply interested in it."

Me: "...Judging from your tone, you did show up in Kotori's dream, right?"

"I have heard everything about you, and you are no less cheeky in person."

Ren: "Hu——Haha, hahahaha, you are flattering me, and I am getting shy."

"I am Ren, a natural-born villain. Any words suitable for thieves are the best
compliments for me."
"Therefore, do you think I will be scared and detest my own existence after
being immersed in it for 30 years?"

Me: "Ren...who are you, what is your goal?"

"If you are after Kotori, I won't forgive you!"

Ren: "Umu, then you can rest assured. I won't need her anymore."

Me: "——Huh?"

Ren: "——Because, it's over for her."

Suddenly, Ren summoned an ominous dimension and engulfed us with it.

Kotori: "...Ah!!"

Me: "Kotori! ——Ren! What did you do to Kotori?"

Ren: "My [Samael] is the poison cup of sweet aroma. At the moment the
target make three wishes, it will seize their everything——Reiryoku, Soul,
and even Life——"

"Kotori Itsuka, you are very calm, very intelligent——But, you are too gentle."

"I adore you for your kindness, and I applaud for your determination——So
please, die with a smile on your face."

Kotori: "AH, AHHHHHHHH....!!!!"

Me: "Kotori! Fu...Stop it, Ren!"

Ren: "Hahaha, only good people stop when being told so."

"IF you wish to stop a villain like me, the only way is via force. Or, are you just
gonna stand there and bark?"

Me: "Screw it, I will fight you!"

Kotori: "Shi...Do...Don't do it...Run!"

Me: "Kotori——"

"I said it——Leave it to oni-chan!"

Yeah, how can the big brother stand by and watch ——while his sister is in

With my total concentration, I managed to summon my angel.

Me: "[Sandalphon]!"
With a flash of light, a huge sword appeared in my hand——The Angel of
Sword——[Sandalphon]. I held it steady and prepared to strike.


Ren: "How feeble. Is that all you got?"

"Quite a letdown if you ask me, considering you are Kotori's big brother."

With a cold response, Ren fired an attack toward me, knocking me


Me: "...Ee...."

Kotori: "Shido!"

Me: "...This is ... nothing..."

Ren: "What an idiot! Still struggling in such a disgraceful manner."

"Time to end your reason for fighting."

With that being said, she raised her hand at Kotori.

Me: "No, Kotori..."

Kotori: "[Camael]!!!!"
To my surprise, Kotori was able to summon her Astral Dress!

Ren: "Oya, isn't this the form of a beautiful fairy? You think you can fight

Kotori: "To hell am I! I won't let you hurt my oni-chan!"

She raised her hand and tried to swing her ax, but suddenly, she cried out in


Me: "Kotori! What's wrong!?"

Right now, Kotori is being engulfed by her own flame!

Ren: "——How long do you think you can last with such little reiryoku
left in your body?"
Me: "What?"

Ren: "You should remember——that Kotori has a berserk nature in her

Sephira! Without enough reiryoku to contain it, what do you think will
happen to her fragile body?"

Me: "No! Kotori!"

I tried to get closer to Kotori, but she raised her hand to stop me.

Kotori: "Ah...aa....Don't come over——"

"Sorry....Shido....I have always been...really mean to you."

"Maybe...this is what I deserve..."

Me: "KOTORI!!!!!"
In the next moment, my vision was surrounded by the crimson flames!


While I was screaming in excruciating pain, Ren mocked me with hysterical


I couldn't protect Kotori....I am really a failure as a big brother.

Kotori’s Wishes Good End


I would make the same choice

It was wrong

I chose the first option.

...I don't know if it's the correct answer, but I——

Me: "...If I was in your shoes, I would have made the same choice——
Especially if it was the only way to save everyone."
Kotori: " ...Hey, of course Shido will do something like this. Come on, you think
too less of yourself."

Me: "You and me both. Seriously, you are similar to me in such a particular

"But——Now that Kotori is back to normal, and everyone else is saved——It

only leaves Ren's motives."

"IF she dares to do anything, I will never forgive her. I will absolutely stop her!"

"See? All the problems can be solved. Considering the results, I believe Kotori
made the right choice."

Kotori: "Hehe, what the heck? That's way too considerate."

Me: "Yeah, too perfect. But you know what? Oni-chan can cause a miracle for
his little sister!"

(PS: I believe you. Siscons can destroy the world!)

Kotori: " ...Ah——I'm looking forward to it, oni-chan!"

Me: "Kotori——"

"I said it——Leave it to oni-chan!"

Yeah, how can the big brother stand by and watch ——while his sister is in

With my total concentration, I managed to summon my angel.

Me: "[Sandalphon]!"

With a flash of light, a huge sword appeared in my hand——The Angel of

Sword——[Sandalphon]. I held it steady and prepared to strike.

Ren dodged my attack without a trace.

"Oh, it's Sandalphon, not too bad. But, you can only activate your Angels,
right? Without the Astral Dress, how are you gonna handle this?"
Me: "Eh Ah...!"

Kotori: "Shido!"

Me: "...don't worry...this is nothing...because, I have Kotori's powers..."

——But, no matter how long I waited, the flames of [Camael] never healed my

"How come....Kotori's power, the flame of regeneration...didn't activate?"

Ren: "HAHAHAHA!! You just noticed it?"

"I told you before, that [Samael] has taken her reiryoku."

"——Even though she has been sealed by you, the reiryoku path still worked
It hurts.

Once again, I realize how important Kotori's powers are to me in battles.

I just bragged about saving Kotori, and see how pathetic am I...

Kotori: "..."

Suddenly, Kotori, who was supposedly on her knees, got up and stood by my

"Listen to me, there is only one way out of this ordeal."

Me: "Really?"

Kotori: "...Ren mentioned earlier that she took my powers via the reiryoku

"Therefore, you can transfer other Spirits' reiryoku to me via the same path!"

"With their powers, I should be able to manifest my Astral Dress and Angel!"

Me: "I see!"

Kotori: "However, there is one problem."

Me: "Problem?"

Kotori: "...Well, I am weak and feeble right now, so I might not be able to
contain my destructive urges."

——I see, Kotori can't activate her reiryoku for a long period of time.
Not to mention that our situation isn't ideal, it's normal to be worried.

Me: "Don't worry, even if you can't control your destructive urges, as your big
brother, I will definitely wake you!"

Kotori: "Shido..."

"...Yeah, this isn't like me."

"If we don't fight, we will both be killed. So, we better give it everything we

"——Hands. Can we hold them? ...Oni-chan."

Me: "Absolutely!"

Ren: "——How cute, what are you up to?"

Kotori: "To show you how reiryoku is really utilized——Shido!"

With my mind focused, my hand that connects to Kotori's is emitting

tremendous power.

Kotori: "...Eh—— ....Ah...ah...ah...!"

Ren: "Hahaha! Great job! I didn't see this coming!"

"But, in this state, can you refrain from destroying things indiscriminately?"

Kotori: "...don't...tempt me."

"Just so you know——Little Sisters can cause a miracle in front of their big
brothers too!"

Me: "Kotori..."
"Give me a minute, oni-chan, I will take care of this quickly —— [Camael]!"

Ren: "Hehe! Truly Wonderful! You can activate both your Astral Dress and
Angel at the same time!"

Kotori: "How long can you keep that smug face...? The tide has——already

"Forgive me, but I have no time for you, and here is your demise——!"
Kotori: "[Camael] —— Megiddo!"

With her clear voice, the axe in her hands transformed into a cannon.

"——Ren. Since you are a Spirit, we will save you no matter how terrible your
traits are."

"——But before that, I will make you regret laying your hands on me, my
friends, and especially my oni-chan!"

With that, she fired her cannon with 100% force!

Ren: "——How merciless. You were quite rough with me for someone who
wants to save Spirits."

Kotori: "——Heh, you survived my cannon, not bad."

Ren: "No, it wasn't easy at all."

"In order to shield myself from that attack, I used up all the reiryoku that I

"It might be fun to fight to the death, but——"

"The villain should take the villain's way out——Seeing how passionate you
two are fighting today, I will leave you a like (hint).

Kotori: "Wait a minute, you think you can —— Ahhh...."

Ren: "Don't push yourself, if you manifest your Astral Dress and Angel again,
you will really be engulfed by the destructive urges!"

"Save me —— you said? Hehe, intriguing. I don't dislike, of course, the

thought of destroying your naive fantasy."

"——Until then, I will see you around, lovely siblings."

Kotori: "Ha....Ha...."

Me: "Kotori! How are you feeling now?"

Kotori: "...Not too bad. If Ren didn't retreat, it might be dangerous for me."

"But at least, we learned something crucial about her. We should warn the
others about her too."

"——After that, we should have Shido make Ren fall in love."

Me: "Well...Hehe, I will do my best."

Kotori: "Yeah —— For me, you can make any miracles!"

"I'm looking forward to it —— Oni-chan!"


After defeating Ren, Kotori has turned back to normal.

In the living room, Kotori was in her black ribbons, waiting for me.

Kotori: "—— Ara, Shido, you seem to have nothing to do."

Me: "That sounds a bit harsh."

Kotori: "But you love it when I talk to you like this, right?"

"By the way, you used to talk like this in your younger self."

Me: "Please spare me..."

And then, she just went to her room, telling me to wait for a few minutes.

What is with Kotori today?

Usually, when she talks like that, it's because she has something on her mind.
Now I am confused...


I heard the door opened, and she told me to come in.


(PS: Cuteness Overloading!)

Kotori (humming): "...Hmm~ Hmm~"

...Why is she humming right now? How should I respond now...?

Me: "Hey, Kotori..."

Kotori: "Wh..what?"

Me: "No, I don't know what to say now."

Kotori: "...Seriously, you still haven't noticed?"

Me: "Well, I noticed at least this much. You got a new hairstyle!"
Indeed, she usually wears double ponytails, but today, it's single ponytail!

I feel Kotori's gaze shifting my way from time to time.

Ah....could it's because I praised her for her new hairstyle before?

Then, I must respond properly!

Me: "Ah——Kotori, you look really cute in this new hairstyle!"

Kotori: "...Hehe, I look good in any hairstyle, right? I have confidence in at

least this regard."

(PS: That's right, any hairstyle is good for you!)

Me: "Also, you seem more like an adult now."

Kotori: "Hehe, Shido sure talks smooth."

Well, compared to her usual self, she looks really a bit more mature.

Kotori: "But, it sure took you long enough. I will let this one slide, but when it
comes to other girls, I will deduct you points if you respond too slow."

Me: "Sorry, since you are too cute, I can't find the right words to express

Kotori: "Ara, is that so? ——To confirm it, I must test you again some other

Me: "Again? You mean——"

Kotori: "——That's right, what kind of hairstyle would you like to see next?"



Finally, the Kotori Route has a happy ending, and the step siblings grew
a stronger bond!

We can move on to the Ren Route Officially.

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