NASA EngineeringNoteook

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NASA’s navigators: Outdoing themselves

AS IMPRESSIVE AS THE CURIOSITY LANDING interesting. Those teams want to leap corrected. At an altitude of perhaps
was, NASA’s navigation technologists from unpowered descents like Curios- 1,000 m, light detection and ranging
think they can do even better next time. ity’s to landings in which a spacecraft instruments called lidars would snap
The Curiosity descent vehicle was sees the terrain all the way down and on to scan the landing zones for haz-
equipped with a sophisticated inertial steers around obstacles. The new sen- ards too small to be seen from orbit or
measurement unit, but mission plan- sors and algorithms could be applied by the craft’s camera. An onboard
ners still could only promise to deliver not just to Mars, but also to asteroids computer would autonomously
the rover somewhere within a 20 X 7- and new destinations such as Jupiter’s choose a safe landing spot from amid
km ellipse. Once the vehicle deployed moon Europa. Most of those missions the boulders, slopes, or craters. The
its parachute and released its heat would be robotic, but Johnson has not Johnson team, for example, thinks it
shield, its exact landing spot was de- given up on human missions, even as can spot all hazards greater than 30 cm
termined by the Martian winds. A it seeks to contribute to the robotic and stick the landing to within 3 m.
camera called the Mars Descent Im- ones as well. For NASA’s technologists, the ob-
ager snapped photos to tell scientists jective of more precise landings is not
where within the ellipse the spacecraft Go ‘smartly’ meant as a slight on the Curiosity mis-
was coming down. A radar bounced The two teams have a largely common sion. One engineer calls it an in-
signals from the surface to measure goal: They want to use rockets to steer evitable progression: “Human beings,
speed and altitude, and eight rockets to a preprogrammed landing zone that I think, want the power over time—to
automatically kicked on at precisely would be 100 m wide instead of kilo- say, ‘Go there, exactly where we told
the right moment. Their job was not to meters across. Precise navigation algo- you, and do it smartly, by yourself,
steer around obstacles. It was to slow rithms would be needed to avoid run- spacecraft,’” says electrical engineer
the vehicle so Curiosity could dangle ning out of fuel as the trajectory is MiMi Aung, manager of NASA JPL’s
blindly down to the surface on tethers. Guidance and Control Section, which
If there had been dangerous rocks or helped plan the Curiosity landing.
slopes below, there would have been Both teams are entering the low-
no way to detect or steer around them. altitude flight test phase of their proj-
Scientists had to see where Cu- ects, and if they succeed, they could
riosity came down before they could change NASA’s mission planning for-
decide where to drive to test out the ever. Curiosity’s science team had to
rover’s rock drill. Using orbital im- pick a smooth-looking ellipse that
ages, they picked a place about 400 m would minimize the odds of landing
away and named it Glenelg (after a on large rocks. The tradeoff for the
northern Canadian location where safe arrival was the time it will take to
Precambrian rocks are exposed). The reach the base of Mount Sharp.
journey there was expected to take
weeks, followed by many months of California dreaming
driving through a gap in some dark To test a better method, JPL has begun
dunes to reach the main science ob- low-altitude flights at the Mojave Air
jective of the two-year mission: the and Space Port, using a rocket it calls
base of the 5-km-tall Mount Sharp. ADAPT, for Autonomous Descent and
The mountain’s rocky layers might tell Ascent Powered-Flight Testbed.
scientists whether the area could have At the moment, ADAPT consists of
harbored life of any kind. a Masten Space Systems Xombie ter-
While Curiosity is busy leaving restrial test rocket programmed with
tracks on Mars, teams of navigation en- This image was taken during a flight test of JPL's ‘canned’ Mars descent scenarios, just
gineers led by NASA Johnson and JPL Autonomous Descent and Ascent Powered-flight to see if Xombie could fly them. Engi-
are working on technologies that Testbed (ADAPT). The testbed was flown aboard neers from Masten and JPL flew
a Masten Space Systems Xombie rocket. The test
might someday deliver spacecraft right took place at the Mojave Air and Space Port, ADAPT three times, once in July and
to the heart of the dangerous places California, on July 9, 2012. Image credit: twice in August. The craft took off
that tend to be the most scientifically NASA/JPL-Caltech. straight up on each flight, and at about


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500 m was allowed to fall straight stall the Lander Vision System on the
down 50 m to gain speed before Xombie for end-to-end tests.
swooping downrange as though it When that happens, “It’ll be a truly
were descending to Mars. autonomous system where we don’t
“We are very relieved and happy need GPS, we don’t need any infor-
that Xombie can fly such an aggres- mation from the vehicle,” Aung says.
sive trajectory, because we just didn’t
know walking in,” Aung says. “These Bad break
are three possible trajectories you At NASA Johnson, engineers have
might see on Mars.” In the last test, on been working for six years on their
August 14, ADAPT was diverted 750 m own precision landing system under a
downrange. project called ALHAT, for autonomous
Ultimately, JPL wants to move landing and hazard avoidance tech-
away from the canned trajectories and nologies. JSC has overall management
shift control entirely to an 8-kg sensor responsibility for ALHAT. Integrating
now in development. Called the Lan- the technologies, though, is a joint ef-
der Vision System, it would provide fort by engineers from JSC, JPL, and
the necessary entry, descent, and NASA Langley, with contributions
landing functions all rolled into one Xombie had several successful test flights. from contractors including Draper Lab
sensor, says Aung. of Cambridge.
Its imaging camera would photo- to Xombie’s computer, which will Earlier this year, the timing for the
graph the terrain on the way down. steer the rocket on that route. start of ALHAT flights looked as
Algorithms would use those images to Without the Lander Vision System though it would coincide nicely with
determine the real-time position of the installed, engineers would need to the attention the Curiosity mission was
spacecraft relative to the desired land- give the G-FOLD starting and ending expected to draw to planetary land-
ing site in a process called terrain rel- points. Even with the preprogrammed ings. When Curiosity touched down
ative navigation. A separate algorithm, points, “that’s going to be pretty gutsy,” on August 5, ALHAT engineers ex-
called G-FOLD for guidance-fuel opti- Aung says. G-FOLD will need to work pected that by October they would be
mal large divert, would snap into ac- fast. In 2014, Aung’s team plans to in- landing their low-altitude test craft
tion to calculate the best path toward
the target. To avoid running out of
propellant, a “fuel optimal solution” Morpheus rises just after ignition.
would be critical, Aung cautions.
Closer to the surface, the vision
system’s flash lidar would bounce
lasers off the terrain to produce 3D
maps. Hazard detection and avoid-
ance software would use these to pick
a spot for touchdown.
At each critical point, the calcula-
tions would have to be made au-
tonomously in seconds.
G-FOLD was the key innovation,
because it allows the course correc-
tions to be calculated on a computer
small enough to fit in the descent ve-
hicle. “If you have supercomputers on
the ground, you can still crank out—af-
ter an hour or two—the optimal solu-
tion, but we don’t have those hours
and we don’t have a supercomputer,”
Aung says.
Next, the JPL team wants to load
the G-FOLD algorithm onto a com-
puter and install it on Xombie this
year. During the flight, G-FOLD will
calculate the optimal path and send it


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decide what to do while Morpheus will fly up about 500 m and then fol-
manager Jon Olansen investigates the low a slanting trajectory about 800 m
mishap and tries to avoid repeating to the ground. The big difference is
the problem, whatever it was, on the this: JPL does not plan to land in a
new version that will be assembled. hazard field any time soon, but for
The ALHAT team does not want to JSC, that is the main purpose.
give up on Olansen’s project. “We’re The idea is to verify that ALHAT is
still planning to fly on Morpheus smart enough to decode the field. “We
when they get their vehicle rebuilt and actually know that we put two safe ar-
prove that they can fly at the kind of eas in there, but anyplace else is not
trajectory that we need to demonstrate necessarily safe for that lander,” Epp
ALHAT,” says Epp. “Hopefully, that says. “We will turn on the Flash Lidar,
will be sometime next spring.” and we will image the hazard field in
Epp is looking for ways to con- 4 seconds, and 6 seconds later, we
tinue making progress in the mean- hope to tell Morpheus, ‘You were go-
time. “We would like to take advan- ing to the center of that field. That’s
tage of the hazard field at KSC and fly not safe. Divert and go here to this
a helicopter and collect some flash li- safe site,” he explains. “And then we
dar data,” he says. “We cannot repro- will track a feature down to the
The Morpheus lander was built to carry the ALHAT
equipment. On August 9 it rose a short distance, duce the trajectory that Morpheus will ground to make sure that we stay
veered off course, and crashed. give us, but we can collect some infor- locked onto that safe site as we’re
mation and use that as test data for coming down.”
amid a field of rocks and craters set up our systems.” Working at NASA Johnson, Epp is
at NASA Kennedy to look like the He also has not ruled out trying steeped in the history of the Apollo lu-
Moon. It would be a key test of the another terrestrial rocket. “If we can nar missions, and he thinks they hold
low-altitude Flash Lidar built by Ad- find a different vehicle that can fly important lessons on how to apply the
vanced Scientific Concepts of Santa something similar to Morpheus, we new technologies.
Barbara. The lidar rapidly bounces may try to fly at least some compo- “If you step back to Apollo for a
light off the surface and measures the nents of it,” he says. minute, they landed pretty much by
time of return to map features in 3D. One thing is certain: Both Olansen eyeballs, as human beings, to avoid
It was adapted for real-time hazard de- and Epp are anxious to try out the hazards. Of course Neil Armstrong
tection with help from Langley, and it hazard field. The field was patterned didn’t like where he was going down,
will map terrain to an 8-cm resolution, after the Moon, right down to the size so he actually flew the vehicle a little
says ALHAT manager Chirold Epp. of its craters and rock piles. Epp cau- bit farther downrange and almost ran
The October tests were not to be, tions observers not to conclude that out of fuel,” he says.
however. the ALHAT technology applies only to What if so much dust had been
Morpheus, the lander built by landing on the Moon. Success in the kicked up in the final 30 or so meters
Johnson to carry the 150-kg ALHAT lunar hazard field would show poten- that it had prevented Armstrong from
equipment, rose a short distance from tial for landing virtually anywhere, he seeing? Therein lies a big lesson when
the Kennedy launch pad on August 9, says, including Mars. it comes to relying on the Flash Lidar.
veered out of control, and crashed. It “Curiosity program people eventu- “We don’t believe you want to try to
was the second attempt at a free flight ally would like to have some kind of sense through that dust. Several peo-
after numerous flights on a tether an ALHAT system on board so that ple have talked to us about that,” Epp
slung from a crane. Flames flickered they can go to certain regions that says.
for a while and then Morpheus ex- they’re kind of afraid to go to right So, in addition to the Flash Lidar,
ploded. Moments earlier, in the mo- now. It would give them more capa- Morpheus will test a Doppler lidar. It
bile mission control shelter, con- bility, with higher probably of success will not generate images, but it will
trollers had noticed that the vehicle’s in more hazardous areas,” Epp says. pierce the dust well enough to meas-
computer stopped receiving inertial He also knows that at 150 kg, crit- ure closing velocities in three axes to
measurement unit data. The IMU had ics say ALHAT is much too heavy for an accuracy of 1 cm/sec. “That gives
worked fine two days earlier during a robotic missions. “We already know you such a good navigation state rela-
soft abort caused by false indication how to reduce that to about 100 kg, tive to the surface that the last 30-50 m,
of an engine burn-through. Without and we believe there are ways to re- you can dead reckon down to the sur-
the IMU feed, the rocket could not tell duce it a whole lot more,” he adds. face,” Epp says.
up from down. Once Morpheus starts flying with Now all he needs is a rocket to
Luckily, NASA had not yet installed ALHAT, the profile will be similar to prove it. Ben Iannotta
the ALHAT equipment. The team must that of JPL’s Xombie-based ADAPT. It


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