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It's time for study Daily Reminder ~~ CQ Pp beautiful things happen when you do the work to reprogram that negative voice in your head Lescon GENETIC ENGINEERING ~ the process MANIPULATING al organisth's DNA to|ALTER Its traits ~ ALTERI etic mi th, @ How \s| genetic modification carried put? - By TRANSFERRING DNA (nto the GENOME af an organism it 1s GMO? ~ GMO is Genetically Modified Organisms, These are organisms that have better characteristics VARIATIONS of Genetic Engineering -|Add get lesirable of better traits -|Removing/ Extraction of undesirable trait: -|Altering specific genes + rahting diseases Gene cloning |+ yncrease in life expectancy eased vary loos and inks process of creating an EXACT tetetion food rae inthe we of pestides esa foods 1 Decrease inthe we af resources 1 Sclipew mt ode ett Mutations + Development of specific characteristics - permanent changes in the DNA sequence Alleles ~ different versions of a gene «leis onset vonceme Processes of Genetic Engineering Fee cacanapen ISOLATION of the target gene + Arbo restance + heductonin gente varity season wise @ MODIFICATION of the target gene + sot pltion + apcement of rata species 1 nfiunce of cera nests and interes groups 4) sNTROBUCTION of the modified gene ihto the target organism 2) SELECTION and SCREENING of thé transformed Irganisi ~ On IALYSIS of the transformed organigrn - Genetic Engineering involves the use of molecular techniques to modify the traits of a target organist =o dig \$ considered os fhe traditional Way) oF genettic engineering which practices the mating of organisms with desirable qualities ~ Restriction enzymes are called jmolecular scissors’ réplicatel independent! = stable = They genes re_cornpetith = easy to manipulate -|Antibiotic resistan’ = Can sutvive extreme temperature ee =~ stall, circular pieces of DNA DNA Ligase 1DNA -|an enzyme that acts as a/glu -1a form of 0 Restriction enzymes drtificial DNA ~ Serves OS S01 =|genes ave Recombinant Plastnid Pact ct aselo a plasrnié that already contains a Jet 40la-certa part of DNA from other organism t alto develop s enhance tharacteristics chardctensts o traits si0 } | Hadean Eon HISTORY OF LIFE ON EARTH A jc Time Scale Archean Eon —__| Earth's-histor tot Pp vt ¥ Geog Tne Proterozoic Eon -lis the -lalso known as the“ebrller life? occupied by the geologic histor Earth. 7 No life possible a the Earth initiall forms 46 B years ago | The Earth's history is divided into eons, er 388 riods and epoct rs ag Jas used to determine the begins producing Free absolute divisions in the tit = T 7 ‘WEGEOLOGICAL TIME SCALE — [cor] | vance [coon |e" —T cay | coun | =] Pere | | Pre rome | Ee | et mal sass | Tt =| pede - Life ofmdin Wats 03 ony Tea Seen levels rige ehough to support life an a] Sea] ~ Dominant animals: Marine invertebrates | roe asia Tri Desa] Sagres rors fea — | sapere South pote | | aor | ee [a Sees | | oovean Pere so_| a ena —| eee th ee “nl wo | sacs sauna lonize land | er = eee Sil ria ese ama nd i = land animal first Eons Devonian) Eras - marked by =|/Bohy fishes di hnsects onda st = [based on at the time 5 = the earliest well-known amphibian Carboniferous Period CENOZOIC ERA = A ORIGIN OF REPTILES, _Tertiary Period amphibians dominate =A: land tropical plants Permian lominat cere) - ue. - grasses spread and whales, rhinos, volcanism in Siberi elephants and ather large mammals develop =m } Sea level rises and limestone deposits form (eocene) | ‘oligocene) horses, mastadons, camels, and|tigers Yoat mets ZOIC EON @Middle|LifeD) metamnbconey 196 ev: id the Grand Canyorr liocen - rocky mountains fort | Quarternary Period franpspern| ind Ice. shee emnynar e itocene! ), the earliest nown turtle Jurassic Period ~ dinosaurs flours! - first 4 is the earliest bird undisputed bird Cretaceous Period + folcanit eruption: ° | NATURAL SELECTION - the process by which certain [traits mals belonging become more or les: commer in population due to their impact on survive * and reproductiot x 3 Principles of Natural Selection ‘® Behavioral patterns | the characteristics of orc te Differences inherited, or passed from parent to * individual varlation: FFSPrINg, % Geoaraphical locatio 2. (more offspring are produced than are % Age and life sta ble to Survive > Hybridization’ 3. |offspring vary arnong edch other in Evolution jegard to their characteristics and those jariations are Wher tte ~ is the chang © Several generations ahd relies on th * [Natural selection ean only take place ie ee if tal lecti +f is variation, or differen mong PLATO individuals in a population, © each species Has lts.own Ideal for Adaptatio © | thewariations seen within ai species aré - inheritable trait that aids the survival and i perfect atte pts to approximate this fort reproduction of an organism in its present JAMES HUTTON wironmet ® ‘he proy that! \gical change dccured -/a Match’ of the organism to the ‘aduall environment CHARLES LYELL. 2) DESCENT WITH MODIFICATI * his \deas provided an important intellectual = th ng that all ise il jamework for Charles Darwir afe related throligh|cornmon a * he recognized that living organistns change ovet huveldestendied rot enrlier forms of Ii ‘time through a process of gradual modification \at have changed and evolved over time CHARLES DARWIN 2) mutant ® his theory of evolution is the idea that all -la. chan vence of Species of livin canta have descended fror = a. source of new glieles in the papulatioy common ancestor through process of gradual a cia orle altelelint} a ot Er odification and natural selectio The effects of Mutation: JEAN-BAPTISTE LAMARCK + may affect the phenotype of organism In © Inherttanc e of acquit’ ‘alt way that gives it/reduced fitness - jower © | Use and disuse likehood of survival ¥ it may produce a phenotype with a Mechanisms of Evolution beneficial effect on fitness -lavel th Ht drive the| % Neutral mutations will have no effect ot inherited characteristics of populations over time ness [o= dominant trait) |! quencies x x ae in the environment i uch a: QE feeessive| troy, ton and pF 2pq Th |=) 2 FECT - P iift that_occur: causes effects natural disaster * loss of genetic variation * disease outbreak * limited subset of the ~/human activities | genetic variatio| migration # Increase genetic interbreeding versity * prevent populations frorn diverging too much from one another RECOMBINATION mechani: lution that involves the ring sexual reproduction, pring inherit|a unique combination of genetic fetal, which dan fesult in new combinations alleles in the offspring that Were not present inveither parent Cc SON 5 a @ EPRODUCTIVE ISOLATI these ave $et bF blolo| at pr individuals of different species from interbreeding \d producing viable offfspr ISOLATION MECHANISMS PRE-ZYGOTIC ISOLATION MECHANISMS = nit fertilization dnd zygote formation -lallow liza on bu nonviable or weal ~ happens before fertilization occurs betwee or sterile hybrids are formed metes, ae __ Habitat Isolation AK Hybrid Inviabitity = occurs when pecies| occuipyldifferent habitats - occurs when the offspring of two different ind rarely come into contact with each other species dre produced. but thé HYBrldlORSprIN -|untikely to mate with each other have reduced viability * Tetporal isolation /odd number of chromosame: occurs when Wo Speties|breed at different times _ ~|d0esn't reqch mature|age of the day, season. ti Hybrid Sterit ' “%& Behavioral Isolation = occurs when the offspring of di nt = occurs when! peties|have different courtship | species are produced. butithe hybrid offsprini rituals or other|beaviors re sterlle and Unable to reprodude ‘e_ Mechanical Isolation: -|different number of chramosomes received -loccurs when the Weproductive stfuctures of the bby the offspring to its parent: ecies re |nco\mpattible Hybrid Breakdown 3K Gametic Isola’ - occurs When the offspring of two different -loccurs when the gametes of two species ai Species dre produced, butithe second inco ible. generation hybrids have reduced ductiv metes, fithess or reproductive success ZYGOTE MORTALITY -/breakdown of characteristics from one - where 2ygotelcan! ea properly and gprefatipn %p afother PECIATO * | Sympatric Sy vation - the|evolutionary process by which populations = occurs hen mhembet aoalaito fat evolve to become distinct species initially Gccupy the Same hobitat within the ~ ew species develop from existirig species same range diverge into two jore| species —*| ic lation * Pat mn irs when the groups that evalved to be, occ -loccurs when some members of the populatior sepatate spécies are geographic neigh! jecome! geographically Separated from the other - conibinatign of Allopatric and Sympatri embers thereby preventing gene flow v1 f . Lieobon . . DEVE! OPME IT OF LUTI THOUGH OF EVOLUTION Evolut Thought: ~hefers tothe nding oF re ANATO jannge over iti udy of the similarities and of different organism: Aristotle structures ~ proposes the concept of “Scala naturae” tructurés in different species the ladder of natured : pean ay : — may differ in function ife forms evolved from simp| res rn that have similar function: ‘olus Linn ins. ~ lhe propos the Bi lial nomenclature ifferent structures cture ‘are anatomical features that have lost thel production improved the well-being of the original function populace FOSSILS Georges Cuvier cave the ‘esate! remains of organisms that - Father of Raleontolog, lived in the past. and they provide a record - Theory of Catastrophism, e history of life on Earth ~ according to hin fossils are ferains of extinct BIOGEOGRAPHY life forms ‘rloution bf pec James Huttor ns - Theory of Gradualism \ce for evolution by showing ~ changes can result from] effect of slow bu’ € adapied to their environment continuous processes have migrated and evglved over Charles Lyell ~ Principles of. y - the|formation|of Earth's crust took place + development of the countless small chamn¢ organism 40.145 odult!for Jean-Baptiste Lamarck initial phases of = propos ry of Natural Sel - nature sel the variations that are mo: Genus ~ the classification) = |shar Ss ~\the f classificati = group of the highest level of classification * ¥ Bacteria x th lassifi¢ation Animalia Plantae Fungi Archaea * * % * Protista * x Bacteria =the of classification ~ Includes group of organisms tha: =the classification Rooted Unrooted tree. tree Branch point Lesson il PEDEGREE ANALYSIS Pedegree = |ttis a chart of the genetic history of family over Several generations ~ tt i$ algo used when frying to determine the predisposition af someone to corry a hereditary disease Marriage | = , rere EO marriott we:.: " Career Male & Female if most of the mdles in the pedegree are affected, the disorder Ws Xelinked | If it's @ SO/S0 ratio between men and wornen, the disorder is Autosomal if the disorder is dominant, one of the parent must fave the disorder if the disorder 1s recessive: neither parent has to have the disorder becatise they can be heterozygous, ae vanes od ee Cen

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