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Business Administration Department

BA44 Human Behavior in Organization

Chapters 4 & 5
Long Quiz

Name: _________________________________________________________________FM1A Score: ________/40

1. This refers to the desire to achieve a goal or a certain performance level. (4)

2. In addition to motivation and environmental factors, this is also a key determinant of

3. (True/False) According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, once a lower-level need is
satisfied, it no longer serves as a motivation. The individual starts looking to satisfy higher
order needs. (4)
4. In the context of Maslow’s theory, what is described as a desire to complete everything that
one can, to become the best that one can be. (4)
5. This theory believes that employees are naturally unmotivated and dislike working. (4)
6. This theory concludes that employees are happy to work, are self-motivated and creative,
and enjoy working with greater responsibility. (4)
7. What are the three categories of basic human needs proposed by Clayton Alderfer in his
ERG theory? (4)
8. The ERG theory, which contributes to the literature of human needs, is a modification of
which theory? (4)
9. What did Herzberg label as factors causing worker dissatisfaction, which are part of the
context in which the job is performed, as opposed to the job itself? (4)
10. According to this theory, individuals acquire three types of needs as a result of their life
experiences. (4)
11. This communication barrier refers to the distortion or withholding of information in order to
manage a person’s reactions. (5)
12. This communication barrier relates to the fact that words can mean different things to
different people, or they might not mean anything to another person. (5)
13. This communication barrier relates to the situation when the information processing
demands on an individual’s time for performing interactions and internal calculations exceed
the available time or capacity for such processing. (5)
14. It is a process in which two or more parties work towards an agreement. (5)

15. This is the third phase of negotiation. (5)

16. This negotiation style understands the concerns and interests of the other party. It believes in
finding creative solutions to ensure both parties are satisfied. (5)
17. True/False) Language that insults an individual or group based on age, ethnicity, sexual
preference, or political beliefs violates standards of decency, ranging from civil rights to
corporate regulations. (5)
18. (True/False) Being aware of the differences in men’s and women’s communication styles can
help avoid misunderstandings in the workplace. (5)
19. (True/False) Effective communication does not significantly play a role in employee
satisfaction. (5)
20. (True/False) Communication is vital to organizations, however, it does not play a role in
coordinating actions and achieving goals. (5)

Multiple Choices. Please write your answer before each number.

1. In the context of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs within an organization, it includes aspects such as job security and salary
increments. The managerial practices to satisfy these needs involve offering benefits such as pension schemes, provident
funds, and gratuity.(4-ap)
a. Physiological Needs
b. Safety Needs
c. Social Needs
d. Esteem

2. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory, what could be the possible impact on an individual's motivation if their
basic physiological needs are not met? (4-ap)
a. The individual will be motivated to fulfill higher-level needs like esteem and self-actualization.
b. The individual will not be motivated to fulfill any other needs until the physiological needs are met.
c. The individual will be motivated to fulfill social needs.
d. The individual's motivation will not be affected.

3. Based on Theory Y of motivation, which of the following is most likely to be true? (4-ap)
a. Employees are self-centered and indifferent about organizational goals.
b. Employees prefer to be directed and avoid responsibility.
c. Employees are self-motivated, can be creative, and seek responsibility.
d. Employees require constant supervision and control.

4. Considering the application of Theories X and Y,, in what type of organization would Theory Y be more appropriate and
why? (4-ap)
a. In large scale production procedure because it values and motivates active participation.
b. In unskilled production-line work because it provides employees frequent opportunities for promotion.
c. In knowledge work and licensed services because these organizations naturally develop Theory Y-type practices.
d. In all types of organizations because Theory Y is widely accepted as superior to Theory X.

5. John, an employee at Juan Corporation, has been feeling frustrated due to the lack of growth opportunities in his job.
According to the “frustration-regression” hypothesis of the ERG theory, which of the following is most likely to happen? (4-
a. John will lose all motivation and stop working.
b. John will start spending more time socializing with coworkers.
c. John will start looking for another job.
d. John will start neglecting his basic needs.

6. According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, if a company improves the hygiene factors such as working conditions and
salary, what is the most likely outcome? (4-ap)
a. Employees will be highly motivated.
b. Employees will be satisfied, but not necessarily motivated.
c. Employees will be dissatisfied.
d. Employees will leave the company.

7. A manager notices that an employee is not motivated despite the company having good working conditions and policies.
According to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, which of the following actions should the manager consider to motivate the
employee? (4-an)
a. Increase the employee’s salary.
b. Improve the company’s policies.
c. Provide the employee with more challenging work and growth opportunities.
d. Ensure the employee’s office temperature is just right.

8. According to David McClelland’s Acquired-Needs Theory, a person with a high need for achievement is promoted to a
managerial position. Which of the following behaviors is this person most likely to exhibit? (4-an)
a. They will delegate tasks effectively.
b. They will focus on building harmonious relationships with their subordinates.
c. They may view managerial activities such as coaching and communicating as a waste of time.
d. They will prioritize the needs of the team over their personal goals.

9. A manager is trying to motivate an employee who has a high need for affiliation according to McClelland’s Acquired-Needs
Theory. Which of the following strategies is most likely to be effective? (4-an)
a. Setting challenging individual goals for the employee.
b. Giving the employee more control and influence over their work environment.
c. Providing opportunities for the employee to interact and build relationships with others.
d. Offering the employee a higher salary or financial incentives.

10. An organization wants to improve the quality of its products. According to the importance of motivation, which of the
following employee behaviors should the organization focus on enhancing? (4-e)
a. The ability to work long hours.
b. The ability to follow instructions.
c. The ability to be creative, spontaneous, and innovative at work.
d. The ability to manage time effectively.

11. A company is facing issues with workflow interruptions and interpersonal strife due to frequent miscommunications.
According to the information provided, which of the following strategies should the company prioritize to address this
issue? (5-e)
a. Implementing stricter rules and regulations.
b. Increasing the salary of all employees.
c. Improving communication practices and ensuring effective information exchange.
d. Hiring more employees to reduce the workload.

12. A manager notices that important information is often withheld or distorted when communicated within the team. According
to the barrier of ‘Filtering’, which of the following strategies should the manager consider to address this issue? (5-e)
a. Implement stricter rules and regulations.
b. Increase the salary of all employees.
c. Deliver messages in multiple ways and reward employees who convey information clearly.
d. Hire more employees to reduce the workload.
13. An employee often feels overwhelmed by the amount of information they have to process at work. According to the barrier
of ‘Information Overload’, which of the following strategies is most likely to help the employee manage their workload? (5-
a. Providing the employee with more challenging tasks.
b. Increasing the employee’s salary.
c. Implementing tools or practices to help the employee prioritize and manage information.
d. Encouraging the employee to work longer hours.

14. A company is facing issues with misinterpretations and misunderstandings in email communications. According to the
barrier of ‘Lack of Source Familiarity or Credibility’, which of the following strategies should the company consider to
address this issue? (5-e)
a. Implement stricter rules and regulations.
b. Encourage employees to understand the context and credibility of the sender before interpreting the message.
c. Increase the salary of all employees.
d. Hire more employees to reduce the workload.

15. An organization is trying to improve its internal communication but finds that employees often rely on the grapevine for
information. According to the barrier of ‘Workplace Gossip’, which of the following strategies is most likely to be effective?
a. Implementing stricter rules and regulations.
b. Increasing the salary of all employees.
c. Sending official messages quickly and accurately, especially during crucial times.
d. Discouraging employees from interacting with each other.

16. During a job negotiation, an applicant is considering multiple job offers. According to the second phase of negotiation,
which of the following should the applicant primarily consider when deciding whether to accept an offer? (5-an)
a. The reputation of the company.
b. The location of the company.
c. The applicant’s Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA).
d. The applicant’s personal relationship with the hiring manager.

17. A company is in the bargaining phase of a negotiation with a supplier. The supplier is unwilling to lower the price of the
products. According to the fourth phase of negotiation, which of the following strategies should the company consider? (5-
a. Insist on a lower price and refuse to proceed with the negotiation if the supplier does not agree.
b. Agree to pay a higher price in exchange for getting the products sooner.
c. Terminate the negotiation and look for other suppliers.
d. Report the supplier to the relevant authorities for unfair pricing.

18. A negotiator is dealing with a strong personality who is trying to dominate the negotiation. According to the ‘Competing’
negotiation style, which of the following strategies should the negotiator consider? (5-an)
a. Prevent the negotiation and postpone the decision.
b. Give in on their own outcome to satisfy the other party.
c. Use power to win the negotiation.
d. Downplay the conflict to protect the relationship.

19. A negotiator is dealing with a complex issue and wants to save time by reaching intermediate settlements. According to the
‘Compromising’ negotiation style, which of the following strategies should the negotiator consider? (5-an)
a. Prevent the negotiation and postpone the decision.
b. Use power to win the negotiation.
c. Give in on their own outcome to satisfy the other party.
d. Downplay the conflict to protect the relationship.

20. A company is facing issues with workflow interruptions and interpersonal strife due to frequent miscommunications.
According to the information provided, which of the following strategies should the company prioritize to address this
issue? (5-e)
a. Implementing stricter rules and regulations.
b. Increasing the salary of all employees.
c. Improving communication practices and ensuring effective information exchange.
d. Hiring more employees to reduce the workload.
End of Quiz

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