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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga del Sur
Tukuran Technical Vocational High School

A Semi – detailed Lesson Plan in English for Grade 7

2nd Quarter

I – Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. differentiate Simple Sentence from Compound Sentence by identifying the number of independent
clause or the number of subject and predicate;
b. Write their own Simple Sentence and Compound Sentence;
c. Be aware on the use of sentence variety in writing.

II – Subject Matter:
Topic: Types of Sentences According to Structure (Simple and Compound)
Reference: Learning Plan in Grade 7, p.200-201
Materials: Power Point, TV, Speaker, Manila/Cartolina Paper, Marker, Heart and Broken Heart Figures
Value Focus: Disaster Preparedness
Content Integration: MAPEH and ESP
Strategy: Differentiated Instructions, Interactive Leaning (ICT), Cooperative Learning, Inquiry Based
Instructions, Behavior Management

III – Learning Procedure:

A. Before the Lesson
A1. Greetings
“Good morning class! How are you today?”

A2. Classroom Tidiness

“Kindly arrange your chairs properly and pick up pieces of trash that you can see near you. Then you
may take your seat.”

A3. Checking of the attendance

“Ms. Secretary, may I know who are absent today?”

A4. Review of the past lesson

During the discussion, the teacher uses HEARTS to manage the behavior of the students. A student will
receive a “HEART” in every good display of behavior and it means additional points.. A student will receive a
“BROKEN HEART” in every misbehavior and it means deduction of points.

(The teacher plays a part of a song.)

“Who can guess the title of the song?”

(The whole class sings the first part of the song.)

“What did you notice in the lyrics I showed to you?”
“How would you describe the lines from the lyrics?”
“Why are they different?”
“Who can still remember our lesson last meeting?”
“Who can pick out lines from the song as an example?”

B. During the Lesson

B1. Motivation
(The class finish singing the song.)
“Again, what did you notice in the lyrics?”
“Who can read the highlighted lines?”
“How would you describe the lines?”

Statement of the Aims:

“By the end of our class, you can differentiate a simple sentence from a compound sentence, also
you can write your own sentences and you will be aware of sentence variety. You will also be introduced to
climate change and how are you going to reduce risks from disasters.”

B2. Presentation/Discussion
(The teacher will discuss Types of Sentences According to Structure focusing only the first two types: Simple
and Compound.)
“Let us study the following lines from the lyrics of the song by underlining the subject and predicate of
each sentence.”
1. I have been so caught up in my job.
2. South Africa has diverse wildlife.
3. My mama doesn’t like you and she likes everyone.
4. The country’s heritage is a natural tourism asset; South African cultural projects are
“How would you describe the number of subject and predicate in each sentence?”
“How many independent and dependent clause can you spot in each sentence?”
“What did you notice in between sentence 3 & 4?”
“What kind of sentence is each sentence?”

(The teacher calls the students to write on their notebook 1 simple sentence and 1 compound sentence.)
“Who can go to the board and write their constructed sentences?”

B3. Activity/Application
(The students will be grouped into four. Each group will have different task.

Group 1 – Writing Simple Sentence

Group 2 – Writing Compound Sentence
Group 3 – Writing Simple and Compound Sentence
Group 4 – Writing a paragraph with Sentence Variety

B4. Abstraction/Generalization
(The teacher will give or ask students to give the summary of the discussion.)
1. What are the four types of sentences according to structure?
2. Give examples of the sentence that we discussed today.
3. Differentiate the two types.

After the Lesson


Directions: For Nos. 1-4, encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. If a simple sentence is composed of one independent clause, a compound sentence is composed of

how many?
a. One b. two or more c. none

2. A simple sentence is composed of how many subject(s)?

b. One b. two or more c. none

3. What words connect one independent clause to another independent clause to make compound
a. Determiners b. subordinating conjunctions c. coordinating conjunctions
4. It helps making your writing more interesting and varied in structure.
a. Sentence b. Sentence Variety c. Sentence

For Nos. 5-8, write S if the statement is a simple sentence and C if the statement is a compound sentence.

3. I read journals about the tourism around the world. _____________________

4. You can find different wild animals in South Africa. _____________________
5. You can visit the country and you will surely enjoy it. ____________________
6. Some of the animals are friendly but some are dangerous. ________________
7. Construct a simple sentence.
8. Construct a compound sentence.

IV. Remarks

V – Reflection:

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