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### 100.0000000
0.0000000 53.3333333
### 100.0000000
### 86.6666667
6.6666667 80.0000000
### 93.3333333
### 93.3333333
### 43.3333333
0.0000000 56.6666667
0.0000000 40.0000000
### 86.6666667
### 83.3333333
### 100.0000000
6.6666667 43.3333333
0.0000000 53.3333333
### 100.0000000
### 96.6666667
6.6666667 70.0000000
3.3333333 66.6666667
### 76.6666667
### 86.6666667
0.0000000 40.0000000
0.0000000 33.3333333
### 73.1884058
### 76.3705104
Effectiveness of Podcast-Based Lessons as Supplementary Materials in Teaching English:
Bases for the Development of PBL Guide


Pre Post D D^2 Pre Post D D^2
1 4 30 -26 676 1 5 30 -25 625
2 0 16 -16 256 2 8 29 -21 441
3 10 30 -20 400 3 0 27 -27 729
4 5 26 -21 441 4 6 29 -23 529
5 2 24 -22 484 5 4 30 -26 676
6 3 28 -25 625 6 9 30 -21 441
7 6 28 -22 484 7 7 30 -23 529
8 5 13 -8 64 8 5 27 -22 484
9 0 17 -17 289 9 3 23 -20 400
10 0 12 -12 144 10 4 18 -14 196
11 6 26 -20 400 11 2 23 -21 441
12 3 25 -22 484 12 6 20 -14 196
13 8 30 -22 484 13 2 28 -26 676
14 2 13 -11 121 14 0 11 -11 121
15 0 16 -16 256 15 10 30 -20 400
16 8 30 -22 484 16 5 27 -22 484
17 3 29 -26 676 17 1 14 -13 169
18 2 21 -19 361 18 0 19 -19 361
19 1 20 -19 361 19 7 29 -22 484
20 6 23 -17 289 20 8 25 -17 289
21 4 26 -22 484 21 0 13 -13 169
22 0 12 -12 144 22 4 21 -17 289
23 0 10 -10 100 23 0 17 -17 289
3.391304 21.95652 -427 8507 4.173913 23.91304 -454 9418

D_ -18.56522 D_ -19.73913
Effectiveness of Podcast-Based Lessons as Supplementary Materials in Teaching English:
Bases for the Development of PBL Guide


Pre Post D D^2 Pre Post D D^2 PRE POST PRE POST
1 4 27 -23 529 1 4 20 -16 256 30 13.33 90.00 13.33 66.67
2 1 19 -18 324 2 8 23 -15 225 30 3.33 63.33 26.67 76.67
3 5 29 -24 576 3 2 19 -17 289 30 16.67 96.67 6.67 63.33
4 7 27 -20 400 4 7 29 -22 484 30 23.33 90.00 23.33 96.67
5 3 30 -27 729 5 8 28 -20 400 30 10.00 100.00 26.67 93.33
6 5 27 -22 484 6 5 30 -25 625 30 16.67 90.00 16.67 100.00
7 4 30 -26 676 7 4 28 -24 576 30 13.33 100.00 13.33 93.33
8 5 22 -17 289 8 9 30 -21 441 30 16.67 73.33 30.00 100.00
9 1 19 -18 324 9 2 28 -26 676 30 3.33 63.33 6.67 93.33
10 1 23 -22 484 10 1 30 -29 841 30 3.33 76.67 3.33 100.00
11 0 30 -30 900 11 0 25 -25 625 30 0.00 100.00 0.00 83.33
12 3 25 -22 484 12 0 20 -20 400 30 10.00 83.33 0.00 66.67
13 7 19 -12 144 13 3 27 -24 576 30 23.33 63.33 10.00 90.00
14 4 15 -11 121 14 0 29 -29 841 30 13.33 50.00 0.00 96.67
15 3 16 -13 169 15 6 28 -22 484 30 10.00 53.33 20.00 93.33
16 9 28 -19 361 16 2 17 -15 225 30 30.00 93.33 6.67 56.67
17 4 29 -25 625 17 4 18 -14 196 30 13.33 96.67 13.33 60.00
18 2 11 -9 81 18 6 30 -24 576 30 6.67 36.67 20.00 100.00
19 0 27 -27 729 19 3 18 -15 225 30 0.00 90.00 10.00 60.00
20 2 19 -17 289 20 5 27 -22 484 30 6.67 63.33 16.67 90.00
21 3 25 -22 484 21 4 14 -10 100 30 10.00 83.33 13.33 46.67
22 0 20 -20 400 22 8 30 -22 484 30 0.00 66.67 26.67 100.00
23 1 16 -15 225 23 0 13 -13 169 30 3.33 53.33 0.00 43.33
3.217391 23.17391 -459 9827 3.956522 24.3913 -470 10198 10.72 77.25 13.19 81.30

D_ -19.95652 D_ -20.43478
D2 210681

-26.3913 20.43478
Effectiveness of Podcast-Based Lessons as Supplementary Materials in Teaching English:
Bases for the Development of PBL Guide


Pre Post D D^2 Pre Post D D^2 PRE POST PRE POST
1 11 30 -19 361 1 12 22 -10 100 30 36.67 100.00 40.00 73.33
2 4 21 -17 289 2 10 24 -14 196 30 13.33 70.00 33.33 80.00
3 5 30 -25 625 3 10 28 -18 324 30 16.67 100.00 33.33 93.33
Source Degree F-Value
4 5 30 -25 625 4 12 25 -13 169 30 16.67 100.00 40.00 83.33 Sum of
s of s of Mean
Variatio Freedo Square Comput
s Tabular
5 7 26 -19 361 5 4 23 -19 361 30 23.33 86.67 13.33 76.67 n m ed
n 2 0.03844 0.01922
6 8 27 -19 361 6 7 30 -23 529 30 26.67 90.00 23.33 100.00 Groups 0.00649 3.89
12 35.5432 2.96193
7 6 25 -19 361 7 5 23 -18 324 30 20.00 83.33 16.67 76.67 Groups
8 4 26 -22 484 8 2 18 -16 256 30 13.33 86.67 6.67 60.00
9 5 24 -19 361 9 3 24 -21 441 30 16.67 80.00 10.00 80.00 Total 14 35.5816
10 3 15 -12 144 10 7 26 -19 361 30 10.00 50.00 23.33 86.67
11 4 18 -14 196 11 3 19 -16 256 30 13.33 60.00 10.00 63.33
12 6 26 -20 400 12 6 30 -24 576 30 20.00 86.67 20.00 100.00
13 10 30 -20 400 13 10 23 -13 169 30 33.33 100.00 33.33 76.67
14 7 19 -12 144 14 12 30 -18 324 30 23.33 63.33 40.00 100.00
15 8 25 -17 289 15 8 26 -18 324 30 26.67 83.33 26.67 86.67
16 5 28 -23 529 16 3 30 -27 729 30 16.67 93.33 10.00 100.00
17 4 12 -8 64 17 7 26 -19 361 30 13.33 40.00 23.33 86.67
18 6 19 -13 169 18 6 24 -18 324 30 20.00 63.33 20.00 80.00
19 7 20 -13 169 19 4 26 -22 484 30 23.33 66.67 13.33 86.67
20 11 28 -17 289 20 3 20 -17 289 30 36.67 93.33 10.00 66.67
21 6 29 -23 529 21 3 22 -19 361 30 20.00 96.67 10.00 73.33
22 5 18 -13 169 22 5 26 -21 441 30 16.67 60.00 16.67 86.67
23 7 25 -18 324 23 6 24 -18 324 30 23.33 83.33 20.00 80.00
6.26087 23.95652 -407 7643 6.434783 24.73913 -421 8023 20.87 79.86 21.45 82.46

D_ -17.69565 D_ -18.30435
17.69565 18.30435
Indicator 5 4 3 2 1 Average WM VERBAL DESCRIPTION CODE
1 Lack of time to utilize Podcast Based Lessons as supplementary material 100 20 48 12 177 59 64 32 7 12 135 2.93 Moderate Challenge 3
2 Lack of gadgets to utilize PBL per class 300 60 60 15 60 20 40 20 15 20 135 3.52 Major Challenge 4
3 Lack of trainings and knowledge to utilize PBL Outputs 315 63 92 23 39 13 46 23 8 13 135 3.70 Major Challenge 3
4 Lack of interests of learners to utilize Podcast Based Lessons 5 1 12 3 15 5 78 39 82 87 135 1.42 Not a Challenge 1
5 Lack of mentorship from coordinators to utilize Podcast Based Lessons 35 7 152 38 87 29 84 42 14 19 135 2.76 Moderate Challenge 3
6 Difficulty in introducing the new intervention 80 16 108 27 96 32 68 34 21 26 135 2.76 Moderate Challenge 3
7 There were technical difficulties in facilitating PBL 10 2 52 13 24 8 78 39 68 73 135 1.72 Not a Challenge 1
8 Difficulty in retaining the learners' focus while using the PBL 60 12 76 19 54 18 76 38 43 48 135 2.29 Minor Challenge 2
9 Difficulty to access the Podcast-Based Lessons from the given link. 15 3 20 5 39 13 56 28 81 86 135 1.56 Not a Challenge 1
10 Negative perception of teachers in utilizing PBL 90 18 148 37 66 22 52 26 27 32 135 2.84 Moderate Challenge 3
11 Difficulty in facilitating the class using PBL 30 6 36 9 84 28 72 36 51 56 135 2.02 Minor Challenge 2
12 Problem in dissemination of Podcast-Based Lesson Materials 185 37 104 26 84 28 30 15 24 29 135 3.16 Moderate Challenge 3
13 Lesser School Management Intervention in utilizing PBL 60 12 180 45 108 36 46 23 14 19 135 3.02 Moderate Challenge 3
2.59 Minor Challenge 2

5 (4.20 – 5.00) Severe Challenge

4 (3.40 – 4.19) Major Challenge
3 (2.60 – 3.39) Moderate Challenge
2 (1.80 – 2.59) Minor Challenge
1 (1.00 – 1.79) Not a Challenge

Lack of gadgets to utilize PBL per class

Lack of trainings and knowledge to utilize PBL Outputs
Problem in dissemination of Podcast-Based Lesson Materials
Lesser School Management Intervention in utilizing PBL
Lack of time to utilize Podcast Based Lessons as supplementary material
Negative perception of teachers in utilizing PBL
Difficulty in introducing the new intervention
Lack of mentorship from coordinators to utilize Podcast Based Lessons
Difficulty in retaining the learners' focus while using the PBL
Difficulty in facilitating the class using PBL
There were technical difficulties in facilitating PBL
Difficulty to access the Podcast-Based Lessons from the given link.
Lack of interests of learners to utilize Podcast Based Lessons
1 Strengthen class time management strategies to integrate PBL as supplementary materials
89 46 135 8
2 Availability of school apparatus to utilize PBL in class 135 0 135 1
Arrange the supplementary lesson schedule at the learners' neighborhood to share the available
gadgets to other learners 135 0 135 1
Provision of re-echo seminars to teachers on the utilization and creation of Podcast Based Lessons
as supplementary materials in Literacy 107 28 135 3
Provide more exciting schemes that teachers may choose from to gather learners' interest and
focus in utilizing PBL 74 61 135 11
6 Provide motivations to learners and clear explanation of instruction 76 59 135 10
7 Inject the ideas of PBL as a supplementary material during In-Service Training 93 42 135 7
8 Intensified dissemination of Podcast Based Lessons to Schools thru subject teachers 58 77 135 13
Enhance strategic implementation of Podcast Based Lessons as supplementary materials to retain
learners' focus 68 67 135 12
10 Deliver a school hard-drive of downloaded Podcast Based Lessons 98 37 135 5
11 Establish proper orientation to teachers and learners in the utilization of PBL 78 52 130 9
12 Provision of different strategies and techniques to effectively implement PBL 103 32 135 4
13 Proper coordination of persons involved to disseminate the PBL to learners or to parents
97 38 135 6
Remind school heads of the importance of utilizing PBL as a supplementary material to properly
manage its utilization 121 14 135 2
Total 1332 553

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