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Drama & Theatre, School of the Arts, USM

Final Year Project Guide Line

(BFA; Acting & Directing)


Students taking degrees in Acting & Directing carry out a substantial individual
project in their final year. Each project is supervised by a member of faculty, and
assessed via theatre production and written reports.

Component 1
a) Proposal and Presentation
-Proposal 10%
-Text Analysis 5%
-Character and characterization analysis 5%
Total 20%
Component 2
a) Prompt book and log book 5%
b) Report 15%
Total 20%
Component 3
a) Final Project 40%
b) Preview 1(viva 1) 5%
c) Preview 2 (viva 2) 5%
d) Viva 10%
Total 60%

Project selection
During your final year there are two important tasks you must accomplish:

• Direct or Act (main) or Design (lighting / set) in at least 3 production

before final year project.

• Select a play and create a production team

These are the steps to be followed in completing the Final Year Project:

1. In the semester before your final year, meet with final year project
coordinator (Penyelaras Projek Akhir) to propose the project (Script &
production team).
2. Attend the VTV473 class without fail in first semester.
3. Meet with your supervisor to establish the parameters for the project:
specific topic, form of presentation, and requirements. These established
parameters will serve as a contract used in the final evaluation of the project.
4. Present project proposal to project committee (lecterurs) and present a 20
minutes oral defense of the project and any supporting documents.
5. Preview 1 15 – 20 minutes (Distribute copies of the project paper to your
committee together with progress report.)
6. Preview 2 20 minutes – 30 minutes (Distribute copies of the project paper to
your committee together with progress report.)
7. Meet with your supervisor to present your progress in production and report.
8. Full production
9. Viva and final report submission.

Step 1

1- Propose 3 scripts with analysis and category to be assess

2- Present it with PowerPoint presentation together with your team
3- Your PowerPoint presentation must include:
• Project introduction (title, genre, form)
• Theme and philosophy behind the script (Script Analysis)
• Suggestion of supervisor (minimum 2 suggestion)
4- This presentation will be held after the internship presentation

Step 2

1- Attend the VTV473 class without fail in first final year semester.
2- Each class requires having signature from the lecturer in the logbook.
3- Fail to attend any class without permission will effect your marks and to
continue final year project

Step 3

1- Meet with your supervisor to establish the parameters for the project:
specific topic, form of presentation, and requirements. These established
parameters will serve as a contract used in the final evaluation of the
2- Each production will be given supervisor base on faculty member
3- Minimum 10 session per semester (20 hours)
4- Your supervisor must agree with the whole concept, idea and progress.

Step 4
1- This Proposal must be agree by supervisor with sign in front of hard copy
of the proposal.
2- Give the signed hard copy to the coordinator FYP (penyelaras FYP).
3- Project proposal presentation
• Project introduction
 Text analysis / proposal
 Title, writer, year and character list (1 page)
 Synopsis (not more than 250 words)
 Writer background study (1 page)
 Theme and philosophy (2 page)
 Issue (politic/social/economy) during the year of
the script produce (4 page)
 Conflict (1/2 page)
 Plot structure (diagram)- (2 page)
 Style; base on script (2 Page)
 Idea for your character/sceno/director to be portray

4- Present it with PowerPoint presentation together with your team

5- Your PowerPoint presentation must include:
• Production Member
• Category to be assess
• Simple Text Analysis
6- You have 20 minutes to present the proposal. (15 minutes present, 5
minutes Q&A)

Step 5
1- After finish your proposal presentation, you have to see your supervisor
to do a preview 1.
2- Supervisor has to agree before do a preview.
3- During preview you have to distribute copies of the project paper to your
committee together with progress report.
4- You have 15-20 minutes to present your work.
5- Productions have to propose their production poster to the supervisor.
6- Production has to propose their video teaser maximum 1 minute to the

Step 6
1- After finish your 1st preview, you have to prepare for 2nd preview.
2- Supervisor has to agree before the second preview.
3- During preview you have to distribute copies of the project paper to your
committee together with progress report.
4- You have 20-30 minutes to present your work.
5- Productions have to finalise their poster and video teaser and submit to
the FYP coordinator (Penyelaras FYP).
Step 7
1- During your final semester, you have to see your Final Year Supervisor
minimum 20 hours every semester. (LOG BOOK will check by
2- You have to work together with your supervisor and show all the
progress or changes.
3- Don’t forget to update your journal and log book if have changes because
you have to show and submit it during the final production.
4- After supervisor agree all the things, now prepare for FINAL

Step 8
1- Final productions have to perform full length show. (min 45- max
2- Every production must have decoration in front of Theatre Hall
according to the production. (FOH)
3- Director must display the journal of the work during show.
4- Actor must display the journal of the work during show.
5- Scenographer must display 3D model for stage design, costume design,
makeup together with journal.
6- Productions have to give a information about the production with

Step 9
1. Viva will be held after the final production. The date will announce later.
2. You have to bring the final report during viva.
3. Dress up nicely.
4. Final report format must include:
 Acknowledgement
 Table Of Content
 List Of Photo
 Abstract (250-300 word)
-Abstract must include objective and problem
statement, methodology, new finding or important
finding, significant and conclusion.
-Abstract must write in Bahasa Malaysia and

o Director
 CHAPTER 1 : Introduction- Script Title, Genre, Style and
Form of Performance, Synopsis, Objective, Background of
Script, Writer, Theme and Philosophy, Issue in script. This
writing must have reference. (5Page)
 CHAPTER 2 : Full Analysis on Directorial Concept- What
director want to show, How Director Use the Actor to
deliver the character, How Director show the conflict in
performance, specific action on actor, personality, blocking,
used of space, level, etc. (5 page)
 CHAPTER 3 : Process- From choose the script until the last
day of performance. (3-5Page)
 CHAPTER 4 : Scenography Concept- used of stage design,
lighting, costume, make up, prop in direction. (2-3 Pages)
 CHAPTER 5 : Conclusion- Problem, important/new finding,
thing that learn during FYP, suggestion. (1-2 Page)

o Actor
 CHAPTER 1 : Introduction- Script Title, Genre, Style and
Form of Performance, Synopsis, Objective, Background of
Script, Writer, Theme and Philosophy, Issue in script. This
writing must have reference. (5Page)
 CHAPTER 2 : Acting Analysis- Style of acting according to
director, character and characterization, action that
supports the characterization of the character, dialogue
pronunciation, character motive. (5 Page)
 CHAPTER 3 : Process- Development of yourself as an actor
from the beginning until last day of performance. (2-4 page)
 CHAPTER 4: relationship between actor, director and
scenographer- Problem, challenges faced during the final
project via director and scenography concept. (2-3 page)
 CHAPTER 5 : Conclusion- Problem, important/new finding
(ability, integrity, strength and weakness, etc) as an actor,
thing that learn during FYP, suggestion. (1-2 page)

o Scenographer
 CHAPTER 1 : Introduction- Script Title, Genre, Style and
Form of Performance, Synopsis, Objective, Background of
Script, Writer, Theme and Philosophy, Issue in script. This
writing must have reference. (5Page)
 CHAPTER 2 : Full Analysis on Scenography- Lighting, Set,
Costume, makeup, colour, props to support the
performance(include the sketch). (4-5 page)
 CHAPTER 3 : Process- development of the scenography
from the beginning until last day of performance.
 CHAPTER 4 : Relationship between other element/concept
(actor & director). Problem, challenges faced during the
final year project. (2-3 page)
 CHAPTER 5 : Conclusion- Problem, important/new finding
(ability, integrity, strength and weakness, etc) as an actor,
thing that learn during FYP, suggestion. (1-2 page)

5. After chapter 5, you have to include references.

6. After reference is appendix (Photo, Sketch, Budget, flyer, Poster,
Interview with writer, etc)
7. You have to submit the hard copy final report with hard cover binding
(Dark Blue) and 1 cd of your final report (soft copy).
8. Final report should not less than 20 pages and not more than 30 pages.

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