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Rinne Sonogami, his "childhood friend".

Shido remembered everything now about Rinne, and how she wasn't really a
human, but was really a Spirit that was created by Spiritual Power forming a
consciousness, and her Spirit name was Ruler. Shido remembered her, and all
the events that took place in her Angel, Eden. He remembered when it was
first activated when he, under stress of his dangerous life, made the powers of
the sealed Spirits return to their owners, and on the school's rooftop, Tohka's
power went berserk and accidentally killed him.
Rinne activated Eden to save his life, engulfing Tengu City in a barrier
completely and entered Shido's life as a childhood friend to continue Eden
forever, and for Shido to have a happy life with his chosen partner. Eden
restarted many times with Shido living multiple lives inside. In lots of the lives
in Eden, Shido ended up with Tohka, Origami, Yoshino, Kotori and even Kurumi
in them, but through all of those events, Rinne was by his side always,
supporting him.
However, as a result of her inability to fully control Eden, Shido started
noticing the oddity around him. In order stabilize her mind; Rinne dated Shido
in one of the lives he spent. However, her objective failed as Shido still broke
through. Yet; her date with Shido caused something else that she wasn't
Shido had grown feelings for her.
As a last resort to keep Shido inside of Eden, Rinne decided to give up
pursuing a happy ending in this loop and tried to forcefully reset Eden by killing
Shido once again. However, she was stopped by the Spirits and Origami.
Eden's memory manipulation was dissolved, allowing Shido and the others to
see the lives they spent together in Eden.
Shido and the Spirits destroyed Eden's vital points and guardians, before they
continued on to Ruler, where Shido finally found out his "childhood friend's"
real identity as Ruler. Shido questioned her why she trapped him in Eden,
Ruler confessed that she was never his childhood friend and implanted her
existence into his and everyone else's minds.
Ruler questioned Shido how he found out and why he wanted to leave Eden as
it was a happy world where he could have happiness. Instead of answering
her, Shido questioned Ruler why she did it once more. Ruler didn't give him an
answer and was about to kill Shido to restart Eden once more.
Shido stopped her by confessing that he wanted to go home with her. That
stopped Ruler in her tracks. Shido confessed that it didn't matter if she wasn't
his real childhood friend and was the one that trapped them in Eden, the
memories, laughs, cries and time they shared together were real.
His words reached Ruler's heart as Shido begged her to leave this world with
him and continue to be together. Ruler, no, Rinne truly was touched by Shido's
words as they made her want to believe it was possible. Yet, she said that
future was impossible. She was happy that she made such an impact on
Shido's life and confessed their friendship meant everything to Rinne. But, she
refused to allow Eden to fall. She bid Shido farewell as she activated Eden's
Paradise Lost.
The world around them changed with Rinne trapped in branches. Shido,
despite the dangers, sought to rescue Rinne with Tohka and the others coming
in to help him. Yet, Paradise Lost's power got to them all and rendered them all
unconscious, even Shido when he was close to reaching Rinne.
When he came about, Shido was in another one of Eden's illusions, only there
were no other spirits and just him and Rinne. They went on a date together and
went all around Tengu City, having fun, laughing together and enjoying their
time together. At the end, they went to Takadai Park to stare at the city as the
sun began to set for the day.
Shido was truly happy with Rinne in that date, and the feeling was mutual for
her. Rinne confessed she wanted to be like this with Shido forever, yet
somehow Shido was unable to resist and confessed that he didn't want to live
like that forever.
His words hurt Rinne and he sought to take them back and tell her that he did
want to be with her forever. Yet, the illusion was broken and Shido awoke back
in the real Eden. Ruler had awoken, yet for some reason seemed accepting of
her defeat. Shido went to her and confessed that he wanted to be with her,
together forever.
He confessed that he wanted to be with her; that Rinne was more than family
to Shido. Shido admitted he wanted Rinne more than anyone; the one for him.
Even if they left Eden, it wouldn't change what Rinne meant to him.
Shido asked Rinne once more to come back home with him, to their normal
lives and that they don't need Eden. They could find happiness with help from
everyone else. He went up to her as Rinne opened her eyes and grew a
heartfelt smile. Rinne told him that Eden's power had left her and that it was
unstable with no telling what could happen. Shido grew worried at what Rinne
said, but she told him that there was a way to stop it all.
It was to seal her. If he did, the barrier would vanish and everyone would
return to the normal world. Shido understood what Rinne was saying, but was
unsure as his powers only worked if the Spirit opens her heart to him. His
concern made Rinne laugh a bit, before she told him that his powers would
work as her heart was open to him.
Shido was ready to do the deed and asked her if she was ready to go home
with them. Rinne was ready and told Shido if it meant they could be together,
she'd do it. Shido asked her once more if she was ready, yet Rinne stopped
him when she "remembered" a memory. Yet, it was just to stun Shido so that
she could be the one to kiss him.
The moment their lips met, Shido's heart was set ablaze as it was unlike the
ones he's had with Tohka and the others. Their kiss was one of a man and a
woman that had deep affections for one another. Yet, when they broke their
kiss, Rinne looked sad. Eden's core began disappearing and freed Rinne.
Shido was filled with hope that they could finally leave and return to the
normal world.
Yet, reality had different plans. For Rinne at least.
Rinne, in Shido's hands, began to disappear. Shido was filled with horror at
what was happening. Rinne confessed that she lied about being able to go
back with Shido and the others. She lied because she was worried that Shido
wouldn't kiss her if he knew what would happen. Rinne knew after all,
because she was Shido's childhood friend, something that Shido agreed
wholeheartedly. He pleaded to Rinne to stay with him, just like how she used
to and will forever.
Rinne reminded him that that was never real, and nether was she and that she
won't exist anymore. Shido was filled with sadness at what was happening in
front of him as Rinne continued to disappear. The former Ruler told Shido that
he taught her so much, such as pleasure comes with pain, but can be
overcome. That good memories always outweigh the bad.
Shido pleaded for her to wait, but Rinne assured him that everything would be
alright. The two "childhood friends" began shedding tears and joked around a
bit, yet Rinne seemed happy to know what it was like to cry. Shido pleaded
once more for her to stay, even though he knew that wasn't possible anymore.
Rinne had one last requested and asked Shido to listen to her. The time and
days they were together were precious to her. Eden may have been a lie, but
the days they shared were real to Rinne. True happiness.
Shido was in denial at what was happening and brought up the promise they
made of being together. His words warmed Rinne's heart at how much he
cared about her, before making light of the situation at how Shido could make
the others jealous. That got a laugh out of Shido.
Seeing her time was nearly up and that it was just them, Rinne wanted to say
something important to Shido, causing him to grow worried at what she
wanted to say. Rinne confessed to Shido that she loved him, right before she
disappeared in front of Shido's eyes. Shido felt like he was floating the
moment Rinne disappeared from his hands and cried out the name of the
woman he fell in love with.
Shido, Tohka, Yoshino, Origami, Kotori and Kurumi all escaped the collapsing
Neo Tengu Tower and when they came out, they were at Takadai Park. Tohka
and the others were recovered by Fraxinus, Kurumi disappeared, and Origami
returned to the AST's base. Shido was left alone at Takadai Park, crushed by
despair even as Eden slowly began to break. The ending he believed where he
and Rinne would be together never came. He didn't understand why Rinne
created the barrier or tried to kill him. It was all a mystery, and no one could
answer Shido's questions.
Reine teleported in from Fraxinus to check on Shido and see how he was
doing after everything that happened. To her concern, he was still badly
affected and full of grief. Thinking that it wasn't the best time to discuss with
Shido about the day's occurrence, she was about to leave until Shido stopped
her and asked her what she found out. Reine told Shido the truth of Eden's
barrier and its purpose.
First; Reine told Shido that Ruler wasn't exactly a Spirit like Tohka and the
others, but had signs of her being the remnants of powerful, spirit energy. She
had no vessel, so Ruler would disappear without a body. Second; the barrier
had another special power besides keeping all of Tengu City. It had the power
to redo the world. Shido was shocked at its purpose as Reine further
explained that Eden would restart the world until a desired outcome was
It would make sense with how Shido had memories of how he ended up with
Tohka, Yoshino, Kotori, Origami and Kurumi. Possibilities Shido had chosen
inside of Eden, endings that could have been born of the world repeating.
Shido was honestly in disbelief that all those memories were real; memories
of how he ended up with all five girls.
3, Rinne's reason for creating the barrier and this was what had Shido's
complete attention. Reine was unsure and said that her answer might not be
the complete truth, but Shido still wanted to hear it. The sleep deprived
woman said that restarting the world had a caveat. The world would end and
restart on the day that Eden activated, but only under one condition. A certain
something happens, and that was Shido's death.
Shido was shocked at first, but began to understand upon remembering
dreams he had of Ruler whenever he fell asleep. Even in times he died, he still
saw Ruler. Reine confirmed that when Shido died, the world would restart to
the day that the barrier was formed. Shido was shocked and question why
Rinne would try to kill him with the spiritual energy inside of him gone.
Reine explained that the premise was incorrect all along. Tohka, having lost
control of her spirit powers before all of Eden began, killed him accidently.
That was around when Eden activated, and saved his life. He had been having
poor health before Tohka and Yoshino went berserk, and an abnormality was
occurring without their knowledge. Shido was the one losing control all along,
due to the tension and stress he had been undergoing since he met the Spirits
and his day-to-day became arduous. Reine explained that the barrier might
not have been the reason the spiritual energy returned to the Spirits, but
Shido's illness instead caused the irregularity.
The dots were finally connecting in Shido's head on everything that's
happened, and he realized something about Rinne. With the lost of the
spiritual powers and Kotori's Flame of Regeneration, Shido was an easy target
to kill. He came close to dying. With the Spirits' returned power, Origami and
Kurumi, it was a dangerous situation.
Dying and the world restarting was all the proof Shido needed. Rinne wasn't
causing the Spirits to lose control; everything she did was for Shido's sake all
along. All the while she was chipping away at herself, Rinne was saving Shido
as he continued dying without the Flame of Regeneration.
Shido was in complete disbelief at the revelation, while Reine confirmed that
Rinne created Eden to protect him. Shido's spirit was broken beyond belief at
what he's found out. Reine managed to help Shido upon telling the boy that
only for him; Rinne sacrificed her life to protect him. She pleaded with Shido
to give thanks to Rinne instead of regret or apologies. Her words managed to
help Shido regain his composure as he understood what she was saying.
Seeing that Shido was stable now, Reine then gave him a bag that got mixed in
when they escaped Neo Tengu Tower. It had something inside and Reine asked
Shido if he knew what it was. At first; Shido had no idea, but then a memory of
the time he spent with Rinne resurfaced in his mind and he immediately knew
what was inside. He asked Reine to leave him alone for a bit. She granted it
and reminded Shido that Eden's barrier would soon disappear completely.
She told him to finish any unfinished business he had, before teleporting back
to Fraxinus.
With Reine gone, Shido was alone with his grief once more. Thoughts filled
with Rinne, and how she was no longer by his side. He opened the bag and
found cutesy keys inside. They were keys that Ratatoskr had created for
Shido's house, and he had given them to Rinne, something she promised to
look after with all her heart. But this key had another purpose; it was proof
that Rinne was Shido's childhood friend. Shido could still remember the
surprised, but elated face Rinne had when he gave the keys to her.
Shido began to cry tears of sadness as he held the keys to his chest with both
hands. He screamed out to the sky, to Rinne on why she didn't take the keys
with her. He howled to the night sky, to the girl that he wanted to be with more
than anyone. He let out a loud question on why she left when she said that
they'd be childhood friends forever, to be together. He finished it up by
shouting out Rinne's name towards the night sky. He wasn't expecting an
answer, but somehow he heard Rinne's voice in his mind.
"Thank you, Shido. The time I spent together with you… was my only true
Those were the last words Shido heard Rinne say right before Eden's barrier
broke, and they all returned to the normal world. Unexpectedly, everyone's
memories of Eden disappeared and not even Shido remembered Rinne. Life
continued on, yet Shido always had this lingering feeling that he was forgetting
something important.

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