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1. A : Whose Bag Is That

B : That Bag Belong To Rangga That Is ...
a. His
b. Hers
c. Yours
d. Theirs
2. Butcher Is A person Who Sells.
a. Fruits
b. Meat
c. Vegetales
d. Clothes
3. A : How Much Does The Doll Cost?
B : It Fifty five thousand Rupiah
a. Cost
b. Costed
c. Costs
d. Costing
4. The King Lives In a ...
a. Kingdom
b. Hospital
c. Temple
d. Hotel
5. ..... The Baby Is Sleeping
a. Dont Make Noise
b. Be Happy
c. Be Careful
d. Be Dilligent
6. Amelia His A New Bag. The Bag is...
a. Her
b. Her
c. Him
d. Yours
7. My Brothe r Has a ....nose
a. Pointe
b. Chubby
c. Long
d. Fat
8. I usually Go Fishing is The...Mark
a. Market
b. Field
c. River
d. Museum
9. Angga Is Fat, But This Brother Is....
a. Big
b. Small
c. Long
d. Thin
10. You Have A Toy Car, The Toy Car Is...
a. You
b. Your
c. Yours
d. You Are
11. I Have A new Pencil, The Pencil Is...
a. My
b. Yours
c. Mine
d. Ours
12. We Have Balls Are...
a. Theirs
b. Yours
c. Ours
d. Him
13. The Color Of The Pencils Case Is ...
a. Red
b. Green
c. Blie
d. Pink
14. I Have A New Eraser it is.... Eraser
a. Me
b. My
c. Mine
d. Your
15. The Daughter Of The King Is..
a. Queen
b. Prince
c. Emperor
d. Princess

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