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The town may be a member of a larger community or kingdom, or

Coalition War Machine completely independent. It may be a democracy or a dictatorship. It
may have a champion, militia or a full army.

Technology & the Coalition It is 300 miles (480 km) to the next town of any kind, other than the
neighboring farmers. The rest is wilderness. T'o the east, another 500
miles (800), is a Rift and rumors of monsters and wizards. A thousand
The technological levels of any given place will vary greatly in
miles (1600 km) to the south is wasteland. In between is the occasional
North America and much of Rifts Earth. For example, there may be a
nomad, Psi-Stalker tribe, trapper, bandit (high and low tech), Head-
small community of farmers that resembles an old 18th Century village
hunter, D-Bee, Line Walker and demon.
or a town out of the Old West. They have no plumbing at all, let alone
indoor plumbing, and they get their water from the well or the stream Throughout the wilderness are tribes and nomads who live off the
(visitors must use the outhouse at the edge of town and a leaf). They land, hunting and scavenging. They too are likely to have a mix of
have no electricity, no refrigeration, no stores, and few vehicles (ride technology, from bow and arrow to laser rifle, from hand-woven
horses or walk). Most haven’t traveled more than 50 miles (80 km) clothes and buckskin to M.D.C. body armor and bionics.
from home in their life. They are a community of families living off the There are thousands of tiny little villages, towns, outposts, farms
land the best they can, yet even here we see the disparity between and homesteads, dozens of fledgling cities. All are vulnerable to men
tech-levels. Old Zeke down by the big oak tree (there are no streets) is and monsters of great power. The advent of the augmented human and
the village doctor. He has an old electrical generator and lights in his high-tech soldier heralded the age of supermen. Thus, a handful of sor-
study and medical office (a traveling Operator installed it), the rest of cerers, armor clad warriors with M.D. weapons or even a lone dragon
the house is lit by oil lanterns like the rest of the village. The doc is a or demon can enter a town and claim it as their own. Who is going to
master of IHolistic Medicine, but also utilizes a laser scalpel and mod- stop them? Not a bunch of farmers or workers with few Mega-Damage
ern tools traded for at the big city down a piece. Meanwhile, Mr. weapons and pitchforks. Especially not it there are a couple of full con-
Kramer’s pride and joy is his hover truck, Bobby hunts rabbit with his version ‘Borgs or power armor or a combat robot or two. These invad-
M-14 carbine, and just last week Lil” Kenny gunned down a bear-mon- ers are equipped with Mega-Damage energy weapons, and are roughly
ster with his ion blaster (thank goodness he had it with him). the equivalent of Twentieth Century tanks. Four or six (worse if it’s
A hundred miles (160 km) away is a factory town that has been more) walking tanks come into town and say, “l like it here. Think
around for a while. It makes parts for Wilk’s (or the Black Market), we’ll stay.” Who is going to say no? Sadly, this scenario is played out
who sends hover trucks to transport goods once a week. It looks like a every week. That’s why small towns come and go so quickly. That’s
cross between something out of World War I and the Jetsons. There why other towns hire mercenaries and adventurers (like the player
are automobiles and hover craft, horses and power armor, giant robots group) to protect them. And this is why the Coalition States is the
and bicycles, gunpowder weapons and energy weapons, clunky facto- reigning power.
ries and micro-computers. There are also stores and places for enter- (Note: The player characters represent the high-tech end of the scale
tainment, and most homes have all the amenities of a modern house. whether combat or adventurer O.C.C.s, psychics or practitioners of

magic. Their high-tech skills, specialized combat training, and/or spe- closer.” Not only does the CS know everything the two manufacturing
cial powers set them apart from the norm. They are the exception rather giants are doing, but they can now subtly manipulate their sales and
than the rule. Consequently, many of the small communities will look manufacturing practices. Could these two kingdoms be future candi-
at them with fear and apprehension or as heroes who will defend and dates for admission into the Coalition States?
protect them.) Wilk’s Laser Technologies has been an annoyance to the CS for
Coalition Technology. Knowledge and technology are power in decades, but the manufacturer has limited its “weapons making” exclu-
North America, and the Coalition States control and distribute the most sively to laser weapons. The rest of Wilk’s operations are quietly de-
advanced technology on the continent. As noted earlier, technology in voted to the manufacturing and sale of communications and electronic
North America ranges from medieval to modern era S.D.C. weaponry, systems. Though the latter are on par with (and in many cases, superior
to advanced Mega-Damage technology. The Coalition States are tech- to) the Coalition States, the nation does not feel threatened by Wilk’s
nologically superior to ALL other nations, kingdoms, and manufactur- and has let it survive largely unmolested — or at least that’s the Coali-
crs in North America, and rank among the top three in the world. tion’s official position. In truth, Wilk’s has made a concerted effort to
This is why the CS’is so crazy about and obsessed with capturing make it impossible for the CS to track and destroy its manufacturing
and destroying alien technology (which could be equal to or better than empire. Part of this scheme is to be innocuous, and Wilk’s has been so
their own) and magic (the great equalizer). Alien tech and magic can successful at this that virtually nobody realizes that Wilk’s makes an
give independent kingdoms. D-Bees, and CS enemies an equal footing. estimated 75% of all the electronics sold in North America, including
As long as the Coalition States remain technologically superior, they 45% of the components and items bought and sold or incorporated in
are the supreme power on the continent. The magical kingdom of Coalition goods, from military to business to household items! This
Tolkeen had to fall, becausce they were becoming too powerful and out- makes Wilk’s, arguably, the largest economic power on the continent!
spoken about their equality to the CS. Their close proximity to Coali- Yet, nobody thinks of it as such, nor do they know where its headquar-
tion held lands only exasperated the tension between them. This is also ters is located, who runs the corporation, or where its manufacturing fa-
why the Coalition States are hellbent on routing the alien arms dealer, cilities are located. For all intents and purposes, Wilk’s is the invisible
Naruni Enterprises, {rom the continent. giant that nobody sees or talks about. Proving the Wilk’s strategy to be
1t’s all about balance of power and keeping those scales tipped in positively brilliant.
the Coalition’s favor. If the CS should ever find out that Titan Manu- Magic and Techno-Wizardry are considered rogue and alien tech-
facturing is really a front for the sentient (and insane), pre-Rifts super- nology that threatens both CS superiority and its way of life, thus it is
computer, A.R.C.H.LLE. Three, the Emperor would dispatch his military rejected and marked for destruction.
elite to locate, and ideally capture the “thing” for study, pacification The Black Market refers to the underground, criminal network that
and integration into the Coalition’s military war machine. Failing that, sells contraband items in Coalition Territory and throughout North
the CS would work to disable or destroy the computer, seize its secret America. They are unscrupulous high-tech brokers who buy (no ques-
operations and try to reverse engineer its robot and advanced technol- tions asked, even when they know darn well the items are stolen) and
ogy into their own. The CS has built the foundation of its military and sell just about anything they can get their hands on.
political power on finding, hoarding and exclusively integrating pre- As an organization, the Black Market is huge. It has branches, out-
Rifts technology. Consequently, the CS is very unhappy with the recent lets, shops, agents, and operations in every major city, town and border
emergence of Bandito Arms in the West (see Rifts® World Book 14: outpost north of the Mexican border (even the Black Market avoids the
New West), with their (thankfully limited) versions of the SAMAS, nor Vampire Kingdoms). The organization is said to control 80% of all ille-
Free Quebec’s dominance and proliferation of Glitter Boy technology. gal operations in the CS ‘Burbs. Everything from gambling, smuggling,
Free Quebec is, at least, a long standing ally, and one time member, of fencing stolen goods and racketeering to selling illegal bionics, drugs,
the Coalition States. (The nation’s recent decision to secede from the weapons, and contraband, including pre-Rifts books and artifacts. If it’s
CS still stings, but Chi-Town’s political elite believe the nation will, illegal and there is money to be made, the Black Market has its fingers
sooner or later, return to the fold.) Bandito Arms on the other hand, is a in it. Bionics, cybernetics and weapons (including the huge secondary
rogue faction of the criminal Black Market that the CS expects to track market of recharging E-Clips for 1,200 to 1,500 credits per E-Clip) are
down and eventually destroy. Meanwhile, the CS targets Bandito Arms three of its largest, semi-legitimate markets. Black Market cybernetics
transports for hijacking and destruction, and anyone encountered by CS and bionics, via their notorious Body-Chop-Shops as well as other clin-
authorities and patrols using any i/legal armaments such as a SAMAS, ics and outlets, has been the Black Market’s number one moneymaker.
Naruni Enterprises alien weaponry and obvious magic items, even out- In fact, the Black Market controls an estimated 65-75% of the cyber-
side CS held territories, are attacked, the technology captured or de- market. The sale of illegal energy weapons and energy clips (E-Clips)
stroyed, and the user interrogated and set free with a warning. Those is another sizeable part of the Black Market’s underground empire.
who resist are destroyed.
Although availability and prices will fluctuate, virtually every
Naruni Enterprises is at the top of the Coalition’s “hit list” of dan- weapon on the open market is available from the Black Market. How-
gerous, criminal weapon manufacturers. Ultimately, the CS intends to ever, one must be cautious, because the Black Market frequently uses
wipe them and their cursed alien technology off the face of the conti- bait and switch tactics and sells cheap “knock offs” — imitations of the
nent. genuine article. So that Coalition “Fire-Breather” rifle or Northern Gun
Titan Industries is under suspicion and increasing, secret Coalition blaster might be a cheap imitation that does 20% less M.D./damage, the
scrutiny. Even though ARCHIE has made most of its technological cre- range is 1D4x10% shorter and it is much less reliable (more likely to
ations cosmetically different from the CS, their scientists have come to jam or have other problems in combat situations). Currently, CS Vibro-
realize that Titan products use the same technology and processes as Blade weaponry. as used by the Dog Boys and Commandos, is all the
the Coalition States. That means Titan has access to a pre-Rifts factory rage on the streets among gangs, City Rats, mercs and adventurers.
and perhaps other pre-Rifts secrets the CS wants for itself. Other Coalition weapons are also available. So far, the Black Market
Among the human weapon manufacturers, only Northern Gun has refrained from bootlegging imitations of Naruni Enterprises items,
come close to the Coalition’s level of technology, at least when it co- uncertain about what the aliens might do about it. The organization is
mes to the overall area of weapons and machines of war, but even they doing fine without it.
are at least 20-25 years behind the CS. To insure it has some measure The Black Market also sells hand grenades and explosives of all
of control over Northern Gun and its sister nation, the Manistique Im- kinds, including rifle grenades and mini-missiles (knocked off from CS
perium, both in Upper Michigan, the Coalition cut an alliance with and Northern Gun armaments). Body armor and basic adventuring gear
them. The tactic is the classic, “keep your friends close and enemies are also part of the Black Market’s inventory, but any power armor, gi-
ant robots or military grade vehicles are all secondhand (probably sto- Lower Maneuvering Jets - 25 each
len, rebuilt, repaired and resold). The organization also owns an interest Ammo Drum (rear) - 25
in one third of all mechanics’ garages and repair shops, medical clinics,
Rail Gun - 50
50% of all pawnshops, 70% of all fences and forgers (fake identity pa-
Forearm Mini-Missile Launcher (1, left) - 50
pers, ete.), as well as controlling the lion’s share of establishments in-
volved in vice. They also buy and scll information and muscle. The *Head - 70
prices of common items are 10% to 30% lower than list price (but may **Main Body - 250
be used, sold as new or knock offs sold as genuine), while they gouge * Destroying the head of the power armor will eliminate all forms of
people on rare, high demand items, charging anywhere from 50% to optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must now rely on
600% more than list, based on supply and demand. his own human vision and senses. No power armor combat bonuses to
The Black Market is a thorn in the Coalition’s side because the or- strike, parry, and dodge! Note: The head is a small and difficult target
ganization sclls weapons to enemies of the States (including D-Bees, to hit (shielded by exhaust tubes and weapon drum). Thus, it can only
mages, well, everyone). sells contraband the CS would rather not see be hit when a character makes a Called Shot and even then the attacker
on the streets (including Erin Tarn’s books). buys and sells Coalition is - 3 to strike.
Military weapons and cquipment (whatever it can get its hands on to ** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the armor down
sell at a 50% to 200% markup). as well as the obvious criminal and so- completely, making it useless. Note: Destroying a wing will make
clally corrupt enterprises. flight impossible. However, even with no wing(s) the SAMAS can
make jet powered leaps and hover stationary above the ground.

Coalition Military Gear Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum. Note that the act of running does
tire out its operator, but at 10% of the usual fatigue rate thanks to the
~ Circa 100 to 104 P.A. robot exoskeleton.
Leaping: The powerful robot.legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or
across unassisted by the thrusters. A jet thruster assisted leap can propel
the unit up to 100 feet (30.5 m) high and 200 feet (61 m) across without
actually attaining flight.
Flying: The rocket propulsion system enables the SAMAS to hover sta-
tionary up to 200 feet (61 m) or fly. Maximum flying speed is 300 mph
(480 km), but cruising speed is considered to be 150 mph (240 km).
Maximum altitude is limited to about 500 feet (152 m).
Flying Range: The nuclear power system gives the SAMAS decades of
life, but the jet rockets get hot and need to cool after a maximum of ten
hours of flight when traveling at speeds above cruising, and twenty
hours of cruising speed, can fly indefinitely with rest stops.
Statistical Data:
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m).
Width: Wings down: 3.5 feet (1.06 m) Wings extended: 10 feet (3 m).
Length: 4 feet, 6 inches (1.4 m).
Weight: 340 Ibs (153 kg) without rail gun.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 30.
Cargo: None.
Coalition SAMAS Power Armor Power System: Nuclear; average SAMAS energy life is 20 years.
The SAMAS is a complete environmental power armor with en- Black Market Cost: 1.6 to 2 million credits. Rare.
hanced robotics and flight/air to ground capabilities. The SAMAS, like Weapon Systems:
all power armor, is basically a robot exoskeleton with M.D.C. plating, 1. C-40R SAMAS Rail Gun (1): This is standard equipment for the
superhuman strength, and weapon systems. The pilot fits inside the SAMAS and is considered to be the most versatile, accurate, and
exoskeleton, lightweight rail gun in the world. Other heavier rail guns can be
The SAMAS is a significant clement of the Coalition’s armored substituted in an emergency or for special missions. There is no sep-
troops. The suit was designed for assault and defense, its small size arate power pack. The unit is hooked directly to the armor’s nuclear
making it ideal for urban and wilderness environments. This fast and power supply.
maneuverable power armor quickly came to represent Coalition mili- Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense.
tary supremacy in the air and on the ground. Next to the Glitter Boy it Weight: Gun: 92 lbs (41.4 kg), One SAMAS Ammo-Drum: 190 lbs
is the most famous power armor in the Americas. Note: In 105 P.A. the (85.5 kg).
original SAMAS design was replaced by a pair of heavier, faster ver- Mega-Damage: A Burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4x10 M.D., one
sions, the Smiling Jack and Super SAMAS. However, the original round does 1D4 M.D.
SAMAS is still used by CS police, Special Forces, Commandos and CS
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one melee attack.
Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).
Model Type: PA-06A
Payload: 2000 round drum, that’s 50 bursts. A second drum can be
Class: Strategic Armor Military Assault Suit (SAMAS).
hooked to the undercarriage of the rocket jets, but must be manually re-
Crew: One. moved by another SAMAS or a character with a strength of 26 or
M.D.C. by Location: higher to replace the used drum. Reloading a drum will take about 5
Shoutder Wings (2) - 30 each minutes for those not trained, but a mere one minute by somebody
Main Rear Jets (2) - 60 cach trained in the use of SAMAS power armor.

A &on A orcer Robot under attack
lllustration by}

IllusttatlonQ!Chris L

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Coalition Dog Boyfi"- action ’ ' —K__. :

lllustration by Ranfinels e _
Karl Prosek _ 3
by John Zeleznik B - /1
Spider Skull G}Ikers facing sor
lllustration by Chris Arneson

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walition |AR-51H

~. A Coalition "Death's Head" Tr_gf_r}mspofl ;

lllustration by Roman Kochnev:
The City-State of Free Quebec ¥
llustration by Slawek Wojtowicz o 4{4

Coalition General Ross Underhl

llusiration by Mark Evars

es! %rowhe Tolkeen War

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The Cityity of Ch"""‘E
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244 lllustration by Jfielen‘likfirfie
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\ . A L An Xzzyn, GHlet of thel Lazlo Police
' M lllustration by Chris Arneson i

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S rd
/ : |lllustration by.John Zelez
'leir Dunscon, leader of the Federatic#’of Magic
on by April Lee

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Zimchexsa:Simvan Tribal Chieftan of'thePecos Em

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tor Macklin“gf_.-the Pecos Empir

ration by/Mark Evans,

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Colonelyl rcus Laa@n. of Larsen's Brigade

str. by fiott
Johnson 3
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Robot'minions of ARCHIE-3 <

lllustration by Scott Johnson

{lllustration by Scott Johnson



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2. CM-2 Rocket Launcher: The forearm not used to operate the rail Statistical Data:
gun, usually left, is armed with a mini-missile rocket launcher. Height: 19 feet, 7 inches (6 m).
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Defense. Width: 12 feet (3.6 m).
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type, but any mini-missile can be Length: 7 feet, 6 inches (2.3 m).
used. Standard issuc is armor piercing (1D4x10 M.D.) or plasma Weight: 18 tons fully loaded.
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 40.
Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Cargo: Minimal storage space; about three feet (0.9 m) behind seats for
Rate of Fire: One at a time or two simultaneous; either counts as one extra clothing, weapons, and personal items.
melee attack.
Power System: Nuclear; average cnergy life is 20 years.
Payload: Two mini-missiles,
Black Market Cost: 28 million credits and up for a new. undamaged,
3. Alternative Handheld Weapons: Any weapons can be substituted fully powered Enforcer complete with rail gun and missiles. Eight to 10
in an emergency or as a back-up weapon; typically a heavy weapon million for a rebuilt or without missiles and rail gun. Rare.
when the pilot has his choice. Weapon Systems:
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en- 1. C-50R Enforcer Rail Gun (1): This is a standard weapon system
gage in Mega-Damage hand to hand combat. See Elite Power Ar- for the UAR-1 and is more powerful than that of the SAMAS. The
mor Combat in the Combat section. gun draws its power from the main, nuclear power supply. The rail
5. Sensor System Note: Standard. gun is in a fixed forward position, but can move up and down in a
30 degree arc. To shoot at a target to the left, the pilot must turn the
robot’s entire body. ’
Coalition UAR-1 Enforcer Robot Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense.
Weight: Rail Gun: 700 lbs (315 kg).
The UAR-1 is an Urban Assault Robot, meaning that it is a ground Mega-Damage: A burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 1D6x10 M.D.. one
unit specifically designed to combat ground forces in a city environ-
round does 1D6 M.D.
ment. Since 105 P.A. the Enforcer has been relegated mainly to opera-
Rate of Fire: Each burst counts as one of the gunner’s attacks per me-
tions in and around the ‘Burbs, and lower levels of the fortress city. By
109 P.A. it has been in use for over 30 years, and is an exceptional de-
terrent against armed assaults, riots, and combating supernatural mon- Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).

sters. The 20 foot (6.1 m) giant is operated by a pilot and a co-pilot/ Payload: 20,000 round drum, that’s 250 bursts. Reloading an En-
gunner, but can be just as casily handled by the pilot alone. forcer’s rail gun requires special equipment or another giant-sized ro-
Model Type: UAR-1 bot. It will take about 15 minutes for those not trained, but a mere five
minutes by somebody trained in Robot Mechanics (or an Operator).
Class: Urban Assault Robot.
2. CR-6 Medium-Range Missile Launcher: This is thc more powerful
Crew: One or two.
missile launcher over the left shoulder.
M.D.C. by Location:
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft & Anti-Armor (and dragons).
Right Shoulder Rail Gun - 100 (shielded)
Left Shoulder Medium Range Missile Launcher - 150
Shoulder Mounted Laser Turrets (2) - 50 each
Shoulder Missile Launchers (2) - 60 each
Waist Mini-Missile Turret - 50 each
Right Leg Smoke/Gas Dispenser - 25
Chest Spotlight and Video Camera - 10
lcad - 90
Arms (2) - 150 each
Hands (2) - 75 each
Legs (2) - 200 each
*Sensor Turret (left shoulder) - 50
**Main Body - 350
Reinforced Pilot’s Compartment - 100
* Destroying the sensor turret on the left shoulder of the Enforcer
will destroy the radar and targeting system. The pilot must now rely on
his own human vision and other optical enhancements of the robot.
Note: The turret is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only
be hit when a character makes a Called Shot and even then, the attacker
1s -2 to strike.
**Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down
completely, rendering it useless. Note: The chest spotlight and video
camera are destroyed when the main body has endured 200 or more
points of damage.
Running: 60 mph (96 km) maximum.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high or
across. Add 10 feet (3 m) with a running start.

Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type, but any medium-range missile somebody who can also see infrared light will see the beams. Range:
can be used. Standard issue is high explosive (heavy 2D6x10 M.D.), 500 feet (152 m).
plasma (2D6x10), or multi-warhead smart bomb (2D4x10 and +5 to Sensor Bonuses: Applicable to long-range weapon combat only, not
strike). hand to hand. +1 to strike.
Range: About 40 to 80 miles (64 to 128 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three, or four. Each
volley counts as one melee attack.
Payload: Six.
3. CR-10 Short-Range Missile Launchers (2): Each of the shoulders
has a short-range missile launcher.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft & Anti-Armor (and dragons).
Mega-Damage: Any short-range missile can be used, but standard issue
is armor piercing (2D6x10 M.D.). high explosive medium (2D6x10
M.D.). and/or plasma (1D6x10).
Range: About five miles (8 km).

Rate of I'ire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three. or four. Each Vz;
volley counts as one melee attack.

Payload: len. five in cach shoulder.
4. C'R-20 Mini-Missile Turret: A turrct mounted in the mid-section of

the robot can rapid fire mini-missiles.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
ooy S
Missile Type: Any type of mini-missile can be used, but standard issue
is fragmentation (anti-personnel, SD6 M.D.) and plasma (1D6x10).
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Maximum Effective Range: About one mile (1.6 km).
Coalition Spider-Skull Walker
The Spider-Skull Walker is a frightening looking all-terrain robot
Rate of Iire: One at a time or in volleys of two, three, or four. Each
vehicle that walks on six insect-like legs. (Editor’s Note: Yes, we
volley counts as once melcee attack.
know spiders have eight legs.) The horrific thing towers nearly 30 feet
Payload: Twenty. (9.1 m) tall, is remarkably fast and can amble through debris fields,
5. CR-2T Laser Turrets (2): A pair of laser turrets, one on each shoul- over battlefield wreckage, and climb up 40 degree inclines. The giant
der, are mounted on the top of the rail gun and the medium missile robots are primarily used as troop support, small squad transport/inser-
launcher. Both are capable of 360 degree rotation and a 90 degree tion and extraction, city defense, and CS border patrols, occasionally
angle of fire (up and down). reconnaissance patrols.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense. Model Type: CR-003 Spider-Skull Walker Assault Armor.
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per single blast, or 4D6 per simultaneous Class: Multi-purpose, all-terrain assault robot.
blast: L.e., both lasers fire at the same target simultaneously.
Crew: One pilot and copilot, and can seat six additional passengers.
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).
M.D.C. by Location:
Rate of Fire: Each single or simultaneous double blast counts as one of
Rail Guns (2) - 150 each
the gunner’s or pilot’s attacks per melee round.
Lower Laser Turret - 80
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
Upper Laser Turret (rear) - 80
6. Smoke Dispenser: A smoke dispensing unit is attached to the right
Legs (6) - 120 each
leg. The unit can release a dense cloud of smoke that will cover an
80 foot (24 m) area in front of it. It can also release tear gas. Eye Searchlights (2) - 30 each
Payload: Five total. The usual mix is three smoke and two tear gas. *Main Body/Skull - 500
7. Hand to Hand Combat: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can en- Reinforced Crew Compartment - 150
gage in Mega-Damage close combat. *Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down
8. Sensor System Note: The UAR-1 Enforcer has some special optical completely, rendering it useless. Note: The robot can lose one leg on
features. each side and not be unbalanced, though speed is reduced by 10%.
1. Thermal-Imager: A special optical heat sensor that allows the infra- Speed:
red radiation of warm objects to be converted into a visible image. En- Running: 80 mph (128 km) maximum. Leaping is not possible.
ables the pilot to see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke. Statistical Data:
Range: 2000 feet (610 m). Height: 28 feet, 9 inches (8.8 m).
2. Infrared and Ultraviolet Optics: This optical system projects a beam Width: Skull is 13 feet wide (3.9 m), the legs extend to about 20 feet
of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye. The infrared beam wide (6 m).
enables the pilot to see in the dark and to sce other infrared beams. The Length: Skull is 15 feet (4.5 m), the rail guns extend the length to about
uitraviolet system enables the pilot to see into the ultraviolet spectrum 18 feet (5.4 m).
of light and is mostly used to detect the light beams of ultraviolet detec-
Weight: 28 tons fully loaded.
tion systems. Note: The infrared light beam can be seen by anybody
Physical Strength: Robotic P.S. of 50.
who also has infrared optics, and the beam can be traced back to its
source. Smoke impairs the infrared beam, making it impossible to see. Cargo: Storage space of about 6x6x6 feet (1.8 m) for additional cloth-
ing, weapons, supplies, and specimens plus a weapons locker that con-
3. Infrared Searchlights: Built into the head of the Enforcer is a pair of
tains six C-12 laser rifles, two C-14 Fire Breather rifles, one C-27
red eyes that are actually infrared searchlights. The lights can be used
plasma rifle, one rocket tauncher, and 24 standard E-Clips, six Long-
to scan an area at night using the invisible light to avoid detection. Only
Clips, four Canister E-Clips, and 12 fragmentation grenades.
Power System: Nuclear; average life is 15 years. Model Type: APC
Black Market Cost: 36 million credits and up for a new, undamaged, Class: Infantry Assault and Transport Vehicle.
fully powered walker complete with full missile systems. Rare. Crew: Five: pilot, copilot, communications, and two gunners.
Weapon Systems: Troop Transport Capabilities: Standard is 20 Dead Boy Grunts, and
six SAMAS, or four other power armor units and two hovercycles.
1. C-100R Spider Rail Guns (2): Two huge, cannon-like guns pro-
trude from the side of the walker. As usual, the weapons draw their M.D.C. by Location:
power from the main, nuclear power supply. The rail guns are in a Top, Rear Rail Gun Turret - 100 (shielded)
fixed forward position. The only way to aim them in another direc- Center Laser Turret - 50
tion is 1o adjust the skull-head main body. The skull-head body can Side Laser Turrets (4) - 20 each
rotate 360 degrees and can tilt up and down at a 90 degree angle.
Forward Mini-Missile Launchers (2) - 40 cach
Primary Purpose: Assault & Anti-Armor.
Smoke/Gas Dispensers (2) - 15 each
Weight: Rail Guns: 1.2 tons cach.
Hatch Laser Guns (3) - 5 each
Mecga-Damage: A burst is 80 rounds and inflicts 2D4x10 M.D., one
Forward Auto-Cannon (2) - 10 each
round docs 2D4 M.D.
Forward Headlights (2) - 2 cach
Rate of I'ire: Fach burst counts as one of the melee attacks of the pilot
or co-pot/gunner. Wheels (8) - 50 each

Range: 6000 feet (1828 m).

*Main Body - 350
Reinforced Crew Compartment - 100
Payload: 20.000 rounds per cach gun. that’s 250 bursts each. Reloading
a rail gun requires special equipment and takes about an hour. Note: The side turrets and hatch guns are small and difficult targets
to hit. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a Called Shot
2. CR-4T Laser Turrets (2): A pair of double-barreled, heavy laser
turrets. one under the chin of the skull (front) and another mounted
and even then, the attacker is -3 to strike.
on the top of the skull (rear). are the gargantuan robot’s other means *Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the APC down
of attack. Both are capable of 360 degree rotation and a 90 degree completely, rendering it useless.
angle of fire (up and down). Speed: 90 mph (144 km) maximum on land. In water, speed is about
Primary Purposc: Anti-Personnel & Detense. 30 mph (48 km).
Mega-Damage: 616 M.D. per dual blast (3D6 M.D. from a single gun). Statistical Data:
Range: 4000 feet (1219 m). Height: 16 fect, 8 inches (5.1 m).

Rate of Fire: Fach simultancous double blast counts as one of the pi- Width: 9 feet (2.7 m).
lot's melee attacks. Length: 33 feet, 6 inches (10.2 m).
Payload: Lffectively unlimited. Weight: 18 tons fully loaded.
3. Smoke Dispenser: A smoke dispensing unit in the rear undercar- Cargo: Minimal storage space; about four feet (1.2 m) for extra cloth-
riage can release a dense cloud of smoke that will cover an 80 foot ing, weapons, and personal items; 12 C-14 Fire Breather Assault Rifles,
(24 m) area in front of it. It can also releasc tear gas. 12 C-12 laser rifles, four C-27 plasma rifles, and four rocket launchers
Payload: Eight total. The usual mix is four smoke and four tear gas. and 24 fragmentation mini-missiles are stored in locked overhead com-
4. Hand to Hand Combat: As per Robotic P.S., but is not designed for partments.
hand to hand type combat. Its only two attack modes are Body Power System: Nuclear; average energy life is 15 years.
Block/Ram, which inflicts 1D8 M.D. for every 20 mph (32 km) of Black Market Cost: 21 million credits, and up, for a new, undamaged.
speed. and Stomp. which inflicts 3D6 M.D. and is effective against fully powered Coalition APC complete with rail gun and missiles.
any object 12 feet (3.6 m) or smaller. Eight to 10 million for a rebuilt or without missiles and rail gun. Three
5. Sensor System Note: Standard plus the same special features as the million rebuilt and without any weapon systems. Seldom available.
UAR-1 Enforcer: +1 to strike with long-range guns. Weapon Systems:
1. C-40R Rail Gun (1): The weapon can rotate a full 360 degrees and
up and down in a 70 degree arc. As usual, all the weapon systems
are powered from the vehicle’s nuclear power supply.
Primary Purpose: Assault & Defense.
Weight: Rail Gun: 700 lbs (315 kg). Mega-Damage: A dual burst is 80
rounds and inflicts 1D6x10 M.D., one round does 1D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Each dual-burst counts as one of the gunner’s attacks per
melee round.
Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).
Payload: 20,000 round drum, that’s 250 bursts. Reloading a Mark V’s
rail gun requires special equipment or a giant-size robot. It will take
about 15 minutes for those not trained, but a mere five minutes by
Coalition Mark V somgbody trained in robot mechanics (or an Operator).
Armored Personnel Carrier 2. CR-4T Laser Turrets (2): A double-barreled, heavy laser turret is
in the center of the APC and like the rail gun, can rotate 360 degrees
The Coalition Mark V Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) is a deadly and has a 70 degree angle of fire (up and down).
front-line combat unit of incredible power. It is heavily armored and
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
armed to the teeth. It is designed to get in and get out of combat zones,
even if it means cutting a swath through the enemy to do it. The land Mega-Damage: 6D6 M.D. per dual blast (3D6 from a single blast).
vehicle can transport 20 infantry troops and six SAMAS quite comfort- Range: 4000 feet (1219 m).
ably. A pair of SAMAS may be substituted with a pair of hover cycles Rate of Fire: Each simultancous dual-blast counts ast one of the gun-
or four soldiers in jet packs. ner’s attacks per melee round.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3. C-2T Dual Laser Turrets (4): There are two light laser turrets on
either side of the APC. These are usually operated by the second
gunner against enemy troops. Each has full 360 degree rotation and
a 90 degree arc of fire.
Primary Purpose: Antipersonnel & Defense.
Mega-Damage: 4126 M.D. per dual blast (2D6 per single blast).
Range: 4000 teet (1219 m).
Rate of Fire: Fach dual (or single) blast counts as one of the gunner’s
attacks per melee round.
Payload: E:ftectively unlimited.
4. CR-10 Forward Mini-Missile Launchers (2): L.ocated in the very
front of the APC are rapid-fire mini-missile launchers. The missiles P

are usually fired by the pilot. J: R ——

)A —
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
(PR e
Mega-Damage: Any type of mini-missile can be used, but standard is-
sue is fragmentation (anti-personnel, 5D6 M.D.) and plasma (1D6x10).
Maximum Effective Range: One mile (1.6 km).
Rate of Fire: One at a tme. or in volleys of two, three, five, ten, or
Coalition Death’s Head Transport
twenty! A volley counts as one melee attack regardiess ot the number Seeing one or more of the infamous Death’s Head Transports is a
of mini-missiles in that volley. terrifying sight, because it means a Coalition Strike Force is about to
Payload: 40 total; twenty per each launcher. tand and wreak havoc. The Death’s Head Armored Transport is a huge
vehicle, nearly 300 feet (91.5 m) long. and capable or reaching a speed
5. Forward Auto-Cannons (2): Mounted on both sides of the mini-
of Mach One or slow to a complete stop to hover above a battlefield in
missile launchers are auto-cannons usually operated by the pilot or
midair. Although quite powerful, this flying juggernaut is seldom used
copilot. Fach auto-cannon can be rotated 180 degrees.
as an offensive weapon itself, but as the delivery mechanism for power
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
armor and robot troops. It is also used as a cargo transport, infantry
Mecga-Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. per fragmentation round; area affected is troop transport, rescue, and mobile support unit.
a 20 foot (6.1 m) radius.
The transport section of the vessel is the large, long portion that
Range: 2000 feet (610 m). rests upon a smaller saucer shaped section. The lower flying saucer
Rate of Fire: Lach blast counts as one of the gunner’s melec attacks. shaped section provides complete hover capabilities from a stationary
Payload: 60 total, thirty per each cannon. ‘ hover a few feet (one meter) above the ground to maneuvering through
6. Hatch Laser Guns (3): A laser rifle type gun is mounted at the two city streets and light forest. The saucer also enables the transport to
forward hatches and the rail gun hatch. These can be manned by slow down and execute a full 360 degree turn in seconds, as well as
members of the crew or the troops being transported. Each has a 360 Vertical Take-Offs and Landings (VTOL). If necessary, the two sec-
degree rotation and a 90 degree angle of fire (up and down). Dam- tions can detach. The saucer will fall to the earth or be set on automatic
age is sacrificed for superior range. pilot to land at a predetermined rendezvous location, while the main
body still has full speed, but its hover capabilities are greatly dimin-
Primary Purpose: Anti-Personnel & Defense.
ished. Vertical landings and take-offs are no longer possible (an airstrip
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D. per single blast.
is needed), and it can no longer make quick stops or 360 degree
Maximum Effective Range: 4000 feet (1219 m). turns/spins.
Rate of Fire: Each blast counts as one of the gunner’s melee attacks. Model Type: AFC-O50
Payload: Effectively unlimited. Class: Air Armored Troop Carrier.
7. Smoke Dispensers (2): A smoke dispensing unit is attached to each Crew: Nine: one pilot, one copilot, two gunners, two communication
side of the APC. The unit can release a dense cloud of smoke that engineers, three technical officers.
will cover a 40 foot (12 m) area in front of it. It can also release tear
Troop Transport Capabilities: Standard troop transport includes two
APCs and their 20 troops each, two UAR-1 Enforcers, one Spider-Skull
Payload: Twenty total, ten cach. The usual mix is half smoke and half Walker, and 96 infantry soldiers (reduce that number by one third if all
tear gas. are SAMAS). Without the vehicles/robots, the transport can hold ap-
8. Hand to Hand Combat: Sce combat troops being transported. proximately 384 soldiers and one Spider-Skull Walker.
9. Sensor System Note: The Mark-V APC has all the basic features as M.D.C. by Location:
the robot vehicles. Forward Observation Windows (2, eye-shaped) - 80 each
Forward Twin Rail Gun Turret (1) - 150
Side Mounted Laser Turrets (6) - 50 each
Tail Fin - 125
Lower Saucer - 400
Rear Jets (3) - 200 each
*Main Body - 1300
Reinforced Crew Compartment - 200
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the transport.
Destroying the saucer portion impairs the transport’s mobility and
hover capabilities.


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