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1. Choose the correct answer
1. There five English teachers at our school.
A. is B. are C. am
2. there a computer in your classroom?
A. are B. is C. aren’t
3. There a DVD player in Room 2. Use Room 5.
A. is B. isn’t C. are
4. There _________any students in the canteen.
A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t
5. Are there English books in the library?
A. a B. some C. any
6. There’s dictionary on the shelf in the classroom.
A. a B. some C. any
7. Do you have to wear uniform to school?
A. a B. an C. the
8. In winter, I take the bus to school. I walk.
A. don’t have to B. haven’t to C. am not have to
9. My sister stay at school for lunch. She usually goes home and eats there.
A. don’t have to B. doesn’t have to C. isn’t have to
10. My cousin’s school is private. She pay.
A. has to B. have to C. don’t have to
2. Complete the sentences
1. There a computer on the teacher’s desk.
A. are B. isn’t C. aren’t
2. a lot of homework at weekends?
A. do/have to B. does/ have to C. do/has to
3. We.................stay at school after 3.30 p.m.
A. haven’t to B. don’t have to C. hasn’t to stay
4. Mandy.................take the bus to school.
A. have to B. has to C. has got to
5. My mum has to work........................Saturdays.
A. on B. in C. at
6. We talk to the teacher.........................Japanese.
A. in B. on C. at
7. Sorry, I'm not really in dance classes!
A. bored B. keen C. interested
8. Fiona is very__________at languages!
A. angry B. good C. proud
9. Our school football team is very _ of winning the championship.
A. interested B. keen C. proud
10. Are you on painting?
A. good B. keen C. tired
11. I'm with the same activities every day!
A. tired B. bored C. ill
12. My friend is___________with me because I don't phone her.
A. angry B. tired C. happy
3. Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of have to.
1. I do homework every day, only on Mondays and Tuesdays.don’t have to
2. We ______ train for three hours at swimming lessons every Saturday. It’s very hard
.have to
3. My brother __doesn;t have to ______ come home before 11 p.m, but I do!
4. When they’re seventeen, English students only have to study four
subjects. They’re lucky!
5. We haven’t got a car, so my dad has to go to work by bus.
6. We don’t have to wear a uniform at our school. I usually just wear
sweatshirt and black trousers.
7. I have to clean my bedroom every Saturday! I hate it.

5 ICT 1 biology 4
chemistry 3 DT
6geography 7economics 2history

4. Complete the sentences with the school subjects below.

1. We study the life of plants and animals in ______.
2. _______is the study of kings, queens, wars and empires.
3. We make plans and projects using a computer in _.
4. We study in the science lab.
5. _______is the study of computers and the Internet.
6. We learn about countries, climate and maps in ____.
7. We learn about money and business in _____.
5. Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.
1. ‘Are there__any____desks in the library?’ ‘Yes, there are _some_____near the
2. My sister has to wear a school uniform at her school, but I can
wear jeans at my school.
3. In our school, the head teacher’s office______is in front ___of_____the boy’s
4. ‘Excuse me. Where’s the science lab ?’ ‘It’s next to the music room .’
5. There isn’t a playing field at our school, so we have to do all our
P.E. lessons in the gym!
6. Listen to the conversation. Are the sentences true or false?
1. Wanda wants to study economics next year. F
2. You can surf the Internet in the library. f
3. Conor has an exam tomorrow morning. t
4. Conor doesn't have a good English teacher. t
5. Wanda studies all the same subjects as Conor. f
7. Read the text.
A. Read the following text and choose the best answer.
Dear cousins,
I'm here in England on a three-month exchange visit. It doesn't snow (1) in winter,
so I don't have to wear lots of clothes like at home. The school is always quite warm
because there's central heating.
There (2) _ three floors, so I often get lost and have to ask (3) directions! DT is
on the ground floor, for example, but biology is on the top floor – that's a lot of stairs!
One good thing is that the doors on each floor have a different colour, so it's easy to
remember: blue, red and green.
The school subjects here aren't the same as at home. In history classes, we learn about
English history, not European history, so I'm not very (4) on that. We don't have to do
economics this month because the teacher's sick (I can't stand economics!). But the
science labs are brilliant! We can do lots of experiments, and the teachers are fun.
Life outside the school is a big change! I have to be careful in the streets because cars
all drive on the left. There's a good bus service (5) the town and the school, so I don't
have to walk much. And the family I'm living with is very friendly. They have a son
and a daughter about the same age as me, so we sometimes go out together.
But there's still a lot that I don't understand! I have to do a lot of homework, so I don't
watch much TV. And the food – what can I say about the food? They eat everything
out of cans and packets, so I really miss my Mum's cooking!
Write back soon!
Choose the correct answers.
1. Guido says he often needs .
A. clothes B. heating C. directions
2The different colours help him to remember the .
A. classrooms B. floors C. subjects
3 Guido likes the classes.
A. economics B. history C. science
4Guido's main problem outside the school is the .
A. buses B. cars C. family
5Guido wants to .
A. finish his homework B. eat his mum's food C. watch more TV
A: Rearrange the words in order to make a complete sentence
E.g: a/ teacher/ am/ thirty/ I/ old/ years/ and/ am/ I.
Answer: I am thirty years old and I am a teacher.
1. you/ please?/ repeat/ that,/ Could
could you please repeat
that ...............................................................................................................................................
2. the/ me./ canteen?/ where’s/ Excuse
.excuse me, where’s the canteen
3. the/ the/ on/ head teacher’s office./ It’s/ right,/ opposite
.it’s on the right, opposite the head teacher’s
office .............................................................................................................................................
4. an English test/ don’t/ they/ take/ week/ every/ have to
..they don’t have to take an English test every
week .............................................................................................................................................
5. early/ get up/ have to/doesn’t/Harry
.harry doesn’t have to get up
early ..............................................................................................................................................
B: Sentence errors: Mark the error and correct it.
E.g. My mother is going out so I has to do housework. Answer: has-> have
1. I doesn’t have to wear a uniform.
2. Millie doesn’t have study French.
.........................have to ............................................................................................................
3. Have you to arrive at school early? you have to .......................................................................................................
9. They not have to have lunch at school.
10. They has to work hard at school.
...................have ..................................................................................................................
VI. PARAGRAPH WRITING: Write about your school
Write a paragraph (120-150 words) on the topic using the suggested questions below:
(Where are you studying? What is your major? How many buildings are there in your
school? Does your school have a canteen? What do you have to do at school? What don’t
you have to do at your school? How many teachers/ students are there in your school?
What are they like?)
A. Questions
1. What subjects at high school do you like best?
2. How many students are there in your class now?
3. Is there a canteen at your school? How often do you go to your school’s canteen?
4. What don’t you have to do at your school?
5. What do you have to do at school?
6. Who is your best friend?
7. How often do you meet each other?
8. What do often do when you meet you best friend?
B. Topic: Talk about your school.

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