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Class 6 English grammar worksheet

Re-arrange the following jumbled words and phrases to make meaningful

sentences. The first one has been done as an example.

1. this we visiting Assam are summer.

2. first I quite happy was to receive prize the.
3. a should have called you him liar not.
4. I to the forgot letter post.
5. at the aim the deer took hunter.
6. the behind were the bush thieves hiding.
7. can I the see on roof something.
8. must we protect resources our natural.
9. upset why looking you are?
10. colours kites in of many flew the city different.
11. I dog enjoy with playing my.
Re-arrange the following jumbled words and phrases to make meaningful
sentences. The first one has been done as an example.

 snakes/most/poisonous/are
Most snakes are poisonous.

1. games/should not be/at home/played/outdoor

2. known/all over/India/the/world/is
3. will be/ next month/ the/schools/closed/from

C. Rearrange the jumbled words and phrases to form meaningful

1. doctor/away/an apple/in/day/a/keeps/the
2. football/ground/football/is/played/the/in/play
3. night/had a/I/wonderfu I/d ream/last

D. Re-arrange the following jumbled words and phrases to make

meaningful sentences.

1. from God / a precious / life / is / to / gift / us

2. thankful / should / be / we / God / to / it / for
3. God / some / remember / only / people / distress / in
4. some / believe / in / do not / unfortunately / God

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