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Introduction to Laserfiche


White Paper

April 2018
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3
Authentication and Authorization .............................................................................3
Authentication .................................................................................................................. 4
Windows Accounts and LDAP .............................................................................. 5
Laserfiche Users and Groups ................................................................................. 6
The Everyone Group ............................................................................................... 7
Group Membership ................................................................................................. 7
Authorization ................................................................................................................... 8
Granting Rights to Users ..............................................................................................8
Types of Permissions ....................................................................................................8
Feature Rights ........................................................................................................... 8
Access Rights ............................................................................................................ 9
Security Tags ........................................................................................................... 10
Privileges ................................................................................................................. 11
Folder Filter Expressions ...................................................................................... 11
VERS Classification Levels ................................................................................... 11
Entry Ownership .................................................................................................... 12
Precedence, Inheritance, and Scope ............................................................................ 13
Order of Precedence in Authorization .....................................................................13
Feature Rights and Precedence ............................................................................ 15
Multiple Permissions for Actions .............................................................................15
Scope .............................................................................................................................16

The Laserfiche Server provides a powerful set of security options you can use to
ensure only the right users can access information in your repository. With
Laserfiche security, you can control access on a variety of levels. You can
determine which users can sign in to your repository, collect them into groups to
apply security consistently, and decide what folders, documents, and metadata
they can see. In addition, Laserfiche gives you the tools you need to quickly
apply security to very large or complicated systems.
Because Laserfiche security has many options and settings, it can seem
complicated, especially to new users and administrators. This white paper breaks
down the various elements of Laserfiche security and helps you understand
which ones you should use and for what purposes. Once you understand the
parts of Laserfiche Security and how they work together, you can easily
implement your security policy.
This paper covers only application security, namely securing access to data from
within a specific application (in this case, Laserfiche Server). It does not deal with
network security, which is the protection of data in transit over private or public
networks. It also does not discuss file system security, which protects the
particular drives and devices on which data is stored. File system security
requires mechanisms outside the Laserfiche applications, as data in repositories
can be accessed without using Laserfiche applications. This paper only deals
with making access within Laserfiche Server clients secure.

Authentication and Authorization

Laserfiche security has two separate but interrelated aspects: Authentication and
authorization. Authentication determines users are who they claim to be; it
answers the questions "who is this user?" and "can this user sign in?"
Authorization determines what elements of the repository the user can access
after signing in and what he or she can do with those elements. We discuss both
aspects in this paper.

When a user wants to access documents in a repository, they first need to sign in.
The repository administrator must configure an authentication method that will
let users sign in. Every new Laserfiche repository contains a single user account
called "admin." By default, this user account is granted all permissions to the
Laserfiche repository, and the default password is blank.
There are four methods by which a user can authenticate to a Laserfiche
 The repository administrator can set up an open repository. In an open
repository, all users are automatically signed in as the “admin” user and
they are never prompted for a password. We only recommend this
method for very small sites that do not want to use any Laserfiche
security. If your repository has sensitive data, you should choose a
different method. To create an open repository, do not assign a password
to the “admin” user. (As a corollary, if you do not want to use open
authentication, you must set a password for the “admin” user.)
 A user can sign in with their Windows account by selecting the Use
Windows Authentication checkbox when they select a repository in a
Laserfiche client application. The user’s Windows credentials serve to
identify the user and determine if they can sign in. Once the user has
signed in, the user has the rights assigned to that Windows account and
also inherits rights from the group the account belongs to. More
information on Windows accounts can be found in the Windows Accounts
and LDAP section.
 A user can sign in using a Laserfiche-specific user name and password.
The user has the rights assigned to the Laserfiche user he or she signed in
as and to the groups the Laserfiche user belongs to. More information on
Laserfiche users can be found in the Laserfiche Users and Groups section,
 A user can sign in using an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
account. For instance, an administrator could use LDAP support to grant
their Novell eDirectory users access to a repository. The users can sign in
with their Novell eDirectory username and password, and they have the
rights in the repository assigned to that LDAP account and the group the
account belongs to. More information on LDAP can be found in the
Windows Accounts and LDAP section.

The "admin" user account is not a special account, and you can rename or even
delete it. Before deleting the "admin" account, make sure the repository contains
another user that has been granted Manage Trustees and Set Trustee Privileges

Windows Accounts and LDAP

When you add Windows or LDAP users and groups to Laserfiche, you can
specify their authentication status to be Trusted, Denied, or Inherited. For a
Windows Account or LDAP user to sign in using their directory credentials, an
administrator with the Manage Trustees privilege must grant them Trusted
access to the repository, or they must have been granted the Inherited status and
belong to a group that has been granted the Trusted status. An administrator can
grant Trusted access to individuals or to a Windows domain or LDAP directory
group. If a group is granted Trusted access, its members will automatically
inherit Trusted access unless they have been specifically denied it. If a user has
not inherited or been specifically assigned any Trusted status, they cannot access
the repository. A Denied status granted to the user always overrides any
Trusted statuses they may have inherited from the groups they belong to. If a
user is granted Trusted status, they can sign in even if they do not belong to any
Trusted groups. However, if they belong to any Denied groups, being granted
Trusted status on an individual basis does not override that. In short, a Denied
status, whether inherited or explicitly assigned, always overrides any other
We strongly recommend using Windows Accounts or LDAP membership to
manage authentication to your repository. It simplifies security for users, who do
not need to remember a Laserfiche user name and password in addition to their
Windows or LDAP user name and password. Additionally, it simplifies
configuring and maintaining security for administrators, who only need to
configure one set of users and groups. When users join or leave the company, or
move from one group to another, the administrator only needs to make those
changes to the Windows domain or LDAP directory, and Laserfiche will
automatically use the new settings. A Windows or LDAP account also makes it
possible to allow users to access multiple repositories under the same identity,
although this is now also possible for Laserfiche users who are administered
using Laserfiche Directory Server.
Windows accounts can be added to Laserfiche directly in the Windows Accounts
node of the Laserfiche Administration Console. Adding LDAP accounts involves
one additional step, since you first must register your LDAP server with your

repository. For full instructions on adding Windows and LDAP accounts, see
Administering Users and Groups in the Laserfiche Administration Guide.
Example: Malory, the system administrator at Castle Industries,
wants to use Windows Accounts to give employees access to the
repository. Since he already has an Employees group in his
CASTLE Windows domain, he can simply add the
CASTLE\Employees group to Laserfiche and grant it Trusted
access. Employees Gawain, Elaine, Mordred, and Lancelot can now
automatically sign into the repository, because they are members of
the Employees group in Windows. If Malory decides that the user
Mordred should not be able to sign in to the repository, despite
being a member of CASTLE\Employees, he can add
CASTLE\Mordred to the repository but set his user status to
When a new employee, Percival, joins the company, Malory only
needs to create a Windows account for him and add his user
account to the Windows group Employees. After that, Percival can
automatically sign into Laserfiche. When Lancelot leaves Castle
Industries, Malory can remove his access to Laserfiche simply by
disabling his account on the Windows domain.

Laserfiche Users and Groups

There are two ways to have Laserfiche user accounts authenticate to Laserfiche
Server: through repository user accounts, or through Laserfiche Directory Server
user accounts.
Repository User Accounts
For a user to sign in as a Laserfiche user, an administrator with the Manage
Trustees privilege must create a Laserfiche username and temporary password
for them.
An administrator can associate a Windows user name with a Laserfiche user,
allowing that Laserfiche user to sign in with their Windows credentials.
However, merely associating a Windows user with a Laserfiche user does not
take advantage of the other benefits of using Windows accounts as described
Laserfiche Directory Server Accounts
Administrators with the Manage Trustees privilege can add users and groups to
a repository through an alternative method: by importing users and groups that

already exist in Laserfiche Directory Server. In Laserfiche Rio 10, they can do this
through the Laserfiche Directory Accounts node. In older versions of Laserfiche,
Laserfiche Directory Server users will appear in the LDAP Management node
under an LDAP server profile named LFDS. When adding users and groups,
administrators have the same options of granting Trusted, Denied, or Inherited
access as they do for Windows and LDAP users and groups.
Full instructions for managing Laserfiche users and groups can be found in the
Administering Users and Groups and Managing Accounts sections of the
Laserfiche Administration Guide.

The Everyone Group

The Everyone group is a special group that includes all users in the repository.
This includes all Laserfiche users, Windows Accounts, and LDAP Accounts. No
users can be removed from the Everyone group.
The Everyone group allows you to configure basic security for all users who will
access the repository. For example, if all users should be able to view a set of
documents in the repository, you can use the Everyone group to grant the Read
right to all users for those documents.
The authentication settings for the Everyone group control whether Windows
domain and LDAP directory accounts can log in to Laserfiche. The default
authentication of Not Set allows you to grant or deny access individually using
Windows Accounts or LDAP Accounts. If you set authentication for Everyone
to Trusted, all Windows or LDAP accounts on the domain or directory server
will be able to log in, although specific Windows or LDAP accounts can still be
explicitly denied access. If you set authentication for Everyone to Denied, no
Windows accounts will be able to log in, even if they have been specifically
added in the Windows Accounts or LDAP Accounts nodes.

Group Membership
Windows Accounts, LDAP, and Laserfiche groups all support collecting users
into groups.
 Windows Account or LDAP groups are created and populated in
Windows or in your LDAP management system and can be added
directly to Laserfiche.
 Laserfiche groups are created in Laserfiche and can contain Laserfiche
users, other Laserfiche groups, and Windows Account or LDAP users or

To let you fully customize security settings to meet your needs, Laserfiche offers
many security types and settings, at varying levels of granularity, ranging from
repository-wide permissions to permissions relating to single files. This security
model gives you a great deal of flexibility and precision when setting up security,
but can be complicated at first glance. This section discusses each type of security
available in Laserfiche and when you should use it.
For more information about authorization and permissions in Laserfiche, see the
Types of Security section of the Laserfiche Administration Guide.

Granting Rights to Users

Rights allow users to perform tasks or make changes in the repository. You do
not need to grant rights to individual users (although you can), as rights granted
to groups are inherited by the members of that group.
When determining if a user can perform a particular task, Laserfiche takes into
account both the security settings applied to the user and the security settings
applied to a group. If a user is denied access to a document—whether the Deny
status is set at the user level or inherited from a group—the user cannot perform
that task, even if they are allowed permission elsewhere. In other words, deny
trumps allow.
For more information about what settings take precedence when more than one
conflicting right has been granted, see Precedence, Inheritance, and Scope below.

Types of Permissions
Feature Rights
Feature rights let users perform actions in Laserfiche applications. For example,
feature rights determine if a user can scan, search, import, or export a file
anywhere in the repository. Feature rights also determine what menu commands
or toolbar buttons are available to a user. These rights apply to the entire
repository. For example, users may have sufficient entry access rights to scan into
a folder. But, if the users do not have the Scan feature right, they will not be able
to scan because the Scan button and menu command will not be available.
If a user needs to perform a particular action anywhere in the repository, they
should be granted the feature right for that action. For example, if a user needs to
print documents from their personal folder, they must have the Print feature
right—even if they should not be able to print from any other folder. However, if

a user should never perform a particular action, they should not be granted the
relevant feature right.
Feature rights are applied in the Administration Console or web client
management page and are applied directly to users or groups (whether they are
Laserfiche users/groups or Windows/LDAP accounts).

Access Rights
Access rights control what a user can do with various objects in the repository.
Unlike feature rights, which apply to the entire repository, access rights are
specific to a particular part of the repository. There are four types of access
rights: entry access rights, volume access rights, field access rights, and template
access rights.
Access rights have three possible states: Allowed, blank (inherited), or denied.
For more information on these settings, and the way they interact, see
Precedence, Inheritance and Scope below.
Entry Access Rights
Entry access rights determine which users can access particular documents,
folders and shortcuts in the repository and what a user can do with those entries.
These rights are applied in the Laserfiche Windows Client or web client, since
they are based on specific locations in the folder tree. Each entry access right lets
a user perform different actions, such as opening an entry or seeing through
redactions. These rights can be assigned to users on a folder-by-folder basis.
Entry access rights are among the most granular permissions available in
Laserfiche, as they can regulate access on a document-by-document level.
When you configure entry access rights, you need to specify three things: what
user or group you’re configuring entry access rights for, what section of the
folder tree the rights apply to (the scope), and what permissions you want to
grant or deny (the rights themselves).
Volume Access Rights
Volume access rights determine which users can access the parts of documents
contained in the repository's volumes: Image pages, text pages, electronic
document files, thumbnails, word location data, and attachment annotations. If a
user has the entry access rights to open a document, but not the volume access
right to view the pages in the document's volume, the document will open but
only the metadata will be visible. You can use volume access rights to only let
users add files to their own department's volume and not to any other volume.
This configuration ensures that all documents that belong to a particular
department end up in that department's volumes. It is important to consider

volume access rights in addition to entry access rights when determining who
can view or modify documents.
Volume access rights are applied to volumes in the Administration Console.
Field Access Rights
Field access rights determine which users can view or modify fields applied to a
document and if they can modify or delete field definitions from the repository.
If a user does not have the rights to view a field, they will not see that field if
they open a document that contains that field, even if they can see the other
fields applied to the document. For example, you might restrict who can view the
Social Security Number field. Similarly, if a user should not be able to change a
particular field – for example, the filing date of a document – you can restrict the
user's ability to modify that field but still allow them to view it.
Field access rights are applied to fields in the Administration Console.
Template Access Rights
Template access rights determine which users can view templates. If a user does
not have the rights to view a template, the user cannot see the fields in that
template – even if the user has the rights to see all the individual fields in the
template. In addition, template access rights control who can modify the
template's definition.
Template access rights are applied to templates in the Administration Console.

Security Tags
Security tags let you apply security to individual entries. These tags are applied
to entries and granted to users or groups; only the users who have been granted
a particular security tag can see the tagged documents. Security tags are the most
restrictive form of security in a repository: no matter what other rights and
privileges are in effect, a document with a security tag can only be seen or
searched for by users who have that tag. Security tags are useful for documents
whose access should remain restricted no matter where they are in the
repository—for instance, confidential documents that may pass through a
number of folders with varying security settings as they are processed. Security
tags can also be applied to folders, but the documents in a folder with a security
tag do not themselves have the security tag unless it is explicitly assigned to
Security tags are granted to users in the Administration Console and to
documents in the Windows Client or web client. To grant security tags, you must
have the Manage Tags privilege.

Privileges are a special form of security: They let users perform certain
administrative tasks, such as granting rights to other users and groups. They do
not apply to non-administrative tasks like viewing, modifying, or moving
entries. Privileges should only be granted to trusted users as some privileges let
users bypass other forms of security. For example, a user with the Manage Entry
Access privilege can browse all entries in the repository regardless of the entry
access rights applied to those entries.
Privileges are granted to users or groups through the Administration Console
and apply across the entire repository.

Folder Filter Expressions

Folder filter expressions are a form of dynamic security that let you configure
access to documents based on the properties of the individual documents. For
instance, you could write a folder filter expression that would control access to
documents based on a specific value in the documents’ fields. To create a folder
filter expression, you must write a filter expression string—making this an
advanced security feature. See Folder Filter Expressions in the Laserfiche
Administration Guide for more information.
Folder filter expressions are set in the Laserfiche Windows or web client. Access
rights granted by folder filter expressions are inherited by the contents of the
folder by default. This setting can be changed.

VERS Classification Levels

VERS classification levels provide a way for an organization to ensure that
documents remain in folders of a similar or higher level of confidentiality. In
most Laserfiche scenarios, and according to Laserfiche best practices, most
documents will inherit entry access rights from their folders. This security
system provides many benefits in terms of consistency and convenience but can
cause problems if documents are inadvertently moved to folders with less-
restrictive security settings. Classification levels act as an extra check, preventing
entries from being moved such that they inherit less-restrictive security than is
Classification levels allow you to set a numeric level on documents and folders.
Entries given higher classification levels are more restricted than documents with
lower values. If you give an entry a classification level, it cannot be moved to a
folder that has a lower numeric level. Unclassified entries have a value of zero.

Example: You have three classification levels: "Top Secret"
(numeric value 10), "Classified" (numeric value 7), and "Standard"
(numeric value 3). If a document is given "Top Secret" classification,
it can be moved to any of the "Top Secret" classification level
folders, but it cannot be moved to any of the "Classified" or
"Standard" level folders or to any folders without classification
levels set.
Example: If a document is given classification level "Classified," it
can be moved to a "Classified" or "Top Secret" folder but not to a
“Standard” folder or to folders without classification levels set.
VERS classification levels are set in the Laserfiche Windows Client or web client.
See VERS Classification Levels in the Laserfiche User Guide for more

Entry Ownership
The Entry Ownership feature provides a mechanism by which users can manage
their own documents and folders, without needing to call in an administrator or
privileged user. An entry's owner can set security for that entry and can manage
the entry's annotations. This gives entry owners the ability to configure security
for and otherwise manage their documents, without having to grant them larger-
scale rights over the repository.
By default, the starting document owner for an entry is its creator. You can
assign the starting document owner to another user or group, or you can
configure your repository so that documents have no owner when they are
created. Additionally, a user with the Change Entry Owner entry access
right can reassign entry ownership after document creation.
Entry ownership is set or changed in the Laserfiche Windows Client or web

Precedence, Inheritance, and Scope
Laserfiche has several layers of security, which can be applied to individual users
or to groups. With these interacting layers, it can be difficult to determine if a
user has the correct set of rights. Each type of security has its own set of rules
governing what it can override and what can override it, as well as what part of
the repository the right applies to. This section explains how these rights interact
and how to tell what part of a repository rights apply to.

Permissions can be inherited by users from the groups they belong to, or by the
contents of folders from their parent folder. In cases where inheritance rights
conflict, such as when a user belongs to multiple groups with conflicting
permissions, Laserfiche defaults to the most secure option, which is to let the
presence of any Deny override the other rights.

Order of Precedence in Authorization

In some cases, more than one security setting may apply to a document or user.
For example, a document may inherit security from both its parent folder and its
parent folder's parent folder, or a user may inherit different security settings
from more than one group. The following order of precedence will help you
determine which rights apply in these circumstances. Smaller numbers indicate
greater priority.
0. Special cases:
 A user with the Manage Entry Access Rights privilege has Browse,
Read, and Write Entry Security entry access rights for all entries in
the repository.
 A user with the Bypass Browse privilege can browse all entries in
the repository, even if they do not have the Browse entry access
 A user with the Bypass Filter Expression privilege will not have
their access to entries restricted by folder filter expressions.
 If a document is tagged with a security tag, it is only visible to
those users who have that tag, regardless of the other rights it
might inherit.
Note: Security tags do not override entry access
rights: a user must have both the appropriate entry

access rights and the appropriate tag to open and
view the contents of a tagged document.
1. Rights specifically assigned to an entry will override rights inherited from
parent folders.
Example: Bob has the Rename entry access right denied
with scope This Folder, Subfolders and Documents for
folder A. But he has the Rename entry access right allowed
for subfolder B. Bob will be able to rename subfolder B.
2. An access right that has not been explicitly set – a 'blank' right – will
inherit rights from parent folders (unless this option is explicitly turned
Example: Bob has the Rename entry access right allowed
with scope This Folder, Subfolders and Documents for
folder A. Bob neither is allowed or denied the Rename entry
access right for subfolder B – the right is left blank. Bob will
be able to rename subfolder B.
3. When a user has different rights than the group to which they belong, or
when the user is in two different groups, the rights will be applied in the
following order:
a. Denied. Denied rights always take precedence. If rights conflict,
entries become more secure rather than more accessible.
b. Allowed. Explicitly denied rights, or rights denied by security tags,
take precedence over explicitly allowed rights.
c. Blank. If a right is left blank (neither allowed nor denied), by
default, it is effectively denied. However, if allowed or denied
rights conflict with blank rights, the rights that are specifically
allowed or denied take precedence.
This applies to not just to access rights, but also rights derived from entry
ownership or folder filter expressions. The rights a user gets by default
from entry ownership are overridden by denials of access rights from
either inheritance or direct assignment. However, if an a user has only
blank rights to an entry, then being the entry owner would give them
rights to manage an entry.
4. If a right is not explicitly set for a user and is not explicitly set anywhere
else (either higher in the folder tree or in a group), the user will not have
that right.

Example: Bob does not explicitly have the Delete right for
folder B. Bob also does not have the Delete right for folder
B's parent folder or the repository's root folder. None of the
groups Bob belongs to have the Delete right for folder B or
its parent folder. Bob, therefore, cannot delete entries in
folder B.
In general, if there is any doubt or conflict in security settings, Laserfiche defaults
to whatever configuration is most secure and allows the least access.

Feature Rights and Precedence

Feature rights are qualitatively different from other permissions, in that they
primarily govern actions available in the Laserfiche client user interfaces. If a
user is denied a feature right, the relevant action will not be available to them in
the Laserfiche Windows client or web client. However, they may be able to carry
out the same action through means other than the Laserfiche Windows or web
client user interfaces. For this reason, feature rights do not fall neatly into the
order of precedence described above.
In addition, feature rights may require access rights in order to be effective. A
user must have both the appropriate feature right to perform an action and the
appropriate access right to modify the document in a particular way. Without
both, the user will not be able to perform the action. For example, even if a user
has the feature right that allows her to conduct an OCR, she must also have the
Modify Contents or Append Data entry access right for that document in order
to carry out an OCR. If the access rights required for an action are left blank for
the user and she does not inherit an Allow right for them, then she cannot carry
out the action even if she is granted the feature right.

Multiple Permissions for Actions

Just as some feature rights require some access rights in order to be useful, some
actions may also require multiple access rights.
Example: The Read entry access right allows a user to open a
document. The Read volume access right allows a user to view the
pages in a document associated with that volume. The Read field
access right allows a user to see a field value. If a user is granted
the Read entry access right on a document, but is denied
the Read volume access right and Read field access rights, that user
will be able to open the document in the document viewer but will
be unable to view its pages or see its field values. Similarly, a user

granted the Read field access right, but denied the Read volume
access right will be unable to see the document's pages, but will be
able to open it to view metadata. The user needs all three types of
access rights to open the document and view its pages and fields.

While entry access rights are set directly on entries, they do not necessarily affect
only the entries they are set on. When you apply entry access rights to a folder,
you can determine how far down the folder tree the rights will apply. You can
also use the inheritance flag to block inheritance from the parent folder
regardless of the scope. This lets you control the flow of access rights from
"above" in the folder structure. The inheritance flag is represented by the Inherit
rights from parent and include with specified rights checkbox in the Entry
Access dialog box (Windows Client) and the Inherit rights from parent checkbox
in the Access Rights dialog box (web client).
Example: A Human Resources folder contains subfolders for each
employee. The Human Resources director needs to see and open
documents in all employee folders, but individual employees
should only see and open the main folder and their own personal
folder. You can use scope to set up security for this scenario the
following manner:
Grant the Read entry access right to the Human Resources manager
for the main Human Resources folder and set the scope for this
right to This folder, subfolders and documents. The manager’s
Read right then applies to all of the documents, subfolders,
subfolders’ documents, and subfolders in those subfolders, all the
way to the bottom of the Human Resources folder. Since employees
should not have such powerful rights, grant the Everyone group
the Browse entry access right for the Human Resources folder with
the This entry only scope. This configuration lets employees only
open the Human Resources folder but not view or open its
contents. Additionally, grant each employee the Read entry access
right for his or her own folder with the This folder, subfolders and
documents scope. Now employees can open the Human Resources
folder, but, under that folder, they can only see, open, and read the
contents of their own personal folders.
For more information see the Scope in Laserfiche Security white paper.

Introduction to Laserfiche Security
April 2018

Author: Leif Hancox-Li, Constance Anderson

Because Laserfiche security has many options and settings, it can seem quite complicated,
especially to new users and administrators. This document will break down the various elements
of Laserfiche security and help you understand which ones you should use and for what
purposes. Once you understand the parts of Laserfiche security and how they work together, you
will be able to easily implement your security policy.

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Due to continuing product development, product specifications and capabilities are subject to
change without notice.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored on a retrieval system, or transmitted

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Laserfiche makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of these contents at the time of publication.
They are for information purposes only and Laserfiche makes no warranties, express or implied,
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