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Korean From Zero!

– Lesson C – Hard Hangul Sounds 27


Level ①
Hard Hangul Sounds
Korean building blocks

C New Hangul

In this lesson we learn four more consonants and five more vowels.

as in yarn as in awe as in yen as in yen as in wash

C Hangul Points

 C-1. The difference between ㅒ and ㅖ

ㅒ and ㅖ are both pronounced like the “ye” in “yen”. In modern Korean there is no change
in sound. You will see both symbols used in Korean words. Consider them just different
ways of spelling. Just like in English you will have to learn the correct spelling. 28

 C-2. Written and typed versions of ㅎ

ㅎ (H), will look very different depending on the font and when written. Look at how it can

 C-3. Hard and soft sounds with hangul

If you are like me, you may be a bit frustrated with how ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅈ, and ㄱ seem to shift
sounds in Korean. Koreans also have a hard time explaining the exact timing of the shift of
these sounds. ㅂ is a “B” sound, but there are cases where it also sounds like a “P”. ㄷ is
“D”, but in some cases it will be “T”. ㅈ is “J” but sometimes it’s “CH”. And finally, ㄱ is “G”,
but in some cases it will sound like “K”.

You will find that in the beginning of a word ㅂ, ㄷ, ㅈ, and ㄱ will tend to be the “stronger”
sounds like P, T, CH, and K. But they will be softer in the middle and end of words.

ㅍ (P), ㅌ (T),ㅊ (CH),ㅋ (K) on the other hand are ALWAYS the hard sounds.

C Writing Practice

To practice, first trace the light gray characters, then write each character six times.

ko 코 코
teu 트 트
Korean From Zero! – Lesson C – Hard Hangul Sounds 29

pa 파
ha 하 하
sha 샤 샤
gyeo 겨 겨
wa 와 와
gye 계 계
teo 터 터
gwa 과 과
ryeo 려 려

C Words You Can Write

Using just the hangul from this lesson, we can already write many Korean words.

코 코

화 화
anger 30

타다 타 다
to ride

피 피

세계 세 계
the world

파티 파 티

피자 피 자

노트 노 트

얘기 얘 기
story, talk

그녀 그 녀
her, she

야채 야 채

커피 커 피

히터 히 터
Korean From Zero! – Lesson C – Hard Hangul Sounds 31

C Hangul Matching

Connect the dots between each hangul and the correct Romanization.

히・ ・teu
파・ ・pa
와・ ・hi
커・ ・yae
트・ ・gye
얘・ ・keo
랴・ ・rya
계・ ・hwa
화・ ・wa 32

C Hangul Practice Boxes

Use these boxes for extra writing practice.

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