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There is no God since everything that people do is just based on how smart they are and their smartness

is just based on how much they think and their thinking power is just based on how much risk they take
so always think and always take risk

Make sure to always brush your teeth and take your bath first thing every morning _ afternoon and
evening and to always wash your clothes whenever they become dirty and to always tidy up your room
whenever it got messed up and to always clean up your properties whenever they become stained just
to get respect from people

Only date when you have made it to avoid disturbance

When it comes to sex we are always in a free world

Never tell anyone about yourself just to avoid getting your future hijacked

Life is a gentle process by process ok drink some water

Every man is a control freak because they too much have love for power while every woman is a
prostitute because they too much have love for men

Our mind is a natural ai

Some people talk too much

There is a time for everything

Production is better done as practical and after you have made it for it is the standards and also
production is quite frustrating

The only thing that you need in this life is money because money rules the world

The best way to master any course is to download a reference book and tutorial and then reference with
internet as you develope any projects

The best way to organize a company to its customers is through sharing of flyer and shopping site page
and a dedicated social page

Please stay at home you don't need socialization

Discursion can go a long way in solving many problems

You don't need socialization

Everything I think where based on feasibility and they became feasible at a cheaper rate

Technology is 99% from thinking

The best get rich quick job is video game development because it sells very fast and can be built totally
for free (diy can't be free)

Some suggested get rich quick jobs in their order of magnitude includes, video game development,
music, diy company, commercial app development,

The best way to rank a product on Google search is through blog and submission for scan

People are sold to in groups

Because of biological and societal reasons, Women and men are totally separated into the woman
power of prostitution (erotism) and the man power of big boys (wealth)

Alibaba is currently the best and cheapest place to shop quality items

Always seek for free services to your daily life like to Always charge your equipments in free places, free
web hosting, just to cut cost of production

One thing every app developer most note is that an app eg a web app is always used by different people
at different time

Things can be precisely casted with a plaster of Paris mold with shape from assembled 3d printed parts
and everything is held together with ply board

Entertainment can be a job

Icons should be ribbons and the app name by the os

Jobs of a content creator includes video and music editing, graphic design, software development,
website development, animation, jingles, music synthesis, video tutorials, books, running a channel on
social medias,

Piston ring are springs for controlling gas and oil

Four corners empty inside piston is the best because of ring

cans are molded with blowing

A good product development circle includes continuous Thinking and research, Idea, features and
feasibility, intuitive understanding of documents (books preview and video watch), develope as you
analize and reference, fine-tune, launch,

Any business can be started from somewhere and global coverage (like through the internet) makes a
ceo richer and business should try to cut cost by all means

Jobs of an engineer includes: architect, properties customization, gadgets branding assist, graphics
design and printing, website - software - artificial intelligence and video games development, 3d
modeling and 3d printing, pcb design, training, video recording editing and production, music recording
editing and production, advertising, convert a story into a 3d movie, properties automation, custom
metal milling, plastic branding, research and development (in), wholesale of max products, (1) repair of
phones mp3s computers and printers,

Nepa and solar is directed to container

Pcb is etched with laser

Sheet metal is hitted and welded

Firebase and server is almost thesame price

Holes can be tackled with flatning joints

Alibaba is the best place to shop

Lilum blow is used in making jars

The best way to manage a computer disk is to avoid partitioning to avoid wasted disk space but you
should flash the system if it becomes clogged but then to backup all your files and format your system
when os becomes messed up and also to go for SSD instead of HDD because SSd has more volume but
don't forget to stop using the SSD and swap it when it gets degraded for is the cost of using a computer

SSD is best because it has more volume

The best way to get a great phone is to go for a UK used phone

Tpb the pirate Bay or solid torrent is the best place to get free softwares and udemy tutorials

App option menu are categorized

Money can be made by doing business as in branding

Higgs particle is the missing link in nature

Flutterwave is the first api provider for banking app

Free cdn and free Backend and free webhost are the best way to start a Backend job

A Tiktok page and Alibaba page and flyers and google site is the first way to broadcast and advertise any

Ipnx is the best network and colocate in Nigeria

Iud is the best contraceptive

Google cloud cdn is the best delivery network

Things that falicitate a Backend and frontend network are cdn, app Backend, php to host a site on app
Backend, responsiveness, webhost, programming languages, a link only to a website then to the app
(you can start with free things) for it is the best way to manage business

Jumia, Hub360 is the best place to get electronics components

Loose lips from is the best lipsync for maya

Speedlink: is a robotic actuator kit with different components from smart corporation, operates on
focused contactless electromagnetic, parts are held together with clips, swappable accessories eg gears,
very tiny polygon shaft, speedlink is very small to fit into any accessory, connects through bottom four
wire flex plug, speedlink is of different size, benzlink has a combination of engage or release or reverse
or hold or spring back operations, speedlink components operates on the principle of using electronic
braking to link a mechanical energy, the speedlink kit contains different components just to make any
actuator scenario possible, hondalink is for flex extension and attachment to body, connected and
powered through very strong and tiny flex that can always be extended,

One good way to master any new course is to first and foremost fully read a good book about the course
and then watch some tutorial about that course and then run some projects about that course as you
make some reference from the course book and or the internet and then you are good to go

Wall slide or square slide or turning bullet proof glass is one good way to make auto doors

(Meriam Webster) branding: 1 the promotion of a product or service by identifying it with a particular
brand 2 is a branch of engineering which involves the corporate engineering _ products ideology _
designing _ mass production _ promotion and marketing of commercial products

Digikey is the best database for ics

The speedlink kit is currently the best way to conduct mechanical force around a robot or other
mechanical gadgets while the Arduino kit is currently the best way to program a robot,

If you are using windows 10 then Don't get scared that you must re-extract the files in an archive (ie a
rar or zip or ... file) to use them if you convert a file or folder into an archive to prevent them from
getting corrupted so all you do is to right click on the archive and select open with and select windows
explorer and everything in the archive will pup up for use

China is getting it right because all you need is just to make it at the cheapest possible cost

Propagative solar powered and laser based and piezo adjusting narrow towers placed in towns along the
path points of sight is the best way to link long distance network nodes

Google is always there for you in your searches like "Badoo v6.4 mod APK" if you are looking for the
badoo android app with the version 6.4,
Mod apps can give you unrestricted access to all premium features of an app and a good site where you
can always get a mod app is

Always plant trees and grasses around your buildings to be receiving fresh air regularly

Though some person will tell you that science is a waste of time but science actually makes life better

Abstinence is better than carrying any woman and it can sweet ehn,

Account systems: uses cookies, to pay is through username or phone number and four pin and in app
otp, to search is through username or phone number, login is through username or phone number and
password, add a phone number or email to your account

The best way to distribute a file is through full torrenting ie the torrent file and torrent site (eg tpb) and
multiple file for each magnet and flyers

Branding is better done as partime because it is actually risky

In business never pity for anyone

Make money first before you love #

A woman can give up her boyfriend for a rich man

Men are power freak because they too much have love for power while women are prostitute because
they cannot do without a man

Diy company: go for a perfect work

Items needed but only go for the once you really need: go for perfect materials, self made motors, nail,
knife, zinc sheet, top bond, plier, star, flat, tape rule, actual square, mathset, scissors, soldering iron and
lead and flux, ply wood, hardened blade, hammer, some electronics components, multimeter, nickel
battery, sheet forming kit, self made cnc milling machine, self made inductor furnace, self made welding
machine, flat pad, 100 yard very tiny copper wire, diy motors, fat pad, small guide, padlock, ball bearing,
bearing ball, fire, Alibaba shopping account, plum, some small screw and bolts, drilling spoke, lighter,
sheet forming kit, paint sprayer,

Processes: different bits can be used to create perfect holes, small guide is used to hold things, very tiny
copper wire is used for all connection, small T is used for tackling, drilling with a hardened blade can be
used to create any hole, try to use easy materials, soldering is used to join two metals, folding is used to
seal aluminum, preferred main materials are aluminum sheet and plastic bottles and flat pad, chiseling
or drawing or drilling with hardened blade or cutting with scissors is used for making any plane shape,
shoemaker pad and top bond and copper wires is used for making motherboards, small screw and bolt is
used to hold objects together, bearing shaft and bearing soldered to a spoke for deforming then padlock
and plank for leveling is used for forming sheet, non permanent marker is used for giving mark, cartons
and DI is used to package, rubber pipe is used to insulate an electrode, 3d shape is created with self
made CNC machine, things are melted with self made inductor furnace, sign plastic and hardened blade
and spoke and drilling spoke and glue is used to make anyhow gear, drilling spoke can be used to create
a long hole, anything can be bought from Alibaba, tape rule for measuring and actual square for marking
and plum for balancing are all called measuring kit, bearing shaft and a bearing held with magnetic
screw drive for deforming and then padlock and plank for leveling and then scissors for cutting and then
hardened blade with or without hammer for chiseling and drilling and then small T to tackle any joint
and then knife with fire for welding plastic and then soldering iron with lead with flux for welding metals
and then top bond and encapsulating and small screw with bolt and folding etc for bringing two parts
together makes up the kit to form any part, fat pad can be used to form any cuising part and can replace
milling machine, mesh is used to transfer shape, always forge what you cannot afford, drilling spoke is
like a shoe needle, sheet forming kit involves a knob with narrow hole at the center and a ball bearing
ball and a star attached to a magnet to hold the ball and gauged hitting, use shiny zinc and joined
forming and spraying for marketable, things are marked with pencil, sheet are formed by cut and nail,
holes are created with drilling machine, flyer and TikTok and Whatsapp and good customer relationship
to organize your craft business the people, hole can also be made by hand bet pounch, deform with
geometry with cut and nail can be used to form sheet, preferred materials is tin,

Some electronics components: cheap camera module, esp32, operational amplifier,

Please keep everything about you a secret just to avoid getting your future hijacked

Raspberry pi can be used to build a server cluster

Things needed for branding as you make the once you cannot buy are: 1 CNC milling machine, 2
controlled inductor furnace,

Self made Milling machine

Items needed: speedlink kits, different gears, crank, casing, grinding motor, connecting rod gear,

Operation: speedlink is gear shifting, work piece can be inserted in different ways,

Speedlink: gear shifting system, micro gear for quicker gripping for it will surely grip, gears can be plastic
or metal, design the 3d model in auto cad, channeled selenoid,

If you look clean no one will reject you

The best way to shop Alibaba is to buy in bulk

Some people talk too much

Toy company

items needed: 3 grinding motor, inductor furnace, get all your material from the street, 4 partner with a
machining and molding service to build your cheap CNC milling machine (tell them you are building a
robot), 1 clean and format laptop, 2 learn autocad,

Products: a social robot,

Please is for humanities

Books are best read on laptop at bet9ja

Always search for the content on torrent sites first

There is always sunshine during raining season

You can always learn from pdf or tutorial or Google and can aslo reference with them

My shop will be day and night

Different tasks can be splitter into days of the week and time of the day

Learn to forgive and manage

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