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Uses the passive and active voice meaningfully in varied contexts.


Active and Passive voice
English 7 Module 3 ADM Pp. 5-12


DRILL: Flash sentences and let the students identify the possessive pronoun
used in the following sentences.

1. My day today has been wonderful.

2. Your new bag looks expensive.
3. My favorite color is purple.
4. Our house is located on a hill.
5. You can have one of mine!



Group a class into six. Let the students see the pictures on the board.

Instruct them to analyze the pictures. Construct at least one sentence for every
picture and let them identify the subject, verb and object. Write your answer on
the Manila paper. Present to the bigger class. (Only 1 from the group)

I will be reading you a short text or selection. Listen attentively to the sentence
used in the selection. You will answer comprehension questions.
Mike saw a pretty girl.
He went to talk to her.
Her husband arrived.
The husband hit Mike on the nose.

ANALYSIS (Answering Comprehension Questions)

1. What did Mike see?

2. What did the husband do to Mike?
3. What do you think happened to Mike?
4. Do you think it is good to hit someone? Why? Why not?

Publish on the board responses to questions 1 and 2.

1. Mike saw a pretty girl.
2. The husband hit Mike on the nose.
ABSTRACTION (Teaching Part)
Published responses to the questions 1 and 2 are all in the active voice.
Discuss, explain and give examples.

• Voice is the quality of the verb that tells whether the subject is the doer
or the receiver of the action.

Two voices in English: (a) Active Voice (b) Passive Voice

1. When the subject does or “act upon” the verb and the verb have a direct
object, the sentence is said to be in the active voice.

These show that the subject is doing the verb’s actions.

Example: He writes a letter.

Subject/Doer verb Direct object

The judge (subject) pounded (verb) the gavel (Direct object).

When to use Active Voice

• Active voice is used when the doer is more important than the action,
For Example: Monkeys live in the jungle.
• Active voice is also used in making commands or requests.
For example: Open the window.
• Giving instructions can be done in the active voice.
For example: Turn off the electricity.

2. When the subject receives the action of the verb, the sentence is said to be
in the passive voice.
FORMULA: Subject + Be VERB+ past participle + by + doer of the action

These examples show how the subject-verb relationship has changed:

Example: The letter was written by him.

Subject/reciever + Be verb + Past Participle + by + doer of the action

Another examples:
• The winning essay was written by John.
• The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
• The gavel was pounded by the judge.
When to use Passive Voice
✓ The passive voice is used in the following cases:
a. The actor is unknown.
Example: The motorcycle was stolen (maybe by someone).
b. The actor is irrelevant.
Example: A COVID-19 vaccine will be discovered by researchers
c. You want to be indefinite about who is responsible.
Example: Mistakes were made.
d. You are talking about a general truth.
Example: Do unto others what you want others do unto you.
e. You want to emphasize the person or thing acted on.
Example: The virus that caused COVID-19 was discovered in 2020.
f. You are writing an experiment result/report.
Example: The salt was dissolved in water.


In changing a sentence from active voice to one in the passive voice:

✓ Move the direct object to the beginning of the sentence
✓ Identify tenses of verb and change it into Verb Be+ Past Participle Tense
✓ The preposition “by” is added before the subject.

Only verbs which take on an object can be changed to the passive.

For example:

- He runs away.
(This sentence has no object, so it's not possible to turn it
into a passive sentence.)
(Active Voice) – Father repaired the old table.
(This sentence has an object so it can be change into a
passive voice sentence.)

(Passive voice) – The old table was repaired by father.


Read the following sentences. Pay particular attention which sentences are in
the active/passive voice.

1. The palay was eaten by the animals.

2. Mother cooked camote for our snack.
3. The field was planted with rice.
4. He bought a car.
5. An apple was eaten by me.

Ask: Which of the following sentences carries the Active Voice? Passive
voice? How do you know?


Activity No. 1: Are the sentences below in the Active or Passive Voice? Label
them “Active or Passive”.
____________1. Emily is using hand sanitizer.
____________2. The Municipal Mayor ordered people to stay at home.
____________3. The relief goods were given to each household by the LGU.
____________4. An Executive Order was issued by the governor.
____________ 5. The builders finished the isolation room for PUIs.

Activity No. 2: Read the given statements below. If it is in the active voice,
change it to the passive voice.

1. The President signs the letter.

2. The COVID-19 patient took the better medicine.
3. She drinks a glass of milk.
4. A heavy load during this pandemic time is carried by the world.
5. They squeeze the pillow.


What is the difference between Active and Passive voice? When can we use
active voice? Passive Voice? How will you change Active into Passive voice?

Get a pair. In at least four exchanges have a dialogue. Use active and passive


On the blank before the number, write A if it is in the active voice and P if it
is in the Passive voice.

__________1. Rommel spread the cheese.

__________2. The cure of COVID-19 is discovered by a Filipino scientist.

__________3. The town was destroyed by the fire.

__________4. God controlled everything in this world.

__________5. The baby was carried by the mother.


1. Write a five-sentence paragraph using passive and active voice.

Underline the passive ones and the active voice twice.
2. Read “English Expressways” Pp. 106-107.
3. What is meant by subject-verb agreement? Give an example.

Submitted by:

Bayker, Joan O.

Submitted to:

Mrs. Carmelita T. Arradaza

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