Fundamental Duties

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Forcbrertal Duties

’ Thege are mertiod in pant -iv A) of te Grest.

FO8 ane tntodted i th te uad CAA, e he

Ggh ommitee
CAA he come nth ton of
Sigh Commttee
’te Goqteo party said abt Having furh menkal Dohes
in tte origigl et. i a historic mistake.

Camm. reconmeta 8 Fo8 B

tte Gput didit take tem
re ofof ttem it acbalky

lo Fos

86t6 CAA (20 ) on tte

hecorenttn of desice tnlkatachalaiah ommisgia
Fon Review of u-ltig of
Tte orot. NeRwe)
’ te Coept of Fos ns broed from
(Cat of Astice also)
(9l7- 99-USSA

199 Russia
’Tte ugnd cAA inthoded Art s1 (4) & unth thi

Antoi-a) Abit by oat Respect Nhioal Flog

abtial Anltem.
Ants-b) chenish the ntbel Tcoks of reero skagk
c) To photedt tte Goeeignty . Onity $ Tntegity of

a) efed te Countky ç Rereh notiral Benvice chen

Calbd te o

) phomae Fraternity s ronee practhces croqtoy to

te d'qnity of
-f) Pregere tte brita of the nhton.
protect evironment
eovironment widlife E Hae ompion
-toars Cheatue &.

h)k) Dbp Berertiftc tempeh, huanigm § te piit of

) Safeqpurd te publice progenty.

)) Ste Toucandk celkree in all spheres of individg
ackvi. § to phormcte tte aAtira
for edcakon to te chilen
k) To provice oppntuntes
in tte aqe of 6- 4 Yng.

The enma Committee ne appainted n I999 to Btuy te

FoS, te omm, Bid ttee alkedy Ceutain
lacs before l9n6 E otteh laus aften i9N6 chich ersre
-falb ued y tte peoçe .

* In The Bijoe Inmancel Coe (986) te

shatl at dsrepect tte Nhtial Anttem E oness
ttee 8 a Coslitutioa phovi 8i

forced to
Al to hiaal Hereor Act (a7:) heveh inkentoally
pre enke tte Gigtrg of hioal Anttem (or
disterbae hal! be punished ot imprisa nent fo
a tenm upto 3 .
interim maelg thot keno Anttem shot be phyd
before tte ereeni"g of movles
Houeueh, These Inkerim mas are
tte herah Revieo rttoy ç tte

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