Cultural Psy Notes

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Cultural psy

General perpective
Disrobes a ritual
The assosiontion of primary cultural throught history

 Low context cultures vx high context

o They say whatever they want to say (low)
 Scandinavian culturs
o They say less (high) not straight forward
 the idea of asinking for water
 ex: Japan
 Malyaia : tea and banana

 loss cultures do not pay attention to context
 how you process information
 structural aspect of culture
o institutional, political
o collectivist part: emphasis the significance of people around us
 decisions influses by paying attention in people around you
o individual: focuses of the person alone
 might have a little of interaction with collectivist
 psychological aspect of culture
o ex: culture has an influce on our schemas
 ex: wedding ceremony : expected to have a good time and eat cake
 ex: death : ppl cry
 focusing on thoughts
cultural context it important
- universal perspective
o assumes you can understand cultures and have universal laws
o critics on the bsased on comupnests of specific cultures
- cultural perspective
o cultural is different than the up
o need to understand different cultural
- western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic
- 96% of psy participants are American
- 4% are the rest of the world
- Problem : cant have theses stats be the data we use for the rest of the world
Cultural psy has 2 parts
- Understanding the cultural specifically
o Each cultural is unique
o cpu
- Or having a universal explanation on cultures
o Everything is the same
 Concept of perception, love, memory
 Richard shuoter says no ( there’s a shift of paradigms)
- Need to make a distinction between race, culture, ethnicity
 Group of people expressed through symbols values and beliefs and passed down from
 Mot integrations have failed due to cultural misunderstanding

 Understanding how cultures unfolds its self is important to understand to communicate

o Important to understand symbols
 Colonial cultures
o The balance and imbalance of power
 How
 Watch alis weddings ( over the weekend)
 Night on earth (watch this as well)
 World view: determin how we behave, and view the world
 Unecological perspective
o The belief of faritailes
 The epistemological perspective
o Contructs meaning from facts and reality
 Cultural psychology cannot be studied without contex
Ethnic minority psychology
- Focus on oppressed group of people
Multicultural psychology
- Ex: Canada
- Cultural diversity and social cohesion
- Tolerance
- Respect
- Inclusion
- Sensity

International psychology

Michel vico: discord of power

- Discrimination happens when you deal with people as things

Turkey and Germany

Fricofobia: scared of the cold
Dhat: south east asia: scared of their ginitals from shrinking

Ethnograpgy: margrate need

Jan 19th
- Causal infreance
- A causes b
- Change in persiger leads to a change of behaviour
- There might be a correlation bu
- Positive
o The more you attend the calss the more your grades go up
- negative,
o the less sleep you get the more tired you will get
- no correlation
external valitaty
- generalization
- population
o the ability to generalist
- ecological
o if something happens in nicaragwa do you equate it to paris
Quantitative research
- numbers tell you if someyhing is causing something or if it has a correlation
- based on logical positivism
o school of thought based on
- want to have the same certainty
- focuses on prediction and control
- correlational research
o independent variable: can be modified by researcher
 can be always manipulated
 ex: giving chocolate to a class
o dependent variables : can not be manipulated
- longitudinal studies: follow them for a couple of years and find out what happens to
- sequential: you do both longitudinal and
- refutability
o when you nullify
o ex: fortune tellers
- replication
- objectivity
Qualitative research
- goal is to understand meaning
- number cant tell us what is going on
- numbers cant explain your sense of beauty
- focuses on meaning and understanding, exploration
- structured interviews
- unstructured interviews
o is a go and back with client
- need fewer participant
- need to find out what the participant need to
- feminist literature
o boys and firls have different means to the world around them
phenomenology: lived experiences
lose and tight cultures
- some cultures talk care of individuals with disabilities
western psychology : postitivitity
others : logical positivism : leading the research
- focuses on tge observes and ignoring thr participants
- construct biased
o contruct that is being studied across cultures is not identical
o using something that is not culturally the same in different cultures
o exploring the meaning of happiness
o happiness is not all the same
o ex: time differens cross-cultur
- method bias
o sample that have different charatrics that are not the same
 ex: psychology student from noth America vs students from other
 sample for engeneris vs the people of trades
o instrumental bias
 using instruments that one culture is used to another culture that’s not
typically used to it
 ex: go to a religious students and use multiple choses questions in
Canadian student
 resoonse style bias
o administration bias
 not giving people clear cut instruction
o item bias
 items that have different meaning cross cultural
o bias of the user
 give a test to different people and one perspective says no and one says
o Bias in the usage
 Test is used to inappropriately
- Equivalence of measures
o Linguistic equivalence
 Spirt is strong and the body is weak
 Translated to English and German
o German straslated to I like vodka
o Look for grammatical errors
- Language barriers
o Can lead to misinterpretation
One of the problem in psychology is replication
- Crises of meaning
- Some studies might not be replicated or
- Influence of society in people minds
- Ex: culture has an impact on the way you think
- Society has an impact on how you act and think
Premature cognitive
Not taking into account cultures
Critical mindless

Culture and intelligence

- Defended in different cultures
- Steps of abilities and
- Iq test are only
- 1947 columbia univiesetry
o Intelligence between social, emotional and ext
o Concepts of intelligence = behavioral model
o Gardener: project 0
 Multiple intelligence
 Different types of intelligence = relationships
 Interpersonal intelligence: u and u
o Why do smart people do smart things
 Suffer from uberu : arrogance
o Space intelligence
o Musical intelligence
o Spiritual
o Mathematical
 Racism = wetern culturs focused on intelligence in the forms of racism
 Wisdom is different than intelligence
 Ex: knowledge is experience
- Some cultures process
3 type of intelligence
- Anyalytic interligence
o Analys and brake down the iteams
- Creative
- Practical

Emotional intelligence : assertiveness

Helps you express your emotions
Alexithymia: unable to express your emotions
* Mind and brain are not the same
Jan 26th
- Culture has an impact on how we behave and act
- Japan is a long-time printed society they house on the future
- Individualism: don’t care about what people say : lose face
- Collectivism; what to do something for the sake of community:
o save face : keep reputation
- Concept of self and interleave depends on the culture
- Possessiveness and ownership are culturally defined
Male and female perspective
- Masculine countries
o Men decided what they should do
o Women don’t have real placement
- Feminist countries
o Women focused
- Psychoanalysis :
- Fallus manifestation of masculinity
- Idiocentric value: focusses individualistic value
- Allocentric value: values based on community and family
- Countercultural individuals : individual values that are mismatched with their
society’s perspective
Definition of self
- Real self
o Working at the grocery store
- Ideal self
o Working as a teacher
- Should , should not (odd self)
o What your parents what your family members want you to do
- Pseudo self: some one you are not
o Real you is silenced
- Identity achievement: you know who you are, and what you want to be
o Need to have coherence in you identity
 Lack of coherence becomes a problem
 Identity is tied with your needs that have not been met
- Horizontal : going to a career that goes against the family
- Parents that control and parents that do not
- Parents that give some guidance
Guilt vs shame
- Guilt is always about something you have done
- Shame : negative emotion that tells you that you are what you are
o Traumatized children that are abused by family members
 They have the why question
 Assume that they were the reason for the abuse
- Biopsychosocial spiritual behavioral model:
o Has an influence on a person
o Matter of your own self
Issues of face
- Achievement has a cultural impact
Focuses on agenda of a culture
- Japanese cultures think in the future
Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientation Model
- Being and becoming : have to be come soothing else in order to be oathing
- Don’t know who you are or what you want ot be
- Social relations :
- Subjugation : absolute orient categories
- Harmony with nature: conditional response
o ex: MIT and the harmer or knife option
- Conditional response is more manful ness
- Cultural deconstruction :
Feb 2,
- Maxim of relevance
o Communication that is irrelevant to a conversation
- Maxim of manner
o Communication that is clear, avoid ambiguity
o pay attention to standards of conversation that are nor
o always need to have understanding of your audience
- 1. Why do you want to achieve
- 2. What do I need to achieve it
- 3. How do I achieve it
- Perspective management: one of the key for what you want to achieve
- Locutionary: What you say
- Elocutionary: What you mean what you say
- Perlocutionary: what you say and the impact of what you say on ppl
- Maxim of relation with conversational partner: using previous relationship with
conversational partner so that one does not have to repeat them selves
- Maxi of rule violations: letting someone know when you are about to biolate one
extreme (perspective of the audience)
- Behavior makes sense from the role of the actor
- Proxemics
o Personal space in coversations
o Contact cultures: cultural that wants toughing and closer
- Kinesics: body movements in conversation
- Eye movement repositioning : changes stress full feeling to your mind
- South east asia : don’t like to make eye contact
- In therapeutic context : you translate direct eye contact as defiance
- Shemesh smiles: smiles that
- Ironic smiles: sarcastic
- Paralanguage: non verbal vocals cues in conversation, loudness of voice silences
amd rate of speech
- Accidental symbol: happen in an environment where an accident happens that is
unique to you and the people around you
- Intimate symbols: would be understood by you and someone close to you
o They understand what you are saying
- High context
o context has more meaning in the communication
- Low contezt
o Language dependent communication
o Word carry most of the meaning
o Context plays less
- Direct communication
- Indirect communication
- Nort amercan contex: you don’t care about w
- Keeping in thing results in a negative reactions
o Some feelings need to be expressed
- The Negative Aspects: social media has been criticized for its connections to
o shallow thinking: ex social media
o cyberbullying
o indifference to evidence in support of information gathered
- problem of hesitation forms makes you look like you are not confident enough
- qulifiers :
May 3
 for trivation in china is not because of fatness
o due to not liking the food or being overly eating
 so disorders might not be culture bound
o as ppl immigrate to other countries
 zar: ultrutsate of
o spirits that cause involuntraty movements
 skinning hear: physical sensation of the heart
o caused by
 exesive aniety
 depression
 worry
 cultures plays a role in phsychological disorders.
o All disoders can be cultural bound
 We have to reexam and asses the way we asses psychological
How to fix the problem
 Go beond the dsm-5
o Ethnography approach and emic approach
 Stitictial approach
 Familialise your self with the cultural backround
 Check your own biasis
 More reseach on cultural bound sydroms
Culturals sometimes unfolds its self
 Need to focuse on low context and high cotex
Universal aspects of symtomes
 Psychpothologies are heavely on culture
Cultureal relativisim


Nothing is culutr sta

Children behavior check list

 Fail to asses problematic behaviors in different cultures

Over pathologieszing:
 Hearing voices in different cultures
 Clinications might see this as a disorder
Under pathologizing
 When clinications uder diagnose a behavior
o Ex: flat experissions being attributed to their culture
Oakland experiment
 Did not trust the experimenter
 Did not know when they were getting their food again
 Cultural difference which could negative
Paper ideas
Mood disorder different cultures

What are the implications of cultural competencies in Psychotherapy?

Some of the implication of cultural competencies in psychotherapy is the over and

under pathologizing clients. For instance, individuals that come from cultures that hear
voices might be normal in specific cultures but clinicians that are not culturally awear
might contribute it to the disorder and discount the cultural view. Whereas under
pathologizing is when clinicantions under diagnose a behavior that should be
contributed to specific disorder unstead of contributing it to the culture instead. And
example of this would be clients that present flat experissions that might be due to
depression would be contributed their culture.

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