Purpose of Life Book

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With this virtues

Discipline for hardworking

Dont ever be decieved How to become an adult:

Thoughts for a smart life

Promptness for a fulfilled life

Seriousness with money.

Hardworking for success.

A job: true, diversified and fisible source of income

Saving for big project

A purpose (business, science and technology, lifestyle, love, innovation etc are purposes)

Socialization to learn more of life.

Personal life:

An independent spouse only when you become independent to avoid embarrassment.

What you need in life is not labour or just marriage

A conquering tool for success is hardworking because life is already hard

Book name is book of purpose

In this world, life is a business between you and your owner

Even if a woman tells you a lie, it is because of low self esteem

Most jobless women are using relationship as a trick to beg for survival

There should be few producers

The main difference between two people, rich and poor is intelligence

Spouses should always play

Love is not a money spinning venture

Main excuse for not giving money should be i no get

Chance is what placed everyone where they are today

You can get a wife from brothels or dating sites

You can put some extra service banner in front of your shop

Too much of children (eg. When you have more than one child) is a recipe for poverty

Marriage is not a money spinning venture for anyone

Never spend for any woman, excuse is I don't give money to someone that is not my wife to checkmate
dating fraud.

If you like sex too much then you go to a brothel

There is no relationship without romance

Have a monetary value of everything

Dont because of sex take in a full liability

Evolution chapter and feature

Women are always hustling so Marriage is better to dating because you get everything in marriage

Life is a business between your parents, you and the world

Automated works is a purpose

Purpose alone is not enough for a modern man

You make friends by continues greeting or pleasing someone

You are very lucky when you have achievements as a child

Love requires romance (love making)

Continued romance enhances love

A woman should be independent because you should have a savings and always affirm it

Givers never lack

Give and it shall be giving unto you

Romance and planed pregnancy are not taboos

Romance and controlled births are great things but there should be time for everything

Always Cuddle your crush and tell her you love her

Women are confused and not fully wise

No matter a woman dressing, she is doing it for herself, What you need in life is not woman

Condom is the best contraceptive

Women marry because they can't survive alone,, power and satisfaction

Women dress to make money, so they are nothing

Man is sincere

Never wish anyone bad, but change your ways

Don't be decieved god is never mocked, whatever you sow, you shall reap

Prostitution and double dating is ok

Either Sexuality or properties can rule

Women should start bribing rich men in kind or in cash for marriage because money rules the world and
they can't survive alone and if they don't want to live a poor single mother life

We learn everyday

Start oppressing the poor so that they would go and think about their life

Stop giving women money, then the only way for them to make free money is through providing love

Never give anything to any woman, excuse should always be, you should be working for yourself ok! or
are you my wife, and even if you are my wife, you should be making money ok?, then focus on your
purpose alone

Let every family have is at the back of their mind that there is no god

Always take back everything you give to any fucked up lover, it actually and always increases your self

Most people are marginalizers

Always tell any fucked up lover to start avoiding you, and you also should start avoiding them

The fact is that women are not that intelligent

Why are you not yet married answer is i want to marry someone that will assist me financially

Marriage must be mutual for economic sake, no one should beg for marriage v

Never imitate culture

Children dream, sex is nothing

Condom and Brothel is the best place for casual sex

You can do benefits relationships if you have the cash

Money is difficult to come by

Everyone has equal right

All A social woman or man can offer in a heterosexual relationship is marriage, butter of life, love and
socialization if they are rich v

Create standards for the society

Though everyone is not equal but everyone is in control of their fate v

You don't just tell a woman that you want to sleep with her, you should and must first take her out

You don't just impregnate a woman except both of you can train a child

Make money from socialization, it is called Yahoo Yahoo

A social woman is an object of erotism and love, life and socialization

A social man is an object of strength, care, life and socialization

Women are not strong, they need care through real friends or marriage with benefits

Trust no one

Socialization brings about social bond

In friends with benefits a woman or man exchange socialization for some care because the first is poor

In marriage with benefits a woman or man exchange full love for full care because the first is poor

In lovers with benefits a woman or man exchange love for some care because the first is poor

For a woman to love freely she must have a good job and be social

Every evil was invented by the hopeless

Excuse not to give a man money is you are a man, you can hustle for yourself, life is personal, i don't talk
too much,

Problem of women is the lack of intelligence

Every Woman truly needs a man for her to become a woman

Let me tell you, every achievements is a product of an hardwork so go and hustle for yourself

There is a time for everything

Every Lady are not always in power, because 20% of their role and 80% previlages making them
unintelligent, wrong mindsets then fools like children it's a far cry, creating the realisms, whereby ladies
are goddess of erotism while men are god of works, bringing about its prides respectively but mind you
work maketh wealth and wisdom while erotism maketh pleasure and foolishness and wealth is more
valuable than pleasure

Money is very difficult to come by.

Use your thinking to reshape the world, no one directs our fate (msq)

Every evidence proves that Religion over exaggerated, God never existed (msq)

Solomon wealth was over exaggerated, mansa musa is truly the richest man ever according to evidence

Love should be any mutual and realtime

Women thinks more about sex, less stronger than men, do more sexual things, enjoys sex the more

You can keep any amount of any mutual relationship

Discursion enhances any relationship

A woman can get empowered through marriage

Who work, he chop

Every relationship must be a contract, fully mutual, of full loyalty and for the fittest (m)

You can familiar toast anyone you have being playing with by just calling them what you want them to
be to you

When you touch a woman and she ask you why, you can simply say you like her or you are just playing
with her or you are greeting her

Never give money to any girl that you are not dating
All about dating.

Hugging very well at contact

man taking care of the woman

Discussion especially while sitted

Man buying things for the woman

Holding hands while talking

Romantic dancing

Calling each other

Going for dinner, beach, parks etc

Man always dashing woman money

Promises to marry

Hugging and Kissing while trying to leave one another

Visiting one another

Using the phrase "I love you " always

Romantic sittings

book main

Front cover..

Book of purpose
By alex osunbor


How to become successful

All kind of job

Some technologies

A good love life

Source of everything we see

Favorite quote

Finally my brethen, Don't be deceived, while starting from somewhere in life, what you ever need is not
just pleasure (for the body should surely go to grave) but real power through discipline, hardwork and
promptness for a fulfilled life, not wait for people but to be in charge of your life for achievements, not
labour but thinking and intelligence as you work for a smarter life, not only hustle but extra time
purpose for a great life, not culture or only purpose but real hustle (from diversified source of real
income after a complete research) for your enjoyment, not wastage but savings for your future, not
dependent but independent for self review, not fear but plan (there should be a time for everything) for
a focused life, not just dreaming but looking good for respect, not love when you cross 30 (because love
is nothing) but an independent, ready, decent, matured and sure social lifestyle for power, not introvert
but friendly for tomorrow sake. Then the sky would be your limit. Alex Osunbor.

Page i..


I thank my goodness for the intelligence that I got and gathered to write this book, and I am so happy
that this project which I started one day has finally came to an end, I am so happy. Then I thank you for
supporting me by buying this book. And also the reader may you be blessed and find purpose for your
life as you read this book. Amen.


Purpose and Overview of this book

The book of purpose was also written to correct the errors planted in Africa by its foolish colonial

This book contains the solution to so many problems that would have required alot of thinking to solve


Explanation of my favorite quote


How to become rich and successful

Reduce your birthrates


Your love life


All kind of occupation


Some technologies


Global Civilization

Origin of everything


Belief systems

Life is personal



Solution to all African problem

African problem is caused mainly by illiteracy, religion and women

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