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English 2 nd Paper

Topic: Voice
Instructor: Shampod Bhowmick
Shampod Bhowmick
English Instructor of
ACS & Crowning English with Shampod
General Conception of Voice Change in Assertive Sentence


❑Active: subject + auxiliary verb + (not) + verb + object

❑Passive: subject + auxiliary verb (not) + Verb এর pp + {by/with/to/at + object}

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Active voice-কে Passive Voice-এ রূপান্তর েরার Universal নিয়ম :

সেল প্রোর Tense যুক্ত Active Voice-কে Passive Voice-এ রূপান্তররর নিয়ম :

❑(i)Object নি Subject হয় ।

❑(ii) Tense ও Person অিুযায়ী auxiliary verb (be verb) বরস।

❑(iii) মূল Verb এর Past Participle form বরস ।

❑(iv) Relevant “Preposition”( By/ With/For)বরস ।

❑(v) Subject নির Objective form বরস।

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick


❑মরি রাখরব, সেল প্রোর Tense যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice েররে হরল এেই নিয়ম
অিুসরণ েররে হয় , শুধু auxiliary verb ; tense অিুযায়ী নিন্ন নিন্ন হয়। নিরে auxiliary verb
বযবহাররর নিয়ম উরেখ েরা হরলা-

1.Present Indefinite: 1.Present Indefinite :

Active: verb in simple form Active: I eat rice.
Passive: am/is/are + V3(P.P.) Passive: Rice is eaten by me.
2. Present Continuous: 2. Present Continuous :
Active: am/is/are + [V+ ing] Active: I am eating rice.
Passive: am/is/are+ being +V3 (P.P.) Passive: Rice is being eaten by me.
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

❑মরি রাখরব, সেল প্রোর Tense যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice েররে হরল এেই নিয়ম
অিুসরণ েররে হয় , শুধু auxiliary verb ; tense অিুযায়ী নিন্ন নিন্ন হয়। নিরে auxiliary verb
বযবহাররর নিয়ম উরেখ েরা হরলা-

3. Present Perfect: 3. Present Perfect:

Active: have/has + V³ (P.P.) Active: I have eaten rice.
Passive: have /has +been + V³ (P.P.) Passive: Rice has been eaten by me.
4. Past Indefinite: 4. Past Indefinite :
Active :verb in past form. Active: I ate rice.
Passive: was / were + V³ (P.P.) Passive: Rice was eaten by me.
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

❑মরি রাখরব, সেল প্রোর Tense যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice েররে হরল এেই নিয়ম
অিুসরণ েররে হয় , শুধু auxiliary verb ; tense অিুযায়ী নিন্ন নিন্ন হয়। নিরে auxiliary verb
বযবহাররর নিয়ম উরেখ েরা হরলা-

5. Past Continuous : 5.Past Continuous:

Active: was / were + ing. Active: I was eating rice
Passive: was/were + being +V3 (P.P.) Passive: Rice was being eaten by me.
6. Past Perfect: 6. Past Perfect:
Active: had + V3 (P.P.) Active I had eaten rice.
Passive: had + been + V3 (P.P.) Passive: Rice had been eaten by me.
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
❑মরি রাখরব, সেল প্রোর Tense যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice েররে হরল এেই নিয়ম
অিুসরণ েররে হয় , শুধু auxiliary verb ; tense অিুযায়ী নিন্ন নিন্ন হয়। নিরে auxiliary verb
বযবহাররর নিয়ম উরেখ েরা হরলা-

7. Future Indefinite: 7. Future Indefinite :

Active: Shall/will + verb in simple form Active : I shall eat rice.
form. Passive: Shall / will +be+ V (P.P.) Passive: Rice will be eaten by me.
8. Future Continuous: 8. Future Continuous :
Active: Shall / will + be + ing. Active: I shall be eating rice.
Passive: Shall/will + be+ being +V³ Passive: Rice will be being eaten by
(P.P.) me.
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

❑মরি রাখরব, সেল প্রোর Tense যুক্ত Active Voice কে Passive Voice েররে হরল এেই নিয়ম
অিুসরণ েররে হয় , শুধু auxiliary verb ; tense অিুযায়ী নিন্ন নিন্ন হয়। নিরে auxiliary verb
বযবহাররর নিয়ম উরেখ েরা হরলা-

9. Future Perfect: 9. Future Perfect :

Active: Shall / will +have+ V³ (P.P.) Active I shall have eaten rice.
Passive: Shall/will +have+been +V³ Passive: Rice will have been eaten by
(P.P.) me.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Previous Years Questions:

❑The correct passive form of "We don't like idle people." is-
[D Unit ,DU 2008-09]

A. We are not liked by idle people.

B. Idle people are not liked us.
C. Idle people are not of our liking.
D. Idle people are not liked by us.
Ans. D

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Previous Years’ Questions:

❑The passive form of the sentence, "Some children were helping the wounded
[20th BCS]
A. The wounded man was helped by some children.
B. The wounded man was helping some children.
C. The wounded man was being helped by some children.
D. The wounded man was to be helped by some children.
Ans. C

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Passive voice - এ verb এর পরর এবং object এর আরে নিেনলনখে preposition সমূহ বরস-
i. by- যনি object নি doer/agent (বযনক্ত) হয়;
ii. with-যনি object নি tool (বস্তু/ উপািাি) হয়;
Verb এর Past Participle Form নি যনি covered, crowded, disgusted, lined,
overgrown, satisfied , thronged ইেযানি হয় েরব এরির সারথ Preposition নহরসরব “with”
iii. To - Verb এর Past Participle form যনি known হয়
iv. at- Verb এর Past participle form যনি astonished, annoyed, agitated, amazed,
alarmed, disappointed, displeased, rejoiced, surprised,vexed ইেযানি হয়
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Passive voice - এ verb এর পরর এবং object এর আরে নিেনলনখে preposition সমূহ বরস-
v. In- Verb এর Past participle form যনি embodied, contained, grounded, interested
ইেযানি হয়, েরব এরির পরর in বরস।

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Active voice এর subject নি passive voice এর object নহরসরব বরস।
❑এরেরে passive voice-এর subject নহসারব বযবহৃে subjective case নি passive voice এ
objective case এ পনরবনেিে হয়।
he → him
I →→ me
they → them
you → you
noun (Karim) → noun (Karim)
she → her, we → us
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑ যনি Active Voice এ double object থারে, যারির এেনি বযনক্তবাচে (Indirect) এবং অপরনি
বস্তুবাচে (direct) object, েরব কযরোি object নিরয় passive েঠি েরা যায়।
❑েরব direct object নিরয় Passive েররল Verb এর Past Participle Form ও indirect object
এর মারে সাধারণে অনেনরক্ত to বরস।
❑ Double object গ্রহণোরী verb সমূহ হরলা ask, bring, buy, cause, cook, choose,
deny, do, envy, find, get, give, hand, leave, tend, order, awe, pass, pay, read,
reach, save, sell, strike, send, spare, show, tell, throw, write, wish etc

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑ কযমি:
1. I gave him a book.
= He was given a book by me.
= A book was given to him by me.
2. He offered me a flower.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑েেগুরলা verb (call, elect, make, nominate, name, select etc ) যুক্ত Active Voice
কে Passive েরার উপায় -

1. The people selected him Chairman.

= He was elected Chairman by the people.
2. The players selected me captain.
3. They regarded me as a doctor.
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ

❑যনি active voice এ কোরিা verb োর object নহরসরব reflexive pronoun (himself, myself,
themselves etc.) গ্রহণ েরর, েরব এই Reflexive Pronoun নি েখিও passive এর subject
হয় িা। এরেরে passive voice েরার জিয নিেনলনখে structure বযবহৃে হয়়ঃ

Active: Subject + verb + reflexive pronoun+......

Passive: Subject + auxiliary verb + Vpp + by + reflexive pronoun+.........

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ

কযমি :
1. He killed himself.
= He was killed by himself.
2. She fans herself.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑েেগুরলা verb (make, help, cause, see, hear etc.) আরে যারা োরির পরবেিী বযনক্তবাচে
(indirect) object এর পরর bare infinitive (to বারি verb এর base form) গ্রহণ েরর। এরেরে
নিেনলনখে Structure-এ passive voice েররে হরব।

Active: Subject + verb (make, help, etc.) + indirect object + bare infinitive +……

Passive: Subject + auxiliary + Vpp + to + verb + ......

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
1.The boy helped me cross the road.
= I was helped to cross the road by the boy.
2.I made the barber cut my hair.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑ েেগুরলা verb আরে (sell, sound, taste, smell, read, appear etc.) যারা োরির পরর
সাধারণে adjective গ্রহণ েরর active voice রূরপ passive অথি প্রোশ েরর (e.g. Honey
tastes sweet ‘মধু কখরে নমনি → বােযনি অরথি active িয়, োরণ | subject 'honey' সরাসনর verb
সম্পািি েরর িা)। এ সেল active voice এর কেরে নিেনলনখে Structure -এ Passive েররে হরব।

Active: Subject + verb (sell, appear etc.) + adjective+.........

Passive: Subject + auxiliary + Vpp + adjective+.........

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑ কযমি :
1. Honey tastes sweet.
= Honey is tasted sweet.
2. Rice sells cheap.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑যনি active voice নি subject + be verb + Verb+ ing রুরপ থারে েরব passive অথি প্রোশ
েরর (e.g. The book is printing বই োপা হরে এখারি 'book' subject নি সরাসনর verb সম্পািি
েরর িা বরল passive অথি প্রোশ পারে)
েরব নিেনলনখে structure অিুযায়ী passive voice েনঠে হয়।

Active: Subject + is/are/was/were/shall be/will be + Verb+ing+......

Passive: Subject + is/are/was/were/shall be/will be being + Verb এর Past
Participle form +.......

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑কযমি :
1. The book is printing.
= The book is being printed.
2. The cow is milking.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Assertive Sentence-এর অিযািয নবষয়সমূহ
❑েেেগুনল verb এর শুধুমাে active form আরে, কোি passive form কিই। এ সেল verb নিরয়
েখিও voice েরা যায় িা। verb গুরলা হরলা have, happen, seem, appear, agree,
belong, die.

❑He has a big house (But not- A big house is had by him.)

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Interrogative Sentence-এর voice েরার নিয়মসমূহ

❑Active voice এ (Interrogative pronoun)+ auxiliary/modal + subject +verb +
object থােরল passive-এ নিেনলনখে Structure অিুসরণ েররে হরব—

Active: (Interrogative pronoun) + auxiliary/modal + subject + verb + object

Passive: (Interrogative pronoun) + auxiliary/modal + subject + (auxiliary/modal
এর ২য় অংশ-যনি থারে) + Verb এর past participle form + preposition (by/with) +
object +?
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Interrogative Sentence-এর voice েরার নিয়মসমূহ

1.How can you help me?
= How can I be helped by you?

2. Did you take the book?

= Was the book taken by you?

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Interrogative Sentence-এর voice েরার নিয়মসমূহ
Case : 2 ( Who নিরয় শুরু হওয়া বােয)
❑Interrogative Sentence যনি who নিরয় শুরু হয় , োহরল Passive Voice েরার সময় By
whom নিরয় শুরু হরব। কসরেরে structure নি হরব-
❑By whom + auxiliary verb + subject + be + verb এর Past Participle + object + ?
Active : Who will do the work ?
Passive : By whom will the work be done?
Active : Who will help you?
Passive : By whom will you be helped?
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Interrogative Sentence-এর voice েরার নিয়মসমূহ
Case : 3 ( Whom নিরয় শুরু হওয়া বােয)
❑Interrogative Sentence যনি whom নিরয় শুরু হয় , োহরল Active কথরে Passive েরার উপায়-
Who + be + Verb এর Past Participle + Object ?

Active : Whom do you want ?

Passive : Who is wanted by you ?
Active : Whom does he love ?
Passive : Who is loved by him ?

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Imperative Sentence
imperative sentence কে এেনি মাে structure /pattern এ passive েরা যায়।
নবরশষ সুনবধা হরলা imperative এর object িা থােরলও passive েরা যায়।
Pattern নি নিেরুপ়ঃ
❑asked / told ⇒ Active নি আরিশ/ অিুররাধ স্পি েরর িা কবাোরল
❑requested/begged/implored ⇒ Active Voice নি অিুররাধ কবাোরল
❑ordered ⇒ Active Voice নি সাধারণ আরিশ কবাোরল
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Imperative Sentence
❑commanded ⇒ Active Voice নি িরলর প্রনে আরিশ কবাোরল
❑advised ⇒ Active Voice নি উপরিশ কবাোরল
❑forbidden ⇒ Active Voice নি নিরষধ কবাোরল
to + active এর verb + বােী অংশ

❑NB: Imperative sentence এর active form এ never, please, kindly থােরল ো passive
হরে বাি যায়)

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Imperative Sentence
Check Exam Questions:
1.Shut the door (আরিশ).
⇒ You are ordered to shut the door.

2. Please post the letter (অিুররাধ).

⇒ You are requested the post the letter.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Imperative Sentence
❑কযমি :
1.Help the poor.
⇒ Let the poor be helped.
2. Let me take the pen.
⇒ Let the pen be taken by me.
3.Never eat more than one thing.
⇒ Let not more than one thing be ever eaten.

❑[* never নিরয় active voice শুরু হরল passive এর শুরুরে let not বরস।
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Imperative Sentence
Case : 3
❑Do not নিরয় শুরু Imperative Sentence এর Active Voice কে Passive Voice েরার নিয়ম়ঃ
❑Let not + Active Voice এর Object নি এখারি Subject রুরপ বরস + be + মূল Verb এর Past
Active : Do not play cricket at noon.
Passive : Let not cricket be played at noon.
Active : Do not shut the door.
Passive : Let not the door be shut.
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Imperative Sentence

Case : 4 ( Never যুক্ত Imperative Sentence )

❑প্রথরম Let never + active voice এর Object নি বসরব + মূল verb এর Past participle +
Active : Never tell a lie.

Passive : Let never a lie be told.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Quasi passive voice
❑কোরিা কোরিা Verb , Active Voice এ বযবহৃে হরয়ও অরিেিা Passive অথি প্রোশ েরর । ঐ সেল
Verb কে Quasi – Passive Verb বরল। ( Quasi = Half) । এই ধররির নেেু Verb হরলা – Taste,
Feel , Read , Smell ইেযানি ।

❑এরূপ বােযরে passive voice এ রূপান্তর েরার জিয িুইনি েঠি (structure) আরে। েঠি িুনি নিরচ
কিওয়া হরলা:

❑ Structure 1: Subject + be verb+ adjective+ when + it is /it was + v3

❑ Structure 2: Subject + be verb+ v3 + other part

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Quasi passive voice
Active : Silk clothes feel soft.
Passive: Silk clothes are felt soft.
Or, Silk clothes are soft when they are felt.

Active: Fried chicken tastes awesome.

Passive: Fried chicken is tasted awesome.
Or, Fried chicken is awesome when it is tasted.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Complex Sentence

❑Complex Sentence এর Voice পনরবেিি Principal ও Sub ordinate উিয় প্রোর Clause
এরই পনরবেিি েররে হয়। এরূপ কেরে েখরিা Introductory it বযবহার েরা যায়। কযমি়ঃ

Active : I know that he did the work.

Passive : It is known to me that the work has been done by him.

Active : He told me that he would buy the book.

Passive : I was told by him that the book would be bought by him.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Compound Sentence
❑ Compound Sentence এর Active Voice এর কেরে বযবহৃে সব েয়নি Verb এর Past
Participle Form , Passive Voice এ বযবহৃে হয় এবং Voice Change এর অিযািয নিয়ম
অিুসরণ েরা হয়। কযমি়ঃ

Active : They draft applications and type them.

Passive : Applications are drafted and typed by them.
Active : They write books , print them and sell them.
Passive : Books are written ,printed and sold by them.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick


❑Active Voice এর Subject যনি People , One , Someone , Somebody ইেযানি সাধারণ বা
অনিনিিি বযানক্ত হয় োহরল Passive েরার সময় োরিররে by সহ িা কলখরলও হয়। কযমি়ঃ

Active : People always remember the patriots.

Passive : The patriots are always remembered.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Passive Voice of Modals

েঠিরীনে :

𝟎𝟏. Object হরয় যারব Subject।

𝟎𝟐. এরপর বারেয বযবহৃে can/may/would/ should/must/might বসরব।

𝟎𝟑. 'be' verb- বসরব।

𝟎𝟒. এরপর মূল Verb-র Past Participle বসারে হরব।

𝟎𝟓. 'by' Preposition- এর পর নলখরে হরব বারেযর আসল Subject এর object form নি।

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Active: Australia may win the Cricket World Cup 2019. (অরেনলয়া ২০১৯-এ নিরেি নবশ্বোপ
নজেরে পারর)।
Passive: The Cricket World Cup 2019 may be won by Australia. (অরেনলয়া দ্বারা ২০১৯-
এর নিরেি নবশ্বোপ কজো হরে পারর)।
Active: You may help your brother. (েুনম কোমার িাইরে সাহাযয েররে পার)।
Passive: Your brother may be helped by you. (কোমার দ্বারা কোমার িাই এর সাহাযয হরে
Active: He should respect his father. (োর বাবারে োর শ্রদ্ধা েরা উনচে)।
Passive: His father should be respected by him. (োর দ্বারা োর বাবার শ্রদ্ধা পাওয়া উনচে)।
English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick
Check Exam Questions
1.The teacher will teach us English ( Passive ) –
HCC : 2015
Ans : We will be taught English by the teacher.

2.He has a gut feeling that he may keep something hide from you . ( Voice
Change ) –
HCC : 2021
Ans : It is his gut feeling that something may be kept hidden from you.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Check Exam Questions

❑3. I thought that the tiger would kill me . ( change it to passive ) –

HCC : 2022
❑Ans : It was thought that I would be killed by the tiger.

❑4. The moon looks beautiful ( Passive ) -

HCC : 2022
❑Ans : The moon is beautiful when it is looked at

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Check Exam Questions

❑5. He reads two hours ( Passive ) –

HCC : 2022
❑Ans : Two hours are taken in reading by him

❑6. Never touch the wire of electricity . ( Voice Change ) –

NDC : 2013
❑Ans : You are requested / warned not to touch the wire of electricity

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Check Exam Questions

❑7 . Never use the pen of China . ( Passive ) –

NDC : 2015
❑Ans : You are requested not to use the pen of China.

❑8. I saw him go to school. ( change the voice ) –

NDC : 2022
❑Ans: He was seen going to school by me.

English 2nd Paper Shampod Bhowmick

Thank You Everyone

College Admission Free Course 2024 Shampod Bhowmick

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