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broken brdiges towards dreams. Love literally smoulders under his narrative, albeit in a completely modern idiom.

friends non friends, teen age school life dreams, fun results worries jealousy gfs se tempt facebook/twitter fights lights dreams again frnds brokeup girl frnd family dream wreck profession swapped country thoughts changes beleives heartache frndsache lies accidents of life building castles slowed down atlast stuck stopped i on my way you on yr way no more frnds no more country no love just life, me and no country live went abroad forever ------------------Bakhtiar *UK" Idrees"Idomatic" ........................................................................................................................................................... .................................. Life without dreams was so exciting and it was something more than relaxing, no tension, no worries not a single pure concentrated attention is to b given on any particual subject, live, enjoy and fantism, never really have dwelled my self on issues what would b life @ 30s 40s or 50s in pre-teen age time. Pre-teen life was already in school and would soon b end up before the pre-teen to b turned into post teeen life. not an astonish sudden but life of every student's dream are based on teachers, parents, relatives and frnds related views, my matter was also remotely related, Most of the students dont

know we are student but not by essence, but we do dapper ourseleves in 2 same color of trouser and shirt known as' uniform, with the labeled entitled "IQRA" woo, every, time we study, but every time we dont learn, back to dreams, there were to 2major profession or you can hardly can dream or think 3. Dr(now the life taker), Eng(dont know, have we got), Teacher(you can b good money machine if you are teacher) that what was thought by me, who am i "A slow learner student, with a lots of question in mind, but never asked, dont know why, might b i was afraid of mocks, ah i also low memory, ahh not a Gajini one, freak about the computer, love to design clothes, everytime i liked the girl, she was taken by else, but never regret because i have enjoyed that moments and smirks and so m i little moody one. My name is mujtaba. School grade 10, Asad, hello, hows you, ready for preliminary results ? I, smirked, yeah as always, Asad, okay best to you for another diminshing position, I,Dooh, you jealous na, you cant see your self fail, Laughs by Asad, yeh yeh tradition followed, report came up, result wasnt an astonishing one, slippers, slaps and some taunts were the only precious assets owned by me. It was break time after chemistry, and reaction was unable take place, probably i want to make my own chemical, what am i i doing,that was my thought while teacher discussiong periodic table meanwhile another thing came up when sir said Fe iron sign that am i destined for this Fs in my report card, but as every student's reaction after report card was same like mine,in inception lots of aggression after that all dumped in blood's cycle. Asad came up happily, obviously he should be, we both went have had a lunch, that was lunch which was hard to swallow, because brain been tiggering and heart was in complicted situation, not because of girl, but because of feelings why, probably i m not good student, probably i want something else in my life, probably i need a vegence from my brain 1 on 1 but what is that "Probable". Asad, Shooked me, saying me, wassup, i just ignored all my feelings which were coming naturally by, my tension tried to behaved as a normal, but that ignorance towards asad, wasnt that ignoring, a light shiver came up and turned my gesture and posture little disturbed.Gladly, Bell rang, we assembled, i was in the mid of line, a pre-occupied mind with pre-occupied body with dust of thinkings, i was pinched by my friend arshad, to leave back for class, Final exams were on door which kept hammering and race of Grades was like nail in the head, and same thing was the big gun in every class. Classes has always been boring, while we are taught by teacher we keep playing the tick cross and pinching each other, while doing all such acts, one know that if one is caught, there wont b the discloure of a person who did such act, that what happened in later in few days, it was a diary period, where we all have to reminder our self in writing , that we gotta do our work,! imagine, for our work we need a reminder ;) Our class teacher was little strict, most of students dont like her because of her strict attitude, other than she was the best teacher of urdu, who can teach ghalib urdu ;) @ the elevent hour, Siren of the school brigade was about to on, ah, we start colliding our shoes with the floor, @ inception, it was a trailer by sample of student, after 2 3shots, all of us start colliding, as teacher bows her head for checking up the diary, obviously such act was intolerable but was fun, the more the teacher shouts and warn, the more the students did that, luckily ,we ended up, with the peace, before that fun can come up with a catastrophe, there wasnt exaggregration and we went and reach to van,

Najam, the guy, who was an exception, because of his litttle feminism and of his education intelligence was the only spy in our class, like MOSAAD ;) he said, i will tell you, that yu all did such act, me, asad, claped and gave some arrogant smiles to him and replied him sarcastly, "O really, you wanna, ok do so "MOSAAD", who cares Najam went, I went too, home on my 12lac vehicle, an expensive one called w11. Asad, drove on his bike. School went silent. my life's afternoon pace went little silent too, reaching to home, is always good, but this time, that wasnt, thought i was sure that i wont b facing new drama except some ignorance, because slippers, scoling are old torturing way for me, i took my report out, handed it over, and as always reaction was expected one, it was sign on the spot, because, i was abit diffcult to change, family already tried enough to change me, now all we and me was waiting for turning point with prayers. Some time, my type of student life is different from failures and graders, we need more than attentation, we dont need a sympathy, we need a helf and little effort to get on our way, they unable to understand and we are unable to make them understand, and that understanding on different time was a issue and we are only one who have counsel ourself, by means of insipiration or by means tearss. I than climbed the stairs, opened the door, changed my uni-Form and dressed casually turned my PC, ah my PC, the modest, coolest, friend or a girl friend and most best thing about it is that, no fear of being dumped and ditched ;) My pc was another my satisfaction point, all i rest in silence and peace when windows startup's sound came up. That decade was the decade of technology advancement, most of books,newspaper, games films were partially swapped by the facebook, so mine was only book was facebook. updating tagging and commenting was the done as it is only duty conferred upon me by myself which i love to do with punctuality. Todays status on fb was "ah another Fs in my basket" before i clicked "POST" i customized it and made it visible to me "only' because i dont want to show it others, just the reason was i want to vent my feelings out, because crying infront of someone else is like pledging my soul on credit, which is quite offensive for me . Sun was about to rest in west i was about to get messages from friends, ah my friends , fun enjoyement all best fun adjecitve can b used for them describe, Mobile vibrated, screen blinked, with the name of Bakhtiar, soon after replying i went to meet him, as like firned, we shook hands and asked about him and his day, it was long day, "he said" How come long, was that 25hour day, I replied, O'come on, wish, if time can b manupilated , He said, Okay doky, So what happened, i asked, as his face expression were like shirt's irregular crease. before listening to his sad story for which i have guessed from his face,that there would be another cat fight going on in his house between mother father and daughter in law, i asked him about his result and where were you when reports cards were distributing. Dont you know what is my result, He said. Well, my pardon, i dont know, because i ask SABEE, to bring my report card. Ok, he said. So, what you ranked in class ? I asked to him. This time i in your category, He said. Laugh, Come on, my category is not that sub-standard Grin comes up on our both face.

He than told, he got failed in Physics, I think, that is not the problem at (atleast for me a light figment cames of mine and said to me that) , i said to him. Yeah indeed, but problem is not that i m failed, issue is that my Dad is sending me to UK for some important thing as he know my paper are near and if i miss any of it, i will b hung by clock."said to me" For how many days you going, I asked to him Probably 4days, He Said. I said, o comeone, let it b like that, Just go and enjoy the looks of fair skins and body. Idea is not that bad, He said. I m not bad, how can an idea b bad from my mind, I said to him. But papers are 25days far, not sure, i m not sure, will it like as per schedule or beyond, he said to me. well well , take a chill's pill and drink water of sigh and enjoy. I said to him. Is that your dialouge, no, i copied, i said, O! i was sure, it cant b yours you have for sure copied. "laughs" So, you tell, how come you failed in physics, thought you are an eisntien sort of, how come such sort of incident accident happened, In simple A "star plus going on @ my home" He said, That was most concise reply i can get from him, since i know him regarding his problem.. Cut the crap, so you tell, what's new in life or what's life's new ? "He asked me" Same thing just 1 addition today 'i got another F embeded report card" . I replied. How come you dont make your self, dont yout study, 'He asked, I am just wondering, about that problem, and trying to resolve it, soon or later i will get the answer but now answer is not important, now board's paper clearance is important, till than i have to choas my bewildered thinking" I replid to him. We yapped enough that day and have had tea without paying bill, obviously we didnt run after having tea, we just a found junior of our school, who was having tea, so we sat and he offered us tea,i without interupption said yes, he without hesitation called up for tea. After all sort of here's and there's yap, we shooked hands and hugged and Came back to home, sun was setting down and mooons time have arrived to serve its self as generous candle to all over the people keeping those people aside, who not wanted lights upon life. Went directly to room, without putting on the lights, opened the PC, and updated my another Customized status on FB "Ahh a relaxing but....... atlast day passed " That dots in between the sentence were undefineable and got no words to explain my feeling. Shutted down the Pc, opened the light Started studying, because if i dont, i wont b able to refrain my self from unwelcome taunts(ah the who cares about taunts fears) but some time it does though, affect indirectly.

2days later, @ twilight.

At early morning, @ 5, i got call from bakhtiar, Heyloo, Confused MJ, how are you, He said let me think @ 5 'Oclock, there is 99% chance than 1 would b sleepy, I replied in sleepy voice. Whats yr thought about my 99% theory, I asked again, hmm, there is 1% chance yet present of some other possiblities .he replied, laughly. Btw, how are you and how come, @ this time you rang me, I asked. I m goody good, as alwaz, he replied, Your studies, He asked, Is that question compulsory to answer, I replied, i think *pause* "YES" :D "he said" If you think than what is your thinking, that would i b studying or not ? i asked,

well well well well, I think you would b studying because you love to black mail your self. rude hunh " i said . What is the reason behind all that, he asked i have forgot all reasons, which were reasonlbly responsilbe for this un-reasonable situation. I said Quite un-reasonable asnswer, He replied. laughs from both side. So, how about UK hotties , have you lost your V or yet saved ? i asked. Rofl, Idiot, well to b very honest, i felt like loosing it, but i controlled "he replied. looser, you dont want or someone baby sitting you, I said. O come on, Did you dream something mmm or is that mind freaking out due to over-studying and spouting out that gibberesh and making my pure and divine mind a "Green minded" "he asked. hahahaha .My bows to your divine mind, Yeah all chemical reaction in my mind since childhood, just waiting when it wil blow up me or my life..i said. When ever you got such mood of blowing up, do let me know I said Why, I asked I will Pre-inform other for such breaking news" he said idiots . I said. Laugh* How about exam commencement, he asked after 10days, i replied O gud, i will b back sooner before that . He said. Dont forget to bring gori for, i said. Need gora, HE said. Na, very much thank you, we got Mr cum Miss najam so no need of gora . I replied. Emphatically Agree with you . Your majesty I said. Ok man, can i sleep before sun's rays peeps in from my the hole of curtain.I said. Okay , see you than in Pakistan,he replied. Tc,babye. mwah . I said . Woke up, @ 12noon, had breakfast and lunch together and than back to studies, somehow i managed to study with perseverence, 1 thing i know about my self that, i dont study until sword of damocles on me . Exam Ended and result came up.. The School's result was 100% and most of mates were embraced in between,with, 70 to 90%, and i was amid and secured 77%, dont know how come i got that but bottom line was that i got that Agrade. When we were called up for distribution of Marksheets, A friend next standingto me whispered in light voice said "we are shown to the all students of school as we are the people who will b soon placed on the wall of HALL OF FAME, regardless of that fact, what is the secret behind that 2digit %." While the marksheet were distributing, principal, vice principal was embracing us lots and saying blah blah blah ..why blah blah, because I think, we are not taught, we are just machine of "ratta bazi" Most of school's result is mixture of A and A+ grades, but the question arises, why not scientist, doctors engineers, software-makers are not being built, if they are original Grade deserver, or is that something else or is that something due to our beautiful course which is outdated-ly outdated

or best word i can use for that (OLD DINASOURSE), what so ever is that, it must b revealed by someone and who is that someone, we are yet in waiting area and waiting for it . Idrees, aka IDOomatic. why is called idomatic, because he loves idioms, or might b he freak about idiom . after so called function we meet @ hotel for a dinner . everybody was there, who has to b their. Idoo, Bakhtiar. Mujtaba(me) Asad. Idoo was the first and puntual in every aspect even in intimation, so he came to restaurant and reserved the seats because he was directly coming from somewhere from a date ;) SO he shook hands with all of us, after all such hello hi, he @ instant said, hey Bakhtiar, hows your feeling, you must b on cloud 9, and proved infront of us "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely and in that Absolute is you . Asad, Can you please say it again ? your wish my command .Idoo. Asad. not an order, just request. Idoo. okay your honour. "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt and corrupt absolutely who want to corrupt by any means. Asad: My friend idrees, you sure, you were slap with hand when you born, or you were slapt by idioms books . my honour, there is something grey in his blood "laughs" Much obliged . Idoo. He bribed . Asad, Mujtaba, . so ? they said. we all know, about this act and , Idoo. so why i wasnt told about that . ? Asad, because you are nuts+peanuts, thats why . Idoo. okay you wall-nuts. Idoo. so what actually happened ? are we obliged to tell you, Asad, Idoo, you doing well, you seems to b little little interested in idioms. Asad. all credit goes to Pause* to me. why you, thats not goood. "idoo Because i have much more aduacity to hear your idiom and poor my mind, it got good memory and it stores in that and comes up when your cutey face is in front of me , and everything is fair in

love and war, it mean due to love you start all that.Idoo ASad. Love, for you ? IDoo, yeah. come on give your self break, a hell break. Asad. Idoo. than, Asad. love with my brain, because i want my brain to b more alive . Idoo. You suck. here "you" is you ;) Can we come back to story, if you people are done with your low grade fight ? Idoo. it is not fight it is actually... . ... Mujtaba, held a knife, and pointed towards him and said . i will stab in yr ass, if another idiom from your side .. Idoo . okay . poor you ASad. here is "you" is you. Mujtaba, actually it was some days to go for exam, everything was done, i was about to sea off by my relatives, but while all doing that, the burning issue was fog. Many of planes were grounded due to . IDoo, smiled. Mujtaba" you ....laugh* some of the flighs were scheduled, the way people expected, but some of flights were postponed and canclled. 10days to go exam and only thing, was in my mind was paper and paper, but the situation was like life @ stake, becasue air line cant risk out the lifes of people. I thought that everything and fog will all b clear in a day or 2 and i can cope up with all that . but things were destined to b different or more than different, all of the flights were down and canceled due to heavey fog not alternative route. but there was one atlernative route and that was risky, because via other country i can reach to my desired destination, so i choose dubai and than via dubai to islamabad for karach no fligh was avaible. i gave my last bye to uk relatives and safely landed to dubai but when reached to dubai, the matter was something else, all flights to asia were postponed because 1plane just landed from asian site and it was about to crashed due to eagle in the engine , but luckly it happened on the runway and landed safely. Idoo. full of suspense. Asad, are you willing to b part of that suspense ? Idoo, no i just love to listen suspense ;) Bakhtiar keeping all safety measure in minds, air port closed to for atleast 4days and flights was to re-scheduled. when i listend to that annoucement i rested in the sentiments of tension, and just pray was the route only only only. after all that 8days, reached to islamabad, than to karachi, when reached to home, i got only 1night availble,to prepare my self before i could plant my concentration on exams, i was shocked to a worst thing that could havt not atleast aspected by me and by my family. Dad have beaten up the brother and bhabhi, just because of little little little things all things were

to back bitting by mom(astep mom) brother didnt and unable to resisit, bhabhi did, she faced music so thats why things were almost same like star plus drama. A night to go, and i was enough tired to, anyhow i tried but tensions and behaviour by dad was little unusual and couldnt dilute that situation and i couldnt focus at all. finally, i decided to skip the paper to concentrate to rest of one, that was point where i was emotionally broke, i bunked from exam room and stayed @ mujtaba's house, for preparation. I was confirmed failed, but after giving all paper, relaxing @ house watching tv, sees tv report that board of examination members are also bribed in order to improve the marks of student, @ first instant i thought that is wrong and i dont have enough money to solve my issue, so i better give my supplementary. After so many thoughts, i was pesuaded somehow by my mind to take tht wrong step so that my time to be elapsed can b secured, when i was doing all that, i was fully prepared now if i m taking wrong step, why not to do in wrong-est step. Everything is lithe here, readily to bend, just need to put some colorful worthy paper in a different and suitable manner.

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