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2nd Quarter Examination

in T.L.E-7
Name: Date: _____________________
Year/section: Score: ____________________

Test-I- Fill-up the following spaces requirement with the correct answer.
Direction: choose the correct answer inside the box.

0.3 sq.ft/chick 2.5 to 5cm/bird

0.5 sq.ft/chick 5 to 6.5 cm/bird
1.0 sq.ft/chick starter feed
Grower feed
Finisher feed
Prewean feeds lactating feed old to three weeks_______________________________.

2. 3 weeks to 4 weeks______________________________
3. 5 weeks to market age______________________________.
4. day old to 4 weeks _________________________________.
5. 4 weeks to 8 weeks ________________________________.
6. feed is given to 10 to 20 kgs.__________________________
7. next to starter feed and this is given until the pigs reach a weight of 60 kgs.________________
8. at 60 kgs, the pigs ratio is shifted to__________________
9. a feed given in piglets to practice while still with the sow.__________________________.
10. feed is given to 90 above of which the sow is need and energy and nutrient to maintain body tissues.

Test -II- multiple choice.

11. this method of the pigs is not only affected by the quantity and quality of feed given.
a. feeding method b. restricted feeding c. libitum feeding d. methods
12. it is the amount of feed given is controlled or limited to a certain amount.
a. restricted method b. feeding method c. libitum feeding d. feeding
13. a feeding without restrictions and feed improves the feed intake and feed efficiency.
a. restricted feeding b. feeding method c. ad libitum feeding d. none of the above
14. this feeding method the growth potential of the animal can be maximized during its first 50 kgs of growth,
restriction is practice to reduce backfat thickness with corresponding increase in lean cut yield.
a. ad libitum and restricted feeding b. feeding method c. finisher feed d. none of the above
15. which of the following production should be simple to suit the needs of backyard and small scale poultry
a. cost b. sample analysis c. returns d. net income
16. which of the following is not belong to the group of production record.
a. analyze record b. production c. enterprise d. swine
17. which one is the example of cost raising poultry.
a. housing and brooder facilities b. produce c. broiler d. system
18. which of the following require returns expenses.
a. sales of broilers b. sales of taxes c. labor d. none of the above
19. how would you know the investing broiler production if the ROI is decrease.
a. the cost is more expensive b. the cost is more productive c. the cost is less expensive
d. all of the above
20. Mr. Lucas has a data in his broiler project how much is the cost of chick per head, If there are 100 chicks in
his farm.
a. 20 b. 50 c. 65 d. 70
21. Mr. Lucas has a data in his broiler project, how much is the cost of feeds.
a. 8,000 b. 3,000 c. 5,000 d. all of the above
22. Susan has a data in his project, how much is the cost of medicine and antibiotics.
a. 4,000 b. 3,000 c. 1,000 d. 1,500
23. how much is the cost of miscellaneous like electricity, water, labor etc.
a. 2,000 b. 3,500 c. 2,500 d. 1000
24. if Mr. Lucas has 100 chicks in the farm the mortality rate is 5%, how much are broiler is ready for market.
a. 95 b. 62 c. 90 d. 97
25. how many average weights per broiler of Mr. Lucas.
a. 1.5 KG b. 1.2 kg c. 1.0 kg d. 1.3 kg
26. how much is the cost live weight per kg of broiler of Mr. Lucas.
a. 120 b. 130 c. 125 d. 140
27. why is it that keeping record is very important.
a. it serves as future reference for improving the business
b. serves as document
c. serves as identification system
d. none of the above
28. means noting down all important details and events in a simple and clear manner.
a. good record keeping b. manner c. improving keeping d. provide record
29. it will help when comparing the production of growth of different animals.
a. recovered b. records c. income d. sales
30. birth weight and weaning weight.
a. litter records b. marketing c. dams record d. none of the above
31. number of piglets weaned per year.
a. marketing b. dams record c. litter records d. all of the above
32. which of the following is the age and weight of keeping record system.
a. marketing b. dams record c. enterprise d. weight
33. pigs that gain more weight from a given amount of food.
a. dam records b. litter records c. conversation rate d. records
34. involves cutting small pieces of skin out of the edges of the ears.
a. notching b. record c. system d. production
35. which of the following belong to the group of records.
a. individual records b. litter records c. herd records d. dams record

Test-III -Enumeration
36-39- 4 types of feeds
40- one type of feeding method
41-42- two types of production record
43-44- two types of input production
45-46- 2 example of keeping record system
47-50- problem solving

Computing a sample gathered data in broiler production

Total production cost
. cost of chick per head 20 pesos 2,000
. cost of feeds 8,000
. medicine and antibiotics 1000
. miscellaneous 2,000
. total 13,000
 Ninety five broilers are ready for market
 Average weight per broiler is 1.5 kg
 Cost of live weight per kg. 120 pesos
 The total cost of production is 13,000
 Mortality rate of 5% (95heads)
 Get total gross sales--------------------
 Less cost of production-------------------------
 NET INCOME------------------------------
 Get return of investment----------------------------
Good luck and God bless!

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