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 What is a non action verb?
Some verbs only describe a condition, state or belief.
Examples are the “be” verbs: am, are, was, were, is, has been, and had.

Normal English Advanced English Translation

How are you? How’s it going? ‫آپ کیسے ہیں؟‬

Are you mad? Are you out of mind? ‫کیا تم پاگل ہو؟‬

It’s very cold outside. It’s freezing outside. ‫باہر بہت سردی ہے۔‬

Let’s meet today. Let’s catch up today. ‫آج ملتے ہیں۔‬

Can I come tomorrow. Can I drop in tomorrow. ‫کیا میں کل آسکتا ہوں؟‬

I like you a lot. I’m so into you. ‫میں آپکو بہت پسند کرتا ہوں۔‬

Stop wasting time. Stop faffing around. ‫وقت مت ضائع کریں۔‬

You are so lucky. You are so jammy. ‫بہت خوش قسمت ہیں آپ۔‬

I’m very tired. I’m worn out. ‫میں بہت تھک گیا ہوں۔‬

It’s time to study. It’s time to hit the books. ‫پڑھائی کا وقت ہوا چاہتا ہے۔‬

Stop interfering. Stop meddling. ‫مداخلت مت کریں۔‬

I am going to sleep. I am off to bed. ‫میں تو چال سونے۔‬

Let’s start. Let’s kick off. ‫چلیں شروع کرتے ہیں۔‬

I am leaving. I am off. ‫میں تو چلتا ہوں۔‬

I’m interested in it. I’m into it. ‫مجھے اس میں دلچسپی ہے۔‬

I am listening. I’m all ears. ‫میں سن رہا ہوں۔‬

I am very hungry. I am famished. ‫مجھے بہت بھوک لگی۔‬

I’m very busy. I’m swamped. ‫میں بہت مصروف ہوں۔‬

She is very angry. She’s pissed off. ‫وہ بہت غصے میں ہے۔‬

It’s not difficult. It’s not rocket science. ‫یہ مشکل نہیں ہے۔‬

Keep it a secret. Keep it under wraps. ‫اسے راز رکھنا۔‬

Don’t annoy me. Don’t drive me crazy. ‫مجھے پریشان مت کرو۔‬

Hurry up, we’re getting Chop chop, we’re getting ‫ ہمیں دیر ہو رہی‬،‫جلدی کرو‬
late. late. ‫ہے۔‬

First you! After you! ‫!پہلے آپ‬

I fell asleep. I nodded off. ‫میں سو گیا۔‬

I’m very excited. I’m pumped up. ‫میں بہت پرجوش ہوں۔‬

Do not touch! Hands off! ‫ہاتھ مت لگاؤ۔‬

Me too! So am i. ‫!میں بھی‬

I’m very happy. I’m over the moon. ‫میں بہت خوش ہوں۔‬

Do it slowly. Do slowly. ‫آہستہ کرو۔‬

I’m very nervous. I have butterflies. ‫میں کافی پریشان ہوں۔‬

100+ English Sentences for Request with Urdu
Translation for Daily Use

Please! Organize it ‫پلیز اسے ترتیب‬

Please! Think about it ‫پلیز اس کے بارے میں سوچھو‬

Please! Turn back ‫پلیز واپس مڑو‬

Please! Ring the bell ‫پلیز گھنٹی بجاؤ‬

Please! Pay it. ‫پلیز اسے ادا کرو‬

Please! Draw it ‫پلیز اسے کھینچو‬

Please! Talk with me ‫پلیز مجھ سے بات کرو‬

Please! Accept it ‫پلیز یہ مان لو‬

Please! Clean it ‫پلیز اسے صاف کرو‬

Please! Ring the bell ‫پلیز گھنٹی بجاؤ‬

Please! Be happy ‫پلیز خوش رہو‬

Please! Hurt me
‫برائے مہربانی! مجھے تکلیف دو‬ ‫پلیز مجھے مارو‬

Please! Watch it ‫ تالش کرو‬/‫پلیز اسے دیکھو‬

Please! Start ‫پلیز یہ شروع کرو‬

‫‪Please! Think about it‬‬ ‫پلیز اس کے بارے میں سوچھو‬

‫‪Please! Count it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے گنو‪ /‬گنتی کرو‬

‫‪Please! Decide it‬‬ ‫پلیز اس کا فیصلہ کرو‬

‫‪Please! Boil it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسکو ابالو‬

‫‪Please! Break/ break it‬‬ ‫پلیز یہ توڑ دو‪ /‬وقفہ لو‬

‫‪Please! Open it‬‬ ‫پلیز یہ کھولو‬

‫‪Please! Play there‬‬ ‫پلیز ادھر کھیلو‬

‫‪Please! Fall it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے گرا دو‬

‫‪Please! Travel here‬‬ ‫پلیز ادھر سفر کرو‬

‫‪Please! Turn off the‬‬

‫پلیز بٹن بند کر دو‬

‫‪Please! Speak loudly‬‬ ‫پلیز اونچا بولو‬

‫‪Please! Understand it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے سمجھو‬

‫پلیز یہاں رکو‪ /‬برائے مہربانی!‬

‫‪Please! Wait here‬‬
‫یہاں انتظار کریں‬

‫‪Please! Sing song‬‬ ‫پلیز گانا گاؤ‬

‫‪Please! Do it‬‬ ‫پلیز یہ کرو‬

‫‪Please! Believe it‬‬ ‫پلیز یقین کرو‬

‫‪Please! Fit that‬‬

‫برائے مہربانی! اس کے لئے‬ ‫پلیز اسے موزوں بنا دو‬
‫موزوں ہے‬

‫‪Please! Drink it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے پیو‬

‫‪Please! Complain him‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے شکایت کرو‬

‫‪Please! Fly it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے اڑا دو‬

‫‪Please! Allow me‬‬ ‫پلیز مجھے اجازت دو‬

‫‪Please! Boil it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسکو ابالو‬

‫‪Please! Work‬‬ ‫پلیز چلو کام کرو‬

‫‪Please! Write here‬‬ ‫پلیز یہاں لکھو‬

‫‪Please! Try again‬‬ ‫پلیز دوبارہ کوشش کریں‬

‫‪Please! Wake up early‬‬ ‫پلیز جلدی اٹھو‬

‫‪Please! Type here‬‬ ‫پلیز یہاں درج کرو‬

‫‪Please! Find it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے تالش کرو‬

‫‪Please! Wake up early‬‬

‫برائے مہربانی! صبح سویرے‬
‫پلیز جلدی اٹھو‬

‫‪Please! Buy it‬‬ ‫پلیز خرید لو‬

‫‪Please! Live here‬‬ ‫پلیز ادھر رہو‬

‫‪Please! Give it‬‬ ‫پلیز یہ دے دو‬

‫‪Please! Swim here‬‬ ‫پلیاز ادھر تیرو‬

‫‪Please! Sell it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے بیچ دو‬

‫‪Please! Say it‬‬ ‫پلیز یہ کہو‬

‫‪Please! Try again‬‬ ‫پلیز دوبارہ کوشش کریں‬

‫‪Please! Wash it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے دھو کر آؤ‬

‫‪Please! Pay it‬‬ ‫پلیز اسے ادا کرو‬

Please! Study it ‫پلیز اسے پڑھو‬

Please! Borrow this ‫کہ پلیز یہ ادھار لے لو‬

Please! Blow it ‫پلیز اسکو پھونک مار دو‬

Please! Mind it ‫پلیز یاد رکھو‬

Please! Comb your hair ‫پلیز کنگھی کرو‬

Please! Turn on the button ‫پلیز بٹن چال دو‬

Please! Sign here ‫پلیز اس پر دستخط کرو‬

Please! Put it ‫برائے مہربانی! اسے رکھو‬

Please! Tell me ‫پلیز مجھے بتادو‬

Please! Decide it ‫پلیز اس کا فیصلہ کرو‬

Please! Eat it ‫پلیز یہ کھا لو‬

Please! Run there ‫پلیز ادھر دوڑو‬

Please! Sleep now ‫پلیز اب سو بھی جاؤ‬

Please! Spend it ‫پلیز اسے خرچ کرو‬

Please! Get Succeed ‫پلیز کامیاب ہو جاؤ‬

Please! Teach him ‫پلیز اسے پڑھاؤ‬

Please! Drive it ‫پلیز اسے چالؤ‬

Please! Stand here ‫پلیز یہاں کھڑے ہو جاؤ‬

Please! Swim here ‫پلیاز ادھر تیرو‬

Please! Sell it ‫پلیز اسے بیچ دو‬

Please! Say it ‫پلیز یہ کہو‬

Please! Try again ‫پلیز دوبارہ کوشش کریں‬

Please! Wash it ‫پلیز اسے دھو کر آؤ‬

Please! Pay it ‫پلیز اسے ادا کرو‬

Please! Study it ‫پلیز اسے پڑھو‬

Please! Borrow this ‫کہ پلیز یہ ادھار لے لو‬

Please! Blow it ‫پلیز اسکو پھونک مار دو‬

Please! Go there ‫پلیز ادھر جاؤ‬

Please! Bring it ‫ الؤ‬/‫پلیز یہ لے آؤ‬

Please! Finish it ‫پلیز اسے ختم کرو‬

Please! Cough ‫کھانسی لو‬/‫پلیز کھانسو‬

Please! Borrow this ‫کہ پلیز یہ ادھار لے لو‬

Please! Sit here ‫پلیز یہاں بیٹھو‬

Please! Send it ‫پلیز یہ بھیج دو‬

Please! Break/ break it ‫ وقفہ لو‬/‫پلیز یہ توڑ دو‬

Please! Cancel it ‫پلیز یہ ترک کر دو‬

99 English Speaking Practice Sentences with Urdu

‫‪Keep the door ajar‬‬ ‫دروازہ آدھا کھال چھوڑ دیں۔‬
‫?‪What are you up to‬‬ ‫آپ کیا کر رھے ھیں؟‬

‫?‪How is life‬‬ ‫زندگی کیسی گزررہی ہے؟‬

‫کیا میں آپ کے لیے کچھ کر سکتا‬

‫?‪Can I do something for you‬‬

‫مجھے آپ کو یہاں دیکھ کر خوشی‬

‫‪I am glad to see you here.‬‬
‫ہوئی ہے۔‬

‫‪I came straight here.‬‬ ‫میں سیدھا یہاں آیا ہوں۔‬

‫?‪What’s wrong with it‬‬ ‫اس میں کیا حرج ہے؟‬

‫‪Say it again.‬‬ ‫دوبارہ کہنا۔‬

‫‪He is in fast sleep.‬‬ ‫وہ پکی نیند میں ہے۔‬

‫‪He cries like baby.‬‬ ‫وہ بچے کی طرح روتا ہے۔‬

‫‪Do not use it.‬‬ ‫اسے استعمال مت کرو۔‬

‫‪She is staring at him.‬‬ ‫وہ اسے گھور رہی ہے۔‬

‫میرے پاس بات کرنے کو بہت کچھ‬

‫‪I have so much to talk about.‬‬

‫‪I didn’t mean it.‬‬ ‫میرا یہ مطلب نہیں تھا۔‬

‫?‪Why such a hurry‬‬ ‫اتنی جلدی کیوں؟‬

‫‪I have this much sense.‬‬ ‫مجھے اتنی عقل تو ہے۔‬

‫‪Don’t be over-smart.‬‬ ‫زیادہ چاالک نہ بنو۔‬

‫کیا میں آپ سے کچھ پوچھ سکتا‬

‫?‪Can I ask you something‬‬

‫‪Well done. Keep it up.‬‬ ‫بہت خوب۔ اسے جاری رکھیں۔‬

‫‪Everything is fine.‬‬ ‫سب کچھ ٹھیک ہے۔‬

‫‪I did not understand.‬‬ ‫میں سمجھا نہیں۔‬

‫‪I promise.‬‬ ‫میں وعدہ کرتا ہوں۔‬

‫‪This is not a joke.‬‬ ‫یہ کوئی مذاق نہیں ہے‬

‫‪I’m on my way.‬‬ ‫‪.‬میں اپنے راستے پر ہوں‬

‫?‪Did you get my point‬‬ ‫کیا آپ کو میری بات سمجھ آئی؟‬

‫‪Put on the shoes.‬‬ ‫جوتے پہن لو۔‬

‫‪No need to taunt.‬‬ ‫طعنے دینے کی ضرورت نہین۔‬

‫میرے ساتھ پنگا مت لو۔‪/‬می رے‬

‫‪Do not mess with me.‬‬ ‫ت‬
‫‪.‬سا ھ گڑب ڑ مت کرو‬

‫‪Attend your work.‬‬ ‫اپنے کام پر دھیان دو۔‬

‫‪Her nose is bleeding.‬‬ ‫اس کی ناک سے خون بہہ رہا ہے۔‬

‫‪No, not yet.‬‬ ‫نہیں‪ ،‬ابھی تک نہیں۔‬

‫‪Don’t mislead me.‬‬ ‫مجھے گمراہ نہ کرو۔‬

‫‪Stand in the queue.‬‬ ‫قطار میں کھڑے ہو جاؤ۔‬

‫کے نہیں۔‪/‬آپ کا کو ی‬
‫کام ئ ن‬
‫تم کسی‬
‫‪You are of no use.‬‬
‫ے‬‫‪ .‬ا دہ ہی ں ہ‬
‫?‪Whose act is this‬‬ ‫یہ کس کی کرتوت ہے؟‬

‫‪Don’t fool me.‬‬ ‫مجھے بیوقوف نہ بناؤ۔‬

‫‪It’s quite strange.‬‬ ‫‪.‬یہ کافی عجیب ہے‬

‫)ادا کرنا( ‪That is utter‬‬

‫یہ سراسر بکواس ہے۔‬

‫?‪What an idea‬‬ ‫کیا (عمدہ) خیال ہے؟‬

‫‪His throat is swollen.‬‬ ‫اس کا گال سوجا ہوا ہے۔‬

‫‪Something is fishy.‬‬ ‫کچھ گڑبڑ ہے۔‬

‫‪Make my bed over here.‬‬ ‫میرا بستر یہاں لگا دو۔‬

‫‪I can’t wait any longer.‬‬ ‫میں مزید انتظار نہیں کر سکتا۔‬

‫?‪Why are you so furious‬‬ ‫تم اتنے غصے میں کیوں ہو؟‬

‫‪Let’s have a chat.‬‬ ‫آؤ گپ شپ کرتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Talk sense.‬‬ ‫عقل کی بات کرو۔‬

‫‪Put on your vest.‬‬ ‫اپنی بنیان پہن لو۔‬

‫‪It doesn’t matter.‬‬ ‫کوئی بات نہیں۔‬

‫‪Give me a hand.‬‬ ‫میری مدد کرو۔‬

‫‪He is blushing‬‬ ‫وہ شرما رہا ہے۔‬

‫‪Grow your mustache.‬‬ ‫مونچھیں رکھ لیں۔‬

‫!‪Stop kidding‬‬ ‫مذاق کرنا بند کرو۔‬

‫‪Please keep quiet.‬‬ ‫پلیز‪ ،‬چپ ہو جاؤ۔‬

‫!‪Pleased to meet you‬‬ ‫آپ سے مل کر اچھا لگا۔‬

‫!‪How dare you‬‬ ‫!تمہاری اتنی ہمت‬

‫‪I cannot wait.‬‬ ‫میں انتظار نہیں کر سکتا۔‬

‫‪He is not at home.‬‬ ‫وہ گھر پر نہیں ہے۔‬

‫)خوفناک طور پر( ‪I am awfully‬‬

‫مجھے سخت بھوک لگی ہے۔‬

‫‪Not at all‬‬ ‫ہرگز نہیں۔‬

‫‪Today only.‬‬ ‫بس آج۔‬

‫‪Stop it.‬‬ ‫اسے روکو۔‬

‫?‪What to do‬‬ ‫کیا کریں؟‬

‫?‪What is going on‬‬ ‫کیا ہو رہاہے۔‬

‫?‪How are you‬‬ ‫آپ کیسے ہیں؟‬

‫‪I am sorry.‬‬ ‫معافی چاہتا ہوں۔‬

‫‪It’s my pleasure.‬‬ ‫مچھے اچھا لگا‪ ،‬خوش آمدید۔‬

‫!‪That’s alright‬‬ ‫سب ٹھیک ہے۔‬

‫‪Take a look at this.‬‬ ‫زرا یہ دیکھنا۔‬

‫‪I’m quite exhausted today.‬‬ ‫میں بہت تھکا ہوا ہوں۔‬

‫‪Do not be childish.‬‬ ‫بچوں جیسا نہیں بنو۔‬

‫کیا آپ نے بول لیا؟‪/‬کیا آپ کر‬

‫?‪Are you done‬‬
‫چکے ہیں؟‬

‫‪I have made a decision.‬‬ ‫میں نے ایک فیصلہ لیا ہے۔‬

‫‪Comb your hair.‬‬ ‫اپنے بال کنگھی کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t make me angry.‬‬ ‫مجھے ناراض مت کرو۔‬

‫‪See you later.‬‬ ‫بعد میں ملتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Don’t be shy.‬‬ ‫شرماؤ مت۔‬

‫میں ہار نہیں مانتا۔‪/‬میں نے کبھی‬

‫‪I never give/gave up.‬‬
‫ہار نہیں مانی۔‬

‫‪Don’t make noise.‬‬ ‫شور مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Move aside.‬‬ ‫ایک طرف ہٹ جاؤ۔‬

‫‪Mind your language.‬‬ ‫زبان سنبھال کے۔‬

‫‪Reduce the price.‬‬ ‫قیمت کم کریں۔‬

‫?‪Is it good‬‬ ‫کیا یہ ٹھیک ہے؟‬

‫‪Its’ a little expensive.‬‬ ‫یہ تھوڑا مہنگا ہے۔‬

‫‪That was my mistake.‬‬ ‫یہ میری غلطی تھی۔‬

‫‪I have to sleep.‬‬ ‫مجھے سونا ہے۔‬

‫‪it’s not like that.‬‬ ‫ایسی بات نہیں ہے۔‬

‫‪It’s a good thing.‬‬ ‫یہ اچھی بات ہے۔‬

‫‪It’s your choice.‬‬ ‫یہ تمہاری پسند ہے۔‬

‫‪Who called you.‬‬ ‫کس نے بالیا؟‬

‫!‪That is too much‬‬ ‫!بہت زیادہ ہو گیا‬

‫!‪Doesn’t matter‬‬ ‫!کوئی بات نہیں‬

‫‪Let’s play.‬‬ ‫چلو کھیلیں۔‬

‫‪Just coming.‬‬ ‫بس آ رہا ہے۔‬

‫‪I’m not interested.‬‬ ‫مجھے کوئ دلچسپی نہیں ہے۔‬

‫‪I don’t like.‬‬ ‫مجھے پسند نہیں۔‬

‫‪Latch the door.‬‬ ‫ُک نڈی لگادو۔‬

‫‪I’m fed up.‬‬ ‫میں تنگ آگیا ہوں۔‬

‫‪Keep sitting.‬‬ ‫بیٹھے رہیئے۔‬

‫‪Fix that.‬‬ ‫اسے ٹھیک کرو۔‬

100 Common Idioms in English with Meanings and

‫لڑائی جھگڑے‬ They both are living a cat and dog life
Cat and dog life a quarrelsome life
‫والی زندگی‬ nowadays.

Man of words doing what one

‫وعدے کا پکا‬ Ali a great man of his words.
doing say

having no ‫چائے کی پیالی‬ Our opposition is accustomed creating a

Storm in cup of tea
importance ‫میں طوفان‬ storm a in cup of tea.

Apple of Eye ‫آنکھ کا تارا‬ My friend is an apple of an eye.
important to you

the reason for Only the Property is the apple of discord

Apple of discard ‫جھگڑے کی وجہ‬
mess among the whole family.

clean and neat You should arrange the things in Apple pie
Apple pie ‫صاف ستھرا‬
thing order.

Beast of prey a wild animal ‫شکاری درندا‬ Lion is considered a beast of prey

Bed of roses easy life ‫پھولوں کی سیج‬ Life is never a bed of roses for lazy people.

14th August is a gala day for Pakistani

Gala day happy day ‫خوشی کا دن‬

Henpecked dominated by
‫جوروکا غالم‬ Asim is clearly a henpecked husband.
Husband wife
Iron will ‫آہنی عزم‬ Yes, he is really a man of iron will.

Hush money bribery ‫رشوت‬ She finally got good job by hush money.

one who creates

Laughing stock ‫ہنسی کا گول گپا‬ He is laughing stock because of his humor.

we should be quite aware of the black

Black sheep deceptive people ‫کالی بھیڑیں‬
sheep around us.

if she works hard this time, she will be a

Big gun valuable person ‫بڑی شخصیت‬
big gun in future.

unimportant ‫غیر ضروری‬ Asim is really a bull in china shop as he

Bull in China shop
person ‫آدمی‬ has built no business yet.

Cock and bull He told us a cock and bull story about

fiction ‫من گھڑت کہانی‬
story money stealing.

Chicken hearted a coward person ‫بزدل آدمی‬ they are really chicken hearted fellows.

Pakistan has always offered the olive

Olive branch offering for peace ‫امن کی پیشکش‬
branch to India

clearly and My proposal was rejected by him point

Point Blank ‫سیدھا سیدھا‬
openly black.

My friend Asim is considered past Master

Past Master an expert man ‫ماہر‬
in Computer.

I suggested him to save some amount for

Rainy Day a hard time ‫مشکل وقت‬
rainy day.

The thief got escaped scot free by the

Scot Free got away cleverly ‫صاف بچ نکلنا‬

Close fisted a miser person ‫کنجوس‬ His teacher is totally a close-fisted man.

Cry in wilderness become useless ‫بے سود رہنا‬ My protest for corruption went a cry in
or vein wilderness

joy due to some

Fool’s paradise ‫احمقوں کی جنت‬ They are still living in fools’ paradise.

appreciable The Allam Iqbal has done yeoman’s

Yeoman’ Service ‫عمدہ خدمات‬
services service to the nation.

Man of letters a literary person ‫ادیب‬ Bepsi Sidhwa was a man of letters.

Corruption is moot point among Politian’s

Moot Point a debatable topic ‫قابل بحث‬
in Pakistan.

Life is just a nine day’s wonder for

Nine day’s wonder something brief ‫مختصر‬
everyone in this world.

it was really an uphill task to teach

Uphill task a difficult task ‫دشوار کام‬
manners a rude man.

talks with His tall Talk is beyond everyone’s

Tall talk ‫شوخیاں‬
exaggeration understanding.

someone who
Slow coach moves in slow ‫بدھو‬ She is lazy and a slow coach.

Broken reed When I needed his help, she proved to be a

(a weak or a week man ‫غیر یقینی سہارا‬
impressionable person) broken reed.

showing ‫مگرمچھ کے‬ This clever man is shedding(‫ )بہانا‬crocodile

Crocodile tears
deceptive tears ‫آنسو‬ tears on his father’s death.

We should avoid trusting fair weathers’

Fair weather friend selfish friend ‫مطلبی دوست‬

someone who is All of his friends were snake in grass for

Snake in grass ‫آستین کا سانپ‬
harmful him.

belongings to it would be better to leave my house bag

Bag and baggage ‫بوریا بستر‬
someone and baggage.
Things have no
You need to avoid building castles in air
Castles in air chance of taking ‫ہوائی قلعے‬
and work hard.

anything that is My Friend’s death proved to be a bolt from

Bolt from blue ‫ناگہانی آفت‬
totally surprising blue.

120 Useful

English Phrases For Everyday Use

1. As easy as pie: “very easy” (same as “a piece of cake”)

2. Be sick and tired of:“I hate” (also “can’t stand”)
3. Bend over backward: “try very hard” (maybe too much!)
4. Bite off more than one can chew: “take responsibility for more than
one can manage
5. Broke: “to have no money”
Example: I have to borrow some money from my Dad. Right now, I’m broke.

6. Change one’s mind:“decide to do something different from

what had been decided earlier”

7. Cut it out!: “stop doing something bad”

Example: That noise is really annoying. Cut it out!

8. Drop someone a line: “send a letter or email to someone”

Example: It was good to meet you and I hope we can see each other again. Drop me a
line when you have time.

9. Figure something out: “come to understand a problem”

Example: I don’t understand how to do this problem. Take a look at it. Maybe you can
figure it out.

10. Fill in for someone: “do their work while they are away”
Example: While I was away from the store, my brother filled in for me.

11. In ages:“for a very long time”

Example: Have you seen Joe recently? I haven’t seen him in ages.

12. Give someone a hand: “help”

Example: I want to move this desk to the next room. Can you give me a hand?

13. Hit the hay: “go to bed” (also “hit the sack”)
Example: It’s after 12 o’clock. I think it’s time to hit the hay.

14. In the black: “the business is making money, it is profitable”

The phrase “in the black” refers to being financially solvent or profitable, or sometimes
more generally, just not in debt.

Example: Our business is really improving. We’ve been in the black all year.

15. In the red: “the business is losing money, it is unprofitable”

Example: Business is really going poorly these days. We’ve been in the red
for the past three months.

16. In the nick of time: “not too late, but very close!”
Example: I got to the drugstore just in the nick of time. It’s a good thing because I really
need this medicine!

17. keep one’s chin up: “remain brave and keep on trying”
Example: I know things have been difficult for you recently, but keep your chin up. It will
get better soon.
18. Know something like the back of your hand: “know something
very, very well”
Example: If you get lost, just ask me for directions. I know this part of town like the back
of my hand

19. Once in a while: “sometimes, not very often”

Example: Have you been to the new movie theater? No, only see movies once in a while.
I usually stay at home and watch TV.

20. Sharp: “exactly at that time”

Example: I’ll meet you at 9 o’clock sharp. If you’re late, we’ll be in trouble!

21. Sleep on it: “think about something before making a decision”

Example: That sounds like a good deal, but I’d like to sleep on it before I give you my
final decision.

22. Take it easy: “relax”

23. To get the ball rolling: “start something, especially something big”

Example: We need to get this project started as soon as possible.

I’m hoping you will help me get the ball rolling.

24. Up to the minute: “the most recent information”

Example: I wish I knew more about what is happening in the capital city. We need more
up to the minute news.

25. Twenty-four/seven: “every minute of every day, all the time”

Example: You can access our web site 24/7. It’s very convenient!

26. About to (do something): to be on the point of doing something

Example: I was about to leave when the phone rang.

27. According to (someone or something): as said or told by someone

28. Account for (something):to provide an explanation or answer for
Example: The bad weather accounts for the fact that few people came to the meeting.

29. After all: something that is usually assumed

30. All of a sudden: suddenly, without advance warning
31. As a matter of fact: actually
32. As far as: to the extent or degree of something

Example: As far as I know the movie will start in a few minutes.

33. As for: with regard to, concerning

Example: “As for me, I think that I will return home now.”

34. As if: in the same way that something would be, that
Example: The drink tastes as if it were made with orange juice.

35. As long as: provided that, on condition that

Example: As long as you promise to be careful, you can borrow my car.

36. As soon as: just after something

Example: when I phoned my friend as soon as I finished dinner.

37. As to: with regard to, according to

Example: “As to your question, I will answer it tomorrow.”
The players were put into groups as to their ability.

38. As well: in addition, also, too

Example: I plan to take a computer course this summer as well.

39. As well as: in addition to

Example: “Please bring your swimming suit as well as your towel.”

40. Back and forth: backwards and forwards, first one way and then the other way
Example: The argument went back and forth before the judge made a decision.

41. Better off: to be in a better situation than before

Example: My friend would be better off if he sold his old car and bought a new one.
42. Break down (something): to divide something into parts, to separate
something into simpler substances
Example: We tried to break down the problem.

43. Break up: to separate, to divide into groups or pieces, to put an end to something
Example: Nobody wanted to break up their groups.

44. By the way: incidentally

Example: By the way, could you please bring your laptop computer tomorrow

45. Carry out (something): to put something into action, to accomplish

something, to do something
Example: The scientist wanted to carry out several experiments before discussing the
new medicine.

46. Come on: please, hurry, go faster

Example: “Come on, stop doing that.”

47. Come up: to happen unexpectedly

Example: I will not be able to go to the party if something else comes up.

48. Come up with (something): to produce or find a thought/idea/answer

Example: I tried to come up with a name for the new magazine.

49. Deal with (something): to be concerned with something, to take action

about something
Example: We will deal with the boxes tomorrow.

50. End up (doing something or going somewhere): to do

something that one had not planned to do, to go somewhere one had not planned to go
Example: We ended up going to a restaurant after the movie last night.

51. Figure out (someone or something): to try to understand someone

or something,nto solve something
Example: I finally figured out how to use the new DVD player.
52. About to (do something): to be on the point of doing something
Example: I was about to leave when the phone rang.

53. Fill in (something): to write words in blank spaces

Example: Please fill in this form and give it to the receptionist.

54. Find out (something): to learn or discover something

Example: My mother is angry at me because she found out that I had quit my French

55. First of all: the very first thing

Example: First of all, we prepared the garden and then we planted the seeds.

56. For good: permanently

Example: The city will close the public swimming pool for good next week.

57. For sure: without a doubt, certainly, surely

Example: I will go to the movie with you for sure next week.

58. Get back to (something): to return to something

Example: I was happy to get back to work after my holiday.

59. Get into (something): to become interested or involved in something

Example: I do not want to get into an argument with my friend.
We will get into the details of the plan tomorrow.
60. get into (somewhere): to enter somewhere
Example: My friend wants to get into a good university.

61. Get out of (somewhere): to leave somewhere, to escape from somewhere

Example: I want to hurry and get out of my house.

62. Get rid of (something): to give or throw something away, to sell or destroy
something, to make a cold or fever disappear
Example: I bought a new television set so I want to get rid of the old one.
63. Get through (something): to complete something, to finish something
Example: My friend is having trouble getting through her final exams.
I have much reading that I must get through before tomorrow.

64. Go ahead: to begin to do something

Example: Let`s go ahead and start now. We can`t wait any longer.

65. Go on: to continue

Example: The game will probably go on for an hour after we leave.

66. Go over (something): to examine or review something

Example: The accountant will go over the books tomorrow.
We plan to go over that question tomorrow.

67. Go through (something): to discuss something, to look at something, to

do something
Example: The teacher decided to go through the exercise before the test.

68. Go with (something): to choose one thing rather than another

Example: We decided to go with the small rental car rather than the large one.

69. Hang out (somewhere/with someone): to spend one`s time with no

great purpose, to spend leisure time with friends
Example: Recently my friend has been hanging out with a group of people who are not a
good influence on him.

70. Have (something) to do with (something): to be about

something, to be on the subject of something, to be related to something
Example: The book has something to do with cooking but I am not sure if you will like it.
That problem has nothing to do with me.

71. Hold on: to wait a minute, to stop, to wait and not hang up the phone
Example: Please hold on for a minute while I lock the window.

72. In a way: to a certain extent, a little, somewhat

Example: In a way, I want to go to the new restaurant but in a way, I don`t really care.

73. In the case: if, if something should happen

Example: I will take my umbrella in case it rains.

74. In common: shared together or equally, in use or ownership by all

Example: I had nothing in common with the other members of the class.

75. In detail: giving all the details, item by item

Example: The saleswoman explained about the new product in detail.

76. In effect: for practical purposes, basically

Example: The man’s silence was in effect a way of disagreeing with the other people in
the meeting.

77. In fact: actually, the truth is

78. In favor of (someone or something): to approve or support
someone or something
Example: Everybody is in favor of the new police chief.
My company is not in favor of changing our holiday schedule.

79. In general: in most situations or circumstances

Example: In general, most of the people in our apartment are happy with the new

80. In order to: for the purpose of

Example: They have decided to close down the school for the summer in order to do
some major repairs.

81. In other words: in a different (usually more direct) way

Example: In other words, if you do not finish the assignment by Wednesday, you will not
pass the course.

82. In place: in the proper place or location

Example: Everything in the room was in place when we arrived for the meeting.
83. In some ways: in some unspecified way or manner, by some unspecified means
Example: In some ways, I know what my friend means but in some ways I do not.

84. In terms of (something): with regard to something

Example: In terms of our agreement with the other company we were not allowed to
sell the products online.

85. In time: early enough

Example: I did not come home in time to meet my cousin.

86. Keep (someone or something) in mind: to remember and think

about someone or something
Example: I told my co-workers to keep the new starting time for work in mind.

87. Kind of: somewhat(slightly), more or less, moderately

Example: I was kind of tired when I arrived home last night.

88. Look for (something): to try to find something, to hunt/search for

Example: My friend has been looking for her credit card all morning but she can`t find it.

89. Lookup (something): to search for something in a dictionary or other book

Example: I will look up my friend’s name in the telephone book.
I looked up the word in the dictionary.

90. Make a difference: to cause a change in a situation

Example: It does not make a difference whether our boss comes to the meeting or not.

91. Make sense: to seem reasonable

Example: His new proposal really does make sense.

92. Make sure: to make certain, to establish something without a doubt

Example: I want to make sure that my friend is going to meet me tomorrow.

93. More or less: somewhat, to some extent

Example: I more or less have decided to study business next year.

94. No matter: regardless

Example: No matter how hard I try; my piano teacher is never satisfied.

95. Not at all: certainly not

Example: I am not at all happy with my new computer.

96. Of course: certainly, definitely, naturally

Example: Of course, you can use my car if you want to.

97. On the other hand: however, in contrast, looking at the opposite side of a
Example: He is very intelligent but on the other hand he is very lazy and always gets low
marks at school.

98. On time: at the scheduled time, exactly at the correct time, punctually
Example: Our train arrived exactly on time.

99. Once again: again, one more time, once more

Example: I tried once again to phone my boss at his home.

1) Open to (something): to be agreeable to learn or hear about

new ideas or suggestions
Example: Most members of the class were open to the teacher’s ideas.

2) Pick up (something): to get or receive something

Example: I will pick up my dry-cleaning tomorrow. I picked up a copy of the
newspaper at the station.

3) Stick with (something): to continue doing something, to not

quite something

Example: My brother has been able to stick with his trumpet lessons since he
was a child.

4) Take advantage of (someone or something):

to use someone or something for one’s own benefit
Example: We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went to the beach.

5) Take care of (someone or something):

to look after or give attention to someone or something
6) Take out (something):
to remove something from somewhere, to extract something
Example: The teacher told us to take out our books.
I took out some onions from the refrigerator.

7) Take over (something): to take control of something, to take command

of something
Example: The large company wants to take over some of the small companies in our

8) Take place: to happen, to occur

Example: The soccer game took place on the coldest day of the year.

9) To the extent that: to the degree that, in so far as

Example: I plan to provide information about the new company policy to the extent that
I am familiar with it.

10) Turn in (something): to give something to someone, to hand something to

Example: I arrived at school early so that I could turn in my essay.

11) Turn out: to be found or known, to prove to be true

Example: It turned out that more people came to the party than we expected.

12) Point out (someone or something): to explain or call attention to

someone or something
Example: My teacher was very kind when she pointed out the mistakes that I had made.

13) Put out (something): to produce or make something (a product/brochure/

Example: The company puts out a newsletter every month for the employees.

14) Regardless of (something): without considering or thinking about

something, without regard to something
Example: Regardless of the weather we are going to go fishing tomorrow morning.

15) Right away: immediately

Example: forgot to bring my book but I will go home and get it right away.

16) Rule out (someone or something): to decide against or eliminate

someone or something
Example: The police ruled out the man as a possible bank robber.
We decided to rule out Monday as the day to have our meeting.

17) Run into (something – a fact/trouble/problems/difficulty): to experience

something, to encounter something
Example: The mechanic ran into trouble when he was fixing my car.
I ran into some interesting facts when I was researching my essay.

18) Set up (something): to establish something, to provide the money for

Example: The newspaper company provided the money to set up the new travel
magazine. The company set up a unique situation to test the new product.

19) Show up: to appear, to arrive, to be present

Example: What time did your friend show up for the party?

20) So far: until now So far

Example: no one has entered the speech contest at the television station.

21) So to speak: as one might or could say, this is one way to say something
Example: We had a good time at the restaurant, so to speak, although the service was
not very good.
22) Sort of (something): to be almost something, to be similar to something,
to be not quite something
Example: Do you see what I mean?’ ‘Sort of,’ answered Jean cautiously

American Sayings That Leave Foreigners Totally


1) "Piece of cake."
something that is very easy to do
2) "Scoot over."
To move one's sitting self or seat aside, so the other person has more space.
3) "Put lipstick on a pig."
The phrase to put "lipstick on a pig" means making superficial or cosmetic changes to a
product in a futile(‫ )ناکامیاں‬effort to disguise(‫ )بیکار‬its fundamental failings.
4) "Break a leg."
Break a leg is used in informal English when we wish someone good luck, especially
before a performance.
5) "Knock on wood."
said in order to avoid bad luck, either when you mention good luck that you have
had in the past or when you mention hopes you have for the future: The deal will be
agreed on Wednesday, knock on wood.
6) "Not a big fan."
is a polite way of saying you don't like or you’re not interested in what they may be
suggesting or doing.
7) "It's not rocket science."
It is easy to understand or is not difficult to do/understand.
8) "Break a bill."
Breaking A Bill-Oriented Payment Arrangement. If a customer neglects to pay a bill, an
overdue process is created. If the bill contains charges from a payment arrangement,
you'll want to "break" the payment arrangement. By "break", we mean cancel the
arrangement and reinstate the debt under the originating bills.
9) "Mystery meat"
Some unappealing and unidentifiable meat or meat-like substance served as or
incorporated into a meal.
10) "Fanny pack"
A small fabric pouch secured with a zipper and worn at the waist by a strap

around the hips.

11) "Let's table this."
to postpone discussion on something. discussion should be resumed at a later
12) "Don't be such a wet blanket."
A person who discourages enjoyment or enthusiasm
13) "Jump the shark"
idiom. (Usually of television shows) to reach a point where something stops
becoming more popular or starts to decrease in quality:
14) "Long in the tooth" idiom informal. to be old, often too old to do
15) "Green thumb" is an unusual ability to make plants grow.
16) "Keeper"
someone with good qualities, who you can have a long relationship with
17) "Horseback riding" the activity of riding a horse.
18) "Ate it"
slang To fall down, usually in an especially clumsy( ‫ )بهونڈا‬manner.
19) "How are you?"
used as a greeting when you meet someone that you know.
20) "Period."
Period comes from period, used as an interjection to show a statement is final, that
there is nothing else to be said or debated.
21) "Behind the eight ball."
means one is placed in a difficult situation that which one is unlikely to escape. If a
person is behind the eight ball, they may be in an uncomfortable position.
22) "Working the graveyard shift"
a scheduled period of work that begins late at night and ends in the morning.
beginning work after 7:00 pm and leaving work before 9:00 am.
23) "Canadian bacon"
The name was created when this product was first imported from Toronto to New
York City. "Canadian" bacon is made only from the lean eye of the loin and is ready to
eat. Its flavor is described as more ham-like than other types because of its lean cut.

24) "Up my alley"

informal. : especially suited to someone's tastes or abilities.
25) "Under the weather" feel ill
26) "Tell me about it."
used to say that you feel the same way or have had the same experience: "He's driving
me crazy with his stupid jokes." "Tell me about it!"
27) "Shoot the breeze"
idiom. infml to talk with someone about unimportant things for a long time: We sat
on the porch until late at night, just shooting the breeze.
28) "Monday-morning quarterback"
Someone who criticizes with hindsight. ( ‫کوئی ایسا شخص جو پیچھے ہٹ کر تنقید‬
29) "Spill the Beans." to tell people secret information
30) Think Outside the Box
to explore ideas that are creative and unusual and that are not limited or
controlled by rules or tradition.
31) Putting the Cart Before the Horse
to do things in the wrong order
32) Playing Hardball
(idiomatic) To use every means possible to achieve a goal, especially in
disregarding the harm caused.
33) A Dime a Dozen to be common and/or of very little value
34) Hit the Books To study, especially with particular intensity.
35) Hit the Nail on the Head
to do or say something that is exactly right.
36) Costs an Arm and a Leg to be extremely expensive
37) Get Your Ducks in a Row get everything organized.
38) Ballpark Figure An educated guess or estimation
39) For the Birds
ridiculous(‫)جس پر ہنسی آئے‬, foolish, worthless, useless
40) Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk
there's no point to being upset over something that has already happened and
cannot be changed.
41) Put Up Your Dukes is a kind of invitation to fight
42) Table an Item to postpone
43) Jump on the Bandwagon
to join an activity that has become very popular or to change your opinion to one
that has become very popular so that you can share in its success
44) Plead the Fifth
to refuse to answer questions in a court of law because the answers might be
harmful to one or might show that one has committed a crime.( ‫قانون کی عدالت میں‬
‫سواالت کے جوابات دینے سے انکار کرنا کیونکہ جوابات کسی کے لیے نقصان دہ ہو سکتے‬
‫)ہیں یا یہ ظاہر کر سکتے ہیں کہ کسی نے جرم کیا ہے۔‬
45) Go Dutch
The strictest definition of "going Dutch" is that you pay for what you order or consume on
the date. So if you and your date go to a restaurant, you would each pay for whatever
you ate.
46) Ride/Riding Shotgun
To ride in the front passenger seat of a vehicle, next to the driver.
47) “Turn a blind eye”
to ignore something that you know is wrong
48) “Feeling under the weather” feel slightly ill.
49) “Beat around the bush”
to avoid talking about what is important: Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!
50) “Read the riot act”
to speak angrily to someone about something they have done and warn that
person that they will be punished if it happens again
51) “The proof is in the pudding”
Generally, the expressions are used to say that the real worth, success, or
effectiveness of something can only be determined by putting it to the test by
trying or using it
52) “I’ve got it in the bag”
Meaning: Secured success. Example: I'm not even worried about the interview. I've got it in
the bag.

50 Relationship Related English Sentences with

Urdu Translation
English Sentences Urdu Translation

We have a relationship. ‫ہمارا ا یک رشتہ ہے۔‬

She has a great relationship with Asim. ‫اس کا عاصم کے ساتھ بہت اچھا رشتہ ہے۔‬

I can’t be in relation with you. ‫میں تم سے رشتہ نہیں رکھ سکتا۔‬

What is your relationship with him? ‫اس کے ساتھ تمہارا کیا رشتہ ہے؟‬

He is not my relative. ‫وہ میرا رشتہ دار نہیں ہے۔‬

Is he your relative? ‫کیا وہ تمہارا رشتہ دار ہے؟‬

They are in a relationship now. ‫وہ اب رشتے میں ہیں۔‬

They don’t have a good relationship. ‫ان کے درمیان اچھے تعلقات نہیں ہیں۔‬

Do you know about their relationship? ‫کیا آپ ان کے رشتے کے بارے میں جانتے ہیں؟‬

Are you looking for a relationship? ‫کیا آپ رشتہ ڈھونڈ رہے ہیں؟‬

It’s time to leave this relationship. ‫یہ رشتہ چھوڑنے کا وقت ہے۔‬

She has a stepmother. ‫اس کی ایک سوتیلی ماں ہے۔‬

She is a pious lady. ‫وہ ایک متقی خاتون ہیں۔‬

Is he your friend? ‫کیا وہ تمہارا دوست ہے؟‬

Are you still unmarried? ‫کیا آپ ابھی تک غیر شادی شدہ ہیں؟‬

Both are husband and wife. ‫دونوں میاں بیوی ہیں۔‬

They have an open relationship. ‫ان کا کھال رشتہ ہے۔‬

Our relationship is not equal. ‫ہمارا رشتہ برابر نہیں ہے۔‬

We should not deceive in relationships. ‫ہمیں رشتوں میں دھوکہ نہیں دینا چاہیے۔‬

Relationships involve compromise. ‫تعلقات میں سمجھوتہ شامل ہے۔‬

He wants a serious relationship. ‫وہ ایک سنجیدہ رشتہ چاہتا ہے۔‬

I’m not interested in a relationship. ‫مجھے رشتے میں کوئی دلچسپی نہیں ہے۔‬

Let’s end our relationship. ‫چلو اپنا رشتہ ختم کر لیتے ہیں۔‬

Her relationship is quite professional. ‫اس کا رشتہ کافی پیشہ ورانہ ہے۔‬

I have a special relationship with her. ‫میرا اس سے خاص رشتہ ہے۔‬

He is my bloody cousin. ‫وہ میرا خونی کزن ہے۔‬

How can I have a relationship with her? ‫میں اس سے رشتہ کیسے رکھ سکتا ہوں؟‬

What type of relationship do you have

‫آپ کا اس کے ساتھ کس قسم کا رشتہ ہے؟‬
with her?

This would affect your relationship. ‫یہ آپ کے تعلقات کو متاثر کرے گا۔‬

There’s lack of trust in his relationship. ‫ان کے رشتے میں اعتماد کی کمی ہے۔‬

He lost his relationship. ‫اس نے اپنا رشتہ کھو دیا۔‬

Who’s your life partner? ‫آپ کا جیون ساتھی کون ہے؟‬

I’ll never leave you alone. ‫میں تمہیں کبھی اکیال نہیں چھوڑوں گا۔‬

Let’s settle down our relation. ‫چلو اپنا رشتہ طے کر لیتے ہیں۔‬

Basic Spoken English Sentences

English Urdu

Do not do it/this. ‫یہ مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Do that.‬‬ ‫وہ کرو۔‬

‫‪Say yes.‬‬ ‫ہاں کہو۔‬

‫!‪Say hello‬‬ ‫ہیلو کہو۔‬

‫‪Greet him/ her.‬‬ ‫اسے سالم کرو۔‬

‫‪Its morning.‬‬ ‫صبح ہوگی۔‬

‫‪It’s evening.‬‬ ‫شام ہوگی۔‬

‫‪Once more/ again.‬‬ ‫پھر سے۔‬

‫‪Try again.‬‬ ‫دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔‬

‫‪Look again.‬‬ ‫دوبارہ دیکھیں۔‬

‫‪Read again.‬‬ ‫دوبارہ پڑھیں۔‬

‫‪Come again.‬‬ ‫‪.‬پھر سے بولیں۔‪/‬ایک بار پھر آو‬

‫‪Spit out.‬‬ ‫تھوک دیں۔‬

‫‪Turnover.‬‬ ‫پلٹ دیں۔‬

‫‪Tear out.‬‬ ‫پھاڑ دیں۔‬

‫‪Fix that.‬‬ ‫اسے ٹھیک کرو۔‬

‫‪Speak up.‬‬ ‫اونچا بولو۔‬

‫‪Me too.‬‬ ‫‪.‬مجھے بھی۔‪/‬میں بھی‬

‫‪Hold on/ hang on.‬‬ ‫رکو۔ انتظار کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t peep.‬‬ ‫پیشاب نہ کرو۔‬

‫‪Work properly.‬‬ ‫اچھے سے کام کرو۔‬

‫‪Walk properly.‬‬ ‫اچھے سے چلو۔‬

Eat it. ‫یہ کھاؤ۔‬

Keep eating. ‫کھاتے رہو۔‬

Chew well. ‫اچھے سے چباؤ۔‬

Look up. ‫اوپر دیکھیں۔‬

Look down. ‫نیچے دیکھیں۔‬

Turn left. ‫بائیں مڑو۔‬

Stand up. ‫کھڑے ہو جاؤ۔‬

Sit down. ‫بیٹھ جاؤ۔‬

Keep standing/ remain standing. ‫کھڑے رہیں۔‬

Keep sitting/ remain seated. ‫بیٹھے رہیں۔‬

Keep silent/ keep quiet. ‫چپ ہو جاؤ۔‬

Shut up! / keep mum. ‫ منہ بند رکھو۔‬/‫چپ ہو جاؤ۔‬

Keep away/ stay away. ‫دور رہنا۔‬

Stay healthy/ Remain healthy. ‫صحت مند رہیں۔‬

Stay safe. ‫محفوظ رہیں۔‬

Stay well. ‫مزے میں رہیں۔‬

Stay strong. ‫مضبوط رہیں۔‬

Stay quiet. ‫چپ رہیں۔‬

Stay in./ stay inside. ‫اند ر ہی رہنا۔‬

Stay there. ‫وہاں رہو۔‬

Stay up. ‫ اٹھو‬/‫جا گتے رہو۔‬

‫‪Put it.‬‬ ‫اسے رکھ دو۔‬

‫‪Put down.‬‬ ‫نیچے رکھ دو۔‬

‫‪Pick up‬‬ ‫اٹھاؤ۔‪/‬اٹھانا‬

‫‪Put on.‬‬ ‫پہنو۔‬

‫‪Take off.‬‬ ‫اتارؤ۔‬

‫‪Wear this.‬‬ ‫اسے پہنو۔‬

‫‪Remove this‬‬ ‫اسے اتارو۔‬

‫‪Don’t mind.‬‬ ‫برا مت مانو۔‬

‫‪).‬گھمنڈ(‪Don’t boast‬‬ ‫شیخی مت بھگاڑو۔‬

‫‪Don’t stand.‬‬ ‫کھڑے مت ہوں۔‬

‫‪Don’t sit.‬‬ ‫بیٹھو مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t move.‬‬ ‫ہلو مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t spoil.‬‬ ‫خراب مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t ruin it.‬‬ ‫بگاڑو مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t sacrifice.‬‬ ‫قربانی مت دو۔‬

‫‪Don’t blame.‬‬ ‫الزام مت لگاؤ۔‬

‫‪Don’t delay.‬‬ ‫دیر مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t bother.‬‬ ‫پریشان مت ہو۔‬

‫‪Don’t ask.‬‬ ‫پوچھو مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t fight.‬‬ ‫لڑو مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t argue.‬‬ ‫بحث مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t panic.‬‬ ‫گھبراؤ مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t waste.‬‬ ‫ضائع مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t scare.‬‬ ‫ڈراؤ مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t interfere.‬‬ ‫دخل اندازی مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t lie.‬‬ ‫جھوٹ مت بولو۔‬

‫‪Don’t mumble.‬‬ ‫بڑبڑاؤ مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t talk.‬‬ ‫بات مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t speak.‬‬ ‫بولو مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t trust.‬‬ ‫بھروسہ مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t oppose.‬‬ ‫مخالفت مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t apologize.‬‬ ‫‪.‬معافی مت کرو۔‪/‬معافی مت مانگو‬

‫‪Don’t worry.‬‬ ‫پریشان مت ہوں۔‬

‫‪Don’t cook.‬‬ ‫پکاؤ مت۔‬

‫‪Don’t overcook.‬‬ ‫زیادہ مت پکاؤ۔‬

‫‪Don’t overthink.‬‬ ‫زیادہ مت سوچو۔‬

‫تم زیادہ سوچتے ہو۔ ‪ /‬آپ حد سے زیادہ‬

‫‪You overthink.‬‬
‫سوچتے ہیں۔‬

‫‪Write down.‬‬ ‫لکھو۔‬

‫‪Think again.‬‬ ‫پھر سے سوچ لو۔‪ /‬ایک بار پھر سوچو‬

‫‪You too.‬‬ ‫ُآپکو بھی۔‬

‫‪Accept this.‬‬ ‫اسے مان لو۔‬

‫‪Be brave.‬‬ ‫بہادر بنو۔‬

‫‪Avoid it.‬‬ ‫گریز کرو۔‬

‫‪Let it be.‬‬ ‫جانے دو۔‬

‫‪Let me see.‬‬ ‫مجھے دیکھنے دو۔‬

‫‪Talk to her.‬‬ ‫اس سے بات کرو۔‬

‫‪Make a noise.‬‬ ‫شور کرو۔‬

‫‪Go to sleep.‬‬ ‫سو جاؤ۔‬

‫‪Sing a song.‬‬ ‫ایک گانا گاؤ۔‬

‫‪Travel alone.‬‬ ‫اکیلے سفر کرو۔‬

‫‪Don’t be shy.‬‬ ‫شرماؤ مت۔‬

‫‪Be polite.‬‬ ‫خوش اخالق بنو۔‬

‫‪Try it.‬‬ ‫اسکی کوشش کرو۔‪ /‬اسے آزمائیں‬

‫‪Go home.‬‬ ‫گھر جاؤ۔‬

‫‪Stop it.‬‬ ‫روکو اسے۔‬

‫‪Help me.‬‬ ‫میری مدد کرو۔‬

‫‪I need it.‬‬ ‫مجھے اسکی ضرورت ہے۔‬

‫‪Don’t run.‬‬ ‫بھاگو مت۔‬

‫‪Go get it.‬‬ ‫جاؤ لے لو۔‬

‫‪It’s me.‬‬ ‫یہ میں ہوں۔‬

‫‪Lay down.‬‬ ‫لیٹ جاؤ۔‬

‫‪Keep it here.‬‬ ‫یہاں رکھ دو۔‬

Be good. ‫اچھے بنو۔‬

Support him. ‫اس کا ساتھ دو۔‬

Play well. ‫اچھا کھیلو۔‬

Strike hard. ‫سخت ہڑتال کریں‬.

Don’t sneeze. ‫چھینکو مت۔‬

English Speaking Sentences for Admission at

College/ School in Urdu

Admissions are open. ‫داخلے کھلے ہیں۔‬

When will the admissions open? ‫داخلے کب کھلیں گے؟‬
Welcome! Please meet Admission In-charge ‫خوش آمدید! پلیز داخلہ انچارج مس ثانیہ‬
miss Sania. ‫سے ملیں۔‬
May we/ i come in? ‫کیا ہم اندر آسکتے ہیں؟‬
Yes, come in. please be seated. ‫ پلیز بیٹھ جائیں۔‬،‫جی آجائیے‬
I want/ would like to get information about ‫مجھے داخلے کے بارے میں معلومات‬
admission. ‫چاہیے۔‬
Why do you want/ wish to get admission here? ‫آپ یہاں داخلہ کیوں لینا چاہتے ہیں؟‬
Have you got your college certificate? ‫کیا آپ کے پاس کالج کا سرٹیفکیٹ ہے؟‬
Due to extraordinary educational activities ‫غیر معمولی تعلیمی سرگرمیوں اور‬
and good reputation. ‫اچھی شہرت کی وجہ سے۔‬
Which facilities are given by the institute? ‫ادارے کی طرف سے کون سی سہولیات‬
‫دی جاتی ہیں؟‬
Does the institute provide the facility of pick & ‫کیا‬f ‫ادارہ ِپک اینڈ ڈارپ کی سہولیت‬
drop? ‫مہیا کرتا ہے؟‬
I’d like to admit my son/ daughter. ‫میں اپنے بچے کو داخل کروانا چاہتا‬
What does your father do? ‫آپ کے والد کیا کرتے ہیں؟‬
What’s the criteria for the admission? ‫داخلے کا معیار کیا ہے؟‬
What’s your child’s name? ‫آپکے بچے کا نام کیا ہے؟‬
How old is he? ‫اسکی عمر کتنی ہے؟‬
Could you please let me know admission fee? ‫کیا آپ مجھے داخلہ فیس بتا سکتے ہیں؟‬
Where did you study last year? ‫آپ نے پچھلے سال کہاں پڑھا تھا؟‬
How much percentage did you get? ‫کتنے فیصد نمبر حاصل کیے تھے؟‬
How can I get admission here? ‫میں یہاں داخلہ کیسے لے سکتا ہوں؟‬
Am I eligible for the admission? ‫کیا میں داخلہ کےلیے اہل ہوں؟‬
Have you cleared the test? ‫کیا آپ نے ٹیسٹ پاس کر لیا ہے؟‬
How much marks are required for the
‫داخلے کےلیے کتنے نمبر چاہئیں؟‬
Suggest me any good institute for Graduation. ‫گریجوایشن کےلیے کوئی اچھا سا ادارہ‬
Do you want to get admission in private / ‫آپ پرائیویٹ یا سرکاری ادارہ میں داخلہ‬
government institute? ‫لینا چاہتے ہیں؟‬
What documents are required/ necessary for ‫داخلے کےلیے کون سےدستاویزات‬
the admission? ‫ضروری ہیں؟‬
Get your documents stamped/ certified. ‫اپنے دستاویزات کی تصدیق کروالیں۔‬
How much fee for the complete course? ‫مکمل کورس کی فی کتنی ہے؟‬
What will be the amount for per semester? ‫ایک سیمسٹر کے کتنے پیسے ہوں گے؟‬
Can I pay the fee in installments? ‫کیا میں فیس قسطوں میں ادا کر سکتا‬
How can I pay the fee? ‫میں فیس کیسے ادا کر سکتا ہوں؟‬
You will have to deposit the fee in the ‫آپ کو متعلقہ بینک میں فیس جمع‬
concerned bank. ‫کروانا ہ وگی۔‬
You must keep the receipt with you. ‫رسید اپنے پاس رکھنا۔‬
Come along with your parents for admission. ‫داخلے کےلیے اپنے والدین کے ساتھ‬
Could you tell me something about your ‫کیا آپ اپنے ادارے کے متعلق کچھ بتا‬
institute? ‫سکتے ہیں؟‬
Could you please give me the prospectus? ‫کیا آپ مجھے پراسپیکٹس دے سکتے‬
How much do I have to pay for the ‫پراسپیکٹس کےلیے مجھے کتنا ادا کرنا‬
prospectus? ‫ہوگا؟‬
Fill up this application form and come in the ‫اس درخواست فارم کو ُپر کریں اور‬
afternoon. ‫دوپہر میں آجائیں۔‬
Can I freeze this semester? ‫کیا میں اس سمسٹر کو فریز کر سکتا‬
Time Related Sentences in English with Urdu

 While—- ‫جبکہ‬
 Ever—– ‫کبھی‬
 when— ‫کب‬
 then—– ‫پھر‬
 since—– ‫جب سے‬
 yet——– ‫ابھی تک‬
 formally—- ‫ باقاعدہ‬/‫سابقہ‬
 already— ‫پہلے سے‬
 once—— ‫ایک دفعہ‬
 before—- ‫پہلے‬
 after that—- ‫اس کے بعد‬
 yesterday—– ‫کل‬
 today—— ‫آج‬
 presently—- ‫موجودہ‬
 tomorrow—– ‫آنے والے کل‬
 later——– ‫بعد میں‬
 henceforth—– ‫اب سے‬
 consequently—- ‫نتیجتا‬
 seldom—— ‫ شاذ و نادر ہی‬/‫کبھی کبھار‬
 rarely——— ‫بہت کم‬
 finally——— ‫آخر کار‬
 in the end—— ‫آخر مییں‬
 after a long time—– ‫کافی وقت کے بعد‬
 afterwards—— ‫بعد میں‬
 as soon as —— ‫جتنا جلدی ہو‬
 after a while——– ‫تھوڑی دیر کے بعد‬
 at times——– ‫ کبھی کبھی‬/‫کبھی کبھار‬
 gradually—— ‫آہستہ آہستہ‬
 until/ till—– ‫تک‬
 shortly—- ‫ جلد ہی‬/‫تھوڑی دیر بعد‬
 right after—– ‫ٹھیک اس کے بعد‬
 recently—- ‫حال ہی میں‬
 at the moment—– ‫اس وقت‬
 always—- ‫ہمیشہ‬
 never—- ‫کبھی نہیں‬
 From time to time—- ‫وقت سے وقت تک‬
 often—— ‫اکثر‬

What’s the time by your watch? ‫آپکی گھڑی پر وقت کیا ہوا ہے؟‬

It’s time to take tea ‫یہ وقت چائے کا ہے۔‬

Time doesn’t stop for anyone. ‫وقت کسی کےلیے نہیں رکتا۔‬

I don’t have time. ‫میرے پاس وقت نہیں۔‬

It’s time. ‫یہ وقت ہے۔‬

We don’t have much time. ‫ہمارے پاس زیادہ وقت نہیں۔‬

Be on time. ‫وقت پر آنا۔‬

Reach on time. ‫وقت پر پہنچنا۔‬

She will be on time. ‫وہ وقت پر آجائے گی۔‬

You have only 24 hours. ‫ گھنٹے ہیں۔‬24 ‫آپ کے پاس صرف‬

It’s not sufficient time. ‫یہ وقت کافی نہیں ہے۔‬

I want some more time. ‫مجھے کچھ اور وقت چاہیے۔‬

Take your time. ‫ کوئ جلدی نہيں ہے‬/‫اپنا وقت لیں۔‬.

This time will never come back. ‫یہ وقت کبھی واپس نہیں آئے گا۔‬
‫‪Live your time.‬‬ ‫اپنا وقت جی لو۔‬

‫‪Don’t waste your time.‬‬ ‫اپنا وقت ضائع مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Your time is over.‬‬ ‫آپکا وقت ختم ہوا۔‬

‫‪I am just killing time.‬‬ ‫میں صرف وقت گزار رہا ہوں۔‬

‫‪I spend time reading books.‬‬ ‫میں کتابیں پڑھنے میں وقت گزارتا ہوں۔‬

‫مجھے لوگوں کے ساتھ وقت گزارنا اچھا‬

‫‪I like spending time with people.‬‬
‫لگتا ہے۔‬

‫مجھے آپکے ساتھ وقت گزارنا اچھا لگتا‬

‫‪I like to spend time with you.‬‬

‫‪Spend your time here.‬‬ ‫اپنا وقت یہاں گزاریں۔‬

‫‪I spend my leisure in sleeping.‬‬ ‫میں اپنا خالی وقت سونے میں گزارتا ہوں۔‬

‫‪Don’t waste your time in useless‬‬

‫فضول کاموں میں وقت ضائع مت کرو۔‬

‫?‪Do you have time for me‬‬ ‫کیا میرے لیے وقت ہے؟‬

‫‪Don’t waste my time.‬‬ ‫میرا وقت ضائع مت کرو۔‬

‫‪Make some time for me.‬‬ ‫میرے لیے تھوڑا وقت نکالو۔‬

‫?‪Can you make time for him‬‬ ‫کیا آپ اس کےلیے وقت نکال سکتے ہیں؟‬
‫میرے پاس کچھ‬/‫میرے پاس کافی وقت ہے۔‬
I have some much time.
‫وقت ہے‬

I don’t have time at all. ‫میرے پاس بالکل وقت نہیں ہے۔‬

I don’t get much free time. ‫میرے پاس اتنا وقت نہیں ہوتا۔‬

Save your time. ‫اپنا وقت بچاؤ۔‬

Give him some time to talk. ‫اسے بات کرنے کےلیے وقت دو۔‬

‫میں اب مشکل‬/‫ابھی مشکل وقت چل رہا ہے۔‬

I am having hard time now.
‫سے گزر رہا ہوں۔‬

He gave him hard time. ‫اس نے اسے پریشان کیا۔‬

Your time is up. ‫آپکا وقت ختم ہوا۔‬

2000 Spoken English Sentences for Daily Use with

Urdu Translation

There were loads of people. ‫وہاں بہت سارے لوگ‬

Make it your home. ‫اپنا ہی گھر سمجھیں۔‬
There is nothing to fear. ‫ڈرنے کی کوئی بات‬
‫نہیں ہے۔‬
That’s what I am saying. ‫یہی تو میں کہ رہا ہوں۔‬
It’s not like that. ‫ایسی بات نہیں ہے۔‬
Keep it to yourself. ‫بات اپنے تک‬
‫اسے اپنے پاس‬/‫رکھنا۔‬
Don’t sit idle! ‫!بیکار مت بیٹھو‬
How did you come to know? ‫تمہیں کیسے پتہ چال؟‬
Which side are you on? ‫آپ کس کی طرف ہیں؟‬
Take a look at this. ‫زرا یہ دیکھنا۔‬
I’m quite exhausted today. ‫میں بہت تھکا ہوا ہوں۔‬
Do not be childish. ‫بچوں جیسا نہیں بنو۔‬
Are you done? ‫کیا آپ نے بول لیا؟‬
It doesn’t matter. ‫کوئی بات نہیں۔‬
Apply your mind. ‫اپنا دماغ لگائیں۔‬
When does it begin? ‫کب شروع ہوتا ہے؟‬
I’m on my way. ‫میں راستے میں ہوں۔‬
What are you talking about? ‫کیا بات کرہے ہو؟‬
He is blushing ‫وہ شرما رہا ہے۔‬
Give me a hand. ‫میری مدد کرو۔‬
Say sorry. ‫معافی مانگو۔‬
Stay inside. ‫اندر رہو۔‬
Stay outside. ‫باہر رہو۔‬
Take one. ‫ایک لو۔‬
She is learning a lesson. ‫وہ سبق یاد کر رہی ہے۔‬
I am driving the car. ‫میں کار چال رہا ہوں۔‬
How pitiable! ‫!کتنا افسوس ناک‬
Don’t get close to me. ‫میرے قریب نہیں آؤ۔‬
It’s worthwhile. ‫یہ قابل قدر ہے۔‬
Grow your mustache. ‫مونچھیں رکھ لیں۔‬
Don’t be so innocent. ‫معصوم مت بنو۔‬
That was my mistake. ‫یہ میری غلطی تھی۔‬
it’s not like that. ‫ایسی بات نہیں ہے۔‬
It’s a good thing. ‫یہ اچھی بات ہے۔‬
‫‪It’s your choice.‬‬ ‫یہ تمہاری پسند ہے۔‬
‫‪Who called you.‬‬ ‫کس نے بالیا؟‬
‫?‪May I say something‬‬ ‫کیا کچھ کہوں؟‬
‫?‪Who said this‬‬ ‫کس نے کہا یہ؟‬
‫‪Do it again.‬‬ ‫دوبارہ کرو۔‬
‫‪Get off the way.‬‬ ‫راستے سے ہٹو۔‬
‫‪Don’t push me.‬‬ ‫دھکیلو مت۔‪/‬مجھے‬
‫دھکا مت دو‬
‫‪Do that .‬‬ ‫وہ کرو۔‬
‫‪Wash it.‬‬ ‫اسے دھو دو۔‬
‫‪Clean the room.‬‬ ‫کمرہ صاف کر دیں۔‬
‫‪It’s my promise.‬‬ ‫یہ میرا وعدہ ہے۔‬
‫‪Ask something.‬‬ ‫کچھ پوچھو۔‬
‫‪I have nothing.‬‬ ‫میرے پاس کچھ نہیں۔‬
‫‪Please, do not hesitate,‬‬ ‫پلیز‪ ،‬ہچکچاؤ نہیں۔‬
‫‪Stop being rude.‬‬ ‫بدتمیزی نہیں کرو۔‬
‫‪He gives charity.‬‬ ‫وہ صدقہ دیتا ہے۔‬
‫?‪Shall I go now‬‬ ‫کیا میں جاؤں؟‬
‫‪He is in fast sleep.‬‬ ‫وہ پکی نیند میں ہے۔‬
‫‪Don’t argue‬‬ ‫بحث نہیں کرو۔‬
‫‪Try it on.‬‬ ‫چیک کر کے دیکھو۔‬
‫‪It is mine.‬‬ ‫یہ میرا ہے۔‬
‫‪Get me out.‬‬ ‫مجھے باہر نکالو۔‬
‫‪Take me with you.‬‬ ‫مجھے اپنے ساتھ لے‬
‫‪I cannot bear this.‬‬ ‫میں یہ برادشت نہیں کر‬
‫‪He explained to me.‬‬ ‫اس نے مجھے سمجھایا۔‬
‫‪I got stunned.‬‬ ‫میں دنگ رہ گیا۔‬
‫‪Decide it now.‬‬ ‫ابھی فیصلہ کریں۔‬
‫‪It’s just nothing.‬‬ ‫یہ صرف کچھ نہیں ہے۔‬
‫?‪Is it really you‬‬ ‫کیا واقعی یہ تم ہو۔‬
‫‪Keep the beard.‬‬ ‫داڑھی رکھ لیں۔‬
‫‪It’s indelible.‬‬ ‫یہ ناقابل فرا موش ہے۔‬
‫‪He is credulous.‬‬ ‫وہ سیدھا سادھا ہے۔‪/‬وہ قابل‬
‫اعتماد ہے۔‬
‫‪Listen to what I say.‬‬ ‫جو میں کہتا ہوں سنو۔‬
‫‪Stop eavesdropping.‬‬ ‫چھپ کر باتیں سننا بند‬
‫?‪Do you really care‬‬ ‫کیا آپ واقعی پرواہ‬
‫کرتے ہیں؟‬
‫?‪What’s the big deal‬‬ ‫اس میں کیا بڑی بات‬
‫‪Don’t be personal.‬‬ ‫ذاتی نہ بنیں۔‬
‫‪You can have it.‬‬ ‫آپ لے سکتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪I am unknown to you.‬‬ ‫میں آپ کےلیے اجنبی‬
‫‪Reveal the secret.‬‬ ‫راز بتا دیں۔‬
‫?‪What does it mean‬‬ ‫اسکا کیا مطلب ہے؟‬
‫‪He cries like baby.‬‬ ‫وہ بچے کی طرح روتا‬
‫‪Do not use it.‬‬ ‫اسے استعمال مت کرو۔‬
‫?‪Who came‬‬ ‫کون آیا؟‬
‫‪She is staring at him.‬‬ ‫وہ اسے گھور رہی ہے۔‬
‫‪I will not say a word.‬‬ ‫میں ایک لفظ بھی نہیں‬
‫کہوں گا۔‬
‫‪Speak clearly.‬‬ ‫صاف صاف بولیں۔‬
‫‪He cares you.‬‬ ‫اسے آپکی پرواہ ہے۔‬
‫‪Make it simple.‬‬ ‫اسے آسان بنائیں۔‬
‫‪No manners at all.‬‬ ‫کوئی آداب بلکل نہیں۔‬
‫‪Come to the point.‬‬ ‫اصل بات کریں۔‬
‫‪There is a reason.‬‬ ‫ایک وجہ ہے۔‬
‫‪Just move on.‬‬ ‫آگے بڑھو۔‬
‫‪He is very keen.‬‬ ‫وہ بہت چاالک ہے۔‪/‬وہ بہت‬
‫‪.‬شوقین ہے‬
‫?‪Don’t you any respect‬‬ ‫کیا آپکی کوئی عزت‬
‫‪I don’t have even a penny.‬‬ ‫میرے پاس ایک پیسہ بھی‬
‫نہیں ہے۔‬
‫‪Give me something.‬‬ ‫مجھے کچھ دو۔‬
‫?‪What is more compulsory‬‬ ‫زیادہ ضروری کیا ہے؟‬
‫‪It’s merely a rumor.‬‬ ‫یہ محض ایک افواہ ہے۔‬
‫‪Be sensible.‬‬ ‫سمجھدار بنیں۔‬
‫‪Have fun.‬‬ ‫‪.‬مزہ کرو‬
‫‪It’s only a talk.‬‬ ‫یہ صرف ایک بات ہے۔‬
‫‪Feel free to speak.‬‬ ‫بال جھجھک بات کریں۔‬
‫‪Stop cracking jokes.‬‬ ‫مذاق اڑانا بند کرو‪/‬لطیفے‬
‫توڑنا بند کریں۔‬
‫‪Take it lightly.‬‬ ‫اسے ہلکے سے لیں۔‬
‫‪He respects you a lot.‬‬ ‫وہ آپکی بہت عزت کرتا‬
‫‪Turn around.‬‬ ‫زرا گھومنا۔‬
‫‪Keep walking straight.‬‬ ‫سیدھا چلتے رہو۔‬
‫‪Do not pay heed to him.‬‬ ‫اس کی طرف توجہ مت دیں۔‬
‫‪Keep thinking about it.‬‬ ‫اس کے بارے میں سوچتے‬
‫‪I need some time.‬‬ ‫مجھے کچھ وقت چاہیے۔‬
‫‪You are like me‬‬ ‫تم بھی میری طرح ہو۔‬
‫‪Feel free to speak.‬‬ ‫بال جھجھک بات کریں۔‬
‫‪Stop cracking jokes.‬‬ ‫لطیفے توڑنا بند کریں۔‬
‫‪Take it lightly.‬‬ ‫زیادہ سنجیدہ مت لیں۔‬
‫‪He is a spendthrift.‬‬ ‫وہ فضول خرچ ہے۔‬
‫?‪What to do now‬‬ ‫اب کیا کیا جائے؟‬
‫?‪Is it funny‬‬ ‫کیا یہ مضحکہ خیز ہے؟‬
‫?‪How to solve it‬‬ ‫اسے کیسے حل کیا جائے؟‬
‫‪That’s sit.‬‬ ‫بس یہی کچھ۔‬
‫‪it is on you now.‬‬ ‫یہ اب آپ پر ہے‬
‫‪I want right now.‬‬ ‫میں ابھی چاہتا ہوں۔‬
‫‪Something is wrong.‬‬ ‫کچھ گڑ بڑ ہے۔‬
‫وہ میرے پاس بیٹھا ہے۔ ‪) me.‬بغل میں( ‪He is sitting next to‬‬
‫‪He’ll get well soon.‬‬ ‫وہ جلد ٹھیک ہو جائے‬
‫‪It takes time.‬‬ ‫وقت لگتا ہے۔‬
‫‪Here it is.‬‬ ‫یہ رہا۔‬
‫‪Not in my hand‬‬ ‫میرے بس میں نہیں۔‬
‫‪Take her with you.‬‬ ‫اسے ساتھ لے جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Eventually, he accepted.‬‬ ‫آخر کار اس نے مان لیا۔‬
‫‪I cannot take risks.‬‬ ‫میں رسک نہیں لے‬
‫‪I know what’s that.‬‬ ‫میں جانتا ہوں کہ یہ کیا‬
‫‪She tried to tell you.‬‬ ‫اس نے آپ کو بتانے کی‬
‫کوشش کی۔‬
‫?‪Who stole my money‬‬ ‫میرے پیسے کس نے‬
‫چوری کیے؟‬
‫‪I feel shame.‬‬ ‫مجھے شرم محسوس‬
‫ہوتی ہے۔‬
‫‪I just do not need it.‬‬ ‫مجھے بس اسکی‬
‫ضرورت نہیں۔‬
‫?‪Will you say something‬‬ ‫کچھ کہو گے؟‬
‫?‪Did you go there‬‬ ‫کیا تم وہاں گئ تھی؟‬
‫?‪What do you say‬‬ ‫کیا کہتے ہو؟‬
‫‪Perhaps, I go there.‬‬ ‫شاید‪ ،‬میں وہاں جاتا ہوں‪ .‬شاید‪ ،‬میں‪/‬‬
‫وہاں جاؤں۔‬
‫‪I’m in a bad state.‬‬ ‫میری حالت بری ہے۔‬
‫?‪How about the taste‬‬ ‫اور ذائقہ کیساہے؟‬
‫?‪How did you do it‬‬ ‫آپ نے یہ کیسے کیا؟‬
‫‪I am sick of it.‬‬ ‫تنگ آگیا ہوں میں اس‬
‫‪Ask him anything.‬‬ ‫اس سے کچھ بھی‬
‫?‪Are you in your senses‬‬ ‫ہوش میں تو ہو تم؟‬
‫‪I’m sweating.‬‬ ‫‪.‬مجھے پسینہ آ رہا ہے‬
‫‪He is looking at me.‬‬ ‫وہ میری طرف دیکھ رہا‬
‫‪It is hard to please you.‬‬ ‫آپ کو خوش کرنا مشکل‬
‫‪He married for money.‬‬ ‫اس نے پیسوں کے لیے‬
‫شادی کی۔‬
‫‪I’m delivering the lecture.‬‬ ‫میں لیکچر دے رہا ہوں۔‬
‫‪Go from here.‬‬ ‫جاؤ یہاں سے۔‬
‫‪No more discussion، please.‬‬ ‫براہ کرم مزید بحث نہ‬
‫?‪What actually happened‬‬ ‫ہوا کیا تھا؟‬
‫?‪Who told you this‬‬ ‫تمہیں کس نے یہ بتایا؟‬
‫‪I don’t mean it.‬‬ ‫میرا یہ مطلب نہیں ہے۔‬
‫?‪Is all good‬‬ ‫کیا سب ٹھیک ہے؟‬
‫?‪What is happening here‬‬ ‫یہان کیا ہو رہا ہے؟‬
‫‪He is still not well.‬‬ ‫وہ ابھی تک ٹھیک نہیں‬
‫‪This is not a joke.‬‬ ‫یہ مذاق نہیں ہے۔‬
‫‪It’s incredible.‬‬ ‫یہ ناقاِبل یقین ہے۔‬
‫?‪How could he do this‬‬ ‫وہ یہ کیسے کر سکتا‬
‫ہے ؟‬
‫‪Nothing is impossible.‬‬ ‫کچھ بھی نا ممکن نہیں۔‬
‫‪Wait for your turn.‬‬ ‫اپنی باری کا انتظار‬
‫‪Try your luck.‬‬ ‫اپنی قسمت آزماؤ۔‬
‫‪Hold this.‬‬ ‫یہ پکڑیں۔‬
‫‪Try again.‬‬ ‫دوبارہ کوشش کریں۔‬
‫‪Stay happy.‬‬ ‫خوش رہیں۔‬
‫‪Look at me.‬‬ ‫میری طرف دیکھیں۔‬
‫‪Take it.‬‬ ‫یہ لےلیں۔‬
‫?‪Anything else‬‬ ‫کچھ اور؟‬
‫‪Be careful.‬‬ ‫دھیان سے۔‬
‫‪Taste it.‬‬ ‫اسے چکھیں۔‬
‫‪No problem.‬‬ ‫کوئی بات نہیں۔‬
‫‪Walk slowly.‬‬ ‫آہستہ چلیں۔‬
‫‪Think once‬‬ ‫سوچ لو ایک بار۔‬
‫‪Who provoked you‬‬ ‫کس نے ُاکسایا؟‬
‫?‪What do I understand then‬‬ ‫کیا سمجھوں پھر میں؟‬
‫‪That’s what I wanted‬‬ ‫یہی تو چاہیئے تھا‬
‫‪I agree to(with) this.‬‬ ‫میں اس سے اتفاق کرتا‬
‫‪I’m blushing.‬‬ ‫میں شرما رہا ہوں۔‬
‫‪You are making me fight him.‬‬ ‫تم اس سے مجھے لڑوا‬
‫رہے ہو۔‬
‫‪Put the clothes in the shelf.‬‬ ‫کپڑے الماری میں رکھ‬
‫‪The shop is nearby.‬‬ ‫دوکان پاس ہی ہے۔‬
‫?‪what to say now‬‬ ‫اب کیا کہوں؟‬
‫‪Let me talk to him.‬‬ ‫میں بات کرتا ہوں اس‬
‫‪Do not impose on me.‬‬ ‫مجھ پر مت ٹھونسو۔‬
‫?‪So what‬‬ ‫تو کیا؟‬
‫‪Let me do this.‬‬ ‫مجھے یہ کرنے دو۔‬
‫‪Please, do not say like this.‬‬ ‫ایسا نہیں کہو پلیز۔‬
‫‪He always speaks lie.‬‬ ‫وہ ہمیشہ جھوٹ بولتا‬
‫‪He did wrong.‬‬ ‫اس نے غلط کیا۔‬
‫?‪What is difficult‬‬ ‫مشکل کیا ہے؟‬
‫‪He asks questions a lot.‬‬ ‫وہ بہت سوال کرتا ہے۔‬
‫‪Do not complain.‬‬ ‫شکایت مت کریں۔‬
‫‪Compose yourself.‬‬ ‫خود کو سنبھالیں۔‬
‫‪Have him seated.‬‬ ‫اسےبیٹھا ئیے۔‬
‫?‪Which one to take‬‬ ‫کونسا لینا ہے؟‬
‫?‪Where to go‬‬ ‫کہاں جانا ہے؟‬
‫‪Show something else.‬‬ ‫کچھ اور دکھائیے۔‬
‫‪Don’t mess with me.‬‬ ‫میرا سر مت کھاؤ۔‬
‫?‪Are you in your senses‬‬ ‫کیا تم ہوش میں ہو؟‬
‫?‪What is he to you‬‬ ‫وہ آپکا کیا لگتا ہے؟‬
‫‪Have him seated in.‬‬ ‫اسے اندر بیٹھا ئیے۔‬
‫‪Put it inside.‬‬ ‫اسے اندر رکھو۔‬
‫‪Please, help yourself.‬‬ ‫براہ کرم‪ ،‬اپنی مدد کریں‪/ .‬‬
‫پلیز‪ ،‬لیجیے نا۔‬
‫?‪Is it true‬‬ ‫کیا یہ سچ ہے؟‬
‫‪I’m asking you something.‬‬ ‫کچھ پو چھ رہا ہوں آپ‬
‫‪Told him many a times.‬‬ ‫کافی دفعہ بتایا اسے۔‬
‫‪It shouldn’t be done.‬‬ ‫ایسا نہیں کرنا چاہیے۔‬
‫‪He is a late riser.‬‬ ‫وہ دیر سے اٹھتا ہے۔‬
‫‪I am an early riser.‬‬ ‫میں جلدی اٹھتا ہوں۔‬
‫‪Get benefit of it.‬‬ ‫اس سے فائدہ ُاٹھاؤ۔‬
‫‪Leave it to me‬‬ ‫یہ مجھ پر چھوڑدو‬
‫‪He is a late riser.‬‬ ‫وہ دیر سے اٹھتا ہے۔‬
‫‪I’ll do it myself.‬‬ ‫میں خود کروں گا۔‬
‫?‪What are you talking‬‬ ‫تم کیا بول رہے ہوں؟‬
‫‪Why are you looking like‬‬ ‫آپ اس طرح کیوں دیکھ‬
‫?‪this‬‬ ‫رہے ہیں؟‬
‫‪This may be true.‬‬ ‫یہ سچ ہو سکتا ہے۔‬
‫‪Ok. I quit.‬‬ ‫ٹھیک ہے‪ .‬میں نے‬
‫چھوڑ دیا‬
‫?‪What actually happened‬‬ ‫اصل میں کیا ہوا تھا؟‬
‫‪Be lenient with him.‬‬ ‫اس کے ساتھ نرمی سے‬
‫پیش آؤ۔‬
‫?‪Do you remember my name‬‬ ‫کیا آپ کو میرا نام یاد‬
‫‪Stop thinking about her.‬‬ ‫اس کے بارے میں‬
‫سوچنا چھوڑ دو۔‬
‫‪No more fluke, please.‬‬ ‫پلیز‪ ،‬مزید تکے نہیں۔‬
‫‪He did it alone.‬‬ ‫‪.‬اس نے اکیلے کیا‬
‫?‪Is it really difficult‬‬ ‫کیا یہ واقعی مشکل ہے؟‬
‫‪Don’t panic.‬‬ ‫گھبرائیں نہیں۔‬
‫‪My stomach is growling.‬‬ ‫میرا پیٹ میں گڑ گڑ ہو‬
‫رہی ہے۔‬
‫‪Make the bed.‬‬ ‫‪.‬بستر ٹھیک کرنا‬
‫?‪Do you know him‬‬ ‫تم اسے جانتے ہو؟‬
‫‪I need to leave now.‬‬ ‫مجھے ابھی جانا ہے۔‬
‫?‪Do you have the courage‬‬ ‫کیا آپ میں ہمت ہے؟‬
‫?‪Who pushed you‬‬ ‫آپ کو کس نے دھکا‬
‫‪Don’t get into this .‬‬ ‫اس میں مت آنا۔‬
‫‪It’s troublesome.‬‬ ‫یہ پریشان کن ہے۔‬
‫‪No need to tell me.‬‬ ‫مجھے بتانے کی‬
‫ضرورت نہیں‬
‫‪Someone is calling you.‬‬ ‫کوئی آپ کو بال رہا ہے۔‬
‫‪He has no one.‬‬ ‫اس کا کوئی نہیں ہے۔‬
‫‪She saves money.‬‬ ‫وہ پیسے بچاتا ہے۔‬
‫‪I shall be free in a minute.‬‬ ‫میں ایک منٹ میں فارغ ہو‬
‫جاؤں گا۔‬
‫‪I had a busy day.‬‬ ‫دن کافی مصروف تھا۔‬
‫?‪What time will you come‬‬ ‫آپ کس وقت آئیں گے؟‬
‫‪Please, oil my hair.‬‬ ‫پلیز‪ ،‬بالوں کو تیل لگا‬
‫‪Turn the fan up.‬‬ ‫پنکھا تیز کردو۔‬
‫!‪How tragic‬‬ ‫!کتنی تکلیف دہ بات ہے‬
‫‪I am sick of your behavior.‬‬ ‫میں اس کے رویے سے‬
‫ُاکتا گیا ہوں۔‬
‫‪I never Heard that before.‬‬ ‫میں نے ایسی بات پہلے‬
‫کبھی نہیں سنی۔‬
‫‪Please don’t be formal.‬‬ ‫براہ کرم رسمی نہ بنیں۔‪/‬‬
‫تکلف کی ضرورت‬
‫?‪What movie is on today‬‬ ‫آج کونسی فلم لگنے‬
‫والی ہے؟‬
‫‪He stops me from going there.‬‬ ‫وہ مجھے وہاں جانے‬
‫سے روکتا ہے۔‬
‫‪He is fully aware of his‬‬ ‫وہ اپنی کمزوری سے‬
‫‪weakness.‬‬ ‫اچھی طرح واقف ہے۔‬
‫‪She can’t help laughing.‬‬ ‫وہ ہنسے بغیر نہیں رہ‬
‫!‪Speak up‬‬ ‫اونچا بولو۔‬
‫‪You should have informed me.‬‬ ‫آپکو مجھے بتانا چاہیے‬
‫‪You had better keep silent.‬‬ ‫بہتر ہے آپ خاموش‬
‫‪Would that he had come here.‬‬ ‫کاش وہ یہاں آجاتا۔‬
‫‪All beyond my understanding.‬‬ ‫یہ سب میری سمجھ سے‬
‫باہر ہے۔‬
‫‪Get back.‬‬ ‫واپس چلے جاؤ۔‬
‫‪I don’t want to make trouble.‬‬ ‫میں مسئلہ پیدا نہیں کرنا‬
‫‪Have him in.‬‬ ‫اسے اندر لیکر آئیں۔‬
‫?‪It took me 3 days to get there‬‬ ‫وہاں پہنچنے میں مجھے‬
‫‪ 3‬دن لگے۔‬
‫‪Show him out.‬‬ ‫اسے باہر کا راستہ‬
‫‪I went there but I saw‬‬ ‫میں وہاں گیا لیکن مجھے‬
‫‪nobody.‬‬ ‫کوئی نہیں دکھا۔‬
‫‪Watch out.‬‬ ‫سنبھل کر‪ ،‬ہوشیاری سے۔‪ /‬سنبھل کر‪،‬‬
‫ہوشیاری سے۔‬
‫‪I’ll go back.‬‬ ‫میں واپس جاؤں گا۔‬
‫‪Lend me a hand please.‬‬ ‫میری مدد کریں‪ ،‬پلیز۔‬
‫?‪What have you seen in Multan‬‬ ‫آپ نے ملتان میں کیا‬
‫‪Please make yourself‬‬ ‫پلیز‪ ،‬آرام سے بیٹھیں۔‬
‫‪He was sure of success.‬‬ ‫اسے کامیابی کا یقین تھا۔‬
‫‪I always back him.‬‬ ‫مین ہمیشہ اسکا ساتھ‬
‫دیتا ہوں۔‬
‫‪Go at once.‬‬ ‫فورا جاؤ۔‬
‫‪He may have been sleeping.‬‬ ‫شاید وہ سو رہا ہو۔‬
‫‪I would have said Yes.‬‬ ‫میں ہاں کر دیتا۔‬
‫‪See you tomorrow.‬‬ ‫کل ملتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪As you like.‬‬ ‫جیسے آپکی مرضی۔‬
‫‪There was nobody in the office.‬‬ ‫دفتر میں کوئی نہیں تھا۔‬
‫‪Leave off work now.‬‬ ‫اب کام بند کرو۔‬
‫?‪Does Sara come your home‬‬ ‫کیا سارہ آپکے گھر آتی‬
‫‪You got me wrong.‬‬ ‫آپ نے مجھے غلط‬
‫‪He has left no respect.‬‬ ‫اسکی کوئی عزت نہیں‬
‫?‪Where to go‬‬ ‫کہاں جانا ہے؟‬
‫?‪Where are you going‬‬ ‫کہاں جارہے ہو؟‬
‫‪Look at me.‬‬ ‫میری طرف دیکھو۔‬
‫‪Go and get that man.‬‬ ‫جاؤ اور اس آدمی کو‬
‫‪Let him take time.‬‬ ‫ُاسے وقت دو۔‬
‫?‪What happened‬‬ ‫کیا ہوا؟‬
‫!‪For your good health‬‬ ‫آپکی اچھی صحت‬
‫‪He doesn’t have sense.‬‬ ‫اس میں عقل نہیں ہے۔‬
‫‪Not a bit.‬‬ ‫تھورا سا بھی نہیں۔‬
‫‪Do not gesture.‬‬ ‫اشارہ مت کرو۔‬
‫‪Use your wits.‬‬ ‫عقل کا استعمال کرو۔‬
‫‪Have you met Sara anywhere‬‬ ‫کیا آپ سارہ سے پہلے‬
‫?‪before‬‬ ‫کہیں ملے ہیں‬
‫‪Do not chat.‬‬ ‫گپیں مت لگاؤ۔‬
‫?‪How are you‬‬ ‫آپ کیسے ہیں؟‬
‫‪Nice to meet you.‬‬ ‫آپ سے مل کر اچھا لگا۔‬
‫?‪What’s the matter‬‬ ‫کیا بات ہے؟‬
‫‪Look back.‬‬ ‫پیچھے دیکھو۔‬
‫‪All this had happened.‬‬ ‫یہ سب ہو چکا تھا۔‬
‫‪Be careful.‬‬ ‫احتیاط سے۔‬
‫?‪Who told you that‬‬ ‫آپکو کس نے بتایا؟‬
‫?‪So, what happened‬‬ ‫تو کیا ہوا؟‬
‫‪She is wiser than me.‬‬ ‫وہ مجھ سے زیادہ ذہین ہے۔‬
‫‪Do come.‬‬ ‫ضرور آنا۔‬
‫?‪What if…..‬‬ ‫کیا ہو اگر۔۔؟‬
‫‪Let me think.‬‬ ‫مجھے سوچنے دو۔‬
‫‪They are foreigners.‬‬ ‫وہ غیر ملکی ہیں۔‬
‫?‪Any scoop‬‬ ‫کوئی نئی تازی۔‬
‫‪We haven’t heard this news.‬‬ ‫ہم نے یہ خبر نہیں سنی۔‬
‫‪We are confused.‬‬ ‫ہم پریشان ہیں۔‬
‫?‪Who is out there‬‬ ‫باہر کون ہیں؟‬
‫‪He stopped smoking.‬‬ ‫اس نے سگریٹ نوشی‬
‫بند کردی۔‬
‫‪I have no doubt.‬‬ ‫مجھے کوئ شک نہیں۔‬
‫?‪Who can do this work‬‬ ‫یہ کام کون کر سکتا‬
‫‪Go up.‬‬ ‫اوپر جاؤ۔‬
‫‪No, I have to go now.‬‬ ‫نہیں‪ ،‬مجھے ابھی جانا‬
‫!‪What a bother‬‬ ‫!کیا پریشانی ہے‬
‫‪It is ten miles away.‬‬ ‫یہ دس میل دور ہے۔‬
‫!‪Speak up‬‬ ‫اونچا بولو۔‬
‫‪He was here yesterday.‬‬ ‫وہ کل یہاں تھا۔‬
‫‪Donate generously.‬‬ ‫دل کھول کر خیرات‬
‫‪Use anything else.‬‬ ‫کسی اور چیز کو‬
‫استعمال کریں۔‬
‫‪Hold on, please.‬‬ ‫تھوڑا ُرکیں پلیز۔‬
‫!‪What a relief‬‬ ‫!جان میں جان آئ‬
‫‪Have breakfast.‬‬ ‫ناشتہ کر لو۔‬
‫?‪Are you leaving‬‬ ‫کیا تم جا رہے ہو؟‬
‫‪Don’t forget.‬‬ ‫مت بھولو۔‬
‫?‪But why‬‬ ‫پر کیوں؟‬
‫‪Comb your hair.‬‬ ‫‪.‬اپنے بال کنگھی کرو‬
‫‪I must leave now.‬‬ ‫مجھے ابھی جانا ہے۔‬
‫‪She is badly hurt.‬‬ ‫وہ بری طرح زخمی‬
‫‪Not even a sip.‬‬ ‫ایک گھونٹ بھی نہیں۔‬
‫‪Comb your hair.‬‬ ‫‪.‬اپنے بال کنگھی کرو‬
‫‪You will get drenched.‬‬ ‫آپ بھیگ جائیں گے۔‬
‫‪This is always the case.‬‬ ‫ہمیشہ ایسے ہی ہوتا ہے۔‬
‫‪So, that’s the matter.‬‬ ‫اچھا تو یہ بات ہے۔‬
‫‪That’s all for now.‬‬ ‫ابھی کے لیے بس اتنا ہے۔‬
‫‪It is very honor for me.‬‬ ‫یہ میرے لیے بہت اعزاز کی بات‬
‫‪Throw the garbage.‬‬ ‫کچرا پھینک دو۔‬
‫‪He is hanging clothes.‬‬ ‫وہ کپڑے لٹکا رہا ہے۔‬
‫)جھانکنا(‪What are you peeping‬‬ ‫آپ کدھر جھانک رہے‬
‫?‪at‬‬ ‫ہیں؟‬
‫‪You were true to your words.‬‬ ‫آپ اپنی بات پر سچے‬
‫‪Anything you like.‬‬ ‫کچھ بھی جو آپ کو پسند‬
‫‪Let me take a shower.‬‬ ‫مجھے نہانے دو۔‬
‫اس سے پوچھنے کا کوئ فائدہ نہیں۔ ‪It’s no use asking him.‬‬
‫?‪What did you say‬‬ ‫کیا کہا تم نے؟‬
‫?‪Did I get you right‬‬ ‫کیا میں آپکو سہی‬
‫‪Let’s learn something new.‬‬ ‫چلو کچھ نیا سیکھتے‬
‫‪Don’t take it on your heart.‬‬ ‫اسے دل پر مت لو۔‬
‫‪I’m in trouble.‬‬ ‫میں پریشانی میں ہوں۔‬
‫‪I have got hurt.‬‬ ‫مجھے چوٹ لگ گئ‬
‫‪Your mouth is smelling of‬‬ ‫تمہارے منہ سے پیاز کی‬
‫‪onion‬‬ ‫بدبو آرہی ہے۔‬
‫‪Please keep quiet‬‬ ‫چپ رہییے۔‬
‫‪) excuses.‬لنگڑا(‪Don’t’ make lame‬‬ ‫بہانے مت بناؤ۔‬
‫‪It’s no use going there‬‬ ‫وہاں جانے کا کوئ فائدہ‬
‫‪Use your brain.‬‬ ‫اپنے دماغ کا استعمال‬
‫‪I’m feeling sleepy.‬‬ ‫مجھے نیند آرہی ہے۔‬
‫‪You are responsible for that.‬‬ ‫اسکے ذمہ دار تم ہو۔‬
‫‪Do not abuse him.‬‬ ‫اسے گالی مت دو۔‬
‫‪You can’t escape from this.‬‬ ‫تم اس سے بچ نہیں‬
‫‪It’s all yours.‬‬ ‫اسے اپنی ہی چیز‬
‫!‪Really‬‬ ‫!واقعی‬
‫!‪What a bother‬‬ ‫کیا پریشانی ہے؟‬
‫!‪Touch wood‬‬ ‫!لکڑی کو چھوئیں‬
‫!‪What an idea‬‬ ‫!کیا بڑی سوچ ہے‬
‫?‪Why not‬‬ ‫کیوں نہیں؟‬
‫‪Take care.‬‬ ‫دھیان رکھنا۔‬
‫?‪What about us‬‬ ‫ہمارا کیا؟‬
‫‪She is happy.‬‬ ‫!وہ خوش ہے‬
‫‪Don’t move.‬‬ ‫ہلو مت۔‬
‫‪I’m fine.‬‬ ‫میں ٹھیک ہوں۔‬
‫‪It’s not my fault.‬‬ ‫یہ میری غلطی نہیں ہے۔‬
‫?‪Are you sick‬‬ ‫کیا تم بیمار ہو؟‬
‫‪) here.‬کوڑا(‪Don’t litter‬‬ ‫یہاں کوڑا مت کرو۔‬
‫‪Let me out.‬‬ ‫مجھے باہر جانے دو۔‬
‫‪Come with us.‬‬ ‫ہمارے ساتھ آؤ۔‬
‫‪Take your time.‬‬ ‫آرام سے آؤ۔‬
‫‪Stay out of this.‬‬ ‫اس سے دور ہی رہو۔‬
‫‪Latch the door.‬‬ ‫ُک نڈی لگادو۔‬
‫‪I’m fed up.‬‬ ‫میں تنگ آگیا ہوں۔‬
‫‪Keep sitting.‬‬ ‫بیٹھے رہیئے۔‬
‫‪Fix that.‬‬ ‫اسے ٹھیک کرو۔‬
‫‪Say something.‬‬ ‫کچھ بولو۔‬
‫‪I’m about to leave.‬‬ ‫میں نکلنے واالہوں۔‬
‫‪Say that again.‬‬ ‫وہ پھر سے کہو۔‬
‫?‪Where to go‬‬ ‫کہاں جانا ہے؟‬
‫‪Find the solution.‬‬ ‫حل ڈھونڈو۔‬
‫‪Don’t tell others.‬‬ ‫دوسروں کو مت بتانا۔‬
‫‪Take it down.‬‬ ‫اسے نیچے لے جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Think it over.‬‬ ‫اس پر سوچو۔‬
‫‪Think it on.‬‬ ‫‪.‬اس پر غور کریں‬
‫‪Don’t shout.‬‬ ‫چالؤ نہیں۔‬
‫‪Go upstairs.‬‬ ‫اوپر جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Keep it secret.‬‬ ‫اسے راز رکھو۔‬
‫‪Let me see.‬‬ ‫مجھے دیکھنے دیں۔‬
‫?‪What should I do now‬‬ ‫اب میں کیا کروں؟‬
‫?‪What can I do now‬‬ ‫میں کیا کر سکتا ہوں‬
‫‪Anything else to do for me.‬‬ ‫میرے الئق کچھ حکم۔‬
‫?‪How’s that‬‬ ‫یہ کیسا ہے؟‬
‫?‪Can it be solved‬‬ ‫اسکا کوئ حل نکل سکتا‬
‫‪Get off my back.‬‬ ‫میرا پیچھا چھوڑ دو۔‬
‫?‪Should I go now‬‬ ‫کیا مجھے ابھی جانا‬
‫‪Let it go dear.‬‬ ‫کیا مجھے ابھی جانا‬
‫‪The boy is crying for nothing.‬‬ ‫بچہ بالوجہ رو رہا ہے۔‬
‫?‪Why did he let you do this‬‬ ‫اس نے آپکو ایسا کیوں‬
‫کرنے دیا؟‬
‫?‪Had you right to do like this‬‬ ‫کیا آپ کو ایسا کرنے کا‬
‫حق ہے؟‬
‫‪This is out of my mind.‬‬ ‫یہ معاملہ میری سمجھ‬
‫سے باہر ہے۔‬
‫‪) sun outside.‬تپتی(‪It is scorching‬‬ ‫باہر تو بہت تیز دھوپ‬
‫نکل رہی ہے۔‬
‫‪Fear Allah.‬‬ ‫ہللا سے ڈرو۔‬
‫‪Catch you up later.‬‬ ‫بعد میں ملتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪You have a very bad smell.‬‬ ‫بہت گندی بدبو آرہی ہے‬
‫‪Hey, you are really so smelly.‬‬ ‫تجھ میں۔‬
‫ارے‪ ،‬تم واقعی بہت بدبو‬
‫‪./‬دار ہو‬
‫‪I can’t sleep without you.‬‬ ‫میں آپکے بغیر نہیں سو‬
‫‪I had a car.‬‬ ‫میرے پاس ایک گاڑی‬
‫‪He caught me by hidden eye.‬‬ ‫اس نے مجھے چوری‬
‫چوری دیکھ لیا۔‬
‫‪I have a word with you.‬‬ ‫مجھے آپ سے ایک‬
‫بات کرنی ہے۔‬
‫‪I am going to be married today.‬‬ ‫میری آج شادی ہے۔‬
‫‪You are feeling happier for‬‬ ‫آپکو اتنی خوشی کس‬
‫?‪what‬‬ ‫بات کی ہے؟‬
‫‪Don’t laugh.‬‬ ‫دانت مت دکھاؤ۔‬
‫‪It was my compulsion.‬‬ ‫میری مجبوری تھی۔‬
‫?‪What is he to you‬‬ ‫وہ آپکا کیا لگتا ہے؟‬
‫‪How much were you involved in‬‬ ‫آپ اس میں کتنا ملوث‬
‫?‪it‬‬ ‫تھے؟‬
‫‪Let you say something.‬‬ ‫تم کچھ کہ سکتے ہو۔‬
‫‪His wound started getting‬‬ ‫اسکا زخم اور بھی‬
‫‪worst.‬‬ ‫بڑھتا چال گیا۔‬
‫?‪Do you know‬‬ ‫کیا تم جانتے ہو؟‬
‫‪I feel so.‬‬ ‫مجھے ایسا لگا۔‬
‫‪Consider it done.‬‬ ‫سمجھو یہ ہو گیا۔‬
‫‪I will see to it.‬‬ ‫میں اسے دیکھ لوں گا۔‬
‫‪I have no idea.‬‬ ‫مجھے کچھ نہیں پتا۔‬
‫?‪How is the family‬‬ ‫خاندان کیسا ہے؟‬
‫?‪Where are we now‬‬ ‫اب ہم کہاں ہیں؟‬
‫?‪What brings you here‬‬ ‫تم یہاں کس لیے آئے؟‬
‫?‪Has he got a car‬‬ ‫کیا اس کے پاس کار‬
‫‪I have nothing to do with it‬‬ ‫میرا اس سے کوئ‬
‫لینادینا نہیں۔‬
‫‪It doesn’t matter to me.‬‬ ‫مجھے اس سے کوئی‬
‫‪.‬فرق نہیں پڑتا‬
‫‪You did fairly well.‬‬ ‫تم نے کافی اچھا کیا۔‬
‫?‪Are you inside‬‬ ‫کیا تم اندر ہو؟‬
‫!‪just listen‬‬ ‫!بس ُسنو‬
‫‪This is too much.‬‬ ‫یہ کچھ زیادہ ہے۔‬
‫‪There are too many.‬‬ ‫یہاں بہت سارے ہیں۔‬
‫‪It’s a lie.‬‬ ‫یہ ایک جھوٹ ہے۔‬
‫‪Wait for me.‬‬ ‫میرا انتظار کرنا۔‬
‫?‪Why me‬‬ ‫میں ہی کیوں؟‬
‫‪Don’t let me down.‬‬ ‫‪.‬مجھے مایوس مت کرو‬
‫‪Don't offend me.‬‬ ‫مجھے ناراض مت کرو۔‬
‫‪Just wait and watch.‬‬ ‫صرف انتظار کرو اور‬
‫‪He always boasts.‬‬ ‫وہ ہمیشہ شیخی مارتا‬
‫?‪Are you angry‬‬ ‫کیا آپ ناراض ہو؟‬
‫?‪Should I bring it‬‬ ‫کیا مجھے اسے النا‬
‫?‪How are you‬‬ ‫تم کیسے ہو؟‬
‫?‪Did you understand‬‬ ‫کیا تم سمجھ گئے؟‬
‫?‪What do you mean‬‬ ‫تمہارا کیا مطلب ہے؟‬
‫‪Nothing else.‬‬ ‫اور کچھ نہیں۔‬
‫‪Did he write.‬‬ ‫کیا ُاس نے لکھا۔‬
‫‪You didn’t sit.‬‬ ‫تم نہیں بیٹھے۔‬
‫‪He didn’t listen.‬‬ ‫ُاس نے نہیں ُسنا۔‬
‫‪I didn’t get it.‬‬ ‫مجھے یہ نہیں مال۔‬
‫‪You ate food.‬‬ ‫تم نے کھانا کھایا۔‬
‫‪Komal did it.‬‬ ‫یہ کومل نے کیا۔‬
‫‪She took tea.‬‬ ‫ُاس نے چائے لی۔‬
‫!‪Relax‬‬ ‫!آرام کرو‬
‫‪Slow down.‬‬ ‫رفتار آہستہ کرو۔‬
‫?‪What happened‬‬ ‫کیا ہوا؟‬
‫‪See him off.‬‬ ‫!ُاسے الوداع کرو‬
‫‪Not you.‬‬ ‫تم نہیں۔‬
‫‪He is kind.‬‬ ‫وہ مہربان ہے۔‬
‫‪Pray to God.‬‬ ‫رب سے ُدعا کرو۔‬
‫‪Don’t worry.‬‬ ‫پریشان مت ہو۔‬
‫‪I can’t say.‬‬ ‫میں نہیں کہ سکتا۔‬
‫?‪What is the time‬‬ ‫کیا وقت ہوا ہے؟‬
‫?‪How much‬‬ ‫کتنا؟‬
‫‪Absolutely not.‬‬ ‫بالکل نہیں۔‬
‫‪I don’t understand.‬‬ ‫مجھے سمجھ نہیں آ‬
‫رہا ۔‬
‫‪As soon as possible.‬‬ ‫جتنا جلدی ہو سکے ۔‬
‫‪I don’t mean it.‬‬ ‫میرا یہ مطلب نہیں ہے۔‬
‫‪We drank tea.‬‬ ‫ہم نے چائے پی۔‬
‫‪Serve tea to all.‬‬ ‫سب کو چائے دو۔‬
‫‪Be seated.‬‬ ‫بیٹھ جائیے۔‬
‫‪Help yourself.‬‬ ‫اپنی مدد آپ کرو۔‬
‫‪Let me go.‬‬ ‫مجھے جانے دو۔‬
‫‪Be attentive.‬‬ ‫دھیان دو۔‬
‫‪Don’t say so.‬‬ ‫ایسا مت کہو۔‬
‫‪Cast it aside.‬‬ ‫اسے ایک طرف رکھ‬
‫‪Talk to me.‬‬ ‫مجھ سے بات کرو۔‬
‫‪Take it away.‬‬ ‫اسے دور لے جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Bring it here.‬‬ ‫اسے یہاں الؤ۔‬
‫‪Do it now.‬‬ ‫اسے ابھی کرو۔‬
‫‪Believe yourself.‬‬ ‫خود پر بھروسہ رکھو۔‬
‫‪Leave it now.‬‬ ‫اسے ابھی چھوڑ دو۔‬
‫?‪What for‬‬ ‫کس لیے؟‬
‫?‪What now‬‬ ‫اب کیا؟‬
‫‪Make Pasta.‬‬ ‫پاستا بنائیں۔‬
‫‪It’s up to you.‬‬ ‫یہ آپ پر منحصر ہے۔‬
‫‪Time will tell.‬‬ ‫وقت بتائے گا۔‬
‫‪Don’t say no.‬‬ ‫نا مت کہو۔‬
‫‪Tell me the truth.‬‬ ‫مجھے سچ بتاؤ۔‬
‫‪I was kidding.‬‬ ‫میں مذاق کر رہا تھا۔‬
‫?‪is it true‬‬ ‫کیا یہ سچ ہے؟‬
‫‪It will take time.‬‬ ‫اس میں وقت لگے گا۔‬
‫‪Have patience.‬‬ ‫صبر کرو۔‬
‫‪She has cold.‬‬ ‫ُاسے سردی ہے۔‬
‫‪Don’t waste time.‬‬ ‫وقت ضائع نہ کرو۔‬
‫?‪Why are you upset‬‬ ‫تم کیوں پریشان ہو؟‬
‫‪Let’s play.‬‬ ‫چلو کھیلیں۔‬
‫‪Just coming.‬‬ ‫بس آ رہا ہے۔‬
‫‪I’m not interested.‬‬ ‫مجھے کوئ دلچسپی‬
‫نہیں ہے۔‬
‫‪I don’t like.‬‬ ‫مجھے پسند نہیں۔‬
‫?‪What’s your worth‬‬ ‫تمہاری قیمت کیا ہے؟‬
‫‪Come in the evening.‬‬ ‫شام کو آنا۔‬
‫‪I see.‬‬ ‫میں سمجھ گیا۔‬
‫‪Nobody else.‬‬ ‫اور کوئ نہیں۔‬
‫?‪Are you in‬‬ ‫کیا تم اندر ہو؟‬
‫‪Don’t worry.‬‬ ‫پریشان مت ہو۔‬
‫?‪Is it possible‬‬ ‫کیا یہ ممکن ہے؟‬
‫‪Boil the milk.‬‬ ‫دودھ ُابالو۔‬
‫‪Let me have a look.‬‬ ‫مجھے دیکھنے دیجیے۔‬
‫‪Listen to me.‬‬ ‫میری بات سنو۔‬
‫‪Do one thing.‬‬ ‫ایک کام کرو۔‬
‫‪Not that, but this one.‬‬ ‫وہ واال نہیں یہ واال۔‬
‫‪Yeah, it is good.‬‬ ‫ہاں‪،‬یہ اچھا ہے۔‬
‫?‪Do you like it‬‬ ‫کیا یہ تمہیں پسند ہے؟‬
‫?‪What do you have‬‬ ‫تمہارے پاس کیا ہے؟‬
‫‪Get in.‬‬ ‫اندر آ جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Wash the feet.‬‬ ‫پاؤں دھو لو۔‬
‫‪I want it.‬‬ ‫مجھے یہ چاہیے۔‬
‫‪I won.‬‬ ‫میں جیت گیا۔‬
‫‪Don’t do it.‬‬ ‫یہ مت کرو۔‬
‫‪Get me a pen.‬‬ ‫مجھے ایک پین دلواؤ۔‬
‫‪Stop crying.‬‬ ‫رونا بند کرو۔‬
‫‪Take off your shoes.‬‬ ‫اپنے جوتے ُاتارو۔‬
‫‪Wake him up.‬‬ ‫ُاسے جگاؤ۔‬
‫‪Calm down.‬‬ ‫ُپر سکون ہو جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Don’t be shy.‬‬ ‫شرماؤ مت۔‬
‫‪I never give up.‬‬ ‫میں ہار نہیں مانتا۔‬
‫‪Don’t make noise.‬‬ ‫شور مت کرو۔‬
‫‪Move aside.‬‬ ‫ایک طرف ہٹ جاؤ۔‬
‫‪Let me work.‬‬ ‫مجھے کام کرنے دو۔‬
‫‪I have made a decision.‬‬ ‫میں نے ایک فیصلہ لیا‬
‫‪Comb your hair.‬‬ ‫اپنے بال کنگھی کرو۔‬
‫‪Don’t make me angry.‬‬ ‫مجھے ناراض مت کرو۔‬
‫‪See you later.‬‬ ‫بعد میں ملتے ہیں۔‬
‫‪I made it.‬‬ ‫یہ میں نے بنایا۔‬
‫‪Keep mum, you idiot.‬‬ ‫ُچپ رہو‪ ،‬بے وقوف۔‬
‫‪Here only.‬‬ ‫صرف یہاں۔‬
‫‪So much.‬‬ ‫بہت زیادہ۔‬
‫‪I lost the money.‬‬ ‫میں نے پیسے کھو دیے۔‬
‫!‪Come on‬‬ ‫!آؤ بھی!‪ /‬چلو بھئی‬
‫‪Don’t give up.‬‬ ‫ہار مت مانو۔‬
‫‪Look forward.‬‬ ‫آگے دیکھو۔‬
‫‪It’s alright.‬‬ ‫ٹھیک ہے۔‬
‫‪Buck up.‬‬ ‫اٹھو‪/.‬جلدی کرو۔‪/‬‬
‫‪Hold your tongue.‬‬ ‫اپنی زبان کو لگام دو۔‬
‫‪Don’t make excuses.‬‬ ‫بہانے مت بناؤ۔‬
‫‪Don’t favor me.‬‬ ‫مجھ پر احسان مت کرو۔‬
‫‪Don’t try my patience.‬‬ ‫میرے صبر کا امتحان‬
‫مت لو۔‬
‫‪You will make me mad.‬‬ ‫تم مجھے پاگل کر دو‬
‫‪It’s my pleasure.‬‬ ‫یہ میرے لیے باعث‬
‫مسرت ہے۔‬
‫‪We set the alarm at six.‬‬ ‫ہم نے چھ بجے االرم‬
‫‪Let’s go by bus.‬‬ ‫آؤ بس سے چلیں۔‬
‫‪You’re responsible for this.‬‬ ‫اس کے ذمہ دار تم ہو۔‬
Mend your ways. ‫اپنی عادتیں درست کرو۔‬
Go and take air. ‫جاؤ جا کر ہوا کھاؤ۔‬
He looks a real angel. ‫وہ فرشتہ صفت انسان‬
Your work is praiseworthy. ‫تمہارا کام قابل تعریف‬
How good you are. ‫تم کتنے اچھے ہو۔‬
So nice of you. ‫آپ بہت اچھے ہیں‬
Glad to see you. ‫آپ سے مل کر خوشی‬
It doesn’t matter. ‫کوئی بات نہیں جی۔‬
I’m grateful to you. ‫میں آپ کا شکرگزار‬
Do you have the time? ‫کیا آپ کے پاس وقت ہے۔‬
Pack your luggage. ‫اپنا سامان پیک کرو۔‬
She is much pampered. / She ‫وہ بہت الڈلی ہے۔‬
pampers a much

1000 most common English phrases

Asking Directions in English

How do I get to library?

Where is the nearest post office?
Can you tell me the way to the Big Hotel?
Are we on the right road for London?
Can you Show me on the map, please?
I’m looking for this address.
How do I find…?
Excuse me, How can I go to …?
Dou you have a map?
Are you from around here?
Where is …?
Which the best way to …?
Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to …?
I’m looking for …
Could you direct me to …?
May I ask for some help? I need to get to …?
How can we get to High Park?
Is it far?
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the bus station?

Giving Directions in English

Go up…
It’s on the corner
Go straight ahead
Go along…
Turn left
Turn right
Turn left into … Street
It’s in the middle of the block
You will pass a super-market on your left
Take this road
Turn right at the crossroads
It’s on your left
It’s on your right
It’s about 100 meters from here
Take the first road on the right
Take the second road on the left
It’s next to…
Ways to Say NO in English

My body says yes, but my heart say no.

Maybe another time.
I am not accepting anything else at this time.
We appreciate the offer, but …
I’m not really into it, but thanks for asking!
I’d rather not, thanks. / I would rather not, thanks.
That’s not going to work for me.
Sounds fun, but I’m not available.
I want to, but I’m unable to.
I just don’t have that to give right now.
I’m not able to commit to that right now.
It is not a good idea for me.
Apologies, but I can’t do that.

Ways to Say I MISS YOU

You bring joy to my life.

All I do is think of you.
I love being around you.
I’m infatuated(‫ )متاثر‬with you.
You crossed my mind.
I appreciate you.
I feel sad without you.
You inspire me.
You are my reason for living.
You occupy my thoughts.
I miss your laugh.
I adore(‫ )پسند‬you.
You’re everything to me.
You’re the light of my life.
I’m head over heels for you.
I want a lifetime with you.

Phrases for Staying at a Hotel

Do you have a reservation?

Do you need help with your bags?
Is there anything else we can help you with?
How many guests are with you?
Your room is on the second floor.
Thank you for staying with us!
I’d like to book a room, please.
We really enjoyed our stay.
The room is too noisy.
Can I see the room, please?
Please sign your name here.
More fresh towels are available at the front desk.
I’d like a single room, please.
Can someone help me with my bags?
When I can check-in?
Do you need a wake-up call?


For instance,
Likewise(‫)اسی طرح‬
Note well
As an example being…
In particular
Let’s say…
This includes
As seen in…
One example is…
Such as
In addition to
By way of illustration
In a similar case
If you look at…
Examples include…
As a case in point…
An example being…
This can be seen when
These include…
As an example

English Classroom Phrases

Can you help me, please?

Can I go out?
Can I answer the question?
Can I switch off the lights?
Teacher, please can you repeat again?
Can I open the window?
Can we pack our things now?
What page are we on?
I am ready. May I start it?
What is the homework?
Do we have to write this down?
Sorry, for being late.
May I open / close the window?
Can I go to the board?
Can I come in?
Can I pull up the blinds?
Can I pulldown the blinds(‫?)پردہ‬
May I join the class/group?
Can you explain it once more, please?
May I go out please?
Is this right?
Is this correct?
I am sorry. I did not hear.
Can you speak louder, please?
Which book?
Can you explain that again?
When is the exam?
When is the homework for?
I have done this.
Can I go to the toilet?

Ways to Say HELLO

Good to see you

Hey, boo --> (That slang term for Boo is often used as a term for a Boyfriend or
Girlfriend or even towards a friend in the right setting)
Good evening
Good morning
Hello --> used as a greeting or to begin a phone conversation.
"Hello there, Katie!"

Hey --> used to attract attention, to express surprise, interest, or annoyance, or to

elicit agreement.
"Hey, what's going on here?"
Hi --> used as a friendly greeting or to attract attention.
"‘Hi there. How was the flight?’"

Hy -- pronounce as -- (Hell Yes) –>( used to emphasize that you strongly agree or
disagree, like or dislike something, etc.)
How are you feeling today?
Bonjour --> a French greeting used when meeting during the daytime.

"there you are, bonjour!"

How are things?
What have you been up to? (‫)آپ کیا کرتے رہے ہیں؟‬
Look what the cat dragged in!
It is nice to meet you
What’s going on?
Good afternoon.
How have you been?
What’s up?
Stay safe

Phrases in Shopping

Do you have a smaller size?

Where is the changing room?
Do you know where else(‫ )اور کہاں‬I could try?
Do you have this item in stock?
Do you offer a cash discount?
Do you have any strawberry?
Do you have a refund policy?
How much is this?
Do you have a bigger size?
Do you sell organic vegetables?
Could you help me please?
Where can I weight my groceries?
Does it come with a guarantee/warranty?
I’m looking for a leather handbag.
Would you have this in another color?
Do you have something less pricey (expensive)?
Where is the fitting room?
Ways to Say GOOD LUCK

You’ll do great.
Knock them dead!
You are going to be amazing!
Wishing you all the best!
I wish you luck!
Best wishes.
I hope things will turn out fine..
Blow them away!
You’ll do great!
Wishing you lots of luck!
Fingers crossed!
Wishing you a lot of luck!
You were made for this!
I hope things will work out all right.
May the force be with you.

Ways to Say GOOD JOB

Much better!
You certainly did well today.
That kind of work makes me happy.
Way to go.
That’s it.
Marvelous!( ‫)!شاندار‬
Tremendous!( ‫)!زبردست‬
Fantastic!( ‫)!الجواب‬
Out of sight.
Now that’s what I call a fine job.
Couldn’t have done it better myself.
Keep working on it; you’re improving.
It’s such a pleasure to teach when
You work like that!
I think you’re doing the right thing.
Terrific!( ‫ کمال‬, !‫)!الجواب‬

Ways to Say I AGREE

I see what you mean…( ‫)…میں سجھ گیا آپ کا مطلب‬

So do I.( ‫)تو میں بھی۔‬
I fee that way too.
I agree with you.
You’re absolutely right.
We are of one mind.
You can say that again.
I could not agree with you more my friend.
You’ve hit the nail on the head.
You got it dude.
Our thoughts are absolutely parallel.
You are so right.

Ways to Say I’M SORRY

I shouldn’t have…( ‫ مجھے نہیں کرنا چاہئے تھا‬...)

Excuse me for…
It’s all my fault.
Please, accept my apologies for…
I apologize for…
Please, forgive me for my…
I must apologize for…
Ever so sorry
That’s my fault.
Please don’t be mad at me.
How stupid thoughtless of me.( ‫)کتنی احمقانہ سوچ ہے میرے بارے میں۔‬
Please, accept my apologies for…
I’m really ashamed of what I did.
I’m really sorry about what I said.
That was rude of me. I’m sorry.
I hope you’ll forgive me for…
I do apologize for…

Ways to Say GOOD NIGHT

Sleep with angels

Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite
Let’s start counting the sheeps
Tomorrow is not soon enough. Let’s prepare.
Time to dream
Night night
Have a good sleep
Dream of me
Until tomorrow
Rest time for blossoms
Don’t let the bed bugs bite!
I’ll see you in dreamland
Have sea dreams

Ways to Say I LOVE YOU

I respect you.
You are my reason for living.
You are precious.
You complete me.
You’re the love of my life.
I can’t stop thinking about you.
I lost my heart on you.
You inspire me.
I worship you.
You are my everything.
I need you.
I dreamt about you last night.
You bring happiness to rainly days.
I’ve got you under my skin.
You are the reason I’m alive.
You are my dear.
I’m affectionate for you.
I’m wild about you.
You’re all I see.
I want you.
You are my reason for living.
I lost my heart on you.
You complete me.

Ways to Say BECAUSE

now that
on the grounds that
owing to
as things go
by cause of
by reason of
by virtue of
thanks to
for the reason that
for the sake of
in as much as
in behalf of
in that
in the interest of

Ways to Say I DON’T KNOW

That requires a bit more research first.

Beats me.
I don’t know anything about …
I’m going to investigate that further.
It’s beyond me.
It’s a mystery to me.
That’s a good question, but I don’t know.
I’m not the best person to answer that.
That’s a good question, I’II check this.
I’m afraid. I’ve no idea.
I can’t remember off the top of my head.
I don’t have any information about that.
That’s exactly what I’m seeking to answer.
Who knows?
Let me check on that.
I’m not 00% sure on that.
I’II double check and let you know.

English Phrases – How to Accept Apologies

That’s OK.
I quite understand.
You couldn’t help it.
Forget about it.
Don’t worry about it.
That’s all right.
It doesn’t matter.
Don’t worry. You’re forgiven!
It’s ok.
No need to…
No harm done.
Don’t apologize.
Never mind.
There’s no need to. It’s all right.
Never mind. I quite understand.
Forget about it. I understand.
There is no need. It’s ok.

English Phrases – How to Ask Someone to Repeat


Excuse me?
Do you mind repeating that? ( ‫)کیا آپ کو اس کو دہرانے میں کوئی اعتراض ہے؟‬
Sorry, I didn’t hear what you said.
Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Could you pleasse repeat that?
Would you mind repeating that?
Pardon?( ‫)معافی‬
I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat that, please?

( ‫ براہ کرم؟‬،‫ میں سمجھ نہیں پایا۔ کیا آپ اسے دہرا سکتے ہیں‬،‫)مجھے افسوس ہے‬

Let me repeat that just to make sure?( ‫مجھے صرف اس بات کو یقینی بنانے کے لیے دہرانے‬

Ways to Say I’M HUNGRY

I’m hungry as a wolf!

I’m hungry as a bear!
Flying light
Got the munchies
Hankering (‫)ہچکچاہٹ‬
My tummy(‫ )پیٹ‬is talking to me.
I’m freaking hungry!
Ravenous(‫)بے ہنگم‬
I’m so hungry I could eat a scabby(‫ )خارش‬horse.

Ways to Say Good Morning

Good morning, sunshine!

Mornin’ mi Amigo! (Male)
Mornin’ mi Amiga! (Female)
Morning, good looking!
Rise and shine!
Good day to you!
Good morning, Sleeping beauty!

Making Apologies

I do apologize for…
I must apologize for…
Please, accept my apologies for…
I apologize for…
Please, forgive me for my…
I’d like to apologize for…
Pardon me for this…
I am so sorry for…
I’m terribly sorry for…
I shouldn’t have…
Excuse me for…
It’s all my fault.
Please, forgive me for…
I’m ashamed of…
I’m really ashamed of what I did.
I’m really sorry about what I said.
That was rude of me. I’m sorry.
I hope you’ll forgive me for…

Accepting Apologies

No need to…
No harm done.
Don’t apologize.
Never mind.
It’s ok.
Don’t mention it.
That’s OK.
I quite understand.
You couldn’t help it.
Forget about it.
Don’t worry about it.
That’s all right.
It doesn’t matter.
Don’t worry. You’re forgiven!
There’s no need to. It’s all right.
Never mind. I quite understand.
Forget about it. I understand.
There is no need. It’s ok.

Creative Ways to Say NO

Not possible.
By no means(‫)ہرگز نہیں‬.
I’m slammed(‫زور سے مارنا‬.).
Not for me, thanks.
Unfortunately, that’s not something I can do at this time.
I’m really booked.
Thanks for thinking of me. I really wish I could.
That’s not an option.
This is not negotiable(‫)سمجھوتہ‬.
I think not.( ‫مجھے نہیں لگتا‬.)
If only it worked, but …
Not for me my friend, thanks.
I have something else.
I’d like to, but I know I’II regret it.
I really appreciate you asking me, bu t I can’t do it.
I really appreciate you asking me but I can’t commit to that right now.
No, thanks.
Thanks for thinking of me but I can’t
Unfortunately not.
I’m afraid I can’t.
Maybe another time.
I’m sorry I’m busy.
That’s not going to work for me.
Maybe next time.
I’d love to – but can’t.
My body say yes, but my heart say no.
That doesn’t work for me.
I wish I could make it work.
I am honoured that you asked me but I can’t do it.
Sounds tempting, but I’II have to pass.

Ways to Say GOODBYE

Bye now
Take it easy
I’m off
Gotta go!( ‫)!جانا پڑے گا‬
Good night
I gotta take off
Talk to you later
Keep in touch(‫)رابطہ رکھيں‬
Lovely to meet you(‫)آپ سے مل کر خوشی ہوئی‬
See ya!( ‫)!پھر ملیں گے‬
Catch you later
Have a good one
Be seeing you! ‫!تم سے ملتے رہو‬

Ways To Say YES

Why not?
Sure I can!
No problem
Yes, what is it?
You bet (‫)آپ شرط لگاتے ہیں۔‬
I shall!( ‫)!میں کروں گا‬
Si! ‫!جی ہاں‬
As you wish! ‫!جیسا کہ آپ چاہتے ہیں‬
Permission granted! ‫!اجازت مل گئی‬
Yes, what can I dofor you? ‫ میں آپ کے لئے کیا کر سکتا ہوں؟‬،‫جی ہاں‬
Precisely! ‫!ٹھیک ہے‬


Have a fabulous(‫ )شاندار‬birthday!
I hope you have a fantastic ‫ الجواب‬day.
Have a great one!
Wishing you many more candles to blow.
Many happy returns of the day!
All the best on your special day!‫!آپ کے خاص دن کے لئے نیک خواہشات‬

Many happy returns!

I wish you a wonderful birthday!
Have a good one!
May you birthday be filled with laughter!
I wish you all the best on your special day.
I hope you have a fantastic day and a fantastic year to come.
I wish you a wonderful day!
Wishing you a day that is as special as you are!
Congratulations on another year of skillful death evasion!
Hope you have an enjoyable birthday! You deserve it.

Ways to Say HOW ARE YOU?

What’s new?
How’s it going?
How’s everything?
How’s life?
What’sgoing on?
What’s happening?
How do you do? ‫?آپ کيسے ہيں‬
What are you up to? ‫? تم کيا کر رہے ہو‬
How are you doing? ‫?آپ کيسے ہيں‬
How are you holding up?
How are things going?
How are you been?

Ways to Say I DON’T LIKE IT

I’m not into it.
I can’t stand it. ‫میں اسے برداشت نہیں کر سکتا‬.
I hate it.
I’m not a big fan of it.
I’ve had enough. ‫پاس کافی ہے‬.
I’m not crazy about it.
I loathe ‫ نفرت‬it.
I am sick of it.
I don’t appreciate it.
I’m not really fond of it. ‫مجھے واقعی اس کا شوق نہیں ہے‬.
I’II pass.
I am not passionate about it.
I am not keen on it. ‫میں اس میں دلچسپی نہیں رکھتا‬.
That’s not for me.
I am not a big fan of it.
That’s not my thing. ‫یہ میری بات نہیں ہے‬.
I’m disinterested in that.

Ways to Say OH MY GOD!

Goodness gracious ‫ رحم کرے‬me!

Oh my!
Holy moly ‫مقدس عورت‬
For heaven’s sake!
Oh Jesus!
For the love of God!
Gosh almighty! ‫!ہللا سبحانہ و تعالٰی‬
Shitting Hell! ‫!جہنم میں‬
That is bare sick!
Heavens to Betsy!
Holy crap
Oh my goodness! ‫!اے میرے خدا‬
Oh boy!

Ways to Say I’M TIRED

I’m weary
I’m bushed
I’m beat
I’m done
I’m sleepy
I’m spent
I’m flat out tired ‫میں بالکل تھک گیا ہوں۔‬
I’m dead-tired
I’m running on fumes
I’m dog tired
I’m tired to the bone
I’m knockered
I’m pooped ‫میں پریشان ہوں‬
I’m exhausted ‫میں تھک گیا ہوں‬
I’m worn out
I’m dead on my feet
I’m dragging
I’m running on empty

Another Way to Say For Example

Namely ‫یعنی‬
To illustrate ‫وضاحت کرنے کے لئے‬
For instance
One example is…
As a case in point ‫ایک معاملے کے طور پر‬
As an example
Such as
In a similar case
In addition to
By way of illustration ‫مثال کے طور پر‬
Note well
As an example being…
In particular
Let’s say… ‫…چلو ہم کہتے ہیں کہ‬
As seen in… ‫ جیسا کہ میں دیکھا گیا ہے‬...
This is illustrated… ‫ اس کی وضاحت کی گئی ہے‬...
Thse include…
Note well…

The most common everyday Urdu words

The everyday words in Urdu are the ones you’ll probably use the most in your
daily conversations. This is why we are going to focus on these high-frequency,
high-value words first and then move to some of the most popular words in online

 easy — ‫( آسان‬aasan)
 hard — ‫( مشکل‬mushkil)
 good — ‫( اچھا‬acha)
 bad — ‫( برا‬bura)
 near — ‫( نزدیک‬nazdeek)
 yes — ‫( ہاں‬haan)
 no — ‫( نہیں‬nae)
 (to) have — ‫( رکھنا‬rakhta)
 (I) use — ‫( میں استعمال کرتا ہوں‬Mein istemal karta hoon)
 (to) go — ‫( جانا‬jana)
 (to) come — ‫( آنا‬aana)
 (to) laugh — ‫( ہنسنا‬hansna)
 (to) make — ‫( بنانا‬banana)
 (I) like — ‫( میں پسند کرتا ہوں‬Mein pasand karta hoon)
 (to) want — ‫( چاہنا‬chahna)
 (to) take — ‫( لینا‬laina)
 (to) see — ‫( دیکھنا‬daikhna)
 far — ‫( دور‬door)
 small — ‫( چھوٹا‬chota)
 big — ‫( بڑا‬barha)
 beautiful — ‫( خوبصورت‬khoobsoorat)
 ugly — ‫( بدصورت‬badsoorat)
 hard — ‫( مشکل‬mushkil)
 delicious — ‫( مزیدار‬mazaydar)
 week — ‫( ہفتہ‬hafta)
 year — ‫( سال‬saal)
 today — ‫( آج‬aaj)
 tomorrow — ‫( کل‬kal)
 yesterday — ‫( کل‬kal)
 hour — ‫( گھنٹہ‬ghanta)
 minute — ‫( منٹ‬minet)
 time — ‫( وقت‬waqt)
 Monday — ‫( پير‬peer)
 Tuesday — ‫( منگل‬mungal)
 Wednesday — ‫( بدھ‬budh)
 Thursday — ‫( جمعرات‬jumarat)
 Friday — ‫( جمعہ‬jumma)
 Saturday — ‫( ہفتہ‬hafta)
 Sunday — ‫( اتوار‬itwar)
 zero — ‫( صفر‬sifar)
 one — ‫( ایک‬aik)
 two — ‫( دو‬do)
 three — ‫( تین‬teen)
 four — ‫( چار‬chaar)
 five — ‫( پانچ‬paanch)
 six — ‫( چھ‬chhey)
 seven — ‫( سات‬saat)
 eight — ‫( آٹھ‬aath)
 nine — ‫( نو‬no)
 ten — ‫( دس‬das)
 I — ‫( میں‬mein)
 you — ‫( تم‬tum)
 he — ‫( وہ‬wo)
 she — ‫( وہ‬wo)
 we — ‫( ہم‬hum)
 they — ‫( وہ‬wo)
 what — ‫( کیا‬kya)
 where — ‫( کہاں‬kahan)
 who — ‫( کون‬kon)
 stop — ‫( رکو‬ruko)

The most popular Urdu words searches

While we’re at it, why not also learn some of the most popular words for which
people want an Urdu translation? If they are so popular in searches, I’m sure they
can also be useful to you on your way to speaking Urdu.

If you study them carefully, you’ll understand the reason why people want to know
what these words mean in Urdu. They are very powerful words. Superlatives that
can spice up any conversation. Isn’t it?

 weird — ‫( عجیب‬ajeeb)
 curious — ‫( متجسس‬mutajassas)
 nostalgic — ‫( ماضی میں کھویا ہوا‬mazi mein khoya hua)
 gorgeous — ‫( خوبصورت‬khoobsurat)
 humble — ‫( عاجز‬aajiz)
 rude — ‫( بدتمیز‬badtameez)
 obvious — ‫( واضح‬wazeh)
 fabulous — ‫( شاندار‬shandaar)
 incredible — ‫( ناقابل یقین‬naqaabile yaqeen)
 amazing — ‫( حیرت انگیز‬hairat angaiz)
 charming — ‫( دلکش‬dilkash)
 cheap — ‫( سستا‬sasta)
 crazy — ‫( دیوانہ‬deewana)
 unique — ‫( منفرد‬munfarid)
 hope — ‫( امید‬umeed)

Urdu words related to food and drink

Did you know that the Urdu language was one of the premier languages of poetry
in South Asia for centuries? And rightly so. Just listen to the music of its words
and you’ll understand. Meanwhile, let’s add some flavor to your Urdu vocabulary.
What are the best words to learn if not the words related to food and drink?

 water — ‫( پانی‬pani)
 tea — ‫( چائے‬chaey)
 coffee — ‫( کافی‬kafi)
 juice — ‫( رس‬rus)
 wine — ‫( واین‬wine)
 beer — ‫( بیئر‬beer)
 alcohol — ‫( الکوحل‬alcohol)
 chicken — ‫( مرغی‬murghi)
 fish — ‫( مچھلی‬machli)
 soup — ‫( سوپ‬soup)
 salad — ‫( سالد‬salad)
 sandwich — ‫( سینڈویچ‬sandwich)
 pie — ‫( پائی‬pie)
 bread — ‫( روٹی‬roti)
 dessert — ‫( میٹھا‬meetha)
 cake — ‫( کیک‬cake)
 breakfast — ‫( ناشتہ‬nashta)
 lunch — ‫( ظہرانہ‬zohrana)
 dinner — ‫( عشائیہ‬ishayia)
 salt — ‫( نمک‬namak)
 sugar — ‫( شکر‬shakar)
 pepper — ‫( مرچ‬mirch)

Urdu words related to body and health

The names of the body parts in Urdu are some of the most basic and useful words
you can learn. Whether you are in a clothing store, or at the doctor’s office, various
parts of the body can come up in conversation more often than you think.

 head — ‫( سر‬sar)
 hair — ‫( بال‬baal)
 neck — ‫( گردن‬gardan)
 chest — ‫( سینا‬seena)
 arm — ‫( بازو‬bazu)
 finger — ‫( انگلی‬ungli)
 foot — ‫( پاؤں‬paon)
 face — ‫( چہرہ‬chehra)
 eye — ‫( آنکھ‬aankh)
 hand — ‫( ہاتھ‬hath)
 nose — ‫( ناک‬naak)
 mouth — ‫( منہ‬munh)
 leg — ‫( ٹانگ‬taang)
 knee — ‫( گھٹنا‬ghutna)
 disease — ‫( بیماری‬beemari)
 allergy — ‫( الرجي‬allergy)
 fever — ‫( بخار‬bukhar)
 pain — ‫( درد‬dard)
 medicine — ‫( دوا‬dawa)
 pharmacy — ‫( دواخانہ‬dawakhana)

Urdu words related to transportation and places

While this crash course in Urdu words will get you from zero to beginner in as
little as 15 minutes, these words will get you to the other hemisphere if you need it

 airplane — ‫( ہوائی جہاز‬hawai jahaz)

 train — ‫( ریل گاڑی‬rail garhi)
 subway — ‫( ریل گاڑی‬rail garhi)
 taxi — ‫( ٹیکسی‬teksi)
 car — ‫( گاڑی‬garhi)
 bus — ‫( بس‬bus)
 ticket — ‫( ٹکٹ‬tiket)
 restaurant — ‫( ریستوران‬resturan)
 hotel — ‫( ہوٹل‬hotel)
 airport — ‫( ہوائی اڈہ‬hawai adda)
 train station — ‫( ریلوے اسٹیشن‬railway station)
 market — ‫( بازار‬bazar)

Now that you’ve mastered some of the most basic Urdu vocabulary words, you can
dive into the practical phrases that’ll help you ease into real-world conversations.

The most common Urdu phrases

The following phrases in Urdu are a great place to start learning. Simple phrases
like ‘good morning’, ‘how are you’ or ‘you’re welcome’ are the most effective
way to get from 0 to conversational fast. Learn these phrases today and make
Urdu-speaking friends tomorrow!

 Hello — ‫( سالم‬Salam)
 Good morning — ‫( صبح بخیر‬Subh bakhair)
 Good afternoon — ‫( سہ پہر بخیر‬Seh pehar bakhair)
 Good evening — ‫( شام بخیر‬Sham bakhair)
 Good night — ‫( رات بخیر‬Raat bakhair)
 Goodbye — ‫( الوداع‬Alwida)
 How are you? — ‫( تم کیسے ہو؟‬Tum kaisay ho?)
 Very well — ‫( بہت بہتر‬Bohat behtar)
 Please — ‫( براہ مہربانی‬Barae mehrbani)
 Thank you — ‫( تمہارا شکریہ‬Tumhara shukriya)
 What is your name? — ‫( تمہارا نام کیا ہے؟‬Tumhara naam kya hai?)
 My name is_____ — ‫( میرا نام _____ ہے‬Maira naam _____ hai)
 Nice to meet you — ‫( تم سے مل کر اچھا لگا‬Tum say mil kar acha laga)
 Great — ‫( زبردست‬Zabardast)
 I’m sorry — ‫( مجھے افسوس ہے‬Mujhe afsos hai)
 You’re welcome — ‫( تمہیں خوش آمدید‬Tumhein khush aamdeed)
 Excuse me — ‫( مجھے معاف کرو‬Mujhe muaf kao)
 What time is it? — ‫( یہ کون سا وقت ہے؟‬Yeh kon sa waqt hai?)
 Can you help me? — ‫( کیا آپ میری مدد کر سکتے ہیں؟‬Kya aap mairi madad kar
saktay hain?)
 How much does it cost? — ‫( اس پر کتنی الگت آتی ہے؟‬Is par kitni lagat aati

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