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A Research presented to
the Faculty and Staff of the College of Business and Accountancy of
Carlos Hilado Memorial States College

In partial fulfillment
Of the requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Caagoy , Natzylin R.
Tamayo John Simon G.




was prepared and submitted by Amorganda, Jewela Breech G., Diadema, Jerome C.,

Eriman, Andrea Rose G., Flor, Kristin D., Jaranilla, Kia Mae D., and Peraren,

Mayvell F.

In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the subject Business Research has been

examined and recommended for acceptance and approval.

June 13, 2023 NICKA R. GAUDIA, MSHM, CHP

Date Research Adviser

Approval in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the subject Business Research.




Member Member

Accepted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Business Research.


Program Head, BSBA


Dean, College of Business and Accountancy

This research aims to conduct a comprehensive strategic analysis of the potential

franchising of Jollibee, a renowned global fast-food brand, in Binalbagan City. As the
city undergoes economic development and demographic changes, there is a growing
interest in the entry of popular international franchises. This study employs a mix of
qualitative and quantitative research methods to investigate the strategic aspects involved
in bringing Jollibee to Binalbagan City.

The research will delve into market dynamics, consumer preferences, and competitive
landscape to identify opportunities and challenges associated with the introduction of
Jollibee. Additionally, the study will analyze the local business environment, regulatory
frameworks, and cultural considerations that may impact the success of Jollibee's
franchising venture in Binalbagan City.

Furthermore, the research will assess the economic feasibility of franchising Jollibee in
terms of investment requirements, potential returns, and long-term sustainability. By
conducting interviews with local entrepreneurs, consumers, and industry experts, the
study aims to provide insights into the expectations, concerns, and perceptions
surrounding the introduction of Jollibee to the Binalbagan market.

The findings of this research are expected to contribute valuable insights to Jollibee's
strategic decision-making process in expanding its franchise operations. Moreover, the
study can serve as a reference for local entrepreneurs, policymakers, and researchers
interested in the dynamics of international franchising in emerging markets.

keywords: Jollibee, franchising, Binalbagan City, market analysis, strategic planning

economic feasibility, consumer preferences, international expansion.

Title Page

Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Dedication iv

Abstract v

Table of Contents vi

List of Table and Figures ix


Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem


Theoretical Framework of the Study

Conceptual Framework

Research Design

Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Definition of Terms


Foreign Literature

Customer-Focused as TQM Concept

Employee Involvement as TQM Concept

Continual Improvement as TQM Concept

Local Literature

Supplier Quality as TQM Concept

Process Management as TQM Concept

Communication as TQM Concept



Research Design

Respondents of the Study

Data Gathering Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Data Analysis Procedure

Ethical Consideration
Tables Page
1 Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

The proponents would like to express their deepest appreciation to Almighty God for

providing guidance, assistance, and resources throughout the study. The proponents

acknowledge that the knowledge and insights presented in this research are results of God's

unwavering compassion and love.

Furthermore , Furthermore, the researchers would like to extend their heartfelt gratitude

to their beloved family members and friends, whose encouragement and understanding have

been instrumental throughout this research journey. Your patience and belief in the pursuit of

knowledge have been invaluable.

To the local entrepreneurs, whose unwavering commitment to growth and innovation

fuels the economic heartbeat of this city, this work is a tribute to your vision and dedication.

Lastly, to the iconic Jollibee brand, whose impact extends far beyond the realms of

gastronomy, this study is dedicated to the shared belief that good food and warm smiles have the

power to create lasting bonds and enrich communities.


I extend my deepest gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion of this

research on "A Strategic Analysis of Franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City." This endeavor has

been a collaborative effort, and I am sincerely thankful to the following individuals and


First and foremost, to the people of Binalbagan City for their warm hospitality and

willingness to share insights during the course of this research. Your openness and enthusiasm

have enriched the study and provided valuable perspectives on the local context.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the local entrepreneurs, business leaders, and industry

experts who generously shared their time and expertise. Your experiences and knowledge have

been instrumental in shaping the strategic analysis and recommendations presented in this


To all those who have steadfastly supported the proponents, even without being

specifically acknowledged, a deepest gratitude. Your unwavering support has been invaluable,

and immensely grateful for your presence and dedication. Thank you, a million times, over.



Binalbagan City, nestled in the vibrant Negros Occidental province of the Philippines,

has witnessed substantial economic growth and cultural transformation in recent years. With a

population exceeding 80,000 ( 2020 Census )residents and a diverse economy anchored in

agriculture and emerging industries, Binalbagan stands as a promising hub for business ventures.

The local fast-food industry in Binalbagan has experienced robust growth, with an annual

revenue exceeding PHP 30 million, indicative of evolving consumer preferences and a

burgeoning appetite for diverse culinary experiences. A recent market survey involving 300

residents revealed a preference for globally recognized fast-food brands, with 65% expressing

interest in exploring new offerings.

Jollibee, a Filipino multinational chain with a global presence, has been eyeing strategic

expansion opportunities. In 2022, Jollibee Corporation reported a total revenue of USD 3.5

billion, showcasing its resilience and success in the competitive fast-food market. The brand's

unique blend of Western-style fast food and Filipino flavors has resonated with consumers

This research aims to explore the feasibility and strategic intricacies associated with

franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City, focusing on key considerations:

Local Market Dynamics:

An in-depth analysis of the local fast-food market in Binalbagan City, with a focus on

trends, preferences, and market share.

Insights from interviews with local residents and entrepreneurs to understand the

community's appetite for new dining experiences.

Operational Challenges and Cultural Adaptation:

Interviews with local entrepreneurs and potential franchisees to identify operational

challenges unique to Binalbagan's business environment.

Exploration of cultural nuances and preferences through focus group discussions to guide

Jollibee's adaptation strategy.

Economic Feasibility:

An analysis of the investment requirements for a Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City,

factoring in real estate costs, construction, and operational expenses.

Projections based on local economic indicators to assess the potential financial impact on

the franchisee and the overall local economy.

Regulatory and Policy Framework:

An examination of local regulations governing the establishment of international

franchises, providing insight into the legal landscape.

Collaboration with local authorities and community leaders to navigate regulatory

requirements and foster positive relationships.


Binalbagan City, characterized by its dynamic economic landscape and evolving

consumer preferences, presents an opportune environment for international franchises seeking

expansion. Against this backdrop, the introduction of a globally recognized brand, such as

Jollibee, is contemplated. However, the strategic challenges and considerations surrounding the

franchising of Jollibee in Binalbagan City remain largely unexplored.

The primary problems addressed in this research are as follows:

Market Viability and Dynamics:

What is the current state of the local fast-food market in Binalbagan City?

How do consumer preferences and behaviors in Binalbagan City align with the offerings

of Jollibee?

What are the competitive forces at play in the local fast-food industry, and how might

they impact the success of a Jollibee franchise?

Operational Challenges and Cultural Adaptation:

What operational challenges may arise in the process of establishing and managing a

Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City?

How can Jollibee effectively adapt its business model to align with the cultural nuances

and expectations of the local community?

Economic Feasibility:

What are the financial implications and investment requirements associated with

franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City?

What potential economic benefits and risks are associated with the introduction of

Jollibee to the local market?

Regulatory and Policy Considerations:

What regulatory frameworks and policies govern the establishment of international

franchises in Binalbagan City?

How might these regulations impact the franchising process for Jollibee, and what

strategies can be employed to navigate them?

Addressing these key issues will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the

challenges and opportunities associated with franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City, informing

strategic decisions for both the franchisee and the Jollibee Corporation.


(H0): There is no significant difference in market share, consumer preference, and

economic impact between areas with and without a Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City."
(H1) :The introduction of a Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City leads to a significant

increase in market share, consumer preference, and positive economic impact compared to areas

without a Jollibee franchise.


This study is anchored to the theory of the following:

International Franchising:

The Uppsala Model, developed by Johanson and Vahlne (1977), serves as a foundational

theory in international business, proposing that firms progressively increase their commitment to

foreign markets. In the context of franchising, this model suggests that Jollibee's expansion into

Binalbagan City is likely to follow a gradual and sequential process as the franchise adapts to

local market conditions.

Consumer Behavior and Global Brands:

Aaker's Brand Equity Model (1991) is pivotal in understanding consumer perceptions of

global brands like Jollibee. As Aaker suggests, brand equity encompasses brand awareness,

perceived quality, brand associations, and brand loyalty. Examining these components aids in

predicting how Jollibee's brand elements may resonate with the local population in Binalbagan


"Economic Development and Franchise Impact:*

In the realm of economic development, the Dependency Theory, as outlined by Cardoso

and Faletto (1979), offers insights into how the introduction of global franchises can influence

the economic landscape of a region. The research investigates whether Jollibee's presence in

Binalbagan City contributes positively to local economic development through job creation,

increased consumer spending, and improved business infrastructure.

Adaptation and Innovation in Franchising:

The Resource-Based View (RBV) and Dynamic Capabilities theories, as developed by

Barney (1991) and Teece et al. (1997), respectively, guide the exploration of how Jollibee adapts

its operations and innovates to meet local market demands. These theories underscore the

importance of leveraging unique resources and capabilities to navigate challenges, ensuring the

successful integration of Jollibee into the Binalbagan City market.


In the context of exploring the strategic expansion of Jollibee in Binalbagan City, this research

employs the Input-Process-Output (IPO) model to systematically analyze the complexities

associated with franchising within this unique market. The IPO framework provides a structured

lens, allowing us to dissect the essential inputs, scrutinize the intricate processes involved in

adapting a global franchise to local dynamics, and project the anticipated outputs that hold

significance for both the fast-food industry and the broader economic landscape of Binalbagan

Financial Resources: Initial
investment, operational budget.

Human Resources: Management and


Market Analysis: Data on local

consumer preferences.


Market Entry Strategy: Selection of an appropriate

entry mode (e.g., franchising).

Operational Adaptation: Adjusting business

operations to align with local market needs.

Marketing Strategy: Creating campaigns to

promote Jollibee in Binalbagan City.


Established Jollibee Franchise: The physical presence of a

Jollibee outlet in Binalbagan City.

Increased Market Share: Jollibee's share of the local fast-

food market.

Economic Impact: Job creation, enhanced local business

OUTPUT development.

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study


This study employs a carefully crafted research design encompassing a blend of qualitative

methods, such as in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with local entrepreneurs and

community leaders, to unearth nuanced insights into the cultural and operational intricacies of

franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City. Complementing these qualitative findings, quantitative

data will be gathered through surveys, offering a statistical lens to analyze consumer preferences,

market trends, and the economic feasibility of introducing a global brand to this dynamic locale.

The synthesis of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies is aimed at providing a

comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted dimensions involved in the strategic

franchising of Jollibee within the unique context of Binalbagan City


This research study holds significance for various stakeholders involved in the introduction of a
Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City:

Local Entrepreneurs and Business Owners. The findings of this study offer valuable insights
to local entrepreneurs and business owners by providing a strategic roadmap for venturing into
franchise opportunities with globally recognized brands. Understanding the nuances of adapting
a global brand to local markets can enhance their decision-making processes.

Municipal authorities and community leaders. Stand to benefit from this study as it
emphasizes the importance of collaboration and positive relationships in the context of
introducing international franchises. The research promotes a better understanding of how such
ventures can contribute to local economic development and community well-being.

Jollibee Corporation and Franchise Managers. The study provides valuable insights to
Jollibee Corporation and franchise managers by offering a nuanced understanding of the
challenges and opportunities associated with expanding into a unique market like Binalbagan
City. This knowledge can inform their strategies for successful entry and integration.
Local Consumers and Fast-Food Enthusiasts. The study is beneficial for local consumers and
fast-food enthusiasts as it explores how the introduction of a Jollibee franchise can enhance
dining options, cater to diverse tastes, and contribute to a vibrant culinary landscape in
Binalbagan City.

Academic Researchers and Scholars. Academic researchers and scholars can benefit from this study by
gaining insights into the dynamics of international franchising, cultural adaptation in business, and the
economic implications of introducing global brands to local markets. The research contributes to the
academic discourse in the fields of international business and franchise management.

Future investors and entrepreneur. can find value in this study as it serves as a reference
point for understanding the complexities and considerations involved in introducing global
franchises to emerging markets. The research provides a foundation for informed decision-
making in similar ventures.


This research endeavors to illuminate the strategic intricacies entailed in the introduction of a
Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City, aiming for a comprehensive understanding of cultural
adaptation, operational challenges, and economic implications associated with this significant
business venture. The study delves into several key dimensions, starting with an in-depth
exploration of the local fast-food market dynamics in Binalbagan City. This entails scrutinizing
consumer preferences, understanding competitive forces, and anticipating potential shifts in
market share that may transpire with the advent of the Jollibee franchise.

Furthermore, the research places a strong emphasis on analyzing the operational strategies
employed by Jollibee to align with the unique demands of the local market. This involves
investigating menu customization, tailoring marketing approaches, and adapting logistical
processes to ensure seamless integration. Additionally, the study seeks to unravel the economic
impact stemming from the introduction of a Jollibee franchise, with a specific focus on aspects
such as job creation, potential increases in consumer spending, and contributions to the overall
development of local businesses within the community.

The research also extends its purview to encompass a diverse array of stakeholder perspectives.
By soliciting insights from local entrepreneurs, consumers, municipal authorities, and Jollibee
Corporation, the study aims to construct a comprehensive tapestry of viewpoints, providing a
holistic understanding of the multifaceted nature of franchise introduction in Binalbagan City.

Despite the ambition for comprehensiveness, this research is not without limitations. Its
applicability may be confined to the specific context of Binalbagan City, limiting the
generalizability of findings to other cultural and economic settings. Time constraints present
another consideration, with the study operating within a defined timeframe that may not capture
changes in market dynamics or operational strategies beyond its duration. Data availability and
reliability represent inherent limitations, with the research contingent on access to accurate and
up-to-date information. External factors, unforeseen events, economic shifts, or policy changes,
are beyond the study's control and may influence outcomes in unpredictable ways. Cultural
sensitivity, while a focal point, remains a challenge, and limitations in sample size may impact
the generalization of findings to the entire population. Despite these limitations, the study adopts
a transparent approach, encouraging cautious interpretation of results, and acknowledging the
specific contextual constraints that may influence the scope and depth of the research.


Franchising: For the purpose of this study, franchising refers to the business strategy where
Jollibee Corporation grants an individual or group the right to operate a Jollibee restaurant in
Binalbagan City. This involves the transfer of the Jollibee brand, operational know-how, and
support in exchange for financial and operational commitments.

Cultural Adaptation: Cultural adaptation pertains to the strategic adjustments made by Jollibee
in its operations to align with the local culture of Binalbagan City. This includes modifications in
menu offerings, marketing approaches, and overall business practices to resonate with the
preferences and cultural nuances of the local community.

Operational Strategies: Operational strategies encompass the specific approaches and plans
implemented by Jollibee to ensure the seamless integration of its franchise into Binalbagan City.
This involves logistical considerations, supply chain management, and other operational
decisions made to optimize efficiency and effectiveness within the local market.

Economic Impact: Economic impact refers to the measurable effects that the introduction of a
Jollibee franchise may have on the local economy of Binalbagan City. This includes indicators
such as job creation, increased consumer spending, and contributions to the development of local
Stakeholders: Stakeholders in this study encompass individuals or entities directly or indirectly
involved in the introduction of the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City. This includes local
entrepreneurs, consumers, municipal authorities, and Jollibee Corporation.

Market Dynamics: Market dynamics refer to the various forces influencing the fast-food market
in Binalbagan City. This includes factors such as consumer preferences, competition among fast-
food establishments, and potential changes in market share resulting from the introduction of the
Jollibee franchise.

Representativeness: Representativeness pertains to the extent to which the findings of the study
can be considered reflective of the broader population or context. It acknowledges the limitations
of sample size and aims to assess the degree to which research outcomes can be generalized.

Timeframe: Timeframe refers to the specific duration during which the research is conducted. It
sets the boundaries for data collection and analysis, recognizing that changes beyond this period
may not be fully captured.

The fast-food industry has been a pioneering force in the global expansion of franchising.
Studies by Rugman and Verbeke (2007) highlight the standardized approach adopted by
multinational corporations in franchising to maintain brand consistency across diverse markets.
This standardization-versus-adaptation challenge is pertinent to Jollibee's entry into Binalbagan
City, emphasizing the need for a tailored approach to align with local preferences.

Success Factors in Franchising:

The success of a franchise hinges on multifaceted factors, with a crucial emphasis on the
relationship between franchisors and franchisees (Dant & Gundlach, 1999). This relational
aspect is pivotal as Jollibee Corporation collaborates with local entrepreneurs in Binalbagan
City, necessitating trust and cooperation for a fruitful partnership.

Cultural Adaptation in International Franchising:

Cultural adaptation is a key consideration in international franchising. The seminal work of

Hofstede (1980) underscores the impact of cultural dimensions on business success. For Jollibee,
known for its Filipino-inspired menu, understanding and adapting to the cultural nuances of
Binalbagan City residents are vital for market acceptance.

Economic Impact of Franchising:

Research by Lafontaine and Shaw (1999) emphasizes the economic ramifications of franchising,
with implications for job creation and increased consumer spending. These findings align with
the potential economic contributions that the introduction of a Jollibee franchise could bring to
Binalbagan City.

Consumer Preferences and Market Dynamics:

Consumer preferences and local market dynamics are pivotal factors in the success of a
franchise. Ghobadian et al. (2002) stress the importance of flexibility in adapting products and
services to local tastes. Understanding the existing fast-food market in Binalbagan City becomes
imperative for Jollibee to tailor its offerings effectively.

In essence, while the literature on international franchising provides valuable insights, there is a
dearth of specific studies on the introduction of global brands like Jollibee to unique markets
such as Binalbagan City. This review establishes the groundwork for an in-depth exploration of
the strategic, cultural, and economic considerations associated with franchising Jollibee in
Binalbagan City.



When applying TQM concepts to a customer-focused perspective in the context of franchising
Jollibee in Binalbagan City, the following principles can be considered:

Customer-Centric Vision:

Description: A customer-focused TQM approach begins with a clear vision that prioritizes
customer satisfaction and exceeds their expectations.
Application: Jollibee's franchise in Binalbagan City should have a customer-centric vision that
guides all aspects of the business, from menu customization to service delivery.
Understanding Customer Needs:

Description: TQM emphasizes the importance of understanding and meeting customer needs.
This involves active communication and feedback mechanisms.
Application: Implementing surveys, feedback forms, and direct interactions to understand the
preferences and expectations of the local customers in Binalbagan City.
Continuous Improvement Based on Customer Feedback:
Description: TQM promotes a continuous improvement cycle where feedback from customers is
used to enhance products and services.
Application: Establishing a feedback loop where customer comments and suggestions are
actively considered, leading to menu adjustments, service improvements, and overall better
customer experiences.
Employee Involvement in Customer Satisfaction:

Description: TQM emphasizes that all employees are responsible for ensuring customer
satisfaction. It encourages employees to be proactive in identifying and addressing customer
Application: Providing training to franchise employees in Binalbagan City on customer service,
and empowering them to take initiative in resolving customer issues promptly.
Consistent Quality in Products and Services:

Description: TQM underscores the importance of maintaining consistent quality in all products
and services offered to customers.
Application: Implementing quality control measures in food preparation, ensuring that every
Jollibee product in Binalbagan City meets the established standards consistently.
Customer Relationship Management:

Description: TQM encourages building strong relationships with customers. This involves not
only meeting their needs but also creating a positive and memorable experience.
Application: Implementing customer loyalty programs, promotions, and personalized
interactions to foster a strong connection between the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City and
its customers.
Benchmarking Against Customer Expectations:

Description: TQM involves benchmarking against the best practices in the industry and
exceeding customer expectations.
Application: Regularly evaluating the performance of the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City
against industry benchmarks and customer expectations to identify areas for improvement.


When applying TQM principles to employee involvement in the context of franchising Jollibee
in Binalbagan City, consider the following concepts:

Empowerment and Responsibility:

Description: TQM emphasizes empowering employees by providing them with the authority and
responsibility to make decisions that impact quality.
Application: In the Jollibee franchise, employees in Binalbagan City should be empowered to
take ownership of their roles, make decisions to enhance customer experience, and contribute to
the continuous improvement of processes.
Training and Development:

Description: TQM encourages continuous training and development to ensure that employees
have the necessary skills and knowledge.
Application: Implementing regular training programs for employees, including customer service
training, food safety practices, and any other relevant skills needed for effective operations.
Teamwork and Collaboration:

Description: TQM emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration among employees
to achieve common goals.
Application: Fostering a collaborative work environment in the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan
City, where employees work together seamlessly to provide excellent service and contribute to
the success of the franchise.
Communication Channels:

Description: Open and effective communication is a key TQM concept, ensuring that employees
are informed and involved in decision-making processes.
Application: Establishing regular communication channels, such as team meetings, suggestion
boxes, or digital platforms, to encourage employees to share ideas, feedback, and concerns.
Recognition and Reward Systems:

Description: TQM recognizes and rewards employees for their contributions and achievements.
Application: Implementing a recognition and reward system in the Jollibee franchise in
Binalbagan City to acknowledge and appreciate employees who demonstrate exceptional
commitment, innovation, or customer service.
Employee Feedback and Suggestions:

Description: TQM encourages organizations to actively seek and incorporate employee feedback
and suggestions.
Application: Establishing a system for employees to provide feedback and suggestions on
operational processes, customer service, and overall franchise performance. This could include
regular surveys or suggestion boxes.
Continuous Improvement Culture:

Description: TQM instills a culture of continuous improvement, where employees are actively
involved in identifying areas for enhancement.
Application: Creating a culture within the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City that promotes
continuous improvement, where employees are encouraged to suggest improvements, participate
in problem-solving, and contribute to the overall growth of the franchise.
Quality Circles:

Description: TQM often involves the formation of quality circles, where small groups of
employees come together to address specific quality-related issues.
Application: Implementing quality circles in the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City, where
employees from various departments collaborate to identify and address challenges related to
product quality, customer service, or operational efficiency.


Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle:

Description: The PDCA cycle is a TQM framework that involves planning a change,
implementing it (doing), evaluating the results (checking), and then acting on the findings to
make continuous improvements.
Application: Implementing the PDCA cycle in the Jollibee franchise in Binalbagan City to
systematically identify areas for improvement, test changes, assess outcomes, and make
informed adjustments.


Supplier Quality as TQM

In the local context of franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City, supplier quality emerges as a
critical aspect of Total Quality Management (TQM). Local literature accentuates the pivotal role
of forming robust partnerships with local suppliers, underlining their significance in maintaining
the consistent quality of products within the franchise. Effective supply chain management
practices are also explored, emphasizing how efficiency in the supply chain contributes to the
timely delivery of fresh and high-quality ingredients, a cornerstone of Jollibee's renowned
offerings. Moreover, local studies shed light on the importance of quality assurance measures
applied to locally sourced products. This underscores the commitment to ensuring that raw
materials procured from local suppliers adhere to rigorous quality standards, aligning with
Jollibee's global quality benchmarks. The literature also delves into regulatory compliance,
acknowledging the role of local suppliers in upholding regional standards and ensuring the safety
and quality of Jollibee's menu items. Risk management strategies with local suppliers are a
prevalent theme, illustrating how the franchise navigates potential challenges through effective
mitigation approaches. Collaborative efforts for continuous quality improvement between
franchises and local suppliers are a recurrent topic, showcasing successful examples of such
partnerships leading to heightened product quality. Additionally, local literature explores the
broader impact on the community, emphasizing the positive contributions of sourcing from local
suppliers, including job creation, community development, and sustainability initiatives
supported by Jollibee. These insights collectively contribute to the understanding of how supplier
quality, as depicted in local literature, is a cornerstone in the successful execution of Jollibee's
franchise in Binalbagan City.


Process management, within the framework of Total Quality Management (TQM), involves
systematically designing, implementing, and continually improving the processes that drive an
organization. In a local setting, such as franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City, the concept of
process management can be understood and applied in several ways:

Standardized Operational Processes:

Description: Establishing and maintaining standardized processes for key operational activities,
including order fulfillment, food preparation, customer service, and cleanliness standards.
Application: In a local Jollibee franchise, consistent and standardized processes ensure that every
customer receives the same high-quality service and products, aligning with the global brand
Adaptation to Local Dynamics:

Description: Tailoring global operational processes to suit the local context, considering cultural
preferences, local market dynamics, and regulatory requirements.
Application: Adapting menu offerings, service styles, and promotional strategies to resonate with
the local community in Binalbagan City, enhancing relevance and customer satisfaction.
Continuous Improvement Initiatives:

Description: Actively seeking opportunities for improvement in existing processes through

regular evaluations, feedback mechanisms, and data analysis.
Application: Implementing continuous improvement initiatives to enhance efficiency, reduce
waste, and address any identified shortcomings in operational processes within the local
Employee Training and Development:

Description: Providing comprehensive training programs for employees to ensure they

understand and adhere to standardized processes.
Application: In a local setting, training programs are tailored to address the specific needs and
expectations of employees in Binalbagan City, ensuring that they contribute effectively to the
operational processes.
Technology Integration for Efficiency:

Description: Utilizing technology solutions to streamline and automate processes, such as point-
of-sale systems, inventory management, and customer relationship management tools.
Application: Introducing technology that aligns with the local setting, improving order
processing, inventory control, and customer interactions within the Jollibee franchise in
Binalbagan City
. the context of franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City or any local setting, effective
communication strategies contribute to the success and alignment of the franchise with global
quality standards. Here's how communication operates as a TQM concept:

Clear Articulation of Quality Objectives:

Description: Communicating the organization's quality objectives, standards, and expectations

clearly to all levels of the franchise, including management, employees, and stakeholders.
Application: In a Jollibee franchise, clear communication ensures that everyone understands the
global quality benchmarks set by the corporation, facilitating alignment with these standards in
the local setting.
Internal Communication Channels:

Description: Establishing effective internal communication channels to ensure that information

flows seamlessly across different departments and levels of the organization.
Application: Internal communication within the franchise ensures that employees are well-
informed about updates, changes, and initiatives related to maintaining and improving quality
Feedback Mechanisms:

Description: Implementing mechanisms for collecting and providing feedback, enabling

employees and stakeholders to contribute insights, suggestions, and concerns related to quality.
Application: Establishing feedback loops in the local franchise allows employees in Binalbagan
City to share observations and recommendations, contributing to continuous improvement
Training and Development Communication:

Description: Communicating training programs, guidelines, and expectations clearly to

employees to ensure that they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills.
Application: In the context of a Jollibee franchise, effective communication about training
programs ensures that employees understand and adhere to standardized processes, contributing
to overall quality.
Cross-Functional Collaboration:

Description: Facilitating communication and collaboration among different departments and

functions within the organization to ensure a unified approach to quality management.
Application: Cross-functional communication ensures that departments like kitchen operations,
customer service, and management work cohesively, contributing to a holistic quality
management approach.
External Communication:

Description: Communicating quality achievements, certifications, and adherence to standards to

external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and regulatory bodies.
Application: External communication demonstrates the franchise's commitment to quality to
customers in Binalbagan City, building trust and reinforcing the brand's reputation.
Crisis Communication:

Description: Establishing protocols for effective communication during crisis situations to

manage and mitigate any quality-related issues.
Application: In the event of unexpected challenges, clear communication strategies help manage
crises efficiently, minimizing impact on the brand's reputation and customer trust.
Continuous Improvement Communication:

Description: Communicating the importance of continuous improvement and the role each
individual plays in identifying and addressing quality-related opportunities.
Application: Reinforcing a culture of continuous improvement through communication
encourages employees to actively contribute ideas for enhancing quality within the franchise.
In summary, communication as a TQM concept in the franchising of Jollibee involves clear
articulation of quality objectives, effective internal communication channels, feedback
mechanisms, training communication, cross-functional collaboration, external communication,
crisis communication, and continuous improvement communication.

In the pursuit of franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City, Total Quality Management (TQM)
concepts synergize to form a robust operational framework. Process management establishes
standardized operations, adapting to local dynamics and fostering continuous improvement.
Communication acts as the catalyst, aligning stakeholders with global quality standards and
creating a culture of collaboration and transparency.

Supplier quality ensures the integrity of ingredients through reliable partnerships with local
suppliers, contributing to the franchise's resilience. Assessment serves as the compass, guiding
the franchise towards excellence through systematic evaluations and a commitment to
continuous improvement. This harmonious integration establishes the franchise not just as a
business but as a quality-driven presence deeply connected to the local community in Binalbagan


This chapter set forth the methodology that was modified in order to establish the study’s

overall validity and reliability using the data being collected and analyzed.


The quantitative-descriptive research focuses on the extent in Franchising Jollibee

binalbagan city.
. Descriptive research design aims to accurately and systematically describe a population,

situation or phenomenon. It can answer what, where, when and how questions, but not why

questions. A descriptive research design can use a wide variety of research methods to

investigate one or more variables (McCombes S., 2022).

Furthermore, quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing numerical

data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and

generalize results to wider populations. Quantitative research is the opposite of qualitative

research, which involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (Bhandari P., 2022).


The respondents of the study were the residents of Binalbagan City.


The instrument used in data gathering was research-made survey questionnaire conducted

through online google forms. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first part of the

instrument was composed of demographic profile such as the stakeholders, sex, and department.

While, the second part was composed of the proper survey questionnaire pertaining to the extent

of Franchising Jollibee in BInalbagan City.


The researchers are determined to conduct a study on Franchising Jollibee in BInalbagan

City. The selected respondents of Binalbagan City gathered in order to be facilitated for the

conduct of the study. The study was done through the utilization of online google forms

questionnaire. The questionnaires were given to the stakeholders as a survey and reference in

terms of respondent’s experience in using it. The researchers had been able to know the

possibility of Franchising Jollibee in BInalbagan City .

All the information that had been gathered was tallied using worksheet. A digital

generated result with the help of the statistician, made it possible for the researchers to come up

with the findings, to make conclusions and to draft recommendations.


The data analysis process for the study on franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City

commenced with a meticulous examination of the collected responses. The researchers ensured

the completeness and accuracy of the data, addressing any missing or inconsistent entries.

Subsequently, the data was entered into a spreadsheet, and variables were coded for systematic

organization and easy reference. Descriptive statistics, including mean, median, mode, range,

and standard deviation, were computed for numerical variables, while frequency distributions
and percentages were generated for categorical variables. Graphical representations were

employed to illustrate key findings. Inferential statistical tests, such as t-tests, chi-square tests,

and regression analysis, were conducted based on the research questions and nature of the data.

Cross-tabulations and correlation analysis were employed to explore relationships between

variables. Thematic analysis was applied to qualitative data derived from open-ended questions,

identifying recurring themes and patterns.

The results were interpreted in the context of the research objectives, with a focus on the

implications of the findings. The collaboration with a statistician ensured the accuracy and

appropriateness of the statistical procedures. Finally, the comprehensive report integrated the

data analysis process, presenting key findings, drawing conclusions, and formulating

recommendations for stakeholders involved in the possibility of franchising Jollibee in

Binalbagan City.


Striving to protect the anonymity and confidentiality of participants, the research team

made conscious efforts to minimize the collection of personally identifiable information and

securely stored data, limiting access to authorized personnel only.

Voluntariness was a cornerstone of participant involvement, emphasizing that

participation was entirely optional and free from any form of coercion or undue influence. The

research upheld a deep respect for privacy by minimizing intrusion into personal lives, especially

when handling sensitive or personal questions. The principles of beneficence and non-
maleficence were integral, with a commitment to maximizing benefits and mitigating potential

harm to participants and the community.

Transparency in research practices was emphasized, with clear communication about the

study's purpose, methods, and potential outcomes. The research team prioritized accuracy and

honesty, ensuring the integrity of findings without manipulation of data. Community engagement

played a vital role, particularly if the research directly involved the local community, by actively

seeking input and sharing findings in an accessible manner.

Adherence to ethical guidelines, including institutional review board (IRB) regulations,

underscored the commitment to ethical conduct. Offering participants feedback on the overall

study results and providing debriefing sessions addressed any lingering concerns and contributed

to the ethical integrity of the research process. These ethical considerations collectively formed

the foundation for responsible and respectful research, fostering trust among participants and

stakeholders involved in the study on franchising Jollibee in Binalbagan City.

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