Organic Chemistry Unit Lesson 1-Introduction To Organic Chemistry

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Organic Chemistry

Unit 4-Chapter 9 and 10

Pages 356-473

Curricular Outcomes
C1.1k define organic compounds as compounds
containing carbon, recognizing inorganic
exceptions as carbonates, cyanides, carbides and
oxides of carbon

C1.2k identify and describe significant organic

compounds in daily life, demonstrating
generalized knowledge of their origins and
What is Organic Chemistry?
The early definition related to compounds obtained only
from living things.
Inorganic compounds are those obtained from minerals.

Today, it is a major branch of chemistry that deals with

compounds of carbon, called ORGANIC compounds*.

◦ The major source of carbon compounds is still living or

previously living things, such as plants, animals and all
types of fossil fuels.

*Carbon compounds that are exceptions
and considered INORGANIC are
compounds like:

Oxides carbon monoxide (CO(g) ) and carbon

dioxide (CO2(g) ), and

Ionic compounds of carbon-based ions,

such as carbonate CO32-, cyanide CN-, and
carbide ions, SiC (silicon carbide)

Organic or Inorganic??
Formula Organic or Inorganic?
CaCO3(s) Inorganic (carbonate ion)
C25H52(s) Organic
Ca2C(s) Inorganic (carbide ion)
CCl4(l) Organic
CH3COOH(l) Organic
CO2(g) Inorganic (oxide)
KCN(s) Inorganic (cyanide)
C12H22O11(s) Organic

Why is carbon special?
There are millions of organic compounds and only a thousand
inorganic compounds. WHY?

◦ Carbon has a bonding capacity of 4

● Remember Lewis Dot Diagrams from Chem 20??
◦ This means carbon can bond extensively and can bond together
to form chains effectively called Polymerism
◦ Carbon covalently bonds by sharing 4 pairs of electrons. These
bonds may be single, double or triple, all producing stable
◦ Compounds can form with same number of each type of atom
but different structures = Isomerism

Remember from Chem 20
So why do we care about bonding capacity?
◦ If we know how many bonding e-’s an atom has, we can predict
what structure a molecular compound will have
Atom Number of Number of Bonding capacity
valence electrons bonding electrons

carbon 4 4 4
nitrogen 5 3 3
oxygen 6 2 2
halogens 7 1 1
H hydrogen 1 1 1

I.e. Carbon can form 4 single bonds, 2 double bonds, 1 triple and 1 single, or 1 double and 2 singles 7
Importance of Organic Chemistry
Building units of all living matter: carbohydrates, proteins, fats
All foods are organic compounds
Photosynthesis is a reaction that makes carbon a part of our food. Carbon is
passed along through food chains and sugar from photosynthesis is modified
and combined with other materials.
Dead organisms are food for other organisms, or are buried in the earth and
converted to fossil fuels like peat, coal and petroleum
Petroleum is the source of fuel and starting material for plastics, fabrics and
industrial chemicals

The carbon cycle is an
illustration of the
interrelationship of all
living things with the
environment and with
technologies that refine
and use fossil fuels

We will continually
outline the importance
of organic compounds
in our daily lives

Carbon is a unique atom in that it can form four bonds and
can bond together to form chains, rings, spheres, sheets
and tubes of various sizes

Like said before, Carbon can form single, double and triple

We will mainly be using structural diagrams to draw out

models of organic molecules.

There are many types of organic compounds and they are

named and classified differently based on their shape and

Organic Families in Chem 30
You will learn the properties, how to name, draw,
and react the following 11 families:

Alkanes, Cycloalkanes, Alkenes, Cycloalkenes,

Alkynes, Cycloalkynes, Benzene, Organic Halides,
Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids, and Esters

There are plenty more, but that is beyond the scope

of this course
Characterization of Organic Compounds
Aliphatic Compounds(do not contain benzene/phenyl branch)
-Any one of the families that does not contain benzene/phenyl branch

Aromatic Compounds(contain benzene/phenyl branch)

Hydrocarbons-(contain Carbon and Hydrogen)

-Could be alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and their cyclos

Hydrocarbon Derivatives(contain Carbon, Hydrogen, and another atom)

-Organic Halides, Alcohols, Carboxylic Acids, and Esters
Four Types of Formulas
1. Molecular Formulas C5H12(g)
Not very useful for organic compounds because so many isomers can exist

2. Structural Formulas

3. Condensed Structural Formulas

4. Line Diagrams
– end of line segment represents carbon
– it is assumed to satisfy each carbon’s octet

Practice #1
Draw all three representations of C6H14

Practice #2
The number of covalent bonds formed by
carbon is

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four

Practice #3
Which of the following compounds are considered to be
organic compounds?

1. CH3OH 2. CaC2 3. C2H5OH 4. MgCO3 5.


A. 5 only
B. 1 and 3
C. 1,3, and 5
D. 2 and 4

Practice #4

Practice #5

Practice Problems
From Nelson Textbook Page 361 #1


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