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MGMT3031- Individual Assessment #1 (30%)

Units 1, 2 and 3

Due: February 28, 2024, 11:59 PM EC/ 10:59 PM JA


Tech Products Inc. is one of the world's leading technology companies known for its innovative
products, including the TechPhone, TechPad, Tech computers, and software services. At present,
Tech Products Inc. is now facing significant challenges in an evolving industry landscape due to
increasing competition and the introduction of similar products on both the local, regional and
global markets. The company is aware that internal and external drivers play a crucial role in
shaping the strategic direction and overall performance of an organization, and that to remain
relevant they must be able to understand and respond to these drivers in an effective manner. To
assist them in formulating a comprehensive strategy that can help the company navigate the
complex business environment it faces, Tech Products Inc. has hired you as a Strategic
Management Consultant.

Further to an initial meeting with Management, it was ascertained that Tech Products Inc. has not
been keeping abreast with the changes in the external operational environment and did not analyze
this against their current environment. Whilst they are aware that there are internal and external
tools which can assist, they have no idea how to use them to their benefit. They are aware however
that the current business strategy needs to urgently be reviewed to one which focuses more on
design, user experience, and premium pricing to help set them apart from the competition. There
is also a need to review the current global strategy to ensure that the company is reaping the best
possible benefits, allowing the organization to capitalize on opportunities, manage risks
effectively, and create a robust foundation for long-term success. Their current organizational
structure is one which organizes its workforce by function, such as design, engineering, marketing,
and retail, which to date has worked well, but they are now unsure if it is serving their needs. The
company has been approached by various companies in the past who wished to create strategic
alliances, but due to its top-ranking position in the market did not feel it was necessary at the time.
Management is currently rethinking this position and requires some guidance as they aim to
enhance their organisation and expand their market reach.

Based on the above scenario, as the Strategic Management Consultant, answer the
following, providing the necessary guidance to Management:

a) Based on the above scenario and the various structures discussed in
the course, what type of structure exists at Tech Products Inc.
State clearly and support with relevant information from the case
and other literature. Illustrate this structure graphically. (6 marks)
b) Identify and discuss one (1) key advantage of those discussed in
the course, as it relates to why Tech Products Inc. should maintain
this structure (4 marks)
c) Identify and discuss one (1) challenge, that Tech Products Inc.
needs to keep in mind, from those discussed in the course, as it
relates to using this structure, recommending, one (1) way it can be
mitigated/avoided (6 marks)
2. Identify and discuss the type of strategy, based on what was discussed in the course, that
Tech Products Inc. needs to adopt, to allow them to achieve their objectives as
mentioned in the scenario successfully. Relevant information from the case must support
your response. Reference a similar company locally, globally, or internationally who
uses this strategy successfully. (8 marks)
3. Clearly identify and discuss one (1) internal and one (1) external driver, as discussed in the
course, which Tech Products Inc. needs to consider as part of their strategic planning
exercise relative to the case presented. Information from the scenario must be included to
support the discussion. (6 marks)
4. Clearly identify and justify one (1) type of alliance as discussed in the course, from the
scenario, that Tech Products Inc. can form to enhance its organization and expand its
market reach. Recommend an example of a company locally or regionally that the
company can partner with, justifying your selection. The name of the organization must
be clearly stated. (8 marks)
5. Identify and discuss by completing a thorough analysis of Tech Products Inc. one (1)
internal tool as discussed in the course, that Tech Products Inc. can use to assess its
internal environment to enable management to capitalize on organizational strengths
while minimizing organizational weaknesses. (6 marks)
6. It is important that the company understands and identifies the uncontrollable forces in
the broad environment which impact their business strategic position. Apply one (1)
external tool, as discussed in the course, to the operations of Tech Products Inc., as
discussed in the scenario. Students are asked to refer to their own country when
completing where required. (6 marks)

Report Requirements

The paper should be presented professionally and consistently and should not exceed 8 pages.
To include the Executive Summary and Conclusion, both of which should be on their own
A cover page should be included. Note that the Cover Page, References and Appendix are not
included in the page limit count. Report should also include the following:

1. Executive Summary (5 marks)

• Maximum of one page
• Should speak to the purpose of the assessment and provide an overview of all
areas to be addressed in the paper
• Specifics as discussed in each section of the paper not just a regurgitation of the

2. Analysis (50 marks)

• Should include responses to questions 1 to 6 above
• Should include relevant headings to clearly indicate when each question is being
• All key points should be supported by scholarly peer reviewed sources/references.
Failure to do so will have an impact on the quality of your contribution and, as a
result, your grade.

3. Conclusion (5 marks)
o Maximum of one page
o Should summarise main points as well as include the way forward for the
organization based on the discussions
o Should synthesize the entire paper with specific details as included in the

4. References - APA 7th edition (15 marks)

• Entire report must adhere to all APA 7th Edition guidelines to include:
o Title page
o Inclusion of Table of Contents
o Times New Roman 12-point font,
o Overall Layout- paragraphs, headings, Double Line Spacing,– with 1”
margins on all sides
o Page numbering (Top right-hand corner)
o In-text Citations and reference list
o Minimum of 12 references, with the use/inclusion of at least eight (8)
scholarly peer reviewed journal sources

5. Grammar - Mechanics, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure (10 marks)

o Marks will be deducted for punctuation, spelling, typographical and
grammatical errors
o Overall quality of writing

Please Note:

▪ Assessment should be saved as a Microsoft Word document in the following

format: Individual Assessment 1- MGMT3031_ Student Name, where Student
Name is the complete name of the student

▪ Assessment must be uploaded via the available Turnitin Dropbox as located on

the front of the course page. Students will have the opportunity to upload their
assignment three (3) times. Please submit the entire assignment to the Turnitin
Dropbox (inclusive of the cover page, body of assignment and reference list).
This is the final drop box for the assignment. Students should aim for a
similarity index of 15% or less. Penalty marks will be applied for high SI

▪ Late penalty marks will be applied to any late submission. Please refer to relevant
information on this as included in the Course Guide

▪ The document should be uploaded as a Microsoft Word Document ONLY to

the designated Turnitin Drobox. This is the FINAL and ONLY Dropbox for
the assignment.

▪ The mark would be prorated out of 100 to get the final mark from 30%

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