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Test Booklet Code 03 - Do not open tl JEE MAIN RANKERS @ wy TEST SERIES-2024 Booklet untill you start attempting the Test. Topics Covered Physics: Electric Charges and Fields, Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance, Current Electricity; Moving Charges and Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves Black Elements, d- & F Black Elements, Chemistry : Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Co-ordination Compounds ‘Mathematics: Relations and Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Matrices, Determinants, Continuity and. Differentiability, Application of Derivatives | Genera Instructions: 1 Immediately fillin the particutars on this page of the test booklet. # The testis of 3 hours duration, ¥ The test booklet consists of 90 questions. The maxinum marks are 300, 1 There ae three Sections inthe question paper, Section I&II consisting of Sectin-| (Phystes), Section-ll (Chemistry), ection-tI (Mathematics) an having 30 questions in each partin which hrst 20 questions are compulsory and are of Objective rye and Last 20 questions ae integers type in which you have to attempt 5 questions any, 1 There is only one correet response far each question. 1 Bach correct ansiver will give 4 marks while 1 Mark wil be deducted fora wrang MCQ response fF No student allowed to carry any cextual material, printed or rite, bts of papers, pager, mobile phone, any electronic device, et: Inside the examination room bal, "On completion ofthe tes, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet tothe Inviilator on duty inthe Room/Hal, However, the o 4 a as BR aR o> a> Find equivalent capacitance across A and B. c c el c Cc A “8 c c c i c c c (ly 2c @ec c 2c @ 2 as 5. 6 In a series LCR circuit, the frequencies fi and /a at which the current amplitude falls to 1/ V2 of the current amplitude at resonance are separated by frequency interval R OO ae @) anJEC @) VEE (a) RC For the circuit arrangement shown in the figure, the circuit is switched on and the variable resistance is adjusted such that the bulb just glows, Now ifthe circuit is switched off Hilo (1). the bulb stops glowing (2) momentarily the bulb becomes dim and then stops glowing. (3) momentarily the bulb becomes very bright and then stops glowing (4) the bulb continues to glow for some time and then stops glowing, ‘A capacitor C js fully charged with voltage Vo. After disconnecting the voltage source, it is connected in parallel with another uncharged ‘capacitor of capacitance 2C. The energy loss in the process after the charge is distributed between the two capacitors is: a few 2) dog 6 @) ter? 3% Lay? 4) cH 9. 10. long wire i the Joop is lying near # A square 1ooh M jnections of current in the loop : The and ‘eect are as shown in figure. Net force con the loop due (0 this wi C4 (2) Repulsive (4) Parallel to the wire re is: (a) Zero (3). Attractive Loop A of radius 7 (r << R) moves towards a constant current carrying loop 8 with a constant velocity v in such a way that their planes are parallel and coaxial. The distance between the oops when the induced EMF in loop 4 is maximum is an WR @ + E 1 OF @ aie Charges Q, 2Q and -O are given to three concentric conducting spherical shells 4, B and respectively, as shown in the figure. The ratio of charges on the inner and the outer surfaces of the shell C will be (+ve value indicates same ratio of charges) Test Paper-3 IEF) a 4 Q Rie ale 5 & 4) - O35 @ |. Aresistance and an inductor coil are connected in series with an AC voltage source of variable frequency. If, starting from a value fi, the frequency of the source is increased, then the rate of heat dissipation in the resistance: (1) increases continuously Q) decreases continuously (3) increases first, then decreases (4) may increase or decrease, depending on fo 2. Two small dipoles with dipole moment Pr & Ps are placed at the comer and center of a square as shown. Ratio of P: and P) so that net electric field at 8 is along BC is a 7 @ 8 8 wi aS w 3. A uniform magnetic field of 2.0T exists perpendicular to the plane of two parallel conducting rails with separation of $0 em and negligible resistance. Two resistors of resistances 3 Q and 6 @ are connected to the two rails (see figure). A conducting rod PQ of resistance 1 also connects the two rails and is made to slide on them with a uniform velocity of 5 mis as shown, The current flowing in rod PQis sst Paper-D3 (JEE) A P c . ‘sak * [EM «gea" “B oe a 5 » 6 «5A 5 a) & @) 5A 14, A wire of length / is used to form an n-sided regular polygon. Wire carries a constant current i. Let B, be the magnitude of magnetic field at the centre of regular polygon, then By is given by e(?) ol bn le) H por” i) Hin o & Ky BO 7 z ne =’) 18. In L-€ circuit shown in the figure, the value of is ip and charge on the capacitor a etl an £) Q) (2 n -«(*) current at at the same moment is jpV3EC. The value of the maximum current through the induetor is L (1) in Q) in (3) Vig (4) Sig 16. 7. 18, 1». Id due to uniformly ‘The magnitude of electric field charged semi-infinite wire having linear charge density at point P is 2 tN “The magnetic force on current earrying wire AB of length R due to an infinitely long current camying wire passing through point Q and perpendicular to the plane of paper, 2 4 1®@ - __k> debe wo bol” Oo In(2) @) oe In(5) 2 2 ® 02) © Hoh ws) The mms value of the clectic field of the light coming fiom the sun is 720 N/C. The average total energy density ofthe electromagnetic wave is: (Q) 458 «10% dim? 2) 637 «10° Sm GB) 81.35% 10 Jim (4) 3.3% 103 Ym? When the resistances of the left gap and the right gap of a metre bridge are 1119 and 10, the null point is formed at 99.8 cm. When the resistances are interchanged in the gaps the null point is at 0.3 cm, the end corrections of the Wire are (1) 020m, 0.80.em 2) 0.27 cm, 0.90.0m @) 039em, 1.1 om (4) 059m, circuit a shown in the 9. A rod, completing eed conducting wire along @ U- the action of Figure, moves nye under o frame at angen fred is perpendicular to te force F. Magi or heat generation in the If the the ane free FE circui 32 mee: w 2 @ 5 o 2 O39 toe rt at ae of BC he variable and numerical value of R is always kept equal to numerical value of L. for a given A.C, voltage source resonant current is obtained to be 2A. Now capacitance of capacitor is increased to four times. Then new resonance current (in ampere) for the same source will be 22. The electric field in a region is radially outward ‘with magnitude £ = Ar. The charge enclosed in a sphere of radius a centred at origin is mnutext” The value of mn is (ris the radial distance and 4 is @ positive constant) In the figure shown, magnetic field at the centre of the circle © would be zero, if the ratio /t is ty mm. The value of m is 24, second The dain i re x is in m isin Siler jeter and ¢ Constant of the medium is Test Paper-03 (JEE) an Two particles, carying charge % each are hood at the points (-c, 0) and (a, 0). A third Cie particle, of mass mand carrying charge ~Q. is fi : eleased from rest from the point (0,./3a). If in L its subsequent motion, the maximucn velocity m if gh V2 attained by this particle is GS sy 29, In the circuit shown in figure the reading of NA mega, ‘ammeter is the same with both switches open as well as with both closed. Then find the then Nis resistance 2 in ohms. (ammeter is ideal). Toon 46, Inthe given network, a battery of emf 15 V und intemal resistance 1.4 9 is connected directly between the points & and C. The current (in af ee “Amperes) through the branch BC is 38 ae 30m 1SV oa 20 430, A long eylindrical conductor of radius R carries ‘a current J flowing parallel to its axis. The DI ~ current density is uniform over the cross-section “a of the conductor. The magnetic field at a point $ R 27, The minimum number of capacitors required ata distance © from the axis of the conductor ‘each of capacitance 2uF in order to obtain the hol resultant capacitance of SuF is ie POE where mis 28, In the circuit shown, the switch S is shifted to position 2 from position | at ¢~ 0, having been in position 1 for a long time. Find the ratio of current in the inductor (L) just before and just after the switch S is shifted. Single Correct Type Questions At a given temperature, which of the following 31, Two beakers of capacity 500 mi. were taken. One galeinerti of these beakers, labelled as “A”, was filled with 400 mL. water whereas the beaker labellod “B” ‘was filled with 400 mL. of 2 M solution of NaCl. jorrect about the vapour pressure of pre water and that of NaCl solution, (1) Vapour pressure in container (A) is: more At the same temperature both the beakers were than that in container (B) lee ced onions win iter id (@) Vapour pressure in container (A) i less than same capacity as shown in figure that in container (B) (3) Vapour pressure is equal in both the containers (4) Vapour pressure in container (B) is twice the ‘vapour pressure in container (A) NaCl solution Test Paper-03 (JE) oe 432, Given below are half-cell reactions : 33, 34, 35, Mn" +26 Mn, B=-L18V 2iNin* + Mn), B= H1.51V The E° for 3Mn* > Mn +2Mn"™ willbe : (1). ~2.69 V, the reaction will not oecur @) ~2.69'V, the reaction will cour @) ~033 V, the reaction will not occur (4) =0.33 V, the reaction will oceur 120 g of urea is present in solution which is 1 M. If density of solution is 2 g/mL, the molality of solution is (approx.) Q) 052m G) 0.26m (2) 0.052m (4) 0.026m ‘For which of the following complexes is the order of values of Ag correct? (1) Rh (NH) 4)*> [Co (NH)ef* @)[FetCny> [Fe (CN) G) [Cr (HOM}*> [Cr (HO) (4) [Cr Fe > [CCN ‘The complex He{Co (SCN) is correctly named as: (1). Mercurytetrathiocyanatocobaltate (11) (2) Mercurycobalttetrasulphocyano (II) (3). Mercurytetrasulphoeyanidecobaltate (II) (4) Mercurysulphocyanatocobalt (ID) ‘A graph of volume of hydrogen released vs time for the reaction between zinc and dil. HCI is ‘given in Figure. On the basis of this, mark the correct option. wy Tangent to curve Va 2030-40 30 3. 38 9. W-¥, i Mo (2). Average rate upto 40 seconds is 47 aM (3). Average rate upto 40 seconds is > — ou (4) Average rate upto 40 seconds is >) ‘The standard reduction potential for Cu / Cu is, #0.34V. The reduction potential at pH = 14 for the above couple shall be ’ (Given, Kep for Cu(OH)nis 1.0* 10°") (, -0.46V @) -0.12V (G) =53V (4) -022V Statement: Transition metals show variable oxidation states. ‘Statement-I: Transition metals do not form alloys. (1). Both statement-1 and statement-Il are correct. @) Statement-I is correct but statement-ll is incorrect. 3) Statement-I is incorrect but statement-I is comrect. (4) Both statement-1 and statement are incorrect. Given below are two statements labelled as satement-I and statement-I1 Statement-: The boiling point of 0.1 m of urea solution i less than that of 0.1 m of KCI solution, StatementI: Elevation of boiling point is Alrectly proportional to the number of species Present in the solution and number of species Increase due to dissociation of KCI, 4m the light of above statements choose the most ‘Sppropriate answer from the options given below. () Both statements are correct, and statements I isthe comrect explanation of statement 1 2) Both statements are correct and statement {1 Snot the correct explanation of statement L @) Statement 1 ig ¢ orreet, but stat is incomes terment Il @ 8 ) Ettiet Tis incorrect, but statement Il is Test Paper-03 (JE) 2. 43. Ue Bs ,, =-0.767, Es, =-0.24, Eig =~ OAV Eo cy = 040K Which is incorrect statements (Q) Za? + Cd Ca + Zn, spontaneous @Q) Ni?+ Cd Ni+Ca", spontaneous @) Fe? +Ni>Ni? + Fe, spontaneous (@ Ca2+Zn— Zn" + Ca, spontaneous Metallic gold will not dissolve in ntrie acid alone, ‘but will dissolve in aqua regia. Which is the best explanation for this observation? (1) Chloride ion complexes gold (ID, stabilizing itas Auct, @) Nitric acid is a stronger oxidant in_more acidic solution (3). Nitric acid and hydrochloric’ acid react to form NO-Cl which reaet readily with metallic old. (4) Nitric and hydrochlorie acid react to form Cz, which react readily with metallic gold. Certain quality of current is passed through 2 voltameters connected in series and containing XSOaq) and Y:SO.(aq) respectively. IF the atomic masses of X and ¥ are in the ratio 2: 1, the rato ofthe masses of ¥ liberated to that of X ist @ ta @ 1:2 @ 2a 4) 3:2 Bond dissociation enthalpy of E ~ Hi (E = element) bonds is given below. Which of the compounds will cis as strongest reducing agent? Compound NH. PHs ASH; Sb; Adiss (E-H)/kJ mol 389 322 255 (1) NHS (2) PH (3) AsHy (4) Solis 297 Test Paper-03 (JEE) 45, When KMnOx solution is added to oxalic acid solution, the decolourisation is slow in the beginning but becomes instantaneous after some time because: (1). COsis formed as the product (@) Reaetion is exothermic (8) MnO; catalyses the reaction (4) Mn acts as auto catalyst Calomel (Hg:Cl:) on reaction with ammonium hydroxide gives. (1) Heh: Q) Hg0) @) NHi=He-Hg-Cl (4) HgNHcl Consider the thermodynamic data with the solvents listed below. Solvent | Ke(Kmolal) | BPt(K) ech, 5.03 350 Benzene 253 3533 Ethanol 1.20 3515 Equimolal solutions of a non-dissociative, non- associative and non-volatile solute are made with, the solvents CCl, benzene and ethanol and are Jobelled as T, I and THl respectively. Which of the following is correct? (1) Boiling point of TI will always be the greatest (2) Boiling point of I will always be the lowest G)_ Boiling point of I will always be greater than u (4) Boiling point of Il will always be greater than m a. ‘There are four different compounds of Co” with ligand Cl, NHs, HxO and CN" ‘Compound | Wavelength of light absorbed (nm) 5 ‘538 500 : 45 (CH,COOH then increases R =] @ | Conductivity KIO.IM) s 310 ® eee ier ‘The possible combination of P, Q, R and $ is eee (1) P+ [COCIENE)s", Q— [CofNED)s HOP St ]© | cH.Coo! and Ba Y increases Onesie then does not Q)P— (CoWNH)s GOP’, OS peer [CoCIONEA).}”, R—> [CO(NH S al aA a= @) P [Co(CN)}, Q-> [ComNH)”, ee | R- [CO(NH))s (H:0)]", 8 > se | [CoCl(NHs)s?* GP [CoClNHs)s}*, Q-> [Co(CN).]™, R— [Co(NHi}]", 8+ [Co(NH)s(H:0)}* ‘Which of the following clement has fully filled Fesubshellin +2 oxidation state? () Ga @ lu @) Bu @) Ce Which of the following reaction produce CrsOs along with 0:7 (1) Heating (NEL):Cn0; (2) Reaction of Al Os with Cr (3) Heating KsCr0, (4) None of these ‘Choose the correct code given below. (1) A=R; BP; CQ; DS @) AHS;B4R; CP; DQ G) A=R;B4S; CQ; DP @) ASP;BQ:C-48; DR Integer Type Questions Si. 52, ‘The rate constant of a reaction is increased by 10% whien its temperature is raised from 27°C 028°C. The activation energy of the reaction in ki/mol is, - (Nearest integer) R=83)/ mol K; in 11=24, in 10-= 2.3) For a first order reaction its frequency factor is 210" sand threshold energy is 110.8 ki/mol. - x kK ‘empersture the half-life period will be 8.5 minutes, ifthe average energy of reactants is 203 Kdimole, then the value of x is a (Nearest integer Test Paper-03 (JEE) ‘a [M(en{SCN)NO2)]CT are ‘s4 The mimber of compounds among the following species which contain P-P bonds) i, Pired) (i) HAP:Os (Gil) HAPs0r ivy (PO), () PS 45, Consider the following redox reaction: ‘Zn\s) + MnOx(8) -> Zn"* + Mn” If the value of x = |AG? (in joules) <10*/0f the reaction, and if the electrode potential of cathode ) is 0.49V and/electrode potential of i 0.71V, then value of x 9.500 C mol) (Frcen 080 (Fen is (IF (Nearest Integer) 56. Consider a 70% efficient hydrogen-oxygen fue! cell working under standard conditions at 1 bar and 298 K. Its cell reaction is H,(¢)+40,(s) +400) The work derived from the cell on the ‘consumption of 1.010" mol of Ha(g) is used to compress 1.00 mol of a monoatomic ideal gas in a thermally insulated container. The change in the temperature (in K) of the ideal gas is . (nearest integer) (The standard reduction potentials for ‘the two half-cells are given below Ox(g) + 4H" (aq) + 4e° > 2H:0(1), BP = 1.23V, 2H" (aq,) + 2" > Ho(g), E° = 0.00 Use F = 96500 C mol", R= 8.314 Jmol" K"!) 57. Consider the following path followed by A: Test Paper-03 (JEE) 9. [C} =x « 107 mol L"' after 3h of the reaction if [Alp= 0.25 mol L*, Also given that ki = 2.0 * 10° 5 ¢l and ke = 40 * 105°. Then the value of x is___ (The value of antilog (0.2814) =1:91) (Nearest Integer) Number of coloured complexes due to d ~ d sransition ae [Min(H:O)P*, CoC F , [Fe(H:O}]", CuSOs KMnO., AgBr, Ni(dmg):, brown ring complex. (Neglect any extremely light colouration.) Consider the plots for three different reactions of Reactant(R) —> Products ik} Graph IL Graph | A 1 (hale life) Graph TH The order of the reaction w.rt R in Graphs I, I and Il are x, y and z respectively. Then x + y+z is ‘A complex of iron and CN-, when treated with a suitable reagent, produces a precipitate of Prussian blue colour. Oxidation state of iron in this complex is x and y (y > x). The value of 2 is 10 ‘Single Correct Type Questions 61, The domain of the function cosy +178*75) 2) (17.8) 4) 69.17) () Ga) @) 9-8] Let » = fla) be a polynomial of degree 4 with real coefficients and having its zeros 1, 2, 3 only. If fix) > 0 in C20, 1) UG, «then the value of LMOFMLB)is ayo @ 3 @1 a4 rea? x44) Ie f(x=jx+d? 2x42 e+e? 3x447, and /"(x) =0, then a, 6%, are in a) GP. (2) AP. @) HP. 4) AGP. 63. + (ovhere x # 0) A given right circular cone has volume p and the largest right circular cylinder that can be inscribed in the cone has a volume g. Then p : q is () 9:4 Q) 8:3 @) 7:2 1 (4) 2 Let f: R— {0,1} > R, satisfies 4)+4(1-2} = forall x € R— (0, 1}, then the value of Jogia(1001) ~ f{1001) is equal to (1) Tog,(1001) QB) 2 Q) 3 (4) Zero The domain of the function L(2)= fiog,.s(F 241) is 07. 70. G) (4,0) (4) (0,-3) UG, 0) 4} ‘A rod of length 13 metres has one end P on the “eaxis and the other end Q on the yvaxis. If P moves on the x-axis with the speed of 12 misec, then the speed of the other end Q when it is 12 1m from the origin is (1) 3 m/sec Q) -S msec (2) -60 misec (4) 4 m/sec Consider the following statements. Statement I: If 8 = {(a, 6) € N*N: a divides } in Nj, then the relation R is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive ‘Statement 2: If 4 = {1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6} and R= {(Si, Ss) : Si, S: are subsets of 4, Si Sa}, then the relation 2 is not reflexive, not transitive and not symmetric, ‘Then correct option is (1) Vonly (2) 2 only (3) Both Land 2 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 Let R be a relation such that R = {(@, d), (c.g), Ky 2),(4./), (g,)} then (R'OR) is oe 1.4), Ges (ren A, (e, @ (e.0,h2).G0} “ey B) (2. (af, (cf) @) Kd), (g,2), (e, WENA} The number of one-one where 4 = {1, 2, 3, 4] Such that fli) # fis a9 2) 360 @) 15 (4) 181 function from 4 to B } and B= {1, 2, 3,4,5,6} Test Paper-03 (IEE) of) @ On Let G="Gifor0 x — 4x, then number of possible integral values of x will be wt @2 @ 3 a4 ‘Number of ordered pairs (p,g) from the set S= (1,2, 3,4, 5) so thatthe real funetion 3 fe)= 55 2+ qx + 10 is one-one, is () 25 @) 12 @ 10 @) 15 [Number of points where a= max (|x7-x-2) 27 3xhe20 i oy max .(In(—x),e" ); x<0 differentiable are- (2 3 3) 4 4) 5 cin (-nlmse) then lim ln) = aa Qe @) 0 ) © Paper-03 (JEE) TI. Lat f; R > R be a one-one onto differentiable function, such that 2) = 1 and (2) = 3, then the 78, IFA is an involutory matrix given by o 1-1 i 4-| 4023. 4 |then the inverse of 5 will be ~~ 7 Pe (yu a = a a (4) AP 8) 2 4) # x 1 79. Let f(a)=|sin2nx 2x? 1). If f(x) bean odd cast function and its odd values is equal to g(x) IFA (1) g(1) =4, then the value of bis wa Qt @)2 @ 2 80, Letf"(sinx) <0 and/" (sinx)>0, vre(0Z) ud (2) = fsin2) + eos), the g(x) is decreasing in ae) o (0) o (a) (4) None of these n Integer Type Questions ‘81. Number of solutions ofthe equation 2. . ix" fo 22) wat TEA) = cos(1 - 23°), then the value of LO2D+SHC WD) is IFA) satisfies the equation (eel) f(x48) Soret) 1 2 s 2 3 a If fis periodic with period 7, them the value of lis |eomatmt The product of the valves of x satisfying. the ‘equation “9 Cm Le Po If the system of equations 2x 3y= 4, Ix ~ 2y = 2, Bex — De] y = (dal, (where [.] represents greatest integer function (a is arbitrary Constant) is consistent then 'a' lies in the interval [.2), won 9m copie mantra § by +8 + Byis is also coprime number then (o vf qual to. 163

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