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Topic: Earth Day

Skit (Dialogues would be written by Ranjot)

Ipshita: Greetings of the day!

We, the students of Class XI SKM, are thrilled to lead today's Earth Day assembly,
highlighting our commitment to environmental awareness and sustainability. Welcome
everyone, as we unite in honoring Earth Day and taking positive actions for our environment.

Gavleen (Earth): I’m Earth, the cradle of life and beauty in our vast universe. However,
amidst the beauty, challenges are looming around me. Let us now turn our attention to the
voices of these problems that threaten my well-being.

1. Arshgeet(Climate Change): I’m climate change, altering your weather patterns and
endangering ecosystems. I exacerbate extreme weather events, such as
record-breaking heatwaves and devastating hurricanes. For instance, Hurricane Ida in
2021 highlighted the increasing frequency of severe hurricanes, causing extensive
damage of about $75 billion in the United States.

2. Pushpmeet(Deforestation): I’m deforestation, destroying habitats, and depleting

your forests. This results in the loss of 10 million hectares annually due to
activities like agriculture and logging, which further leads to biodiversity loss and
contributes significantly to global CO2 emissions.

3. Risham(Plastic pollution): I’m plastic waste, filling your oceans and harming
marine life. Rivers and oceans are increasingly contaminated with me, leading to
devastating consequences for marine life. Events like the Great Pacific Garbage
Patch exemplify the scale of plastic pollution and its impact on ecosystems.

4. Loss of Biodiversity(Shagun): I’m loss of biodiversity, driving species to extinction

and disrupting the balance of nature. My loss increases the risk of invasive species,
which can disrupt ecosystems by outcompeting native species and altering food
webs. This threatens Earth's natural systems and highlights the importance of
conserving biodiversity to maintain ecosystem stability.

5. Water pollution(Manya): I’m water pollution, threatening access to clean and safe
water for communities. According to the United Nations, around 80% of the
wastewater generated worldwide is discharged back into the environment without

6. Air pollution(Ekjot): I’m air pollution, causes respiratory illnesses and affects the
health of all living beings. According to the World Health Organization, 9 out of 10
people worldwide breathe polluted air, with ambient air pollution being a major public
health concern.

7. Mining(Sukhmanjot): I’m mining, contributing to environmental degradation and

global changes. In January 2019, a catastrophic tailings dam collapse at an iron ore
mine in Brazil released mining waste, leading to severe environmental damage and
loss of life.

8. Global Warming(Pari): I am global warming, intensifying climate change and

threatening ecosystems worldwide by increasing temperatures and altering weather
patterns. The global average temperature has increased by about 1.2°C (2.2°F) since
pre-industrial times, and temperatures continue to rise due to greenhouse gas

9. Overpopulation(vacant): I’m overpopulation, straining Earth's resources and

exacerbating environmental issues. The world's population is currently estimated to
be over 7.9 billion people and is projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, according to
the United Nations. Its growth contributes to habitat loss, deforestation, and loss of
biodiversity as natural areas are converted for human use.

10. Land pollution(Agam): I am land pollution, contaminating soil and water resources
with harmful chemicals and waste, degrading habitats, and endangering
biodiversity. Over 8.3 billion metric tons of plastic have been produced globally, with
a significant portion ending up as land litter or debris, contaminating soils and
harming wildlife.

Vacant: Now that we've explored some pressing environmental challenges, let's turn our
focus to solutions. We will discuss practical and effective strategies to address these issues
and promote sustainability for a healthier planet.

1. Parwaj(Deforestation): Implement sustainable forestry practices such as

reforestation and afforestation projects to restore degraded forests. Promote
responsible logging practices and support initiatives that incentivize conservation and
protection of forests, preserving biodiversity and ecosystem services.

2. Gurnaz(Water pollution): Improve wastewater treatment infrastructure to reduce

pollution from industrial and municipal sources. Implement stricter regulations on
pollutant discharges and promote the adoption of eco-friendly practices in agriculture
and urban areas to minimize runoff and contamination of water bodies.

3. Ekjot Sahni(Global Warming): Transition to renewable energy sources such as

solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and curb
greenhouse gas emissions. Promote energy efficiency measures in transportation,
buildings, and industries to mitigate climate change impacts and achieve carbon

4. Sukhmanpreet(Overpopulation): Enhance access to family planning services and

education, empowering individuals to make informed choices about family size and
reproductive health. Promote sustainable urban planning and development to
accommodate growing populations while minimizing environmental impacts.


Sukhmanjot: As we draw the curtains on our Earth Day assembly, let us solemnly commit
ourselves to the protection of our planet. Let us each take a solemn oath, pledging to uphold
specific principles in our endeavor to preserve and nurture our cherished Mother Earth.

Arshgeet: I will plant more trees

(repeat all 4))

Sukhmanjot: I will advocate for a positive change

(repeat all 4)

Arshgeet: I will conserve resources

(repeat all 4)

Sukhmanjot: I will reduce my ecological footprint

(repeat all 4)

Arshgeet: I will practice sustainability

(repeat all 4)

Sukhmanjot: Every effort counts towards a brighter future for our Earth.

Arshgeet: Thank you for joining us today- let’s continue this journey of stewardship beyond
this assembly.

All 4: Happy Earth Day, today and forever!

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