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Patient/Pacienti: VLERA JASHARI Qyteti/Residence: 678'(1d$1

Reference/Kodi: 20215696.696/9 Accepted/Pranuar: 29.01.2022 11:59

Sex/Gjinia: F Approved/Aprovuar: 29.01.2022 12:15

Birthdate/Ditelindja: 22.09.2005 ReferentName/Referuesi:

COVID - 19

Analysis Result Sample/Method

Analiza Rezultati Mostra/Metoda

Ne mostren e testuar nuk ka prezence per antigjen te virusit SARS-CoV-2.Testimi eshte kryer me immuno-
chromatogaphy test.
There is no presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus antigen in sample. Testing conducted with immuno-chromatogaphy
Informate shtese: Rezultati i testit indikon se nuk eshte detektuar prania e Antigjenit te virusit SARS CoV-2 ne moster.
Periudha mesatare e inkubimit te infeksionit COVID-19 eshte 5 dite dhe mund te variojne 2-14 dite. Rezultati negative nuk
perjashton infeksionin COVID-19 dhe nuk duhet marre si te vetmin parameter per diagnose per menaxhimin e
pacientit.Rezultati i testit varet nga koha e ekspozimit te pacientit ndaj virusit dhe pranise se shenjave dhe simptomave te
ngjashme me COVID-19 andaj ne vecanti nese ka indikacione dhe kur testet diagnostike per shkaktaret tjere te semundjes
( semundjet tjera respiratore) rezultojne negative, ekziston mundesia qe testi ka rezultuar fals-negativ.
Note: A negative test result means that SARSCoV-2 Antigen was not present in the specimen above the limit of detection.
Median incubation period is approximately 5 days but range 2-14 days. A negative result does not rule out COVID-19 and
should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or patient management decisions. The possibility of a false negative result
should be considered in the contex of a patient¶s recent exposures and the presence of clinical presentation indicate that
COVID-19 is likely, and diagnostic tests for other causes of illness (e.g., other respiratory illness) are negative.
Laboratori Doreza eshte laborator i licensuar nga Ministria e Shendetesise se Republikes se Kosoves per testimin me metoden
Rapid test Antigen per patogjenin SARS-CoV-2. Vendimi nr. 05-1788-2021.
Doreza is a certified laboratory by Ministry of Health of Republic of Kosovo for Antigen detection for SARS-CoV-2, decision

Dr. Hysnie Recica Ukeperaj Lab: Besjana Krasniqi

Specialiste i Biokimise Klinike Lab. Hareza Gashi

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