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These survey questions can help us gather valuable insights into your needs, preferences,
and pain points related to roof sealing, and provide valuable feedback for the development
and marketing of our product, GuardSeal.

We want to find out what opinions you may have on a matter

General Information

Name (optional): ________________________________________________ Age: ___________

Occupation: _________________________________________________ Gender: ___________


How familiar are you with roof sealants and waterproofing solutions?

Very familiar
Somewhat familiar
Not very familiar
Not familiar at all

Have you ever experienced issues with leaks or water damage in your roof?

Yes, frequently
Yes, occasionally
No, never
Not sure

What types of roofing materials are currently installed on your property?

Asphalt shingles
Metal roofing
Tile or slate
Other (please specify: ___________)

How often do you typically perform maintenance or repairs on your roof?

Every few years
Only when issues arise

How important is it to you to have a roof sealing solution that is easy to apply and requires
minimal time and effort?

Extremely important
Very important
Moderately important
Not important

Check the box that corresponds to your preferred option.

Factors that are most important

Strongly Strongly
to you when selecting a roof Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

Effectiveness in preventing
Durability and long-lasting

3 Ease of application

4 Cost - effectiveness

What factors are most important to you when selecting a roof sealant? (Rank in order of
importance from the numbers above)

a. _________________________________
Would you be interested in trying a new roof sealing product like GuardSeal, which offers self-
adhesive properties for quick and hassle-free application?

Definitely yes
Probably yes
Probably not
Definitely not

What additional features or benefits would you like to see in a roof sealing product like

Definitely yes UV resistance

Probably yes Ability to withstand extreme weather conditions
Probably not Ability to withstand extreme weather conditions
Definitely not Longer warranty period

How likely are you to recommend GuardSeal to friends, family, or colleagues in need of roof
sealing solutions?

Definitely yes
Probably yes
Probably not
Definitely not

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge or pain point when it comes to roof sealing and
waterproofing solutions?

a. Others: (Optional) ____________________________________________


Give your audience the chance to express themselves. There might be details important to them that the
questionnaire may have missed. An essay format works best for these instances.

Can we keep in touch?

If you're open to corresponding with us after this survey, please let us know how best to
reach you! (This is optional, and we are committed to protecting your data.)

Via email: Please add your email address here

Via phone: Please add your contact number here
Via social media: Please add your social media handle here

Thank you for your time!

P.O. Box 3221, New York, NY 10008
+1 (646) 504-4837

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