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How Can You Benefit from OD Fundamentals Training?

You will learn to align people to the organization’s visions and goals
You will gain the competency to proceed towards the cultural change with long-term impact
You will earn shared ownership of complicated challenges
You will fully comprehend blockages of success
TONEX OD Training Format

Organization Development Fundamentals training is a combination of theory and hands-on activities. You learn the principals and theoretical basis of
organizational development through lectures and presentations. Then, you will experience each topic via practical exercises, group activities, and
hands-on workshops. The case studies and examples are chosen from the real-world projects and scenarios.


Organization Development Fundamentals training is a 3-day course designed for:

Human resources and organizational development practitioners

Team leaders
Senior and mid-level managers
Strategic leaders
Directors and executives
External and internal consultants
Planners and implementers of change
Training Objectives

Upon the completion of organization development fundamentals training, the attendees are able to:

Describe organization development and change management

Establish a change effort
Comprehend the skills necessary for effective change
Determine and resolve ethical problems associated with change
Understand the role pf OD practitioners, consultants, and professional
Apply the right models
Become familiar with the terminology associated with OD
Discuss the values-oriented fields
Course Outline

Overview of Organization Development (OD)

Definition of Organization Development
Who is an OD Professional?
Organization Development models
Background of OD
When/Why should you apply an OD?
Values-oriented field
The business case for OD
OD strengths and weaknesses
Significance of organizational configuration
Notions behind organizational culture and change management
The Core of Organization Development

What is planned change

Intervention theory
Action techniques
Learning and action science
Appreciative review
Positive organizational change philosophy
Models for change
Why transactions wont succeed?
The correspondence model of change
The Organization Development Practitioner

Who do call the OD practitioner?

Capabilities of a successful OD practitioner
The professional OD practitioner
OD professionals responsibilities
Professional values
Professional ethics
Ethical strategies
Ethical scenarios
The Type of Planned Change

Philosophies of planned change

Lewin’s change model
Action research model
The positive model
Differences between various models of change
Universal model of planned change
Entering and constricting
How to Plan and establish change
How to analyze and organization change
Various forms of planned change
Scale of change
Grade of organization
Domestic vs. international sceneries
Review of planned change
Conceptualization of planned change
Application of planned change
The Process of Organization Development

Train intelligent people the ways of effective learning

Facilitative procedure involvements
Large group involvements and dynamics
Comprehending the importance of position: a analytic model
Reconstructing complexity: A 4-D techniques to organizational analytics, development, and change
Organization Development Consulting

Consulting procedure
Masterful consulting
Consulting stages and responsibilities
Faultless consulting
The OD agreement
The organizer and other facilitative roles
Coaching and the right coach
Organization Development Leadership

Options and issues

Reconstructing change:
Guiding as the internal mentor
What establishes an efficient internal mentor?
Lead as the boss
How to cope with various patterns?
Leading the boss
Relations with bosses: the issues with
“managing” a boss
Constructing provisions
The Concentration Point of Organization Development

Business strategy: developing the successful pattern
Designing organization
Matching strategy and configuration
Framework of work
Designing work
Framework and procedure for educating and self-assurance
Workstation planning
How to transform a work environment concept into reality
The culture
Analyzing your organization culture
Staff development
How can staff being efficient?
Team development
How can a team be efficient?
Leadership development
Creating a leader
Objectives of Organization Development

Nurturing mission and engagement

Developing a group of leaders
Combining systems
Planning high-performance work systems
Organizing individuals, work, technology, and data 730
Applying diversity
Diversity as a guideline
Developing learning organizations
Developing gentle organizations
Sympathy in organizational life
Nurturing progress and development
Creating synchronized staff, team, and
Organization Development Roadmap

Modifying in the field

Practitioner viewpoint
Developing instructions
How about novel OD?
Scholarly viewpoint
The future of OD?
Modifying the outside environment
The digital revolution
Decomposing and rebuilding the organization
How can universal learners, initiators, and leaders take actions?
Knowledge management
Information-Worker efficiency
Sustainability and the atmosphere
Strategies to reach to a sustainable globe
Organizational standards
The nourishing organization
Case Study: Planned Change and Organization Development at the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority

From Thella Bowens’s viewpoint, the law mandated the San Diego Unified Port District (Port of San Diego) to transfer operation of San Diego’s
international airport to the SDCRAA by January 2003.

Creating the transaction plan

Handling the legal and regulatory challenges
Implementing and analyzing
Grade of organization
Action steps

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